Jun 17 2005, 11:02 PM
Behold the power of the edit function, creepwood. It gains you friends and keeps threads at managable sizes ...
Jun 17 2005, 11:15 PM
QUOTE (creepwood) |
In every RPG you buy, there is one rule above them all. Don't get hindered by the rules. So the rules are there as a guidance, not a concrete foundation. |
If you like to play that way great. Pick and choose what rules you want to use and ignore the ones you don't like.
Not everyonw likes to play that way. And not everyone who plays differently than you is doing it wrong.
Ignoring the rules is all fine and dandy when really all you want to do is sit around the table and socialize while throwing the occasional dice. Personally I hate those games, there a waist of time. People role-play making dinner and going shopping. Again if you like it thats great.
I would much wrather play the character I rolled up. And often times I roll up my character first and get inspired by his stats to create a background and name and a point.
You may call it free form or whatever, I call it Larping, cause once you remove the dice it is one guy telling a story, and everyone else listening. Role-playing is a mutual story living experience. The rules are how the players express their control over the story line. Without them your just a bunch of people around a campfire.
Jun 17 2005, 11:38 PM
For the "rules for everything" part, see the Decking SR3R thread. I've cut the rules down to a single paragraph of text so it's playable.
You don't need rules for everything, but you need rules. Everything has them, and some games have more than others, but that is why a good GM takes a ruleset and forms it to his will. Shadowrun's system works in parts and not in others, which is why I have a "personal edition" which is my own, tailored for my game, treatment of the rules.
And I truly detest OTT realism. In a firefight your concern is on where you need to fire and how much at risk you are. Prevailing winds, morale level... all purely coincidental.
Jun 18 2005, 12:44 AM
QUOTE (Nerbert) |
because no one would just stand in the open and take bullets nonchalantly. |
Not really disagreeing with you, but this reminds me of the line from Barbarosa
QUOTE (Barbarbarosa) |
Always stand still until you're done shooting. Nothin' scares a man more than for you to be standin' still when you should be runnin' like a spotted assed ape. |
I have no problem with roleplayers (amatuer actors) who get into their character as long as they don't think just because they role play something, they do not need the stats to pull an action off.
I also like a game every now and then that is just hack 'n' slash, such as after a crappy day (week) at work where I want to relieve some stress. At these times, I've had my quota of drama.
Jun 18 2005, 01:07 AM
I happen to be quite alright with listening to people sitting around a living room telling stories, as long as those stories are interesting and believable.
Thats what I use rules for, when the players (this word can also be used to describe actors in a play) aren't in character, when I think its best to let fate deside the outcome of a scene or action, or when I want to put limits on something. This happens to be different from a lot of other people's opinions on this board.
If you want your players to behave a certain way, you do one of two things, you enforce rules that enforce that behavior, or you trust them to do it on their own. If you're not willing to do the former, then maybe you need to talk to the other players to see what's going on.
Jun 18 2005, 05:15 AM
QUOTE (creepwood) |
news for you buddy boy, I started roleplaying 15 years ago |
...when did the subject of how long anybody has been rp'ing ever come up? i could care less about how long you've been playing RPGs. i could care less how you go about playing them. you're the one shoving your opinion into places it's not wanted--eg, everybody else's gaming table.
Jun 18 2005, 06:02 AM
Shut up, you! Once you've grown out of whatever petulant phase you're in, mfb, you RPG newbie, you'll understand that ineptitude is an interesting trait to explore in a Shadowrun character. Someday you'll realize that surviving to the end of a session isn't what the game is all about. Winning, losing, sucking, bleeding, it's all the same. Think outside the box! Characters that suck at their jobs are the wave of the future!
Long live CreepwoodRun (4th ed.) !!
Jun 18 2005, 06:27 AM
Actually Creepwood you are completely and utterly wrong. There are rules for everything, especially in real life. Now that is reality and the sooner you realize the sooner we can take you off the thorazine. (just kidding there)
In all actuality the rules in RPGs are guidelines to prevent the whole "BANG! I got you" "No you didn't. You missed." arguments that come up no matter how much we pretend we aren't kids. If you don't like the rules and mechanics that is your choice. As others have very vocally stated hardly makes you right.
Wounded Ronin
Jun 18 2005, 06:55 AM
QUOTE (Critias) |
Silence, intraweb-nazis!
CreepwoodRun (4th edition) is the hottest new thing. Every fight starts with your super-cool team of hardened professional killers getting caught completely flat-footed by whatever rent-a-cop it is they're fighting.
Once the initial surprise round phase is over (and half the party is dead from the security guard's suppressive fire), the remaining half should trip while frantically diving for full cover (as the fear of getting shot compels them to do nothing offensive, on the grounds they might shoot themselves, and as their own realistic inept combat ability sends them comically sprawling instead, anyways).
Phase two takes a little longer, because both the security guards and the CreepwoodRunners are so tired all of a sudden. That initial .75 second adrenaline burst is gone, and combat fatigue has set in. Half the security guards are so shocked by the sudden confrontation they're a part of that they pass out cold. The other half attempt to reload, but fumble. The CreepwoodRunners, meanwhile, manage to shake, urinate, tremble, defecate, weep, and crawl their way to full cover.
Phase Three is just the super-augmented street sammie getting his actions (no one else rolled high enough for init). He got shot, though, in the initial horrendous wave of suppressive-fire. He's only got a Moderate Wound due to all his dermal plating and other augmentations, but he's just so shell-shocked and groggy after getting hit that he can't do much but lie there.
Phase Four is the sammie finally staggering to cover, because his overwhelming fear of enemy fire has him so incapable of doing anything usefull (despite the security guards all being busy bending over and picking up their dropped magazines), plus he can't see where the security guards are due to not having a 3784293 degree field of vision.
Round Two begins with half the party dead, half the guards passed out from boo-scary-fright, and everyone's movement penalized by difficult terrain, due to all the puddles of urine from everyone failing the Willpower (24) rolls to keep from wizzing themselves 'cause there's a fight. But that's okay, 'cause no one wants to do any moving anyways (since they can't see what's going on).
Roll init! Isn't this fun?! |
Wow, woody was completely and utterly pwned by this post.
I bow down to the superior internet-fu.
Wounded Ronin
Jun 18 2005, 06:58 AM
QUOTE (creepwood @ Jun 17 2005, 02:32 PM) |
QUOTE (mfb @ Jun 17 2005, 07:25 PM) | oh, christ, now i understand what's going on here. everybody: creepwood is an rp snob. the rules are, to him, something that get in the way of a good story. there's nothing inherently wrong with that, of course--but creepwood is here to spread the good news and help us overthrow the tyranny of the rules. whether or not you've got a problem with him, if you enjoy the gaming aspects of RPGs (the dice, the rules, etc.), then creepwood has a problem with you.
creepwood, know what i did last week? i made a character by rolling up his stats, and only came up with a background after i was done! and i still don't have a name for him! (join in, everybody, it's like throwing garlic at vampires!) |
news for you buddy boy, I started roleplaying 15 years ago....'dude'
Oh, good, we can start pulling rank on each other based on how many years ago we started playing RPGs.
Hey, Creepwood, ya creep, I first started role playing when I bought the Dungeons and Dragons first edition basic rulebook in 4th grade at a garage sale! That was *over* 15 years ago (I think...), so I outrank you!
Jun 18 2005, 08:02 AM
I think the new official name for a Shadowrun that goes horribly tits up not due to lack of planning or bad players or bad dice, but by the simple expediant that the players were mechanically inept in the fields they attempted to participate in (A starting Sammie who says that "Wired 1 and a 4 Pistols skill sounds like enough for me, anymore is overkill",) shall officially be known as a Creepwoodrun. Or a Creeprun, and the location is forever referred to by the survivors as a Creepwood.
CreepwoodRun, 4th edition: Where getting shot, peeing your pants and dropping your mag as you reload is
fun, because the game designer says so.
Jun 18 2005, 08:06 AM
QUOTE (creepwood @ Jun 18 2005, 05:32 AM) |
news for you buddy boy, I started roleplaying 15 years ago....'dude' |
I got news for you buddy boy. Quite a few of us have been roleplaying Shadowrun alone (not counting other RPGs) for 16 years now. I myself have been playing and GMing RPGs for over 30 years.
Grow the fuck up!
If you and your group are having fun, great. That doesn't mean you have to come here and start a thread by wildly accusing people of playing the game wrong.
A civilized discussion on the ratio of 'story' to 'mechanics' is fine, and even welcome, but what you are doing is considered Trolling.
Jun 18 2005, 08:07 AM
And it's not even innately funny trolling. The rest of us are pulling all the weight, on that front! It's hard work, turning a conversation like this into something vaguely amusing to the point it's worth reading. And I don't even get paid for this!
Jun 18 2005, 08:08 AM
And you just fed him.
Everybody, ignore the wanker and taunt his ideas. If you don't respond directly to him, he'll give up and go back to wanking at cyberporno.
Jun 18 2005, 08:11 AM
QUOTE (Critias) |
And it's not even innately funny trolling. The rest of us are pulling all the weight, on that front! It's hard work, turning a conversation like this into something vaguely amusing to the point it's worth reading. And I don't even get paid for this! |
You win your choice of the following:
6 Karma
1 Intarweb.
Jun 18 2005, 08:21 AM
QUOTE (ShadowDragon8685) |
And you just fed him.
Everybody, ignore the wanker and taunt his ideas. If you don't respond directly to him, he'll give up and go back to wanking at cyberporno. |
I know perfectly well what I did. I am, though, entitiled to express my opinion just as every other person in this thread has done. I had not read it until now, so hadn't had a chance to respond. If I had read it sooner, then my response would have come then.
Jun 18 2005, 08:27 AM
Yes, but remember.
Wanker-trolls automaticall fail @ life. But by responding to them, you give them false pretenses that they have some meaning. By ignoring them, they give up quicker and hopefully frag off. Or frag thesleves, though a much more rare event than the media would have you believe.
[edit]frag off! FRAG!. Worst. Typo. EVAR!...
Jun 18 2005, 08:28 AM
And, uhh, ShadowDragon? It's not like you haven't posted to the thread or something. Chastising others for feeding the troll is a little like Jesse Jackson calling the kettle black.
Jun 18 2005, 08:29 AM
It's true... But I'm doing my best to ignore the troll himself, and just pay attention to the other people, like you.
Jun 18 2005, 10:08 AM
QUOTE (critias) |
Silence, intraweb-nazis!
CreepwoodRun (4th edition) is the hottest new thing. Every fight starts with your super-cool team of hardened professional killers getting caught completely flat-footed by whatever rent-a-cop it is they're fighting. ...... Roll init! Isn't this fun?!
Critias, are you going to eat all that when you're done cooking?
Creepwood, you seem to be labouring under the misapprehension that you're bringing some kind of gospel to the savage natives of Dumpshock.
If you approach your roleplaying sessions with anything like the tact that you approached this thread, then your (fellow) players must be masochists.
The games are about
having fun. The contributors to this forum all enjoy SR - otherwise they wouldn't be posting... Ergo, they are right and you are wrong. Except in Creepwood-land, where everyone is missing out on all the fun because they ignore the rules they like using. Yeah, that's it.
Man, I wish I lived in Creepwood land...
Jun 18 2005, 10:13 AM
QUOTE (creepwood) |
It's funny how everone seems to be opting all their actions during firefigts. Everbody has 720° vision, never fumble a clipchange, never have any fear of getting shot, no shellshocks, no grogginess if hit, supprssing fire is useless and combat fatigue, and always doing as much as you can during a round of combat. never surprised. and so on.
[b]Am I totally wrong or do you guys play this way?[b] |
As an addendum, to reply to your first post:
You're totally wrong.
Except of course, for the odd one or two people who like the idea of having their characters be...gasp action-hero-cinematic-types...
Jun 18 2005, 11:01 AM
QUOTE (Fortune) |
QUOTE (creepwood @ Jun 18 2005, 05:32 AM) | news for you buddy boy, I started roleplaying 15 years ago....'dude' |
I got news for you buddy boy. Quite a few of us have been roleplaying Shadowrun alone (not counting other RPGs) for 16 years now. I myself have been playing and GMing RPGs for over 30 years.
Grow the fuck up!
If you and your group are having fun, great. That doesn't mean you have to come here and start a thread by wildly accusing people of playing the game wrong.
A civilized discussion on the ratio of 'story' to 'mechanics' is fine, and even welcome, but what you are doing is considered Trolling.
Wouldn't be much more than 30 years. DnD was celebrating its 30th anniversary last year, and it was the first modern RPG.
Though if you were playing the original edition of DnD, my hat's off to you.
Jun 18 2005, 12:14 PM
Feh, I've been playing pen and paper RPGs since before they invented pens!! Arrr... I'm old and grizzled too...
Anyway, I agree with the general post. What *I* get out of Shadowrun has changed over time. When I started, I enjoyed combat, then I enjoyed roleplaying. I tried inept characters and enjoyed them briefly as well. Now I enjoy GMing (alright, I admit it, I can't find a good game to get into...) My wife started out loving the roleplaying, then she got into playing 'normal characters'. She may get into the mechanics one day. But thats just her preference, and its fine, as long as it goes well with the rest of the group.
Had someone come up to me when I started and said I should play an inept character, I would've hated Shadowrun. If I played now and had to do a combat monster, I would hate that Shadowrun game. I've tried making my wife play with more mechanics, and she hates it. We've both tried LARP, she loves it, I dislike it. We've both tried freeform, she likes it, I dislike it.
Am I wrong? No. Am I unaware of your enlightened roleplaying? Hardly. I've tried it all, pbem, pbw, larp, freeform, diceless, pnp, lotsa roleplay, little roleplay, high level, low level, medium level, epic level, high magic, low magic, ultra realistic, ultra non-realistic, hitting stones together, etc. I just happen to LIKE playing as I do now, slightly fewer rules than are in the books, dice hidden away, but still running with mechanics and heavy reliance on the stats.
I suspect everyone here is aware of the type of game you play. Some play it now. Some have played it before. Simply said, those who want to play that way will, and those that don't, won't. Your coming in here won't help them, won't change their minds, won't illuminate them, won't guide them, won't mature them.
Your efforts are misguided. Perhaps when you've roleplayed for 16 years, you'll realize that none of the ways of playing are 'better' or 'more enlightened', just different, and given enough time, most of us play each way at least briefly.
(Here's to the sincere hope that he's not a troll, and actually authentic in his misguided attempts to help.)
Jun 18 2005, 03:03 PM
QUOTE (creepwood @ Jun 18 2005, 03:32 AM) |
news for you buddy boy, I started roleplaying 15 years ago....'dude' |
I've got news for you buddy boy, most of us've been posting here longer than you, target.
And some of us have been RPing for so long that if we convert the number of years we've been roleplaying to inches, it would still be longer than your non-existant member, target. That's right, boy. You are a mere target.
But since you presume to call yourself a roleplayer, let me enlighten you to one of the first rules of the shadows (you did call yourself a roleplayer, yes?):
Q: What do you give a dragon?
A: Anything he wants.
Right now, this dragon says: Shut up. Now roleplay that. Shut up. Can you roleplay that, roleplayer?
Jun 18 2005, 03:21 PM
QUOTE (FrostyNSO) |
Jesus Christ. No game will ever accurately simulate a real-life firefight. Trust me on this. Just have fun with it for crying out loud and let it slide. |
True. In our game several of us own guns. Two of us shoot regularly at a pistol range and one is an army veteran. so while most of us do not have experience of a real fire fight we do have experience with weapons.
I've actually thought about a house rule that if you fire off a magazine from a heavy pistol and then switch to a lighter one, the first few shots get a bounce, becuase form my own experience at the range, if I've fired my .357 (heavy pistol) for a few loads and then switched to my .380 berretta (light pistol) the 2nd gun seems much more accurate than ever before, because my hands got use to the heavier load of the S&W. But then I disgarded it as too complex-we want to have FUn here, not really have a og at it.
SR has no rules about your hearing being thrown off if you shoot a gun inside without ear protection and I've been stunned , briefly, by the backblast noise from a rifle fired outdoors (someone firing in a prone position the bullet cleared the sandbags but it was a near thing and part of the sound bounced back into the firing pit. Rilfe fire at night absolutley trashed night vision because of the sudden blast of light.
Jun 18 2005, 03:59 PM
QUOTE (nick012000 @ Jun 18 2005, 09:01 PM) |
Wouldn't be much more than 30 years. DnD was celebrating its 30th anniversary last year, and it was the first modern RPG.
Though if you were playing the original edition of DnD, my hat's off to you. |
Yep. I'm 43 (in 5 days), and got into RPGs almost immediately after the release of the original D&D Basic Box when I was 12 or 13. I didn't actually get in on playing with the original Chainmail rules though, although I used to play with a couple of guys that did.
Jun 18 2005, 05:24 PM
I swore to myself I wouldn't respond to this thread. It seems I lack willpower. Creepwood if you aren't a troll (which I doubt) I'll share with you a nugget of wisdom my group passes around "The enemy is whoever's going to get you killed. No matter what side they're on." I hate interparty killing, but if someone's being a detriment in a firefight, like you described, I'll blast em. Sure I could leave them or drag them out, but either of those options cut my chances of survival (they could rat me out, or i could get shot dragging them out). Now if someone's actually useful in a fight I will go to great lengths to get them out of whatever comes up. I expect nothing less from those I play with.
Jun 18 2005, 05:56 PM
QUOTE (nezumi) |
Feh, I've been playing pen and paper RPGs since before they invented pens!! Arrr... I'm old and grizzled too...
Anyway, I agree with the general post. What *I* get out of Shadowrun has changed over time. When I started, I enjoyed combat, then I enjoyed roleplaying. I tried inept characters and enjoyed them briefly as well. Now I enjoy GMing (alright, I admit it, I can't find a good game to get into...) My wife started out loving the roleplaying, then she got into playing 'normal characters'. She may get into the mechanics one day. But thats just her preference, and its fine, as long as it goes well with the rest of the group.
Had someone come up to me when I started and said I should play an inept character, I would've hated Shadowrun. If I played now and had to do a combat monster, I would hate that Shadowrun game. I've tried making my wife play with more mechanics, and she hates it. We've both tried LARP, she loves it, I dislike it. We've both tried freeform, she likes it, I dislike it.
Am I wrong? No. Am I unaware of your enlightened roleplaying? Hardly. I've tried it all, pbem, pbw, larp, freeform, diceless, pnp, lotsa roleplay, little roleplay, high level, low level, medium level, epic level, high magic, low magic, ultra realistic, ultra non-realistic, hitting stones together, etc. I just happen to LIKE playing as I do now, slightly fewer rules than are in the books, dice hidden away, but still running with mechanics and heavy reliance on the stats.
I suspect everyone here is aware of the type of game you play. Some play it now. Some have played it before. Simply said, those who want to play that way will, and those that don't, won't. Your coming in here won't help them, won't change their minds, won't illuminate them, won't guide them, won't mature them.
Your efforts are misguided. Perhaps when you've roleplayed for 16 years, you'll realize that none of the ways of playing are 'better' or 'more enlightened', just different, and given enough time, most of us play each way at least briefly.
(Here's to the sincere hope that he's not a troll, and actually authentic in his misguided attempts to help.) |
I wish I had the skill of retoric and language of this poster right here.
yes I tried to enlighten the crowd in different ways of playing but as I see it there seems to be an inability to open up minds to trying anything different than opted character. The element I'm looking for somehow is socialrealism. It's a topic I'm very interrested in in roleplaying. I haven't once said that any way of style is wrong.
My inability in the english language inhibit me to respond in a correct way. although I have been scorched beyond recognition in this thread.
First telling me that I'm a noob and when I'm telling people for how long I played I get flamed for that instead (although people saying how long they have played to 'own' me, shouldn't that making them as bad as me in that case) There is a great idiom in swedish but I don't know the english version but it's about telling people of their flaws when they have them as well.
I am truely sorry if I've seem aggresive and telling people off, it's an easy thing to do when feeling attacked, especially by groups without allies.
I have been playing the opted way of playing, I loved it once. But for me right now, roleplaying flaws is much more interresting.
Jun 18 2005, 06:06 PM
creepwood, I think one version of the idiom you're looking for would go thus in English: "Do not try to remove the splinter from your brother's eye until you have removed the log from your own."
Jun 18 2005, 06:06 PM
there's nothing wrong with rp'ing more in combat. i put as much rp as i can into my games at all times, combat included. i happen to feel that a character with high Body, high Will, and a lot of combat experience shouldn't scream like a girl and cower when someone pops a shot off at him--so i don't rp him that way. i use the rules as a basis for my rp. i've got another character who's absolutely terrified of combat; if she ever gets into a firefight (haven't gotten her into one yet), she'll probably act exactly as you described. but if it's not appropriate to the character, then it's silly to try to force it in.
so, in answer to your basic question: yes, i rp combat. i rp it as appropriate to the character.
edit: and when the hell did i call you a noob?
Jun 18 2005, 06:20 PM
Since I already replied I will once more. To me if I wanted to play a game where my character wasn't good in combat I'd play in the World of Darkness, where the system is kinder to than shadowruns to survive with such a character. My vision of shadowrun is extremely violent. You're a professional criminal who does bad things for money, your character had better be able to handle themselves. Where in WoD you don't have to be as martially oriented hell you don't have to break human laws at all as a mage (just natures
Jun 18 2005, 06:40 PM
I think the idiom he's looking for is "pot calling a kettle black."
And to be fair, several people were the pot calling the kettle black. Especially the postcount elitist snob. That was just sad.
That said, if you truely are a foreigner, then put some more ranks into speaking english, because what we have here is a failure to communicate.
If, however, as I and undoubtedly many others are suspecting, you're playing the "non-English-native" card to try and weasel out of your muchly deserved flaming... Screw you. You come on here and try to Spread the Word. We have another term for that in America. Evangelists. They usually get a door slammed in their faces. Most people want to shoot them.
We are happy as we are. We're not ignorant heathens in need of a Prophet of Light to shine his Light on our ignorant, sinful darkness.
I Like playing as a chica who can outdraw most people with Wired 1 on her own non-wired reflexes, as well as being a martial arts master and a wiz Decker. Skate is a Sammie when she needs to be, and a Decker when she needs to be. She can do both, quite well.
She also is a character. She's very good as a character. Just because she's optimized, because I don't feel like getting her shot up or killed, dosen't detract from her funinity. Far from it, it adds to it, because by optimizing her for combat, I can say with a reasonable degree of certainty that she'll live to see the next game's roleplay.
She's not a hardened killer, but neither does she back down. She won't scream and cry and pee her latex hotpants because someone is shooting for her. She's a competent person. She'll perform a wire-fu panache'd Athletics roll behind cover, draw her pistols, and whip out from behind cover under the full speed of her wired reflexes, popping caps in the ass of whoever shot at her.
Jun 18 2005, 06:50 PM
QUOTE (Angelone) |
Since I already replied I will once more. To me if I wanted to play a game where my character wasn't good in combat I'd play in the World of Darkness, where the system is kinder to than shadowruns to survive with such a character. My vision of shadowrun is extremely violent. You're a professional criminal who does bad things for money, your character had better be able to handle themselves. Where in WoD you don't have to be as martially oriented hell you don't have to break human laws at all as a mage (just natures ). |
But to me shadowrun isn't all about shadowrunning. to me shadowrun is just an alternative world where you can play any time of character. Like a corp CEO in the spiders web. a shadowrun contact, or even a docwagon team.
I'm starting up a campaign in a few weeks where the players don't really know that much of the shadowrun world which suits the campaign perfectly since the players are set in the initial setting of a juvenile detention centre, or that is atleast what THEY are going to think. that their parents sent them away for characterbuilding. instead the big bad corp sees mojo latent in the characters. it's about how they going starts to find out what they are. one ofthe characters are having burnmarks on her body, she (latent fireelementalist) has nightmares and under stressful situations her mojo does these uncontrolled things to her. as time passes by she will finally get control over her powers.
The characters doesn't even know they are magical latents. It just happens to be set in the world of shadowrun.
Still i'm not saying one way is wrong. but I just think people just see what' in front of them, in this case shadowrun, it's all about shadowrunning, nothing else.
Jun 18 2005, 06:59 PM
QUOTE (creep) |
Still i'm not saying one way is wrong. but I just think people just see what' in front of them, in this case shadowrun, it's all about shadowrunning, nothing else.
If it was designed to not be Shadowrunning, they would've called it "shadowrun, and other stuff you can do"
Jun 18 2005, 07:05 PM
QUOTE (Aku) |
QUOTE (creep) | Still i'm not saying one way is wrong. but I just think people just see what' in front of them, in this case shadowrun, it's all about shadowrunning, nothing else.
If it was designed to not be Shadowrunning, they would've called it "shadowrun, and other stuff you can do"
I feel that to be a lame excuse to why you only should play shadowrunners.
Do you mean that people aren't allowed to play their game anyway they like it? To me a game is just guidance. (most games say that in the pretexts as well)
Jun 18 2005, 07:14 PM
To be fair to Creepwood, that is why they released Missions, Cyberpirates, Fields of Fire/SotA63, etc.
Alternate Campaigns.
Jun 18 2005, 07:17 PM
No, i ment that as a general rule, thats what the game should be, it's alright, if you come up with an idea, and want to see where it goes;to me, it seems like eVERY game you run is some "variant"
Crimsondude 2.0
Jun 18 2005, 08:31 PM
QUOTE (mfb) |
i've got another character who's absolutely terrified of combat; if she ever gets into a firefight (haven't gotten her into one yet), she'll probably act exactly as you described. |
Jun 18 2005, 09:12 PM
I loved the pirate campaign my group did. I can't count they number of times "We are men, OF THE SEA!!!" was uttered.
We did a ganger campaign, a special forces campaign, one where we were all company men, a X-Files type campaign, and a mercany campaign. The one thing that was similar was that there was always violence. Your campaign does sound interesting Creepwood, but it would for me be very boring. My group isn't all about violence, though, we regularly get on and roleplay what we do during downtime between scheduled sessions, sometimes we do so during scheduled sessions depending on how busy the gm was during the week, and those are fun and funny too, and sometimes more lethal than the actual runs (never let your mages play with lightning spells around the C12). (Insert point I forgot I was trying to make here)
Jun 18 2005, 11:56 PM
It's fine that you want to use the system for more than it was meant to play. The game was designed for playing criminals, however, and thusly, most people presume that's the sort of game you're talking about unless you specify otherwise. And since violent criminals are rarely squirmish around guns, it rarely makes sense for them to flinch.
Had you said at the beginning 'do a lot of you play non-standard games with people who aren't violent criminals? Do you play out people who have difficulties firing a weapon, etc.?' You would have gotten a very different response, in part because we know when you're talking about your character having difficulties, your character is non-standard, likely not a criminal, possibly never fired a weapon before. Roleplaying the reactions you said then become not only common, but almost essential, and I suspect a lot of people here would agree. But it's important to specify the unusual characters first.
That said, shadowrun really was made for criminals in a cyberpunk setting. I've used it for a young borgeous (sp?) woman from the late 16th century with some tweaking, but it's really not made for that. You may want to consider using another system in that case, for a number of reasons. World of Darkness was suggested. Otherwise your CEO who's just found himself being shot at by corporate guards is more than likely not going to last five minutes, which makes for a pretty short (and thereby usually pretty boring) game.
Wounded Ronin
Jun 19 2005, 12:00 AM
QUOTE (creepwood) |
yes I tried to enlighten the crowd in different ways of playing but as I see it there seems to be an inability to open up minds to trying anything different than opted character. |
See, he's the misunderstood genius of role playing. Creepwood, perhaps you should take up White Wolf.
Crimsondude 2.0
Jun 19 2005, 12:15 AM
Sounds like he already has.
Jun 19 2005, 12:16 AM
y'know, creepwood, you might have an easier time of it if you stop being such an ass. you talk about how you're just trying to show people new ideas and not criticizing anybody's style of play, but your fourth post in this thread was calling somebody a munchkin--and you called them that based on a one-sentence post that contained no information of any real value about that person's style of play.
i call bullshit, creepwood. you're not here to enlighten anybody. you're here to pick fights.
Jun 19 2005, 01:04 AM
QUOTE (Wounded Ronin) |
QUOTE (creepwood @ Jun 18 2005, 12:56 PM) | yes I tried to enlighten the crowd in different ways of playing but as I see it there seems to be an inability to open up minds to trying anything different than opted character. |
See, he's the misunderstood genius of role playing. Creepwood, perhaps you should take up White Wolf.
as you probably already have guessed. Storytelling is my favorite genre of games.
calling seniority in the way you describe was that he called me a noob, which is a deregatory term. hence my response.
Jun 19 2005, 01:11 AM
QUOTE (nezumi @ Jun 19 2005, 01:56 AM) |
It's fine that you want to use the system for more than it was meant to play. The game was designed for playing criminals, however, and thusly, most people presume that's the sort of game you're talking about unless you specify otherwise. And since violent criminals are rarely squirmish around guns, it rarely makes sense for them to flinch.
Had you said at the beginning 'do a lot of you play non-standard games with people who aren't violent criminals? Do you play out people who have difficulties firing a weapon, etc.?' You would have gotten a very different response, in part because we know when you're talking about your character having difficulties, your character is non-standard, likely not a criminal, possibly never fired a weapon before. Roleplaying the reactions you said then become not only common, but almost essential, and I suspect a lot of people here would agree. But it's important to specify the unusual characters first.
That said, shadowrun really was made for criminals in a cyberpunk setting. I've used it for a young borgeous (sp?) woman from the late 16th century with some tweaking, but it's really not made for that. You may want to consider using another system in that case, for a number of reasons. World of Darkness was suggested. Otherwise your CEO who's just found himself being shot at by corporate guards is more than likely not going to last five minutes, which makes for a pretty short (and thereby usually pretty boring) game. |
to me 'standard gaming' is not even a term that exist. a game is still a guidance, there isn't a 'right way' to play a game. I think game designers leave in most cases the setting of the game up to each gaming group.
One of the biggest reasons to why I want to play this way is because it tells you A LOT about your own personalty and makes you start to think. Having no remorse what so ever offing somebody in a game (since it's very common in movies it makes us dull to it) but playing out a really sadistic gangrape on two 12 year old twins while strangling them to death would (in most cases) even make the hardest gamer a little queezy (since this is not very commin in movies for example). Is there really a huge morallic difference in executing somebody cold bloodedly like a security guard with five kids at home. and the other scene about the twins?
It makes you start to think and analyzing the human behaviour.
(I'm not criticing you, it's just a thought) It might even be so that in many cases because you are americans and guns are to many a very natural part in your life. (with 20k+ homocides every year vs. about 200-300 in sweden it might just be cultural differencies.
Edit: 2004 sweden had 209 reported murders, manslaughters and beatings with a deadly outcome (thats is about 1.9 murders per 100.000 citizens)
Jun 19 2005, 01:20 AM
creepwood, for chrissake. nobody called you a noob. nobody called you a newbie. nobody said, or even implied, that you were new to roleplaying. do you understand that you are making things up? roleplaying seniority had no place in this thread until you brought it up.
Jun 19 2005, 01:28 AM
QUOTE (mfb @ Jun 19 2005, 03:20 AM) |
creepwood, for chrissake. nobody called you a noob. nobody called you a newbie. nobody said, or even implied, that you were new to roleplaying. do you understand that you are making things up? roleplaying seniority had no place in this thread until you brought it up. |
sorry, I just realized that I misread "rp snob" to something "are noob".
that was a lil embarassing
Jun 19 2005, 01:30 AM
whole different allegation, dude.
Jun 19 2005, 01:42 AM
Whadda you mean?!?! You mean you got me all worked up because some guy couldn't read right?
What is the world coming to? Must be a roleplay snob... a roll-playing kind of guy would have read more carefully.
Jun 19 2005, 02:15 AM
QUOTE (toturi) |
Whadda you mean?!?! |
the hell are you talking about? i'm not mean!