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Um... Frank von Miller is Ace's real name... just thought I'd mention, in case... hope this doesn't screw anything up... and if it doesn't, well, yikes...

Fank von Miller, aka "Ace"

EDIT: My reason for mentioning this is that there should be at least a few references to a UCAS Air Force pilot of that name getting drunk and crashing into a casino in a screemsheet record of some sort. If there isn't, then it seems we are totally through the looking glass here, people. [/deepthroat]
I thought he was part of your conspirace theory....because thats what I was thinking of when I said about doing a run based around you!

In that case, yes, Codec would find all of the predicatable stuff to do with Frank Van Miller (ie, newspaper reports and that sort of thing)

Just one point, due to the fact that the system that you are hacking is self contained, Codec has no option but to be on site with his deck to do the nessersary work.
Just so there are no surprises to the GM, Codec is hoping to take this program to Hotwire (in his contacts) to see about making it longer than 5 mniutes. An indefinite loop would be best. That way they'd only have to worry about the internal security and no surprise company showing up
Drain Brain
Hmm... a shopping list. I am planning on getting in contact with those gangers as I said on the IC list - to see what we can get our hands on.

Here is the stuff I am thinking of in list form. Marked items are, I think, essentials. Anything else is candy and can be left for better days.

The reason I am putting it here is so we can, once it's mentioned IC, collate it in a list so we can look at it objectively.


*Transcievers (4) preferably at least rating 2. That gives us 4 pre-programmed channels. 2 for use (internal team and getaway driver) and two spares in case we're compromised.
*Gel Rounds (probably sized for heavy pistols) - nuff said.
*Silencers. If we can't get these, then we don't shoot people!
Gas/Smoke/Flashpack grenades, if available.

Also, some basic nescesities which can be purchased anywhere - Gaffa Tape (cloth tape you might call it) for... well... almost anything and various colours of spray paint. No there is a reason, honest!

If it becomes unavoidable to get in and out undetected, we can always claim to be vandals... but more likely we can spray terrorist slogans. More importantly, it can obscure vid cameras and really hurts if sprayed in the eyes. Not to mention that even the impact of a gel round would probably puncture the can, thereby making a big, colourful bang!
you make spray paint so appealing!! they all sound like good ideas! I shall work out the prices and give them to you once you have contacted the gang IC
I don't think Codec needs anything really. He's not one for guns though he has a small pistol, he'll already have his deck and programs
True....but every decker wants newer, faster more powerful programs!! like a Merc wanting that big autopistol!! You are the best kitted out for now, but i am sure you will be wanting to upgrade something
I agree but I figured that since we basically started with nothing and you allowed Codec to have his deck, i didn't want to push my luck for meaner toys. Programs would be great but Codec wouldn't keep his fingers crossed for them
Did anyone else have trouble connecting for a week? Also, I think since Ace is just hanging out in the van, outside of the trancievers, he's set.
Drain Brain
I had trouble too - this is the first time I've had access in about four days...

And okay to the lists... I guess it's just me an' her then...

[EDIT] I asked Bluebird to accompany me on the grounds that I could "keep an eye on her."

If Flip seems to be getting too bossy, feel free to put him in his place wink.gif

Yeah we all had trouble with our connections! Bluebird doesnt need/want any eqipment....for now shes just along for the ride...
Sorry about my crappy IC post, I am so sick right now, it's the best I could come up with..okay I'm going back to bed.
Ha ha figures I'd only drag myself out of bed to check our game.
No problem!! smile.gif get well soon!
Well just like a new runner really would forget, at least you can learn for next time Drain Brain!!

I went through the book for all of those prices, and you have got a discount on some items.
Well before I give an answer about the stuff for codec, I need to know what it a Deckmister is... I can't find it in the main sourcebook so I don't have a clue about what it does, how much it is and what the street index on such a thing would be!! -so a bit of info wouldnt go amis!!

*adopts Dr Evil voice* "Gimme a friggin break the boss...need the info!" grinbig.gif

Also, what are the optical chips? were they on your charecter sheet? or did you pick them up at some point and I have just forgotten about them?!
I need to know what it a Deckmister is...

Reading the ic.gif post I don't think that the term deckmeister was referring to gear but to someone who deals in matrix hardware. I think it was a term just made up here so I doubt it'd be in any source.
So are you looking for more contacts then Mysterio?
Drain Brain
QUOTE (Silverspur_2020)
Well before I give an answer about the stuff for codec, I need to know what it a Deckmister is... I can't find it in the main sourcebook so I don't have a clue about what it does, how much it is and what the street index on such a thing would be!! -so a bit of info wouldnt go amis!!

*adopts Dr Evil voice* "Gimme a friggin break the boss...need the info!" grinbig.gif

Also, what are the optical chips? were they on your charecter sheet? or did you pick them up at some point and I have just forgotten about them?!

A deckmeister is a person, not an item. I believe it is a sort of anglo word bastardised from (probably) a germanic term - deck as in decker, "meister" meaning master. So, literally, "Deck-Master." He/She is to a decker what an Arms dealer is to a gun-bunny... a dealer in assosciated 'ware.

As to the chips - first hostile in the school combat - the guy I clipped in the leg? Loot from him was a "hold out pistol" which was not identified... (hehe) and (quote!) "...a few BTL chips..."
QUOTE (Silverspur_2020)
So are you looking for more contacts then Mysterio?

Contacts, programs, whatever Codec could use
Re: "Digs," is my call to my decker contact about finding a safehouse going to be resolved?
Ah yes, I remember now, well as a point of referance the hold out pistol was Walther Palm pistol....simular to what Codec would use, and just as basic! As for the BTL chips, I had forgotten about them but remember now (note to self, starting making notes on what all charecters are carrying!)

Sorry Gunner, I will sort out your call now.
I was thinking... in the interests of fairness, shall I send someone the charecter sheet for bluebird so people know what she does and doesnt have...that wait it would be impossible your GM to cheat, not that he would!! rotfl.gif
Ace will take Codec home after he finishes with Rhet. Also, since Rhet is a decker himself, I think it's just as likely that Rhet made the line himself.
QUOTE (Silverspur_2020)
I was thinking... in the interests of fairness, shall I send someone the charecter sheet for bluebird so people know what she does and doesnt have...that wait it would be impossible your GM to cheat, not that he would!!  rotfl.gif

Being the GM gives you the power to cheat on rolls, make characters using the generator in no rules mode etc. I know that when I GM for my group, I don't let them see anything. You're doing a fine job as is. Keep it up! I'm looking forward to the main part of this run
Drain Brain
I just noticed the comment a few posts up re: the Deckmeister thing...

I don't know if it's in 3E, but the Deckmeister was a contact archetype from the 2nd Ed sourcebook, Virtual Realities 2.0

And I'm looking forward to it too....
Drain Brain
Has anyone considdered the fact that if we get spotted or, worsr, caught inside the facility they will know precisely what we're up to?

What I'm thinking is that if we have accomplished teh mission and get caught on the way out, they will know that we were up to something. They will then search and might find the line tap that we have installed.

Now, if we were to locate a second tap (regardless of how good it is) and leave a barely discernable trail to where it is - wherever that may be - they would be more likely to find that one. Then they'd probably stop searching.

Just in case, you know?
Bring it up IC, it makes sense
Now there is the sign of a professional team, making the contingencey plans!!
Drain Brain
I was beginning to wonder when you guys were going to post again.
Well I am unemployed for a little I can post almost all the time at the moment!! the only reason why I didnt post this weekend was because I was at my girlfriends! love.gif
Drain Brain
Sorry to hear about your unemployment.

UH did we pick up a new player suddenly? See ic.gif
I dont mind being unemployed, I knew my contract was going to expire come October so its not a suprise! im just looking to get into a proper career now, something like the Police or Customs and Excise.....

And yes, we have got a new player joining us!! - You need magical support for your team, so here it is!! biggrin.gif
How's it hangin' Chummers? Let me introduce m'self. Ma name is Seonid O'Donnel and, as you may notice, I have a distinct Irish brogue, even though ma parents brought me over when I was still a wee one. A tad of background might help here I 'tink. Ya see, the lady folk o' ma family are all Fey, 'specially ma Auntie Bea. She was what's known as a white witch, back in the ol' country. T'was herself that recognised me own possibilities in that line. Which is why Oi've become a Druidic sorceress.
Flip 'n me go way back. Well, that's to say several years at least. Time was we used to play together, but then he went off somewhere or t'other and I stayed home carin' fer me father, Patrick. He's dead now o'course, an I live by m'sel. Just me an ma bike an bills to pay. Least the ol man left me a little, so the payin's not too hard.
Haven't seen Flip fer nearly a year or more, so him turnin up on me doorstep's come as a bit of a surprise. He never could get his tongue round `Seonid', so he calls me See-Oh, which is good enough fer me an me friends. I've took to the nickname, so that's what I tells all ma friends to call me. Ma Enemies? They don't get much chance to call me anything.
Oh, bout the sorceress thing. Ma totem's the fox. Which means I don't take prisoners. And ma bike? It's an ancient Bonneville 500 twin carb.

See-Oh's Handler:-
AKA Dave, male parent to Flip's Handler - he nicked my e-mail name which is why I'm Rakshasa. Done 20 years of RPG, DM'd, GM'd and done a few runs here and there. My longest surviving Character is Quorn, a 13th Level Magician in the AD&D milieu. Currently, elsewhere in PBeM Cyberspace, I play a Starfleet Marine Brigadier with a whole Battalion under my command.

See ya on the run Chummers

Okay then. Welcome! smile.gif

ic.gif Magic...that's just weird *L*
What's up? It's good to have a proper kr3w again.

I'll post a little later on today.

ic.gif Is going astral anything like going in the machine? Can she even do that? Who knows, the mages in the 'Force were just scouts and medics...
Drain Brain
Flip and Seonid will carefully make their way around the quarry to have a look at the building from all angles. Possibly a route in down the quarry wall from the rear and enter through the underground carpark (if there in fact is one).

Seonid (I should think) will keep her astral vision active so she can see if there are any spirits or watchers guarding the place.

Flip will try to "count" guards and take pictures of the approach roads for Ace.
I drew a rough map in microsoft paint for you guys, I sent it to Mysterio and Gunner... I tried sending to Drain Brain and Rakshasa but couldnt find your address or a way to send it to you via dumpshock, so just let me know and I will send it your way!!

uh I didn't receive anything in my Hotmail. I checked my Trash and Junk mail and nothing got filtered there. Please resend I will keep an eye out for it. I don't know what you had in the subject line but if there is anything like fw: or fwd: then I won't get it.
I've taken the liberty of hosting the picture on my webpage for the benefit of those who couldn't get it.

Here ya go.
wow...thanks for that makes life that little bit easier when someone has a drawing to refer to!!
It's no problem. I have about 150 megs of space on my server, so if you need me to host other drawings for the run, just ask.

Also, Ace will drop Bluebird off, taking careful note of the location of the dropoff, and then go to the place he was supposed to drop the cash.
Hey that's a pretty cool picture, I mean considering in my real life group usually maps are made up on the fly right there at the table.
the beauty of being unemployed, I wouldnt normally have the time to spend on a map like that! nevermind, this time next week I may have a job again!
Dumb question here: Okay I am assuming that Codec getting the package happens before he goes to sleep? Secondly, the package is the loop program he bought? not another tap right?
Sorry just trying to keep things straight
He got it before he went to sleep....I dont remember codec getting the tap...nevermind, if codec has already been given a tap, disregard that last post.
No he hadn't received the tap yet. So I will assume that this chip is the program...? Kinda makes sense, Kitty...Kiteo...*shrugs*
Well its was meant to be the tap from Mr you could hack that computer, have to go to kitty if you want your program...

Rakshasa-can you email me your totem's traits, advantages and disadvantages please? because I dont have them in the main sourcebook! email them to
okay it's the tap, save's me the trouble *L* I'll go get that program
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