May 6 2005, 09:24 AM
QUOTE (Edward) |
If nerve impulses are measured in meters per second then the coordination of the legs running on broken ground would not be possible. You have to be talking at least hundreds of meters per second to get the instructions from the brain to the foot in time to avoid twisting your ankle far more often than my experience shows to be the case. |
Nerve impulses are between ~20 m/s to ~120 m/s (based on my neurology study guide sitting on my desk).
May 6 2005, 09:28 AM
QUOTE (weblife) |
There you have a rational explanation that fits within the SR universe. |
It's not a rational explanation. You are comparing apples to oranges. The human body is not physiologically built to emit radio waves or similar energy, thus while one may be able to "receive" a wireless transmission and possibly interpret it, one would not be able to affect other things through wireless transmissions, as it requires the ability to emit and modulate radio energy continuously, in all directions. At the very bare minimum, you would need a cyberware headware radio or similar device to send out signals.
May 6 2005, 09:40 AM
I don't think it'd be uncool or out of line for "Technomancers" to require some sort of minor technological doohickey to work their mojo, either. Otaku already need a couple little plugs and whatnot -- why is it logical to assume that halfway-grown-up Otaku won't need some minor 'ware to pull off their trick?
May 6 2005, 10:23 AM
QUOTE (hahnsoo @ May 6 2005, 04:28 AM) |
QUOTE (weblife @ May 6 2005, 03:18 AM) | There you have a rational explanation that fits within the SR universe. |
It's not a rational explanation. You are comparing apples to oranges. The human body is not physiologically built to emit radio waves or similar energy, thus while one may be able to "receive" a wireless transmission and possibly interpret it, one would not be able to affect other things through wireless transmissions, as it requires the ability to emit and modulate radio energy continuously, in all directions. At the very bare minimum, you would need a cyberware headware radio or similar device to send out signals.
But the human isn't physiologically built to emit magical powers either.
Your argument falls apart when compared to already established phenomenons in the SR universe.
If Technomancers use a form of magic that is invisible and untouchable to the existing known magic, just as "normal" magic is invisible and untouchable to Technomancers, then it fits.
They do not have to emit radiowaves or give conventional commands. They feel the flow of energy, and force it to do what they want. Intuitively by force of will. They do not feed the lock the right combination by radio, as your model suggests, they "tell" the lock that it has recieved the code it is looking for.
The force they use to manipulate electronics is akin to magic.
May 6 2005, 10:42 AM
QUOTE (weblife) |
But the human isn't physiologically built to emit magical powers either. |
Nope, the human body IS wired to emit magical energy in 1 percent of the population. Remember, the magic argument is based on Sixth World assumptions, which assumes that there is a predisposition for a certain segment of the population to have magical talent.
Maybe if the otaku had a special "organ" which allows them to emit radio waves... but that sounds far more ridiculous and unrealistic than simply having them graft a cyberradio into their head. Human physiology alone can only send a very tiny EM field... there simply isn't enough "flux" in the human body.
Your argument falls apart when compared to already established phenomenons in the SR universe.
If Technomancers use a form of magic that is invisible and untouchable to the existing known magic, just as "normal" magic is invisible and untouchable to Technomancers, then it fits.
They do not have to emit radiowaves or give conventional commands. They feel the flow of energy, and force it to do what they want. Intuitively by force of will. They do not feed the lock the right combination by radio, as your model suggests, they "tell" the lock that it has recieved the code it is looking for.
The force they use to manipulate electronics is akin to magic. |
There is no way to "tell" the lock unless you can emit a radio frequency. There's no "flow of energy" when it comes to wireless or radio transmissions* ... you aren't "manipulating latent energy" when working with radio communications. You receive radio signals, and to respond, you have to emit radio signals (which are NOT magical in nature). These systems are based in currently observable natural phenomena and technology, not the imaginary magical phenomena within the Sixth World. "It's just a different kind of magic" throws Otaku in the realm of mages and shamans and if that was the case, the rules would reflect this.
Requiring a transmitter of some sort is the same way that current otaku manipulate the Matrix... it isn't purely through a force of will, because they must (and no exceptions) channel their abilities using a datajack, an ASIST converter, and stop their bodies from flailing about with an RAS override.
* (unless we are getting into transhuman stuff like the philotic principle in Ender's Game, and AFAIK, SR transmitters don't work by that or any similar principle... let me know when they develop FTL communication)
May 6 2005, 11:32 AM
QUOTE (hahnsoo) |
"It's just a different kind of magic" throws Otaku in the realm of mages and shamans and if that was the case, the rules would reflect this. |
And you've seen the SR4 rules for technomancers? They might reflect it.
May 6 2005, 11:40 AM
QUOTE (audun) |
QUOTE (hahnsoo) | "It's just a different kind of magic" throws Otaku in the realm of mages and shamans and if that was the case, the rules would reflect this. |
And you've seen the SR4 rules for technomancers? They might reflect it.
I was referring to the current rules for Otaku, which reflect the fact that not only Otaku are non-magical, but no Otaku can also be Awakened. Who knows what they are doing with so-called Technomancers? But making a base assumption that "Technomancers are magical" when current Otaku are not magical sounds like a bad assumption to make.
May 6 2005, 12:11 PM
QUOTE (Edward) |
If nerve impulses are measured in meters per second then the coordination of the legs running on broken ground would not be possible. You have to be talking at least hundreds of meters per second to get the instructions from the brain to the foot in time to avoid twisting your ankle far more often than my experience shows to be the case.
This however is still far les than the speed of light.
Edward |
1. I was comparing orders of magnitude, not stating specifics so your "correction", while... appreciated... is also unnecessary. I believe my argument stands just fine on its own.
2. Please go to the trouble of checking your information before you post on things having to do with biology or physiology, rather than constantly confusing the issue by stating incorrect or incomplete information as cold hard facts.
May 6 2005, 02:53 PM
[QUOTE] There is no way to "tell" the lock unless you can emit a radio frequency. There's no "flow of energy" when it comes to wireless or radio transmissions* ... you aren't "manipulating latent energy" when working with radio communications. You receive radio signals, and to respond, you have to emit radio signals (which are NOT magical in nature). These systems are based in currently observable natural phenomena and technology, not the imaginary magical phenomena within the Sixth World. "It's just a different kind of magic" throws Otaku in the realm of mages and shamans and if that was the case, the rules would reflect this.
Sorry buddy. Radio waves are transmitted through our bodies all the time. Continuously. It's a commonly known fact. It is, under the SR variations on reality, viable to assume it possible for the technomancers to not communicate directly with the lock, but 'feel' and alter the signals telling the lock what to do in the same fashions hackers locate and alter the program signals that tell a computer what to do. Instead of receiving and responding to micro/radiowaves, its just as feasible to assume that altering already existing radio waves would have the same effects. What enables the technomancers to do this could be a byproduct of the manipulation of the mana field on the body in response to the technological goodies humanity has continually been integrating into themselves in the past however-many years. Or for all we know, the SR writers don't care as much as we do and'll just make them magically able to interact without hardware. Let's face it, we won't know until SR4 comes out, and if you aren't happy with their explanation, who says you have to play?
May 6 2005, 04:38 PM
Otaku are non-magical, but no Otaku can also be Awakened. |
False. Otaku can SURGE and become awakened just fine, just not at character creation.
Sorry buddy. Radio waves are transmitted through our bodies all the time. Continuously. It's a commonly known fact. |
Some links from credible sources please?
May 6 2005, 04:40 PM
QUOTE (BitBasher) |
QUOTE (Catsnightmare @ May 5 2005, 02:10 PM) | QUOTE (GrinderTheTroll @ May 5 2005, 12:13 PM) | ... as long as they don't make SR4 into something dumb. |
To late, they've already done it.
I hope you like a healthy dose of "Ghost In The Shell" in your SR. WiFi and Enhanced Reality, I'm looking at you.
GiTS is quite good IMO. Some things seems rather cheese at times, but what show doesn't have something like that, especially anime?
I already bought into the SR story way-back when, and since most of that is staying around for SR4, the only real change (for me) is going to be the rules which I also embraced as a welcome change from what I had been used to playing in RPGs at that time.
I have to have faith that the developers are making changes for the better, and will preserve all parts of SR that has made it fun and interesting for us all.
May 6 2005, 04:43 PM
QUOTE (GrinderTheTroll) |
QUOTE (BitBasher @ May 5 2005, 02:13 PM) | QUOTE (Catsnightmare @ May 5 2005, 02:10 PM) | QUOTE (GrinderTheTroll @ May 5 2005, 12:13 PM) | ... as long as they don't make SR4 into something dumb. |
To late, they've already done it.
I hope you like a healthy dose of "Ghost In The Shell" in your SR. WiFi and Enhanced Reality, I'm looking at you.
GiTS is quite good IMO. Some things seems rather cheese at times, but what show doesn't have something like that, especially anime?
I already bought into the SR story way-back when, and since most of that is staying around for SR4, the only real change (for me) is going to be the rules which I also embraced as a welcome change from what I had been used to playing in RPGs at that time.
I have to have faith that the developers are making changes for the better, and will preserve all parts of SR that has made it fun and interesting for us all.
You have faith in the developers? Have you looked at the internal consistency and common sense of the SR3 FAQ maintained by those same folks?
And I like GITS too, quite a good deal actually, but it sure as hell isn't SR, nor is it even in the same ballpark atmosphere wise.
if otaku are outed as being magical, than anything they do is believable--radio brains, shooting lasers from their eyes, whatever. but i will be seriously disappointed if otaku are outed as being magical.
QUOTE (TheWinningLoser) |
Or for all we know, the SR writers don't care as much as we do and'll just make them magically able to interact without hardware. Let's face it, we won't know until SR4 comes out, and if you aren't happy with their explanation, who says you have to play? |
nobody. but if nobody's happy with their explanation, and nobody plays, that pretty much means no more SR, doesn't it? so it would be wise of the devs to come up with an explanation/mechanic that most people are happy with.
QUOTE (TheWinningLoser) |
It is, under the SR variations on reality, viable to assume it possible for the technomancers to not communicate directly with the lock, but 'feel' and alter the signals telling the lock what to do in the same fashions hackers locate and alter the program signals that tell a computer what to do. |
problem with this. even if you assume that the otaku can manipulate signals that way without seriously reducing their range (no, not gonna happen), the otaku's brain would have to be in a direct line between the transmitter and the reciever of the signal he's trying to hack. in order to hack a satellite, the otaku would have to stick his head on a satellite dish.
May 6 2005, 05:16 PM
QUOTE (Garland) |
QUOTE (Grimtooth @ May 5 2005, 01:56 PM) | Let's lump all the technomancers in with all Deus's flunkies.
They can be the first against the wall when the revolution comes!!! |
Hear that, Kagetenshi? You'll have company when you face the firing squad.
The Computer is your friend. Please stay where you are, reeducation squad 37:4a::af:b6:77/BLUE is on its way.
May 6 2005, 05:40 PM
Why do i see a decker with PING etched into the slide on his pistol?
May 6 2005, 05:43 PM
You know, that's a good idea for a really cheesy joke for a comic. Have someone with a gun lining up a shot with the letters "SYN" clearly engraved on the barrel, then in the next panel someone getting shot and saying "Ack!"
May 6 2005, 06:33 PM
QUOTE (BitBasher) |
You have faith in the developers? Have you looked at the internal consistency and common sense of the SR3 FAQ maintained by those same folks?
And I like GITS too, quite a good deal actually, but it sure as hell isn't SR, nor is it even in the same ballpark atmosphere wise. |
Well that's all I can do is hope the developers are going to make it better. I've already reconcilled with myself that if SR4 is lame, then I'll have nothing more to buy, LOL.
SR could be more like GiTS, nothing is keeping us from making a shift like that. Other than adding the whole magical side of things, most of GiTS translates with some minor exceptions. Good background and planning could even minimize those elements.
Converting SR to GiTS is not one of my goals, but i do like to draw an idea or two now and then.
Crimsondude 2.0
May 6 2005, 06:34 PM
QUOTE (TheWinningLoser @ May 6 2005, 08:53 AM) |
Sorry buddy. Radio waves are transmitted through our bodies all the time. Continuously. It's a commonly known fact. |
Indeed. Through, not from.
QUOTE (weblife) |
SR is placed in a world with Magic. How does a magician manipulate reality? - Where is his 'ware to transmit his will to his surroundings? |
The problem is that magic is the manipulation of nth-dimensional forces. What we're talking about here is the manipulating of the EM spectrum. It's apples and oranges, and is based on, you know, facts as opposed to the speculation about an extra-dimensional magical force. The human body is not capable of doing this without tapping into some nth-dimensional ability, which may as well be magic. Personally, that is sick and sad and wrong. However, without magic it is not physically possible.
May 6 2005, 07:10 PM
However, without magic it is not physically possible. |
Heh, you do know, it's just a game, right? They (The Devs) can do what ever they want - and have done what they want.
They've already made several descisions that are not wholey popular with the existing fan base.
As far as the 'physical possibility' of the new Otaku accessing the matrix without any 'ware, why not?? They already have bio-chemistry that is way out of line for a normal human. They can already affect the matrix with the power of their mind. Right now, they only need the jack to get in, and iirc headware memory to DL data to.
The next logical leap is to eliminate those bits of hardware. I really don't see it being out of line. Either they are born with a genetic difference (Like Mages), or something changes them later (Deep Resonance) (Much like surge can change an un-awakened).
If the RF is all around us in SR4, then the Otaku should be able to see it, and project to it like pages and the astral.
I say bring it on. If you don't like otaku now, you probably aren't using them. Don't use them In SR4.
Never having used them, I'll Ask; Are Otaku now more powerful than Deckers? If not, then who really cares about the interface.
May 6 2005, 07:19 PM
I wouldn't call them "more powerful," but from my admittedly limited understanding of them they are differently balanced. In much the same way a mage or adept needs karma more than nuyen to get better (unlike a street sam), an otaku needs karma to get better instead of nuyen (unlike a decker). Whereas your average plughead needs to sink money (or time, raw materials, the right skills, and still some money) into a deck and programs, an otaku spends karma (and time, I guess?) into getting better at his widgetry. Same way a sammie needs cash for more hardware but an adept mostly just needs karma for more powers.
So, well, hopping out on a limb here (and I really don't know), I'd guess Otaku are "more powerful" than deckers in the same way Awakened are "more powerful" than regular Mundanes -- they do the same stuff in a different way, and tend to lack the same limits as a normal guy. The more karma, the more powerful the Otaku gets (compared to a decker). I think.
eldritch, the bio-chemistry that allows otaku to deck without a deck is in a whole different class from bio-chemistry that would allow them to project radio waves. reconfiguring a human brain to act like a computer is just a matter of making the brain think differently; it's not that far outside the realm of possibility in real life, given they types of calculations that some autistic idiot-savants can perform in their heads. reconfiguring the brain to emit radio waves is as far outside the realm of possibility as reconfiguring the brain to shoot lasers.
Demonseed Elite
May 6 2005, 08:16 PM
"You know, I have one simple request, and that is to have otaku with frickin' laser beams attached to their heads!"
*puts his pinky to his mouth*
May 6 2005, 08:28 PM
The idea of technomancers being able to project radio waves or whatever is used for the new matrix without some sort of magical or cybernetic help is rediculous. If it's magic, fine, it's magic, and we all get to whine about Otaku being magical and that not being cool/making sense/whatever. If it's cybernetic (like I'm assuming it is, silly person that I am) then that works out just fine. Anything else, and they'd have to be some sort of wacky (and intentional) genetic mutation with a whole new set of organs designed to produce and interpret radio or whatever signals at appreciable power levels. In which case they'd better be dissected, studied, and a new series of 'Technomancer' Bioware mods made available to the foolish Otaku-wannabes everywhere.
Deckers (hackers) can connect to the new matrix via their commlink, but I doubt their gonna be able to do much decking without a suite of high-end and highly-illegal programs they can call upon. The way I see it, they're just like deckers now, only without the mobility issues.
Technomancers (I hope) work along the same theoretical lines as the Otaku do now, in that they still need the hardware to connect to the new matrix (a basic commlink to do the sending/receiving of signals, and the cyber to connect that to their brain), but they do away with all the programs that are the power base of the decker, instead using the Resonance-modified brains of theirs to mess with the new matrix directly. In other words, just like Otaku now, only without the mobility issues and with a shiny new PDA in their pocket.
At least, that's what I WANT to see. Fingers crossed.
May 6 2005, 08:28 PM
I voted "hate" although I'd rather term it "strong dislike". If possible, I'll be running games in an alternate timeline where the otaku were all left powerless after the crash. They are effectively gone. Sure there are rumors of a few who escaped and are still able to do what they did before, but those are just rumors... right?
Crimsondude 2.0
May 6 2005, 08:30 PM
QUOTE (Demonseed Elite) |
"You know, I have one simple request, and that is to have otaku with frickin' laser beams attached to their heads!"
*puts his pinky to his mouth*
I would not be surprised that you of all people might be more offended by the mere idea than anyone else, especially if they may as well be magical in 4e.
As for a response to Eldritch, I'll just echo what mfb said. We're talking about two completely different things. I can accept that they can manipulate the Matrix wet, but projecting RF just isn't possible without some sort of handwaving nonsense based completely beyond the realm of science. We don't know what the capabilites of neurochemistry are with DNI which is how I can accept Otaku as physically possible, but the human body cannot project radio waves without new organs, and I demand proof. Otherwise, magic notwithstanding, SR is based on the real world and real world physics/chemistry/etc. If they want to disregard that as well, by all means they could but it would further erode any connection SR4 has to its predecessors.
assuming you require otaku who access the WMI without cyberware, here's a solution that's much simpler, much less stupid, and much more in line with the previous generation of otaku: allow otaku to get the same level of utility out of trodes that non-otaku get out of datajacks. let otaku get full-X simsense through trodes, let otaku get their full Matrix initiative through trodes, let otaku run hot ASIST through trodes. even if you're out of tune with physics enough that you're fine with radio-brains, you have to admit that this idea is a lot easier to implement.
Crimsondude 2.0
May 6 2005, 08:38 PM
I never really understood why trodes got as terrible a set of mods as they do (okay, they aren't as good as 'jacks. They should still be worth something, especially with all this fluff shit in various SBs about trode rigs almost as good as 'jacks), but while that's more acceptable it's more acceptable the way I'd prefer to die in my sleep rather than be set on fire until dead. The outcome remains the same.
What I can't comprehend is how they would do such a thing (I have my suspicions about why). Is it a new organ or some sort of byproduct or effect of the Dissonance or some undiscovered Echo that fundamentally alters the brain structure, is is some sort of genetic byproduct creating something akin to CyberGeneration, or what?
May 6 2005, 08:44 PM
Personally I'd like to see 'trodes have their flavour text brought in line with their modifiers rather than the other way around.
Demonseed Elite
May 6 2005, 08:44 PM
I would not be surprised that you of all people might be more offended by the mere idea than anyone else, especially if they may as well be magical in 4e. |
Well, I can't really say anything about SR4 otaku so instead I made Austin Powers-inspired jokes about mfb's post.
Crimsondude 2.0
May 6 2005, 08:45 PM
QUOTE (Kagetenshi) |
Personally I'd like to see 'trodes have their flavour text brought in line with their modifiers rather than the other way around.J |
Well, consistency would be nice, but this is SR we're talking about. I'll grow wings out of my ass before that happens.
QUOTE (Demonseed Elite) |
Well, I can't really say anything about SR4 otaku so instead I made Austin Powers-inspired jokes about mfb's post.  |
But this is just pure speculation.
May 6 2005, 09:07 PM
eldritch, the bio-chemistry that allows otaku to deck without a deck is in a whole different class from bio-chemistry that would allow them to project radio waves. reconfiguring a human brain to act like a computer is just a matter of making the brain think differently; it's not that far outside the realm of possibility in real life, given they types of calculations that some autistic idiot-savants can perform in their heads. reconfiguring the brain to emit radio waves is as far outside the realm of possibility as reconfiguring the brain to shoot lasers.
Oh I understand that, I just don't see what everyones problem with it is. Is it that unbalancing? Will it affect the game that much if they don't need hardware?
Does it change the flavor of the campaign? Probably - but it sounds like that is being done anyway.
*Shrug* Dunno, but I don't think getting into an argument over the physics/biology/genetics of what a Fantasy/sci fi game can do is really worth arguing.
Shall we discuss Star Wrs vs. Star Trek next?
it's stupid. if you dislike otaku, or don't care about them, i can see how that might not be a concern. i like otaku, though, and i don't want them to be stupid.
Crimsondude 2.0
May 6 2005, 09:31 PM
QUOTE (Eldritch @ May 6 2005, 03:07 PM) |
*Shrug* Dunno, but I don't think getting into an argument over the physics/biology/genetics of what a Fantasy/sci fi game can do is really worth arguing. |
Because it's not a fantasy/sci-fi game so much as it's a dark future game with fantasy elements. It's still based on the real world and real science, magic notwithstanding, and unless they do decide to make Otaku magical it isn't feasible.
I like Otaku. I don't think they're stupid (nor have I ever seen a reason to think they are outside of some petulant "they suck" tautology) and prefer to see that they remain as un-fucked as possible.
But, OTOH if you don't see that SR is still based on the real world then I see no point in responding to your posts because once you approach it from that fact anything is possible, which is simply not the case in SR nor has it ever been.
QUOTE (Eldritch) |
Oh I understand that, I just don't see what everyones problem with it is. Is it that unbalancing? Will it affect the game that much if they don't need hardware? |
Yes. It's one of a handful of sandlines for SR4, which makes it a big deal to me because it determines whether I play 4e or not.
May 7 2005, 07:30 AM
I thought the trodes made sense, unless I missed some text. You cant run hot or pure DNI on trodes but most users don’t anyway so for most users they are almost as good as a datajack.
And I can conseve of a way for a brain to transmit RF, its however reliant on a structural change in the brain (or elsewhere), a specialized chain of high conductivity nerve like cells and passably an electric organ similar to eth one found in some aquatic animals would allow for transmitting and reserving RF, this of cause is an identifiable biological change that was not present in otaku.
May 7 2005, 08:40 AM
QUOTE (Edward) |
I thought the trodes made sense, unless I missed some text. You cant run hot or pure DNI on trodes but most users don’t anyway so for most users they are almost as good as a datajack. |
Is there a canon reference to that effect? I thought trodes could still run a Hot ASIST and pure DNI. If not, then they are a huge crutch on the Matrix, as Hot ASIST is required to use Hacking Pool.
The text for Hacking Pool (Matrix p26)seems to corroborate that Trodes can also do Hot ASIST:
Hacking Pool is only available to characters using a hot ASIST interface (see p. 18). The character may be using a cyberterminal or cyberdeck, trodes or datajack—all that matters is that the sensory input and biofeedback are cranked to the max. |
there is... sorta. hot ASIST requires pure DNI, and pure DNI is listed in the "Using a Datajack" section, seperate from the "Using Trodes" section. the Matrix rules are spastic enough that it could go either way; personally, i wouldn't allow hot ASIST with trodes, but i'm not going to say that's canon.
and, well, the point of the post is that otaku should (in SR4) be able to run hot ASIST through trodes, where most users can't. the limitation with hot ASIST for trodes is (or isn't!) based on the fact that trodes don't transfer data into your skull well enough. if otaku brains are configured by the Resonance to be more receptive to ASIST signal, then they'd be able to accept data from trodes more easily than non-otaku. and since trodes are a largely-unexplained technology (writing data to the brain through the skull without unintentionally affecting other parts of the brain? oooookay), you can just hand-wave the whole thing without upsetting anyone too badly.
May 7 2005, 01:54 PM
QUOTE (mfb) |
there is... sorta. hot ASIST requires pure DNI, and pure DNI is listed in the "Using a Datajack" section, seperate from the "Using Trodes" section. |
Actually, in re-reading the section, only the bonus to initiative for running a Pure DNI is facilitated by Hot ASIST:
From the pure DNI section:
"Additionally, a pure DNI user can achieve significantly faster speeds if they are also operating with a hot ASIST interface (see below). In game terms, the user receives +2 to his Matrix Reaction and +1D6 Matrix Initiative."
From the Hot ASIST section:
"Second, it allows the user to gain an extra speed bonus by running pure DNI."
Apparently Hot ASIST and Pure DNI are independent of each other. I'd say that Pure DNI is only available for datajacks, but Hot ASIST is available for anyone with trodes or datajacks, as long as the cyberdeck/terminal is appropriately modified.
oops, right. well, regardless--allow otaku to run the Matrix on trode rigs as well as normal people run it on datajacks (ie, with pure DNI and full init), and you've got implantless otaku.
Demonseed Elite
May 7 2005, 02:23 PM
It's always been a muddled part of the rules, but IMO, trodes should allow Hot ASIST. Reason being that you can read BTLs with a modified simdeck and trodes (dreamdecks are mentioned in both Shadowbeat and Cannon Companion), so the technology is there for trodes to allow the same high-peak ASIST signals that Hot ASIST uses. However, because those levels of signal are illegal, you won't be getting Hot ASIST with an off-the-shelf deck and a set of trodes. The technology that limits Hot ASIST-level signals seems to be in the deck, which does the actual signal processing, not in the transmitter (datajack or trodes), which just passes on whatever ASIST signals it is fed, whether they are Cold or Hot.
Pure DNI, however, is the realm of only datajacks, since trodes don't have a direct neural interface.
May 7 2005, 04:05 PM
Et tu, Brutus?
i should qualify that. i like otaku as they're written. i almost uniformly dislike the otaku that people end up playing, because they stray so far from the material. that's largely unaviodable, though, because otaku weren't really intended to be playable in the first place. personally, i'd almost be happier if they weren't playable. i don't see why they should be, any more than vampires or wendigos should be playable.
the other option is to change their basic nature so that they are playable. i guess that's okay. but "playable" is a far cry from "i pick up my favorite radio stations with my brain-meats".
Crimsondude 2.0
May 8 2005, 12:06 AM
Screw radio, I want to pick up XM or Sirius with my brain-meat.
But, yeah, I have to agree with mfb. I think my favorite analogy to Otaku is the 6 year-old kid who knows more about dinosaurs than most adults, only tweaked so much towards knowing about them that they know more than most Ph.D.s about them as well at the sake of any and all social development beyond the basic FFF instincts. Well, to be fair it's not like they forsaked that development for that so much as--given their backgrounds--they never had it. It's hard to play a character with that kind of traumatic background and crippled emotional and psychological state. Hell, it's hard to deal with people with similar backgrounds IRL let alone convincingly play someone who combines both of those characteristics with the fact that they became Otaku through highly-charged, quasi-mystical experiences. So you get a traumatized kid with autistic tendencies and a savant ability towards computers and other related areas combined with the fervor that's usually associated with the most highly-charged charismatic devotional beliefs, and you've got a character who is pretty hard to play without fucking them up.
QUOTE (Edward) |
And I can conseve of a way for a brain to transmit RF, its however reliant on a structural change in the brain (or elsewhere), a specialized chain of high conductivity nerve like cells and passably an electric organ similar to eth one found in some aquatic animals would allow for transmitting and reserving RF, this of cause is an identifiable biological change that was not present in otaku. |
Right. In other words, they've become effectively their own metarace.
I can accept that only because it makes sense if they actually become metahuman by developing a new set of organs not possessed by mundanes.
OTOH, given the nature of the other metaraces, meta-ness has its basis in magic, which then goes back to the possibility that they would become magical, and all that e
May 8 2005, 07:09 PM
Can somebody point me to the early references to otaku, before anybody tried to make them playable
Crimsondude 2.0
May 8 2005, 07:46 PM
Denver Boxed Set. Denver: The City of Shadows, "The Nexus" chapter, "The Otaku" subchapter, pages 84-87.
QUOTE (Perri @ 87) |
Some of the otaku don't need a deck. I'm not talking about program carriers either, those things that were all the rage four or five years ago until we all realized the cellular damage being done. No, I mean they don't need a deck. They jack using a simsense translator modified with a simple digital impulse converter. That's it--no headware memory, no active memory, no storage memory, no progs, no MPCP, no persona, nothing. They just do it. And the Matrix does what they want. |
My two favorite Findley sentences, evar!!
If you want a general idea about what I was describing, consider Overwatch. This is a tribe of kids who can run intellectual circles around most AI experts, but as people I can't imagine wanting to have anything to do with them, or them wanting to deal with people.
May 8 2005, 10:25 PM
You know... On a positive note, the cool thing about Otaku is they aren't -quite- as floofy and gay as elves.
Crimsondude 2.0
May 8 2005, 11:16 PM
Your elves are floofy and gay?
I'd be afraid of most of the elves I've seen played because they are so... not floofy and gay.
May 9 2005, 12:03 AM
Shadowland has a different tone than many of the books.
Crimsondude 2.0
May 9 2005, 01:46 AM
As hard as it may be to believe sometimes, I'd like to think that there are multi-dimensional non-caricature characters out there in the non-SL gaming world.