Jan 10 2005, 08:04 PM
On Shadowrun D20:
- There are some nice ideas to combine D20 and a more "realistic" combat system. For example the "Lifeblood" system from QLI's T20 where the "hitpoints" basically remain fixed
- Not D20 as the only system but D20 as an alternate system could attract some more players (quite a few D20 games are a bit em focused on that game) And since when have more customers hurt a company?
Jan 10 2005, 08:10 PM
I would suggest that although I have been a proponent of Shadowrun d20 in the past, current market conditions, including the major fracturing of the d20 market [3.0, 3.5, d20 Modern, d20 Future, Mutants and Masterminds, Mongoose's OGL releases, BESM/Anime d20, etc ...] and the general softness of the RPG market would make a Shadowrun d20 release, at this time and in the near future, an unwise business idea.
Skeptical Clown
Jan 10 2005, 08:31 PM
Wow, I'm impressed. You managed to cram in both d20 Shadowrun AND the accusation that Shadowrun is headed in a wrong direction, two things that are sure to set off the Dumpshock community. I'd applaud your skill, but you really were too verbose about doing it... next time, cut it down to half as many paragraphs, and I'll be really impressed.
Seriously though--I don't agree with everything originally posted, but none of it was 'stupid.' I think that Shadowrun could learn something from D20 marketing, if not the system itself.
Jan 10 2005, 08:47 PM
QUOTE (Skeptical Clown) |
I think that Shadowrun could learn something from D20 marketing, if not the system itself. |
I agree with you here. You can find D20 in almost any store, see it on posters, advertised on RPG sites and the such. for me to find Shadowrun material I had to look all over the net before finding a good place to order from. Quite a few of the game shops that are here in Houston had not even heard Shardowrun or thought that they went out of business when FASA closed its doors.
Black Isis
Jan 10 2005, 08:53 PM
Er, I would say a couple things here....
1 - My hat of d20 know no limit. But that aside, Shadowrun d20 is a silly idea -- Shadowrun's system works just fine as is, and if you really want to run Shadowrun with the d20 rules, there's nothing stopping you from using the setting and rules from d20 Modern. Or from using Dp9's SilCORE rules. Or GoO's Tristat stuff from Ex Machina and the urban fantasy book they have coming out shortly.
2 - If you think ANYONE is going to pay you six figures to do ANYTHING in the RPG are sadly deluded about the state of said industry. Even if someone could quintuple Shadowrun's sales, I doubt FanPro could afford to pay that much. RPG development does not tend to be the route untold riches. Hell, video game development doesn't tend to be either, and that's a far more profitable industry.
3 - Rob has done an admirable job with line development and I think Shadowrun is as good as it was in the early 1990s, maybe better in some ways. For someone who has admitted they have never played Shadowrun other than the video game to say they can do the job better, especially when there's absolutely no evidence you've published ANYTHING, let alone decent Shadowrun material, takes so much hubris that your balls must make it hard for you to walk.
Get over yourself. Seriously. When you've actually done ANY work in the RPG industry at all, have ANY idea how the business works or what makes a good RPG, or hell, if you ever play the goddamn game at all....well, you'll probably know better and won't make silly posts like this one.
Jan 10 2005, 09:06 PM
Quite a few of the game shops that are here in Houston had not even heard Shardowrun or thought that they went out of business when FASA closed its doors. |
I don't like to bag on game stores, but any store that doesn't know Shadowrun is still about is really, really clueless. Shadowrun products are solicited in the same manner as other game industry products, FanPro attends both major North American game conventions and the GAMA trade show, is the number 1 google hit for "Shadowrun" ... it's really not that hard for them to get ahold of us. Not that any game store needs to get ahold of the publisher, as FanPro's products are carried by every major distributor.
That said, though, FanPro just hired Rett Kipp to handle marketing and other related stuff, to improve, well, everything related to marketing.
Black Isis
Jan 10 2005, 09:13 PM
QUOTE (U_Fester) |
I agree with you here. You can find D20 in almost any store, see it on posters, advertised on RPG sites and the such. for me to find Shadowrun material I had to look all over the net before finding a good place to order from. Quite a few of the game shops that are here in Houston had not even heard Shardowrun or thought that they went out of business when FASA closed its doors. |
To be fair, one of the big things d20 has going for it is that WotC is big. No one can compete with the sheer scale of their operations, and that means they can do a lot of stuff other publishers can't -- like do the first print run of D&D 3 and sell it at below cost to start with, or bombard gaming stores with flashy marketing. Plus, you have to admit that when it comes to RPGs, there is absolutely no bigger a name than D&D -- when you find Joe Schmoe on the street and ask him about D&D, he might have a good or bad opinion of it, he'll at least know what it is. Ask him about Shadowrun and he'll probably say "Huh?" That's a pretty big barrier to entry.
That said, I think FanPro is trying to get some more visibility -- the FanPro Commando program is all about that, and I'm sure Rob tries to get as much exposure for the game at the big gaming cons as he can. I think everyone can take d20 as an example of a great way to do marketing, if you're rich and have the money to spend on that sort thing. But the fact is, only WotC and maybe White Wolf have that kind of scratch to throw around.
Crimsondude 2.0
Jan 11 2005, 12:57 AM
Why are there people commenting on the six-figure sentence as if it was anything but a stupid joke?
Jan 11 2005, 01:15 AM
QUOTE (Black Isis) |
But the fact is, only WotC and maybe White Wolf have that kind of scratch to throw around. |
You just can't expect a RPG line to bring in enough money to compete with the type of money WotC gets from games like Magic: the Gathering. I know I spent something like $5k a year on boosters alone when I played magic, and I spend something like $100-200 a year on Shadowrun (maybe), and a good portion of that is shipping and handling.
Given the nature of the beast, I think FanPro is doing an awesome job. It's lightyears ahead of some of the other companies that took over FASA products (LRGames, anyone?) as far as producing quality, well formated books.
I've been part of RPG groups a few different regions of the US, and I've personally never met anyone who's played Shadowrun who didn't prefer it to D&D mechanically, including a quite a few lovers of Hack&Slash "roleplaying".
Jan 11 2005, 02:37 AM
Eh...I lost one player when he gave up on learning - he prefered the leveling system from D&D - you guarranteed got to level up after a while. Of course, he had the bad luck to fail to go up in various abilities and skills at least 4 times...he was frustrated beyond belief.
It was a shame too...he was a good RPer.
Jan 11 2005, 02:42 AM
Er? Fail to go up how?
Jan 11 2005, 02:42 AM
QUOTE (akarenti) |
QUOTE (Black Isis) | But the fact is, only WotC and maybe White Wolf have that kind of scratch to throw around. |
You just can't expect a RPG line to bring in enough money to compete with the type of money WotC gets from games like Magic: the Gathering. I know I spent something like $5k a year on boosters alone when I played magic, and I spend something like $100-200 a year on Shadowrun (maybe), and a good portion of that is shipping and handling.
Given the nature of the beast, I think FanPro is doing an awesome job. It's lightyears ahead of some of the other companies that took over FASA products (LRGames, anyone?) as far as producing quality, well formated books.
I've been part of RPG groups a few different regions of the US, and I've personally never met anyone who's played Shadowrun who didn't prefer it to D&D mechanically, including a quite a few lovers of Hack&Slash "roleplaying".
Why is D&D always linked with Hacl&Slash? If I look at the last ten D&D games and the last ten SR games I participated in, the SR games where far more Hack&Slash than the D&D ones. Current generation (3 / 3.5) D&D is a very different beast from the AD&D I played ten years ago with the skill system as the default instead of an option and all. And D20 is more than just D&D.
D&D has it's limits but it's not as if SR is perfect. Things like high body characters surviving grenades with minor scratches and the various dice tests are some that come to mind.
Jan 11 2005, 02:45 AM
QUOTE (Kagetenshi) |
Er? Fail to go up how?
~J |
He didn't get lucky with the rolls to raise Ettiquette from 3 to 4, for instance. One time he tried to raise a skill from 2 to 3 and didn't get the roll. I even did a house rule to make it so the roll was less and it didn't work.
Cynic project
Jan 11 2005, 02:56 AM
QUOTE (Birdy) |
QUOTE (akarenti @ Jan 11 2005, 01:15 AM) | QUOTE (Black Isis) | But the fact is, only WotC and maybe White Wolf have that kind of scratch to throw around. |
You just can't expect a RPG line to bring in enough money to compete with the type of money WotC gets from games like Magic: the Gathering. I know I spent something like $5k a year on boosters alone when I played magic, and I spend something like $100-200 a year on Shadowrun (maybe), and a good portion of that is shipping and handling.
Given the nature of the beast, I think FanPro is doing an awesome job. It's lightyears ahead of some of the other companies that took over FASA products (LRGames, anyone?) as far as producing quality, well formated books.
I've been part of RPG groups a few different regions of the US, and I've personally never met anyone who's played Shadowrun who didn't prefer it to D&D mechanically, including a quite a few lovers of Hack&Slash "roleplaying".
Why is D&D always linked with Hacl&Slash? If I look at the last ten D&D games and the last ten SR games I participated in, the SR games where far more Hack&Slash than the D&D ones. Current generation (3 / 3.5) D&D is a very different beast from the AD&D I played ten years ago with the skill system as the default instead of an option and all. And D20 is more than just D&D.
D&D has it's limits but it's not as if SR is perfect. Things like high body characters surviving grenades with minor scratches and the various dice tests are some that come to mind.
You are right, D&d and D20 are not the same. But the fact is that more D20 books are like D&D than they are aren't.
Jan 11 2005, 03:44 AM
that's not quite what he said--or, at least, that isn't all he said. what he said was that d20/D&D isn't automatically a hack-and-slash game. which is, point of fact, true: d20/D&D is no more a hack-and-slash game than SR is.
Jan 11 2005, 03:48 AM
QUOTE (DocMortand) |
QUOTE (Kagetenshi @ Jan 10 2005, 09:42 PM) | Er? Fail to go up how?
~J |
He didn't get lucky with the rolls to raise Ettiquette from 3 to 4, for instance. One time he tried to raise a skill from 2 to 3 and didn't get the roll. I even did a house rule to make it so the roll was less and it didn't work.
…Or you could have just not used that optional rule…
Cynic project
Jan 11 2005, 04:20 AM
QUOTE (mfb) |
that's not quite what he said--or, at least, that isn't all he said. what he said was that d20/D&D isn't automatically a hack-and-slash game. which is, point of fact, true: d20/D&D is no more a hack-and-slash game than SR is. |
Okay let's look at the classes. What one doesn't get nifty brownie points that are worthless outside of hack and slash? Well, everyone but the mage. How many spells are useful only in combat, a whole lot.
Okay feats, what are nearly all feats, well how to do nifty things in combat.
Let's look at the rule system..Boy they made skills to be just like the rules for combat.
And yes you can play either as hack and slash or not..YOu can also play Feng Shui without combat..That doesn't mean one game isn't built around combat anymore or less.
Skeptical Clown
Jan 11 2005, 04:33 AM
Uh, surprise, Shadowrun skills are designed just like the rules for combat too. And hey, Combat takes up about as much of the Shadowrun rulebook as it does the D&D rulebook. I knew that people around were a bunch of snobs when it comes to D20 in general and D&D in particular, but sheesh.
Jan 11 2005, 04:43 AM
QUOTE (mfb) |
it'd take hours and hours for me to post everything i disagree with, in the post. suffice to say, the only vote option i can see myself clicking is "or". |
I too, concur.
If that is what Shake wants in his game, he can have it. I like to fill in some of the blanks myself. Having some leeway in describing the world and how it works is one of the things that makes it easier to find something to interest new players.
Jan 11 2005, 02:13 PM
What about the suggestion of playing Androids?
Replicants from Bladerunner? Sunny/Sonny from I,Robot? Astroboy? A custom robot from Rigger 3?
If these seem a bit much what about an SK or AI? A ghost in the machine?
They could replace the decker with paralysis flaw (or similar) archetype (like Cindy or Jerusalem in the Aztlan book).
Anyone ever do this? Shapeshifters, for instance, are considered to be pretty inhuman.
Black Isis
Jan 11 2005, 02:44 PM
Androids are beyond the science and technology of Shadowrun as demonstrated -- AI takes a massively complex computer system to evolve, it cannot be intentionally created, it seems. Without AI, androids are just human-looking robots. While I think they could exist, they seem rather pointless. The human form is not really that great for most industrial-type work, which is what robots are used for, by and large, and you acn probably hire someone to work for minimum wage to take care of your house or work in a brothel for a lot cheaper than you can buy a robot for the same purpose, so I don't really see why anyone would develop them.
Crimsondude 2.0
Jan 11 2005, 04:15 PM
QUOTE (Link @ Jan 11 2005, 08:13 AM) |
Anyone ever do this? Shapeshifters, for instance, are considered to be pretty inhuman. |
Shapeshifters are inhuman.
Tech isn't at that point (even in the setting I play in which mundane tech like simsense is more advanced and robots are useful), and frankly there aren't enough (quasi-)sentient AIs in SR to provide a reason for making them PCs, whereas shapeshifters-- non-humans that they are-- probably number well into the thousands worldwide amongst the great variety of shapeshifter types.
But that's an editorial decision. One that was made well after the existence of shapeshifters was made known, and probably due in no small part to a demand for shapeshifter PCs. I don't see rules for Sasquatches or Merrow even though they are sentient (Sasquatches for sure, Merrows and Nagas have been strongly suggested), or any of the Infected outside of Ghouls. But you can play a Drake--a creature with roots in ED and whose existence was made known in SR several years before Threats 2 came out, and weren't made available to be PCs until DotSW. Maybe the demand will eventually allow for Vampire PCs. But to play androids in SR, there generally have to be androids in SR. The closest we have now are cyberzombies and the robots in SR, the latter of which aren't sufficiently "self-motivational" to justify them being PCs.
Jan 11 2005, 05:24 PM
cynic, nearly every RPG is built with combat in mind first and foremost. take a look at the combat/non-combat skill split in SR. look at how much time is spent on combat- and combat-related rules, in SR. and, hey, look at that--the combat skills and the non-combat skills use the same basic mechanic, just like d20!
Jan 11 2005, 06:23 PM
QUOTE (mfb) |
look at how much time is spent on combat- and combat-related rules, in SR. and, hey, look at that--the combat skills and the non-combat skills use the same basic mechanic, just like d20! |
Very good point.
Moonstone Spider
Jan 11 2005, 07:18 PM
Actually it'd piss me off to use different mechanics for them, you want to simplify a game as much as possible.
While I have no facts and figures here, looking at local stores I get the idea the D20 flood is nearing it's end, I'm seeing more White Wolf and more true DnD stuff now and the D20 section has been shrinking at my local store. There still isn't any shadowrun books aside from used things that show up now and then though. Still I think this would be a bad time to jump on the ship, when it might be sinking.
On the other hand I think SR could stand to go to version 4, if FanPro was able to handle that much work. There are a lot of goofy mechanics in SR, a lot of moments when even the most die-hard dumpshocker has admitted the writers must have been consuming vast amounts of crack when they wrote the books, and plenty of extremely exploitable holes in the system. Come to think of it I'm not sure I've ever played an SR game without some houserules to fix the more blatant stupidities. A few examples:
The wolfhound (Rigger 3, page 177 is a premier scouting drone. That's why it has sensors 1 and could, on a good roll, notice an aircraft carrier.
Ditto for the Macguyver robot later, designed for search and rescue even though it's sensors are so weak it won't find anything but a cyberzombie. And hey, let's give it a demolitions since nothing says "I'm here to rescue you" like throwing a satchel charge at them. Giving it, say, biotech would be absurd for a rescue vehicle.
Under the given grenade and launch weapons rules a blind monkey defaulting to it's intelligence 1 (With a smartlink to get the TN under

has a 100% chance of landing an time-link minigrenade within 6 meters of it's target, and a 50% chance of hitting within 3 meters. Why bother with a launch weapons skill at all?
Personally I find the rules for using skills and defaulting irritating as hell. Skill 6, attribute 6 should be better than skill 6, attribute one, not just more expensive (And set up in a way to encourage min-maxing to boot). On top of that having a low skill is often a death sentence and in many cases defaulting is actually better than a skill of just 1 or 2, at the very least it will avoid the heavy percentage of critical failures.
The game really needs to be accessable to new players. When I picked up the new book for the first time I tried to study it for several hours, then called my players and told them we were going to have no magic (Except Adepts), no vehicles, and no matrix just so the game would actually be played that week.
Note that this doesn't mean I think Master Shake should be doing it, nor do I
demand these things be done. But if all these things were fixed in SR4 (And I think a new edition would be needed to handle them all) it would make me happy.
Mar 11 2005, 07:48 PM
The best way to satisfy both groups is to make Shadowrun stronger by appealing to new players. This will improve finances and paychecks and insure that the Shadowrun world will continue to be developed. Everybody wins. |
No. People who have been with the game for quite some time (also known as 'hard-core fans') lose big time as the system is adapted to whatever rules or even world structure those aspired new players would desire (as guessed by management, sinde marketing isn't even close to knowing as much about customers as to make accurate prognosis on customer behavior, especially in a fringe clientele such as P&P RP systems). It is far more likely that, in the end, more long-term fans would let go of Shadowrun (and not buy their books any more) than new players would be attracted away from other systems. And since these players are, at best, only partially intereted in Shadowrun, they wouldn't be as active buyers as the hardcore fans were.
Bottom line: not a very viable idea.
Video games are making books obsolete, so only the best ideas and products can survive in rectangular analog form. |
Ex-fucking-cuse me? Video games are to replace books? Are you for real? I kind of having a hard time that *playing* Webster's will get me a word explained in a better way, or that *playing* Atkins' Biochemistry will teach me the Krebs cycle, glycolysis/glyconeogenesis or any other pathway more efficiently than a book. Also, I have a VERY hard time imagining Bible - the game (or it's sequel Bible II - Return of the Messiah). Nor can I imagine any serious SciFi or any story telling, really, being consumed oprimarily in video games.
The medium may change, yes. Paper hasn't been the first medium where writing was presented on, nor is it the be-all end-all. It will, in time, be replaced. The form, however, of the novel, the textbook, and the poem, will remain. they haven't changed much since they were first conceived, and will stay with humanity for as long as complex thoughts and stories are to be told. Maybe new styles will grow, and maybe the length of the text will vary, but it will NEVER be replaced by *video games*.
This is a technophile's illusion, much like how some scifi authors in the 80s believed video lessons would replace books. So? what happened? We have 2005 now, and I still have five 2 meter * 80 cm shelves containing books of all kinds in my place - and I know people who have far more.
And unless video games can ovver true virtual worlds - and this is a looong way off, mind you - there will be P&P games. It is a bit early for SR's devs to worry about Matrix-like technology, isn't it?
As for your comments on how shadowrun needs to find "back" to it's dystopian, Syndicate Wars-esque roots ... well, I guess you're not too familiar with the world after all for saying this. Shadowrun isn't "high" cyberpunk in any way. I always, for that matter, liked Shadowrun over Cybergeneration (and SW-esque worlds) because it took a more realistic approach. That is it's roots, and that is it's soul. Not "high" cyberpunk with dragons and mojo thrown in.
And what about all this blowing things up you mention? I personally like my shadowrun more sneaky, stealthy, and only one shootout in a session, not a constant shoot'n'slay killfest. Not only do I think combat is slow in SR (or any other RP system, when compated to the real thing at least), but it also tends to be really boring if all your characters ever do is walk around and gun down stuff. I mean, come on, if I wanted that, then I would play a video game (like Killzone or Halo 2, two very decent shooters). If I felt like playing with people, I'd take that game online. No need to get together with my gaming group, dig out all the books, and start rolling dice.
P&P RPing needs to offer something better than such video games. Like storytelling, cooperatively, in a group. Someone once said that roleplaying is half impürovised theater, half cooperative story writing, sith the occasional burst of gambling thrown in. That perfectly sums it up.
Oh, and don't chicken out, respond! You started this post fully well knowing what kind of responses you'd get. Show you have some balls and stand up for what you wrote!
Mar 11 2005, 07:57 PM
Holy motherfucking thread resurrection, Batman.
Why the hell did you do this? What possessed you to think it was good idea?
Mar 11 2005, 07:58 PM
At least he put forth a passable arguement.
Now lets let this die.
Mar 11 2005, 08:31 PM
Frylock needs to deliver a serioius ass-whooping...
I like the game rules as they are, no d20 please!
Crimsondude 2.0
Mar 11 2005, 08:38 PM
QUOTE (hermit) |
Oh, and don't chicken out, respond! You started this post fully well knowing what kind of responses you'd get. Show you have some balls and stand up for what you wrote! |
I found a new sig quote.
Mar 11 2005, 09:11 PM
If you look at the first posts in this thread, you can virtually see how tired everyone got. There´s just no end to the amount of bashing Master Shake deserves for this, so no one could bring themselves to even start, at first.
I guess hermit just needed to releive some of his aggressions for some reason? Must be a satisfying target, if nothing else.
Mar 11 2005, 09:22 PM
Mar 11 2005, 09:31 PM
wow, posting really late on this one, but, yeah, let's not make Shadowrun d20. I like not having to be pigeon-holed into a character class. And that look on a player's face when they hear those 15-20+ dice in your hands rattle around just before you drop them on the table is priceless.
Mar 11 2005, 09:45 PM

Man. That book thing is hilarious to be sure. Just as mindless as the moral panic that arises with every new medium or art form. The worst part is how sure the people expressing these thoughts are of their truth.
Besides, book sales have been increasing steadily the last few years at least (read it on the internet, but still).
Mar 11 2005, 09:54 PM
Exactly my point ... with Amazon (curious, eh? One of the best known, internet-based firms - one fo the few who survived the bubble - deals mainly in books, a medium that the Internet supposedly made obsolete ...), books are far more accessible, adn with the internet being able to gather information about books, potential readers learn of books that might interest them far more efficiently than before the internet. Hell, if it wasn't for the internet, I would never have known a couple of my favourite authors even existed!
Mar 11 2005, 09:59 PM
QUOTE (hermit) |
Hehe, yeah ... particularily that "videogames will replace books" thing ticked me off. I mean, really. I am old enough to remember the craze about Video. Sheesh. Every time a new medium shows up, everyone wants to bury the book. Remember e-books? Any of you have one? And we're internet junkies, if anyone, we ought to only use e-books by now. 
Also, yay, I be quoted! |
Ermm... I use e-books.... I read them at least three times a week during board meetings, usually more often. I'm currently half way through Algernon Blackwood's The Garden of Survival.
Is that bad?
Mar 11 2005, 10:03 PM
QUOTE (hermit) |
Hehe, yeah ... particularily that "videogames will replace books" thing ticked me off. I mean, really. I am old enough to remember the craze about Video. Sheesh. |
Why am I so reminded of that old song back in the 80's?
'Video killed the Radio Star...'
*starts humming to the fragging tune*
Mar 11 2005, 10:04 PM
I buy Shadowrun pdf´s. And I occationally listen to audio books. Litterature has found new media lately. That´s a fact. But their still books, right?
Mar 11 2005, 10:29 PM
Ermm... I use e-books.... I read them at least three times a week during board meetings, usually more often. I'm currently half way through Algernon Blackwood's The Garden of Survival.
Is that bad? |
No, I just haven't met anyone who used e-books before!
I buy Shadowrun pdf´s. And I occationally listen to audio books. Litterature has found new media lately. That´s a fact. But their still books, right? |
They sell SR PDFs? What books do they sell? This WOULD be handy for sourcebooks ... are SR PDFs less expensive than books? And where can I get them?
Why am I so reminded of that old song back in the 80's? 'Video killed the Radio Star...' *starts humming to the fragging tune* |
Yay! Hey, I loved that song back then ... I even like it now!
*puts in 80s compilation CD*
Mar 11 2005, 10:32 PM
Please, let this thread sink back into the obscurity it deserves.
Fresno Bob
Mar 11 2005, 11:06 PM
Yeah, video totally killed the radio star. Thats why theres so many channels that play music videos all the time, and radio is a barren and useless medium.
I hate MTV. Its a joke.
Mar 11 2005, 11:17 PM
Indeed. And there's nothing like watching Video Casettes while driving to work.

Or, for that matter watching a Video while you read a damn book. Because, guess what, I need music whenever I am reading something, so I need *two* obsolete media at the same time! Man, I feel so fossil ...
Mar 11 2005, 11:31 PM
Portable recorded media killed the radio star.
Fresno Bob
Mar 11 2005, 11:33 PM
Thats a relatively accurate assessment.
Mar 11 2005, 11:28 PM
QUOTE (Voorhees) |
Yeah, video totally killed the radio star. Thats why theres so many channels that play music videos all the time, and radio is a barren and useless medium.
I hate MTV. Its a joke. |
MTV plays music videos?
I lack sufficient command of the English language to articulate how much I hate MTV.
Fresno Bob
Mar 11 2005, 11:41 PM
Damn straight.
Mar 11 2005, 11:43 PM
Whenever I zap into MTV, they either show me some people souping up cars, or some suburbian kids being tortured, or soem stupid "reality" TV shit ... yeah, MTV shows music videos, all right.Even if they do, it tends to be ... wel, not what I consider music.
Fresno Bob
Mar 11 2005, 11:54 PM
Yeah, I remember back in like, '94 when they showed mostly videos. Now they only show 'em really late at night or early in the morning, and when they do, they, as you mentioned, suck ass. I can't believe artists even make music videos anymore. The concept wasn't really that great to begin with.
Mar 11 2005, 11:57 PM
Well, there are some real gems among all those mediocre to downright shitty videos, I gotta give them that. Granted, most music videos these days consist mainly of skimpily dressed women wiggling to some disgusting collection of noises, but some are decent ... like that chemicals brothers video where objects seen from a train window came up in accord with the music, or a couple other videos.
Also, nothing makes me relive happy childhood memories as much as watching Queen's "Living on my own" music video (or McCartney's "I got my mind set on you", which was actually the first thing I ever saw on a TV set). Yeah, it's propably more an emotional thing, but ... meh ...
and yes, desn't make MTV viable anyway. I can buy me a Queen music video DVD anytime, anyway.
Fresno Bob
Mar 12 2005, 12:02 AM
Well, yeah, theres a few awesome music videos. I really enjoyed the video for "Take Me Out", and I have around 20 or so music videos from bands or songs I like on my computer.
But the whole concept of music videos on the whole just seems silly to me. It does have its gems, but most the way that it forces music artists to not only be artists but now they have to be actors, and how too many people make these weird high-concept videos that end up looking like crap. I mean, look what happened to Guns and Roses.