The White Dwarf
Sep 17 2003, 08:52 PM
/sigh I didnt say that was the only option, just the one that lept out as an obvious counter to getting hauled to jail; shoot the people taking you. Besides which if youre driving a car with no termination chip, a transponder library, morphing plates, and photovoltaic paint, and you dont turn around just wait till theyre at the window and fire, really whats the gm going to do. "oh they found you because I think thats dumb" well not really, the cops have little to go on but some video footage of you cars rear, about which you can change every piece of information soon as you round the corner.
That aside, you could just as easily try a bribe, fast talk, or simply ditch the car as it pulls you over with some fancy driving. Or better yet, just dont act conspicuos so you dont get pulled over in the first place.
Point being the whole "you need a SIN to bypass random checks" is a worthless argument, because as a runner you a) shouldnt encounter random checks and b) have other options. Have yet to see anything that would disadvantage a character enough to make having a SIN worth the tradeoffs in the ability to trace him. I *have* seen valid arguments that you can play a runner with a SIN, thats not what Im debating. Its the fact that people are claiming you *need* one or its impossible to do anything ... which you dont.
Sep 17 2003, 09:16 PM
Okay, so I'm still at the dilemma here folks...
Everyone has made GREAT points (I'm sure that White Dwarf is pretty upset by now, but I like to cover all the bases when it comes to my character)...
Having a fake SIN (or five [smirk]) seems to be the edge to runnin' the Shadowz, even WITH a real SIN (thus the duel life).
Without it, even living a marginally legal existance seems difficult (I got into it with my roomie last night; his group has been playin' for like, 5 years, and he didn't even realize that a credstick IS his ID, and that it registers pretty much all yer personal information every time you use it). I asked a simple question:
"What do you do when you go to the corner store to buy a six-pack of beer?"
Well, he sez that they jus' go in and pay fer it, and that's that...
I commented, "So all yer group uses are certified credsticks or fake ones..."
He said, "usually, or we use the one the Johnson gave us..." (which from what I can understand was either another certified credstick or a PERSONAL credstick to a separate account).
Yes, there's corp-scrip (which is illegal to use, but you could probably trade it in fer a certified credstick, no questions asked), and the all-powerful certified credstick (which gives you carte blanc coverage of not bein' traced because anyone can use it [jus' watch out fer muggers!]).
What I'm sayin' is, that when it comes to the idea of buying something LEGITIMATELY (an automobile for example), the only options a person with no SIN gets is to buy one from a fixer er whatever, and spend a LOT more on it, then have to deal with (if any) the history of said vehicle.
I'm workin' on a semi-legal character here; he's got a job (owns his own business actually), he has a legal car (bought and paid for, modified at a later date), and has all the permits for all his equipment (because it's required as part of his work).
Now it's jus' a matter of keepin' his REAL life separate from his shadow life...
Sep 17 2003, 09:24 PM
There are a Plethora of published adventures in which the characters go overseas. In virtually all of those adventures means are given or provided to not only easily go overseas, but to get there with no hassle and with all their gear and ware intact. See Harlequin or NAN vol 1 or 2 off the top of my head.
The sprawl is full of sinless. Do people really think that seattle's myriad collection of gangers and organized crime are all using licensed firearms with permits purchased and obtained legally under their real name?
Does the book say it costs more for a lifesytle if a character doesn't have a SIN? no.
The entire "equipment" section of the SR3 main book is loaded with availability numbers, the only purpose of which is to provide a target number should a character illicitly try to aquire said equipment. Furthermore, some cyber and equipment cannot get a permit at all. Does this mean those items are never used and just there for color text? There are even rules provided for getting permits for your fake SIN. You have to beat an etiquitte 5 roll IIRC.
Earlier additions even alluded to the fact that virtually all runners were sinless. to ny knowledge every character in a SR novewl that runs is sinless.
A sin is not a requirement. A sin is a one way ticket to eventual incarceration.
Sep 17 2003, 09:49 PM
Only if you exclude the Sargent/Gascoigne novels, Dirk Montgomery, Wolf (from Lone Wolf, not Stackpole's). There's probably a few others I've forgotten. Oh yeah, the chick from Blood Sport was a licenced PI, wasn't she?
The White Dwarf
Sep 17 2003, 11:32 PM
Lol, Im not upset at all. Im just making a case that a SIN isnt required in the least. Lets take that beer example. Youve got a couple options depending on whats readily available at hand:
1) Go to store, use real or fake SIN in order to pay with electronic credit
2) Go to store, use certified credstick, no ID check occurs (assuming you look 21+)
3) Go to a corportaly owned store, use corp scirpt (which is by no means illegal, not sure where you got that idea).
4) Call contact Joe, say youll meet him to talk infos about this run tonight, and have him bring beer (youll pay cash need it on his SIN).
5) Go to store, pull gun, take beer.
6) Pay gangers to do the above.
7) Wait for "Food Fight" scenario to occur, walk in, and take beer in the chaos.

Make bet with decker friend that he cant alter the delivery trucks route on the matrix to land a whole shipment of beer at your door. Pay him small bet fee, toss months supply of beer in fridge (note, need troll sized fridge for this).
9) Use Chemistry skill to operate own micro-brewery outta your safehouse.
10) Forsee future beer problems and take a Bartender contact at char gen, free beer.
Those are the first 10 options that sprang to mind, and only 1 of them uses a SIN be it fake or real. All are plausible, some more than others. Most dont inconveinence a character at all, a little at worst. The list could go on and on.
Even buying a car isnt a problem. You buy it from a fixer, ok might be a markup (a quick look at the typical vehicle street indexes shows there really isnt on the whole, majority are 1 with some 2s). Now, since this is all under the table youre worried about the vehicles history? Not an issue. The fixer a) cant sell you a crappy car because his rep is on the line here and b) if he did theres nothing to stop you from going back and threatening him. Like all contacts the fixer has to play it straight or suffer the hit to his rep, or maybe even life.
Sep 18 2003, 01:02 PM
11) Pay cash with UCAS dollars and a fake ID if you get carded.
Person 404
Sep 18 2003, 05:01 PM
Out of curiousity, given the prevalence of the SIN as a method of identification, what kind of 'fake ID' will be accepted that's not tied to a credstick?
Sep 18 2003, 06:30 PM
@White Dwarf: 3) You'll be asked more or less politely for your Corp ID (which is tied to your SIN). Since you don't have one, he will then politely ask you to leave. Outside, you will meet several large and well-armed corpsec officers who will politely ask you to come with them to explain where you got said scrip, it being a felony under corp law for you, a non-employee, to have it.
(Corp Shadowfiles, pg. 53: "If you . . . enter a corporate store or otherwise place an order . . . and pay for them with scrip you have to prove your status as a bona fide employee of that corp.")
I would revise "corp employee" to "corp citizen" in my games. Equally, if the law requires a "valid ID", which I presume it does if you get carded, in my games, that would have to be a credstick with a SIN.
Sep 18 2003, 07:18 PM
Atrox, where did you get that information, because many canon examples contradict it. There are several modules IIRC where adventures are paid in corp scrip Corp scrip is identical to physical cash except it is only accepted in corporate owned stores.
Corporate shadowfiles was replaced by the the corporate download which makes no mention of that passage any longer. That book was obsoleted.
Sep 18 2003, 07:43 PM
In that case, disregard my post, as it was based on obsolete data. Of course the policy does make sense . . .
Sep 18 2003, 08:00 PM
It is also likely that corp owned stores are going to be inside corp enclaves which a person cannot normally enter without corp ID or as someones guest.
Anyway the supermarket of today is trying to trick everyone into giving thier name every time they buy something with thier cursed club discounts. The megacorp should have an even creepier desire to know everything about thier employees.
Anyone who shops at Safeway or QFC use the telephone number 206-325-8199 and you can pretend to be Noreen Kogan like me.
Sep 18 2003, 08:06 PM
Oh, that's funny. That's absolutely priceless.
Can we create a ficticious person with the same mailing address and use that "persona" when we go shopping? Like using Kroger's "Customer card" thingie.
Can you imagine the kind of chaotic hell those databases would be?
Especially if we get like eight people in different states using the same address?
The White Dwarf
Sep 18 2003, 09:11 PM
Thanks BB for making the same response I was going to. But if its still an issue for folks, just replace #3 with "call corp wageslave contact and have them get beer". Not like it matters, its pointless to try and debunk one option when theres a limitless supply of ways to do it. Which, of course, is the point. Even if a devious GM somehow tried to stop half of them, half of inifitiny is still infinity...
Sep 19 2003, 01:48 AM
Incidentally depending on the time perioud, an UberPublic collection of corporate stores open to all of the public is the Renraku Arcology mall
Sep 22 2003, 04:58 PM
Well, till I talk to the GM and find out one way er the other, I've got one VALID SIN (my character's real one), and about four fakes (now I have to see what it's gonna COST me!).
The limitations on usin' a fake SIN seem completely dependant on the "suspicion factor"; if you are being suspected of something, then obviously, whether yer fake SIN is gonna pass er not, a more detailed investigation will occur.
...I'm jus' bypassin' some of that drek.
"Why are you carrying a loaded SMG while driving your vehicle citizen?"
(produces his courier's licence, SMG Carry/Transport permits) "Security..."
Sep 22 2003, 05:55 PM
I completely agree, but I think that if your fake credstick with permits passes the rating 3 credstick scanner in the cop's car, AND you haven't been firing it, using it, waving it around, then you pretty much eliminate all probable cause and he won't be bringing you in. If you were pointing it at someone or firing it then you can expect a trip downtown period. At the very least to answer lots and lots of questions. Of course this is IMHO and YMMV.
Sep 22 2003, 06:36 PM
QUOTE (BitBasher) |
I don't see HOW you can run with a SIN... having a SIN is a high point flaw in my games. Leave behind a single trace of DNA, a fingerprint, a facial reconstruction of what you look like behind a soft mask and that's it, youre screwed.
Let's not forget you have to pay taxes, get a drivers license and register your vehicles. All your transactions are logged. You have to explain where all your "deniable income" comes from. You are expected to use a legal credstick for all transactions. Don't use that credstick for a few days, a week while in a foreign country and it sets off flags... the list goes on and on and on...
I think its FAR more difficult to be a runner with a SIN than you all think it is... |
Most GMs aren't going to go through the time and hassle of following through with the consequences of what happens when the PCs have SINs. Either that, or they don't consider everything that a SIN is.
A SIN isn't just your System Identification Number. It's a numeric value that identifies EVERYTHING about you. When you are born, your unaltered DNA is recorded in a computer, and your SIN is attached. From that point on, if your DNA is logged anywhere, it's in a computer, and they know who you are. That means if you get shot, stabbed, or happen to have a nosebleed and drop some blood on the floor -- you have incontrovertible proof that you were there.
Oh, you say, I'll just have my buddy the mage cast
Sterilize and everything's copacetic. Wrong again.
Sterilize eliminates the usefulness of the sample as a material link. It does not eliminate the DNA traces. In 2003 they can track DNA in 10,000 year old mummies. Now, given 60 years of computer and technology evolution, they're going to be just that more accurate.
A SIN is also where all your legal purchases are registered and tracked. This means that the corps not only know what you own, but what your buying record is. What you like and dislike. And they hit you with spam advertising. Buying a pay-per-view sim? Be prepared for ten minutes of targeted advertising. Going online to do some information searching? Welcome to spam central. And this isn't generic ads, either. It's stuff you like and stuff you want. If you skip through it, the corps know something's up, and they flag your SIN.
This also means the corps know what you *DON'T* own, as well. If you're seen at a club carrying the latest Ares hardware, but your SIN doesn't show that you've purchased and licensed one, guess what? You're tagged. Yeah, you might have been 'holding it for a friend', but they still have that warning on your file.
For magickers, it gets worse. Remember that any spell, any focus, any piece of magical gear (such as libraries) above Force
2 is illegal. And mundanes can, somewhat, discern the Force of a spell, by how noticeable it is to cast. But they don't have to rely on your spells; if you happen to own a kickin' lodge, and the landlord notices and reports it to the cops, you're caught.
People who play this game just are not paranoid enough. The future is an information society; any scrap of knowledge is power. Deny your opponents that knowledge. Ditch your SIN. They can still start amassing that information, but it's harder for them.
I can hear the objections: Who would go through all that trouble for one person? Well, it's not that much trouble. Computers are everywhere, and they're all linked to the Matrix. That means everything you do is recorded. If you have a SIN then they have a much easier way to track you. If you don't, then it all has to go into a file marked 'IDENTITY UNKNOWN'. This record-keeping is all automated. They're not going to any trouble, really.
Oh, but you say, a corporation isn't going to let its information into the hands of a competitor. So the corporate environment obfuscates your records. Yes and no. The trouble is that there are companies which specialize in this information archival (just like they do in 2003). They are the ones that keep track of all this information on you, then they sell it to other corporations. (This is actually rather lucrative -- there's a few dozen companies in my town, right now, worth tens of millions of dollars that sell lists of businesses to other businesses.) They're also required by law to turn this information over to security corporations and law-enforcement agencies. (They're compensated, though.) So your information is still on file.
But if your GM won't run this way, there's nothing to worry about. Run free and clear with your SINs.
Sep 22 2003, 07:11 PM
I definitely play and run my games with the mantra "In all things, anonymity."
Paranoia is the rule of the day, but living without any form of valid sin is a pan in the butt.
I have a rating 12 fake SIN (120k) and it allows me to operate in normal society. If you plan on never leaving the barrens, you can probably get away with not having a SIN. Cops who discover you have no SIN aren't going to bust you, that's paperwork! You don't exist, you have NO rights, the cops will do whatever the hell they want and that includes just letting you go if you haven't done anything. SINless does mean criminal, SINless means you don't exist, you don't matter, you don't have rights.
A runner should get a new identity every 12 months or so, just to stay one step ahead of whoever is one step behind him...
Sep 22 2003, 09:56 PM
Heck, the majority of the population of the barrens were born without SIN's anyway, it's mentioned in the Seattle Sourcebook.
Deacon, I agree completely. Those reasons and more are the reason that onyl one character in my games, ever, has had a valid SIN.
Sep 22 2003, 10:14 PM
Deacon wrote: A SIN isn't just your System Identification Number. It's a numeric value that identifies EVERYTHING about you. When you are born, your unaltered DNA is recorded in a computer, and your SIN is attached.
Is this explicitly mentioned in canon somewhere?
What if you are non UCAS citizen? The SIN system I believe refers to the UCAS system but similar systems are supposed to exist in other countries. Careful selection of character nationality may mean it is not as bad as you imply.
Sep 23 2003, 01:04 AM
Meyhem, then your character is a resident alien in the UCAS and the appropriate information is instead attached to your Visa and you end up in the same boat.
Unless you are talking about not having the game based in the UCAS at all, but then it's all ultimately up to the GM in question anyway.
Sep 23 2003, 01:10 PM
International SIN databases are notoriously filled with holes. If you're not in your country of origin, then it's quite possible that some or all of your SIN data won't be available to the locals. Corps, I take it, get around that problem in various ways.
As for sterilize... It adds +2 per success to attempts to identify someone from a sterilized sample. A +6 requires just a force 3 spell with a casting TN of 4. It's quite likely you won't be identified from that kind of sample... but it is possible.
Sep 23 2003, 03:52 PM
Are there any canon quotes at all regarding international SIN's? I can't recall ever having read that.
Sep 23 2003, 03:55 PM
Yeah, SSG has a mention or three. I'll scare up a page number if I remember tonight.
Sep 23 2003, 07:12 PM
QUOTE (mayhem) |
Is this explicitly mentioned in canon somewhere?
What if you are non UCAS citizen? The SIN system I believe refers to the UCAS system but similar systems are supposed to exist in other countries. Careful selection of character nationality may mean it is not as bad as you imply. |
It's not the SIN system which does this. It's the information society your characters live in. The SIN is just a convenient file header for all the information that's stored on you. Have a SIN? They have a place to store all that information. Don't have a SIN? They got no place to put it. The people who hold all this information now have to put it under the heading 'Unknown person, age unknown, matching this description'.
It doesn't matter if you have a UCAS, CAS, NAN, Corporate, European, Japanese or even an Orbital SIN. It doesn't matter if you're from Seattle and it's a System Identification Number or you're from Fiji and it's your Social Security Number. It don't matter where you came from, they gather all that information anyway.
Having a fake SIN is only one step ahead of the game -- they still have a place to dump all that information, but it doesn't necessarily match who you are. There's pieces missing, that need to be filled in later. Of course, once the authorities find out that your fake SIN and your buying patterns or other social or biological patterns don't match, your fake SIN is worthless.
The only true way to escape all this information is to ditch your SIN and live as one of the SINless. If you pay for everything through a second party, then no records exist as to your purchases. If your medical records are all through 'Doc Bones' the black clinic ripperdoc, then obviously Lone Star has nothing on you when they find your blood splashed all over a crime scene. (Though it might be a good idea to change residences and such.)
Of course, eventually they'll amass enough information on you that it doesn't matter -- your prints, your DNA, methods of operation, known accomplices, etc. -- enough so that they can actually profile you and find you that way. So it pays to change your DNA every so often, change your modus operandi, and work with some new partners. And of course, it goes without saying that you should be getting a new face every so often, too.
But what happens if you're caught? Well, yes, if you're caught by Lone Star then it's a very good idea to have a SIN that you can whip out and get your free phone call and free lawyer and free trial. But you're still going to jail, and it doesn't matter if you're from the UCAS or from other places. You do the crime, you do the time, no matter your place of origin. The only thing that might stop it is having diplomatic immunity -- yeah, right, like any shadowrunner would have that. It'd eliminate most of the risk of the business.
Most runners endeavor not to get caught. Stealth and anonymity are the bywords of their operation. If the cops are called, you scram, you do not take a pass by the lab to pick up that file. Try again some other night. And you don't take on the cops, no matter if you've got drones and spirits and heavy security armor and they don't. Sometimes this means you blow the run. Which would you prefer, your reputation being trashed by a blown run -- or your career being over because you ended up in corporate prison, or worse?
Sep 23 2003, 08:41 PM
QUOTE (Deacon) |
It's not the SIN system which does this. It's the information society your characters live in. |
You have misunderstood me.
QUOTE (Deacon) |
A SIN isn't just your System Identification Number. It's a numeric value that identifies EVERYTHING about you. When you are born, your unaltered DNA is recorded in a computer, and your SIN is attached. |
(Emphasis added.)
I ask again.
Is this ("When you are born, your unaltered DNA is recorded in a computer, and your SIN is attached") explicitly mentioned in canon somewhere?
When entering the country on a visa (or even in the case of arrivals where no visa is necessary) do they take a DNA sample?
Sep 24 2003, 03:46 AM
A SIN is made with a forumla which includes your initials, year of birth and state of birth. No other data is used in creating it. That aside, while your spending habits might get tracked, nothing else is collected as a matter of course. Hell, even criminal SIN files only sometimes contain DNA coding (they always contain biometric scans such as fingerprints, voice print, iris, etc. as well as photographs, etc.). Making them the end-all be-all of personal identification is not supported by the text in SSG (at least, in general, some corps may do it differently).
Credsticks and SINs are different things, though. While your SIN doesn't contain those biometrics automatically, they gradually come into play as the grade of your credstick changes. A silver+ credstick requires you to start storing biometrics somewhere. Additionally, credsticks hold all of your personal papers, licences, etc., for easy reference.
Also, what goes with your SIN varies by country/corp. The various players only share data because the corporate court has ordered them to, and they do their best to keep the data they share as incomplete as possible (except in matters of joint interest, probably).
Good references for what the SIN is and is not are in the SSG p 37-40.
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