well, we know that the LE's were sold out basically within the hour of them hitting the floor every day at gencon....
Sep 1 2005, 08:09 PM
QUOTE (Ellery) |
One could start by having someone who has some sense of probability on the design team, and listening to them when they say, "No, that's stupid, that doesn't do what you want."
Starting with an existing system is a good idea--an existing system like SR3.
Cleaning up SR3 would have been much less work than rewriting SR4 because you could spend all your work on cleaning, not on trying to recreate mechanics that used to work fine but now are different. |
But selectivly cleaning up mechanics would not lead to a more unified system, if anything it would push the system closer to being "5 different games you can play together"
Sep 1 2005, 08:16 PM
QUOTE (Bandwidthoracle) |
But selectivly cleaning up mechanics would not lead to a more unified system, if anything it would push the system closer to being "5 different games you can play together" |
Hell, thats the way I felt about SR3 for the longest time anyways. We always had to use house rules for rigging and decking because there wasn't enough information in the BBB and the later Rigger 3 and Matrix books took the info from the BBB and made it all into one big clusterf*ck.
This made the group I play with run things like rigger only campaigns or decker only campaigns, or even campaigns where they were flat out illegal to play. Made it feel like we were playing different versions of the same game.
Sep 1 2005, 08:16 PM
No not really at all.
There was never anything stopping rigging, magic, decking, and combat from all using the same mechanic. For whatever reason they just never did it. I used a short hand version of rigging and decking that was essentially the same system.
An SR3R would have been far better than SR4. I am sure there will be huge initial sales. It's new, theres lots of marketing, there at a con that gets like 100k people in the doors. If its good the sales will stay strong as it workd of mouth spreads. If its bad we will know within a year or so.
The sad part is that it will probably be in between. Just with a new audience. More D20'ers who think it needs work but who still play it as opposed to the SR3'ers playing it and saying it needs work.
Sep 1 2005, 08:17 PM
But selectivly cleaning up mechanics would not lead to a more unified system, if anything it would push the system closer to being "5 different games you can play together" |
Only if you're myopic.
Part of cleaning is to make everything use a couple of core methods as much as possible. It's not completely possible, because different activities are different (not just the same stuff with different names), but you can do it just as well in a cleaning as you can in a complete rewrite.
Sep 1 2005, 08:31 PM
QUOTE (Bandwidthoracle @ Sep 1 2005, 02:05 PM) |
QUOTE (blakkie @ Sep 1 2005, 11:34 AM) | QUOTE (Supercilious @ Sep 1 2005, 10:26 AM) | My pessimism rains supreme.
I am torn between hoping that SR4 does not sell a single copy and I am proved right..... |
That's not pessimism, that's flat out ignoring what's already happened. |
I'm curious, do we have any sales numbers? (I can only tell that my group loves it)
I doubt they'll give those out directly. Outside of them having sold out the 1,000 LE books. You are going to only get vaugh "not as well as we planned"/"on track"/"better than expected" type responces from Fanpro. However there is likely an industry group publication though that'll have an idea in a month or three. Someone from the industry here should be able to point the way if there is one.
EDIT: Oh, and ordering a second printing also gives a good ballpark figure of sales at that point. At least how much they've shipped into the distribution channels.
Sep 1 2005, 08:33 PM
QUOTE (Ellery) |
QUOTE | But selectivly cleaning up mechanics would not lead to a more unified system, if anything it would push the system closer to being "5 different games you can play together" |
Only if you're myopic.
Part of cleaning is to make everything use a couple of core methods as much as possible. It's not completely possible, because different activities are different (not just the same stuff with different names), but you can do it just as well in a cleaning as you can in a complete rewrite. |
.... only truely major "cleaning" tends to have so much overhead that you don't really save a whole lot, if any at all.
Sep 1 2005, 08:44 PM
QUOTE (Ellery @ Sep 1 2005, 03:17 PM) |
QUOTE | But selectivly cleaning up mechanics would not lead to a more unified system, if anything it would push the system closer to being "5 different games you can play together" |
Only if you're myopic.
Part of cleaning is to make everything use a couple of core methods as much as possible. It's not completely possible, because different activities are different (not just the same stuff with different names), but you can do it just as well in a cleaning as you can in a complete rewrite. |
Which I would argue most of us just prefer to call SR4, not SR3-reloaded
Not that anyone's way of playing SR is better or worse.
I don't tend to see SR4 as being horribly different, but then again they seem to have perfected/implimented most of our groups houserules.
Sep 1 2005, 09:17 PM
To be honest, my biggest complaint about SR4 is the fact it's more invariable than Call of Cthulhu is when it comes to campaign styles. And CoC itself has, at most, 10 campaign styles it can support, as opposed to the 121 million of GURPS or the 200 of SR3. The rest of the complaints are all merely what adds up to the biggest one.
Due to dice mechanics, SR4 cannot support the type of ultra-corp, we-are-hired-by-governments campaign style, or even anything even close to it. It is a street style game, and the entirety of the mechanics are geared towards that. That is why it has easily-reached limits and why the entire dice system starts to fall apart when you start getting into anything above a 6 in anything. That's also why the advancement system is the way it is. Using that for a group of UCAS marines really doesn't support the "we're badass and you know it" style associated with that type of campaign. And, when you get cases where the PCs are running a corporation and dealing with other corporations (say, my campaign or a similar style The Grat Krass is involved in), then pretty much the entire system falls apart or actually actively discourages it.
It's much like how much you have to tweak DnD to create a low-powered campaign without heavy magic involvement.
In the end, it would take me two weeks just to create enough houserules to make SR4 compatible with anything above street and manage to have actual game balance. Unlike SR3, SR4 simply doesn't scale.
Sep 1 2005, 09:23 PM
First of all, I'd just like to note that when a setting "dies" and is reborn, it typically comes back as a d20 version (which is something most people don't want here). Look at Traveller, Talislanta, Gamma World, etc. |
Talislanta never died. Still in publication under it's 4th edition rules. They came out with a d20 version to generate interest. (And hopefully get some of the d20 crowd over to the 'True' Tal system). The upcoming source books are supposed to be dual statted. I know that the Menagerie is.
Cleaning up SR3 would have been much less work than rewriting SR4 because you could spend all your work on cleaning, not on trying to recreate mechanics that used to work fine but now are different |
Yeeha. Thats the way it should have been done.
Sep 1 2005, 09:52 PM
I have read the book (legally, so shaddap).
I have participated in IRC run-throughs of the game system.
I have come to the conclusion that it just isn't as good as SR3, nor as playable. It's not streamlined, it's obfuscated for obfuscation's sake. It has glaring logical errors throughout that personally annoy and anger me, and there are definite examples of bad taste within the BBB (references to pedophilia and bunraku parlors--mind you, I do believe that should exist, but whoever put it into the BBB that is likely to be the main source for parents who want to decide whether their children can play SR4 is moronic at best. Oh, and the cursing annoys me, too.).
Sep 1 2005, 09:54 PM
QUOTE (Blacken @ Sep 1 2005, 01:52 PM) |
Oh, and the cursing annoys me, too.). |
Is there a lot of that? There was a little in System Failure (it was heavy in the final fiction) and it was annoying. If I had known about it before hand I am not sure I would have bought it.
Sep 1 2005, 10:05 PM
They changed "Frag" to "Fuck". Although there is a new curse word "Glitch". Lots of non-cursing Or'zet has made it into the SR4 vernacular apparently, as well.
Sep 1 2005, 10:12 PM
How is 'glitch' used? It almost sounds like something that would replace 'slot'.
Sep 1 2005, 10:14 PM
Fifteen years of "frag" and now we have "fuck."
Let's all pause and raise a glass to the folks who were at least somewhat restrained for a while. Yeah, we all curse like sailors--but we aren't writing books that potential pissants might read.
Yeah...I exaggerate. But it's just bad taste, IMO.
Sep 1 2005, 10:17 PM
Actually, I don't think you are exaggerating. I think people will actually say that.
Sep 1 2005, 10:21 PM
Meh. As long as it's not that "Devil Worshipping DnD game", parents won't give it a second thought. Heck, they'd probably even tolerate that "weirdo goth Vampire game", too.
Well, the horned skull is gone, so that's one less Satanic-reference to be leveled at SR by the parents of Little Timmy the Noob.
Mind you, I liked the skull...
Sep 1 2005, 10:30 PM
QUOTE (hahnsoo @ Sep 1 2005, 10:21 PM) |
Meh. As long as it's not that "Devil Worshipping DnD game", parents won't give it a second thought. Heck, they'd probably even tolerate that "weirdo goth Vampire game", too. |
In my expierence working at game stores, yeah, parents care. They do look at what their kids buy. No, not all of them. And yeah, lots of kids 'sneak' out and buy it. But tehre are enough- parents out there that watch what their kids buy.
(And this was ten years ago, if anything I think parents look closer now, thank the video game and music indusrty for that)
My opinion is that that stuff doesn't need to be there. Either use the slang SR invented, or nothing at all. And sex in any incarnation has no place in a core rule book. Period. It's in bad taste.
Sep 1 2005, 10:31 PM
QUOTE (Sabosect) |
To be honest, my biggest complaint about SR4 is the fact it's more invariable than Call of Cthulhu is when it comes to campaign styles. And CoC itself has, at most, 10 campaign styles it can support, as opposed to the 121 million of GURPS or the 200 of SR3. The rest of the complaints are all merely what adds up to the biggest one.
Due to dice mechanics, SR4 cannot support the type of ultra-corp, we-are-hired-by-governments campaign style, or even anything even close to it. It is a street style game, and the entirety of the mechanics are geared towards that. That is why it has easily-reached limits and why the entire dice system starts to fall apart when you start getting into anything above a 6 in anything. That's also why the advancement system is the way it is. Using that for a group of UCAS marines really doesn't support the "we're badass and you know it" style associated with that type of campaign. And, when you get cases where the PCs are running a corporation and dealing with other corporations (say, my campaign or a similar style The Grat Krass is involved in), then pretty much the entire system falls apart or actually actively discourages it.
It's much like how much you have to tweak DnD to create a low-powered campaign without heavy magic involvement.
In the end, it would take me two weeks just to create enough houserules to make SR4 compatible with anything above street and manage to have actual game balance. Unlike SR3, SR4 simply doesn't scale. |
eh?? At first I wrote off most posts about SR4 being bad as complaints about the power level of the game being turned down.
this post takes the cake.
So, you have played campaign where the stats are higher than 6? thats funny, as you can only have on exceptional skill....
Also, exactly *how* does the system fall apart when the numbers go above 6?
What house rules do you need? Care to list any?
I guess I just don't see these glaring problems that the bitter board warriors are posting about.
Stat 3 + Skill 3 = 6 dice. Targets are 5 not 4, so what?
Old system it was 6 skills, max attributes. Max everything. Shadowrun 3 was more like playing with a cheat code enabled. It was fun, but jesus, when a player says that a 5 will power on a human mage was gimping himslef (and this is a new player), something is wrong.
now 4 willpower, + 4 logic is 8 dice to resist that spell.
BTW, I have NEVER suffered drain from a spell in SR3. I mean never.
Sep 1 2005, 10:33 PM
So your entire defense is "It could be worse"? |
No, CirclMastr. That's my entire statement. It's not a defense because I'm not defending anything. I'm simply seeking to point out a very basic fact that people seem to forget around DSF sometimes. Namely: "If you don't like it, don't use it."
(Insert sound of editing here)
I just wonder what kind of worst fears people have when SR4 is the sum total of realizing them. I haven't seen the game, but I've kept up with the rules changes here. And you know what? It seems different. Rather different. But I'm not going to say "Different = TEH SUCK" until I've actually played a few games, with a few different styles.
Sep 1 2005, 10:33 PM
Old system it was 6 skills, max attributes. Max everything. Shadowrun 3 was more like playing with a cheat code enabled. It was fun, but jesus, when a player says that a 5 will power on a human mage was gimping himslef (and this is a new player), something is wrong.
now 4 willpower, + 4 logic is 8 dice to resist that spell.
BTW, I have NEVER suffered drain from a spell in SR3. I mean never. |
Maybe you weren't playing 'right'?
Sep 1 2005, 10:33 PM
QUOTE (Blacken) |
I have read the book (legally, so shaddap).
I have participated in IRC run-throughs of the game system.
I have come to the conclusion that it just isn't as good as SR3, nor as playable. It's not streamlined, it's obfuscated for obfuscation's sake. It has glaring logical errors throughout that personally annoy and anger me, and there are definite examples of bad taste within the BBB (references to pedophilia and bunraku parlors--mind you, I do believe that should exist, but whoever put it into the BBB that is likely to be the main source for parents who want to decide whether their children can play SR4 is moronic at best. Oh, and the cursing annoys me, too.). |
list examples please. I may be just too stupid to know what the hell you are talking about.
I think all the bitching is just typical full of shit complaing for complaining sakes.
Sep 1 2005, 10:40 PM
QUOTE (WorkOver) |
QUOTE (Blacken @ Sep 1 2005, 04:52 PM) | I have read the book (legally, so shaddap).
I have participated in IRC run-throughs of the game system.
I have come to the conclusion that it just isn't as good as SR3, nor as playable. It's not streamlined, it's obfuscated for obfuscation's sake. It has glaring logical errors throughout that personally annoy and anger me, and there are definite examples of bad taste within the BBB (references to pedophilia and bunraku parlors--mind you, I do believe that should exist, but whoever put it into the BBB that is likely to be the main source for parents who want to decide whether their children can play SR4 is moronic at best. Oh, and the cursing annoys me, too.). |
list examples please. I may be just too stupid to know what the hell you are talking about.
I think all the bitching is just typical full of shit complaing for complaining sakes.
Examples of which? The lack of streamlining? I see as many or more dice to roll and numbers to twiddle in SR4 as I ever used in a previous SR game. Combats seem to take longer, too. I'm sure you're capable of some level of literacy. Read the hundreds of other posts that have amplified on the game-system suckage of SR4. I don't feel like rewriting them to suit your fancy.
Examples of the hideous editorial idiocy inherent in the book? Jesus, did you not read my post or something?
Sep 1 2005, 10:43 PM
QUOTE (Eldritch) |
Maybe you weren't playing 'right'? |
Hum, I think on this point he is right...
If you were min/maxing a little bit your character, you didn't really suffer from drain. Especially if you started using foci, which were really too powerful (even a "small" one like a 2 level power focus)...
This is only my opinion, I might be wrong, but we were not a "Powa Gamers" group... and we were all thinking that SR3 was way too unbalanced.
Sep 1 2005, 10:45 PM
QUOTE (WorkOver @ Sep 1 2005, 05:31 PM) |
eh?? At first I wrote off most posts about SR4 being bad as complaints about the power level of the game being turned down.
this post takes the cake.
So, you have played campaign where the stats are higher than 6? thats funny, as you can only have on exceptional skill.... |
Aye, yes I have. And, trust me, exceptional stat doesn't do anything when you can have a starting character with an 11 in a stat. You see, some of us make it a point to at least attempt to memorize the racial maximums.
Also, exactly *how* does the system fall apart when the numbers go above 6? |
You mean you have missed the four threads in which this was covered? Four entire threads?
Tell you what. You build a character with a stat above six, just for the hell of it, and play SR4. Then tell me how well it holds together. As it is, I'm not going to post 20+ pages of mathematics just to satisfy your whim.
What house rules do you need? Care to list any? |
I guess I just don't see these glaring problems that the bitter board warriors are posting about. |
Yeah, I guess you are. Might want to check that. Start with the dozen or so topics already dealing with it.
Stat 3 + Skill 3 = 6 dice. Targets are 5 not 4, so what? |
Stat 7 + Skill 6 = 13 dice. Perfectly possible at chargen.
Old system it was 6 skills, max attributes. Max everything. Shadowrun 3 was more like playing with a cheat code enabled. It was fun, but jesus, when a player says that a 5 will power on a human mage was gimping himslef (and this is a new player), something is wrong. |
Actually, a cheat code would have you starting with 12+ dice. The best SR characters often had a dozen or more dice to throw. Hell, 20 dice is perfectly believable. And don't get me started on the godlike AIs.
now 4 willpower, + 4 logic is 8 dice to resist that spell. |
You're kinda doing something wrong if that's all the dice you can get.
BTW, I have NEVER suffered drain from a spell in SR3. I mean never. |
Congrats. You weren't casting powerful-enough spells. That's called "using some sense" for spellcasting.
I think all the bitching is just typical full of shit complaing for complaining sakes. |
It's interesting you say that now and don't bother checking the other threads. Or, for that matter, are apparently not bothering to read the title of this one.
Marc Hameleers
Sep 1 2005, 10:46 PM
I saw a thread where 77 % said they would use 4th....and only a small% would kling to 3rd. Why would that be? Have they all been brainwashed?
Really, if you prefer 3rd, that;s fine. But don't think everyone else is a raving lunatic because they feel different. It is clear there are very different opinions of shadowrun 4th. That's fine. But now go and do something usefull with all that energy you put trying to put down 4th edition. Go write a great campaign for 3rd, wich uses all the different rules wich our group was too dumb to comprehend
Sep 1 2005, 10:46 PM
list examples please. I may be just too stupid to know what the hell you are talking about. |
How about attributes being cheaper to buy and more useful than skill groups, post character-creation? How about attributes being as cheap to buy and more useful than skill groups during character creation? How about a character creation system that rewards people who start off with very low attributes and build up attributes over time rather than treating attributes more as fixed qualities and having skills built up? How about the fact that out of the 5 or 6 types of ammo given, half are statistically useless, despite descriptions to the contrary? How about being able to create a balanced character at creation time that, as a bonus, can roll 4x more dice for a test than average? How about that range makes almost no difference to firearms performance? Etc. etc. etc..
Sep 1 2005, 10:49 PM
Just talking about streamlining:
Combat is about the same (as far as dice rolled, damage taken, boxes filled), although it is much easier to count hits against a fixed TN than a floating TN that you have to calculate every single action (SR3 feels just like Battletech at times... when we play Battletech, my group looks to me for TNs because I have all of the charts and such memorized). The Matrix rules, though, are much much simpler. Simple things like shutting down cameras and retrieving paydata that used to take 4 or so odd rolls per task under the old VR 2.0 rules now only take 1 roll, 2 at the most. Even Cybercombat is better. It's much easier to add the "tech" into a typical Shadowrun without doing a separate 2nd run for the decker.
Sep 1 2005, 10:56 PM
QUOTE (Marc Hameleers) |
I saw a thread where 77 % said they would use 4th....and only a small% would kling to 3rd. Why would that be? Have they all been brainwashed?
Really, if you prefer 3rd, that;s fine. But don't think everyone else is a raving lunatic because they feel different. It is clear there are very different opinions of shadowrun 4th. That's fine. But now go and do something usefull with all that energy you put trying to put down 4th edition. Go write a great campaign for 3rd, wich uses all the different rules wich our group was too dumb to comprehend |
Dear gods, did someone pour a large dose of "illiterate" into the water or something?
Marc, quick question: Did you bother to read the title of the thread, or are you just clicking around at random? Or did you think a topic titled "Where are the SR4 hate threads?" would magically be full of people praising SR4 and completely lacking any complaints at all?
And, yes, I am one of those people who voted that they would use SR4. I've even stated it on here. But that doesn't mean I am completely happy with the system, that it doesn't need more fixes than the insides of a guy who decided to do the chacha with a claymore, or that I don't see room for hundreds of areas of improvements. What is means is that I am willing to play a specialized, nonadaptive system and use it for the purposes intended.
Sep 1 2005, 11:01 PM
Not that I can't understand some of your arguments, but ...
QUOTE (Sabosect) |
Aye, yes I have. And, trust me, exceptional stat doesn't do anything when you can have a starting character with an 11 in a stat. You see, some of us make it a point to at least attempt to memorize the racial maximums. |
6*1.5 (rounded down) = 9
7*1.5 (rounded down) = 10 ... I guess something went wrong while memorizing

Congrats. You weren't casting powerful-enough spells. That's called "using some sense" for spellcasting. |
That seems to depend on perspective. There are more than enough possibilities in SR3 to cast very high powered spells, kill anyone in sight and walk away with zero drain ... Starts with using odd force numbers, continues with proper use of fetish-based or exclusive spells, turns "right" with "overkill via success" and finally ends with a trauma damper ...
Sep 1 2005, 11:05 PM
How about attributes being cheaper to buy and more useful than skill groups, post character-creation? |
Ahh! Thank you for reminding me of what really grates on me about 4th edition. Yes. This. This is my King #1 Beef. I want to grab Fanpro, shake them, and shout, "Did you never play Legend of the 5 Rings 1st and 2nd Edition!?!?"
Because 1st had this problem, leading to Supermen with average skills. They overcompensated for it in 2nd by changing to roll skill keep stat, which meant that grizzled veteran samurai might be able to hit an average target number if they were lucky. And in 3rd edition, they finally managed to balance it.
It's like, "Yo! Fanpro... AEG did all the work for you, 6 months ago. You're lagging."
Sep 1 2005, 11:13 PM
QUOTE (Cochise @ Sep 1 2005, 06:01 PM) |
Not that I can't understand some of your arguments, but ...
QUOTE (Sabosect) | Aye, yes I have. And, trust me, exceptional stat doesn't do anything when you can have a starting character with an 11 in a stat. You see, some of us make it a point to at least attempt to memorize the racial maximums. |
*hmm* 6*1.5 (rounded down) = 9 7*1.5 (rounded down) = 10 ... I guess something went wrong while memorizing |
SR3 core rules, page 245, table titled Racial Attribute Limit Table:
Troll 11 (17) 5 (8 ) 10 (15) 4 (6) 4 (6) 6 (9) |
The stats are in this order: Body, Quickness, Strength, Charisma, Intelligence, Willpower.
To quote a really bad movie: This is the point where you fall down.
QUOTE | Congrats. You weren't casting powerful-enough spells. That's called "using some sense" for spellcasting. |
That seems to depend on perspective. There are more than enough possibilities in SR3 to cast very high powered spells, kill anyone in sight and walk away with zero drain ... Starts with using odd force numbers, continues with proper use of fetish-based or exclusive spells, turns "right" with "overkill via success" and finally ends with a trauma damper ...
A trauma damper is not what I consider as technically getting around drain. The damage is done whether you notice it or not. Not suffering drain is never having to worry about the damage.
Sep 2 2005, 03:33 AM
I think all the bitching is just typical full of shit complaing for complaining sakes. |
Yeah. Especially since your perspective and opinions are the only ones that matter to all of us. You know, them being 100% correct and immutable and all.
And seeing as how none of us have acquired the legal rights to use them, maybe you're the only person that should post on the boards?
Just trying to be helpful.
Sep 2 2005, 05:43 AM
QUOTE (Eldritch) |
And sex in any incarnation has no place in a core rule book. Period. It's in bad taste. |
Ok. You're right. Sex is such an unnatural and disgusting thing. It shouldn't be mentioned anywhere. At least it shouldn't be done by anyone.
No, seriously: The world of Shadowrun is full of violence, drugs, weapons, apocalyptic nazi cultist wielding magical weapons of mass destruction, racism, spells made to turn people into a gooey substance, human sacrifice and so on. You will find all this in the core rulebook. The world of 2070 is no kindergarten. Sex is the single one most natural things in the world. So you think, that sex is 'worse' than violence? Sounds a little bit schizophrenic to me.
Sep 2 2005, 05:56 AM
Although from a pure marketing perspective in the U.S., it's possibly not the smartest move--or it may be an advantage. These things can be hard to judge. It's not the safest thing to do from a purely marketing perspective.
Sep 2 2005, 06:05 AM
Ellery, if they wanted a safe investment they wouldn't be making PnP RPGs at all.
QUOTE (Marc Hameleers) |
Really, if you prefer 3rd, that;s fine. But don't think everyone else is a raving lunatic because they feel different. It is clear there are very different opinions of shadowrun 4th. That's fine. But now go and do something usefull with all that energy you put trying to put down 4th edition. Go write a great campaign for 3rd, wich uses all the different rules wich our group was too dumb to comprehend |
you know what? bite me. look at the goddamn thread title, moron: nobody was bitching about how SR4 sucked until some idiot decided "hey, let's pick on the guys who don't like SR4". why don't you dickheads leave us alone, instead of telling SR4-haters to keep quiet on a thread about why SR4-haters are so quiet.
Sep 2 2005, 06:48 AM
Sep 2 2005, 06:50 AM
Eidolon, your post reminds me of the buzzsaw room in the final level of Shinobi 1 for Game Gear.
Sep 2 2005, 06:52 AM
QUOTE (mfb) |
you know what? bite me. look at the goddamn thread title, moron: nobody was bitching about how SR4 sucked until some idiot decided "hey, let's pick on the guys who don't like SR4". |
Hey, don't call me an idiot!
Sep 2 2005, 06:53 AM
Damn! Mfb rolled 30 6's for his Use Clue Bat skill. And that's before the rerolls and against a TN of 2.
Edit: Grinder, if the shoe fits...
Edit2: If it doesn't fit, then consider it to be a side effect of annoyance. Mfb only said what a lot of us were thinking.
Sep 2 2005, 07:00 AM
We have a saying in german: "gleich und gleich gesellt sich gern".
Maybe i have to convert to the SR4 haters army.
Sep 2 2005, 07:02 AM
Can you translate for those of us who can't be bothered to learn German or look it up in a translater? Otherwise, your next sentence could refer to a lot of things.
Sep 2 2005, 07:11 AM
Oh, sorry. Roughly translated it's "people with equal attitude like to hang out together".
(it was referred to the "idiot")
Very roughly. Hope it does make sense somehow.
Sep 2 2005, 07:25 AM
To keep from being associated with Marc, the idiot who is basically going around and trying to stir up shit? Yeah, you would have to convert to the haters side.
Sep 2 2005, 07:29 AM
Marc Hameleers
Sep 2 2005, 08:36 AM
To keep from being associated with Marc, the idiot who is basically going around and trying to stir up shit? Yeah, you would have to convert to the haters side |
Uhm, thanks...
MY God the guy who has a sig that says somethign like " Dumshock forum, the anal retentives that fun forgot " or something really is right.
I've been to many fora in my life, but none so negative and rude as this. I am a regular at several fora, and man is the attitude differnt. A shame, goes Shadowrun is a great game, and deserves a good community.
I never did stir up shit. I was trying, in a language not my native one, to ask why you not only bitch about the game, but also were, and still are, very negative about the PLAYERS who like it. It was that that i was agitating about, not your bitching in general.
Liking SR 4 does not make me: an idiot, a moron or a dickhead ( just a few quotes ), nor does not agreeing with you guys make me any of those. Really, your name calling, insulting and fit throwing reminds me of my 5 year old niece, she also communicate like that when someone doesn't agree. Try to keep it clear of personal stuff.
Oh well, Now that i have tasted your great, welcomming attitude myself, I probably will stay clear of posting here again. You guys really should try to take a look at some of the other fora out there, and see how fan communities can work.
Too bad, again, SR4 looks like a great game, and deserves great fans.
Sep 2 2005, 08:59 AM
If you look closely, you'll notice that the tension goes both ways--there are plenty of attacks by people who like SR4 on those who don't as well. It's a natural reaction to a divisive product. Large changes are almost always divisive unless the resulting product is clearly better than the original in all ways that are different.
It just goes with the territory. In six months it'll be more in line with other fora, I expect.
Sep 2 2005, 09:01 AM
QUOTE (Marc Hameleers) |
QUOTE | To keep from being associated with Marc, the idiot who is basically going around and trying to stir up shit? Yeah, you would have to convert to the haters side |
Uhm, thanks...
MY God the guy who has a sig that says somethign like " Dumshock forum, the anal retentives that fun forgot " or something really is right.
I only accused you of illiteracy, idiocy, and stirring up shit. You might want to read what MFB said. Here, let me quote it for you:
you know what? bite me. look at the goddamn thread title, moron: nobody was bitching about how SR4 sucked until some idiot decided "hey, let's pick on the guys who don't like SR4". why don't you dickheads leave us alone, instead of telling SR4-haters to keep quiet on a thread about why SR4-haters are so quiet. |
You might want to go back a few posts and read everything that is said.
I've been to many fora in my life, but none so negative and rude as this. I am a regular at several fora, and man is the attitude differnt. A shame, goes Shadowrun is a great game, and deserves a good community. |
Actually, if you don't come across as a fragging moron and can dodge the flame wars, this place is pretty nice.
Look, kid, we're not going to coddle you, we're not going to protect you from your own actions. However, in most cases, we can be nice to you. I've actually admitted I'm wrong on several occasions, which I think helps in my case.
I never did stir up shit. I was trying, in a language not my native one, to ask why you not only bitch about the game, but also were, and still are, very negative about the PLAYERS who like it. It was that that i was agitating about, not your bitching in general. |
Your post:
I saw a thread where 77 % said they would use 4th....and only a small% would kling to 3rd. Why would that be? Have they all been brainwashed?
Really, if you prefer 3rd, that;s fine. But don't think everyone else is a raving lunatic because they feel different. It is clear there are very different opinions of shadowrun 4th. That's fine. But now go and do something usefull with all that energy you put trying to put down 4th edition. Go write a great campaign for 3rd, wich uses all the different rules wich our group was too dumb to comprehend |
Examining the context of your post, nothing about it suggests that your statement it true without your statement requiring ignorance or misconception on your part, something that with your skill of using the English language I do not consider excuseable, especially when all it requires is you read a few posts. Missing those posts and the important context is an example of actions taken by those who are newbies to using this style of communication, which does bring into question your claim you are a regular of several forums.
If you follow my post, you see I was replying to what someone said. Going back to the post I replied you, you see the person in question was replying to something I said. Going back one more step, you find my post, which follows:
To be honest, my biggest complaint about SR4 is the fact it's more invariable than Call of Cthulhu is when it comes to campaign styles. And CoC itself has, at most, 10 campaign styles it can support, as opposed to the 121 million of GURPS or the 200 of SR3. The rest of the complaints are all merely what adds up to the biggest one.
Due to dice mechanics, SR4 cannot support the type of ultra-corp, we-are-hired-by-governments campaign style, or even anything even close to it. It is a street style game, and the entirety of the mechanics are geared towards that. That is why it has easily-reached limits and why the entire dice system starts to fall apart when you start getting into anything above a 6 in anything. That's also why the advancement system is the way it is. Using that for a group of UCAS marines really doesn't support the "we're badass and you know it" style associated with that type of campaign. And, when you get cases where the PCs are running a corporation and dealing with other corporations (say, my campaign or a similar style The Grat Krass is involved in), then pretty much the entire system falls apart or actually actively discourages it.
It's much like how much you have to tweak DnD to create a low-powered campaign without heavy magic involvement.
In the end, it would take me two weeks just to create enough houserules to make SR4 compatible with anything above street and manage to have actual game balance. Unlike SR3, SR4 simply doesn't scale. |
And, to be honest, there you have it: I was being negative about the system, not the people who play it. Oh, and if you bothered to check more of my posts, you would find out that in spite of my complaints I plan on playing it anyway as I see a use for it. You see, not everyone who complains about SR4 actually hates it.
Liking SR 4 does not make me: an idiot, a moron or a dickhead ( just a few quotes ), nor does not agreeing with you guys make me any of those. Really, your name calling, insulting and fit throwing reminds me of my 5 year old niece, she also communicate like that when someone doesn't agree. Try to keep it clear of personal stuff. |
No, but your, as mfb put it, "telling SR4-haters to keep quiet on a thread about why SR4-haters are so quiet" does. Remember: Topic titles do have some relevance to the discussion at hand. Really, after awhile of putting up with that bullshit, it gets tiring.
Oh well, Now that i have tasted your great, welcomming attitude myself, I probably will stay clear of posting here again. You guys really should try to take a look at some of the other fora out there, and see how fan communities can work. |
If you think we're hostile, you really are a newbie to forums. Trust me, kid, we've been downright civil. Try the GameFAQs forums, or maybe the DnD forums. Then, after you've been spanked by them a few times, come back and tell us how hostile we are. Hell, for a gaming forum, we're fucking saints.
Too bad, again, SR4 looks like a great game, and deserves great fans. |
SR4 has them. Some of them are man enough to admit the game they play has flaws and to point them out. I'm one of them. I'm just annoyed enough with you that I decided to bare hands.