Sep 1 2005, 10:55 AM
Some weeks ago a lot of people here complained and complained about SR4 without actually knowing either the rules nor the new setting.
Now SR4 is availabe (at least as PDF) and no "I hate SR4 because no Drop Bears are in it"-threads appear here. What happened to all the SR4-haters? Can't imagine they all deleted their DS account.
Sep 1 2005, 10:57 AM
if only...
looks like most skipped the hate phase and have gone into house rule mode.
just look at all the threads and posts about house ruleing anything from matrix or skills...
Sep 1 2005, 10:57 AM
There are no hate-threads. But enough 'let us houserule that' postings in a bunch of threads.
Sep 1 2005, 10:59 AM
That's not the same
Sep 1 2005, 11:34 AM
We're beyond hate, and into the "acceptance/modification" stage. Deal. It's crap (like we thought it'd be), so we're done complaining about it to no avail, and now able to get our paws on it and try to fix it into something we wanted to play. That's life. A few weeks ago all we could do was look at every tidbit of information released, gnash our teeth about them, and bitch -- now that it's out, we can do something semi-productive instead of post to DS, so that's what's happening.
Welcome to progress.
Sep 1 2005, 11:37 AM
In those golden old days, when 3rd edition was arriving, the 'conservatives' have not been so progressive. Oh good old times, where have you gone?
Sep 1 2005, 12:35 PM
Like Critias and others, I said what I had to say at the time. Now SR4 is here and my worst fears have been realised. I don't like SR4 so I'm not going to buy it, but what's the point of rehashing old issues? SR4 is here and that's the way it's going to be.
I'd rather be of what little use I can be helping with correcting some of the flaws in SR3, than indulge in pointless flame wars over an established fact for the entertainment of those who like that sort of thing.
Sep 1 2005, 12:47 PM
In those golden old days, when 3rd edition was arriving, the 'conservatives' have not been so progressive. Oh good old times, where have you gone? |
Oracle, I will buy you cookies. That's exactly how I feel about things.
P.S. To all you people who say your worst fears have been realized? You don't know squat. You should see the SR4 I can cook up when drunk. Ever seen a magic system predicated on 'give the sake bottle back to the GM, or take 2D6+Punch In the Gut stun damage?'
Sep 1 2005, 12:50 PM
Me likes cookies.

New editions alsways cause a lot of bitching.
Sep 1 2005, 12:54 PM
QUOTE (Oracle) |
Me likes cookies. 
New editions alsways cause a lot of bitching. |
And moaning. Can't forget the moaning. Wish we could.
Sep 1 2005, 01:00 PM
Adarael, as you don't know what my worst fears are I could also say 'You don't know squat'. I'm sure that any one of us could come up with a totally ridiculous system when drunk. All I am saying is that SR4 is IMO a game system that I don't wish to play. I hoped that this would not be so, but it is.
What I do know is that I don't like SR4. That is purely my own personal feeling. I hope that I am still allowed to express an opinion about SR4 which is negative, on a thread that specifically asked where all the negative SR4 threads had gone.
Sep 1 2005, 01:00 PM
QUOTE (Adarael) |
P.S. To all you people who say your worst fears have been realized? You don't know squat. You should see the SR4 I can cook up when drunk. Ever seen a magic system predicated on 'give the sake bottle back to the GM, or take 2D6+Punch In the Gut stun damage?' |
So your entire defense is "It could be worse"? Everything could always be 'worse', that doesn't make it 'good' or even 'tolerable'. As for what sort of system can be cooked up drunk, I'm one of Kagetenshi's players so I'll (sooner or later) be subjected to SR3R.
Sep 1 2005, 01:02 PM
QUOTE (blakkie) |
QUOTE (Oracle @ Sep 1 2005, 06:50 AM) | Me likes cookies. 
New editions alsways cause a lot of bitching. |
And moaning. Can't forget the moaning. Wish we could.
Then why post to a thread that was specifically asking where all the negative threads were?
Sep 1 2005, 01:03 PM
SirBedevere, CirclMastr: I think you take this thread way to serious, guys.
Sep 1 2005, 01:19 PM
QUOTE (SirBedevere @ Sep 1 2005, 07:02 AM) |
QUOTE (blakkie @ Sep 1 2005, 07:54 AM) | QUOTE (Oracle @ Sep 1 2005, 06:50 AM) | Me likes cookies. 
New editions alsways cause a lot of bitching. |
And moaning. Can't forget the moaning. Wish we could.
Then why post to a thread that was specifically asking where all the negative threads were?
Because the damn thing keeps turning blue and coming to the top, doesn't matter if i click on it on not.

P.S. It sure makes more sense than you posting on an SR4 board....still.
Sep 1 2005, 01:59 PM
QUOTE (SirBedevere) |
I hope that I am still allowed to express an opinion about SR4 which is negative, on a thread that specifically asked where all the negative SR4 threads had gone. |
I see I'm not allowed.
Sep 1 2005, 02:03 PM
QUOTE (SirBedevere @ Sep 1 2005, 07:59 AM) |
QUOTE (SirBedevere @ Sep 1 2005, 08:00 AM) | I hope that I am still allowed to express an opinion about SR4 which is negative, on a thread that specifically asked where all the negative SR4 threads had gone. |
I see I'm not allowed.
Well if you are reading the board anyway, have fun.

So let me rephrase that to:
It sure makes more sense than you being on an SR4 board....still.
EDIT: And yes, this assuming that you intend to grab an illegal copy of SR4 to try retro fit stuff into SR3. Not that that isn't ripe with lucious irony.
Sep 1 2005, 02:07 PM
Having picked up the PDF i'm wholly negative about sr4 with a few exceptions. I just don't feel the need to bitch about it here. My group has silently scrapped all plans to move to SR4 because of the (in out opinions) atrocious mechanics which negatively impact atmosphere and gameplay to a far reaching degree.
After perusing my copy noone else in my group will be picking up the core rules, we vote with our wallets.
If other people like it or can tolerate it, then good for them. It's done now.
Sep 1 2005, 02:23 PM
I've read these forums for a while, but never posted.
From what I have read about SR4 I am kinda worried that Fanpro have ruined a perfectly good game. They ruined Battletech, and now this.
The system seems to be filled with things that seemed like a good idea at the time, and havn't been actually thought out or analysed.
The posts on Glitches seem to be a good example of my point. You are more likely to Mess up if you have 2 dice than 1, or 4 fice than 3. That sucks. Can nobody who wrote this do maths?
Next I am worried about the background.
I always played SR for the background cos it was cool.
Why the hell did they mess with it so much. I liked it as it was. If it ain't broke don't fix it, and that is the bit that wasn't broke.
Wireless Matrix. What's the point? It makes no sense in the context of shadowrun. Even if there was a crash something that is just so stupid, it is insane. Why would you replace it with a brand new expensive system that only benefits people with stuff in their heads.
Corps are interested int he bottom line. The matrix worked fine and cost little. Why would you spend BILLIONS, or TRILLIONS on a new system?
If a system breaks you don't rip it out and replace it with something more complicated.
And how can it at all be useful for a shadowrunner. Surely the 1st and most vital security measure anyone can take is to NOT have their security accessed over radio waves!
Sep 1 2005, 02:32 PM
You are a little late with these kind of complaints.
Sep 1 2005, 02:33 PM
QUOTE (Daishi440) |
Wireless Matrix. What's the point? It makes no sense in the context of shadowrun. Even if there was a crash something that is just so stupid, it is insane. Why would you replace it with a brand new expensive system that only benefits people with stuff in their heads. Corps are interested int he bottom line. The matrix worked fine and cost little. Why would you spend BILLIONS, or TRILLIONS on a new system? If a system breaks you don't rip it out and replace it with something more complicated.
And how can it at all be useful for a shadowrunner. Surely the 1st and most vital security measure anyone can take is to NOT have their security accessed over radio waves! |
What do you replace it with then?
Especially if it breaks beyond repair. They do have a history of doing that, they replaced the net with the matrix after the first crash after all.
Not read SF yet, so still don't know exactly what happened.
But just think, everyone else also has wireless, providing you with a wealth of new opportunities.
But the only way to take advantage of such opportunities have the ability to connect to them. I mean, if you want to make sure you never get a virus from the internet, the most effective way to secure yourself is to turn off your internet connection (you can do a similar thing in SR4), but if you do that, you can't take advantage of the net can you?
Sep 1 2005, 02:33 PM
QUOTE (Daishi440 @ Sep 1 2005, 09:23 AM) |
Can nobody who wrote this do maths? |
Having read through a fair amount of the book, I can safely say the answer is "no".
Ranneko: you set up something whose information-carrying capacity doesn't quickly run afoul of the Shannon limit.
Sep 1 2005, 02:39 PM
Personally I miss the old priority-based character generation system. Having BP for those who like it is a good option, but I've always loved introducing new players to SR because character generation was so easy. You could build a character using just the 3rd edition book and not feel like the others with more experience had left you behind.
That said I have no intention of switching at this point. What I've seen of 4th edition doesn't sit well with me. Granted, I haven't seen a lot, but what I have seen doesn't excite me.
That would be like going to a movie after watching a sucky preview.
Well, it would be if movies cost $40

I'm still a bit interested though, and I'm sure at least one of my players will pick up a PDF that I can peruse. Who knows, maybe at some point I'll change my mind, but at this point I've got other expenses. I need another copy of Spycraft 2.0, Mastering Iron Lore just came out, and hopefully I'll be able to pick up a copy of System Crash when it comes out in print.
Heck, maybe I'll get lucky and a player will pick it up on PDF, then I won't have to worry about that either
Sep 1 2005, 02:41 PM
I know I am late, but as I said I never posted before.
I have bought every single SR3 book except first run and starter rules.
I think I won't be buying this before I have had a good look over someone elses PDF.
Is crimson skies next on their kill list?
Sep 1 2005, 02:47 PM
No blakkie I'm not going to use an illegally obtained copy of SR4. By the way, it's interesting to know you assume I'm a thief, I'm glad to know how I'm perceived here.
I am trying to help in the extremely limited way I can in Kagetenshi's SR3R project, not trying to retro fit SR4 into SR3.
I thought when this thread was started it was genuinely seeking information. That is the only reason why I 'bitched and moaned'. I see I was wrong.
Sep 1 2005, 02:54 PM
QUOTE (Daishi440 @ Sep 1 2005, 08:23 AM) |
The posts on Glitches seem to be a good example of my point. You are more likely to Mess up if you have 2 dice than 1, or 4 fice than 3. That sucks. Can nobody who wrote this do maths? |
You mean the oddity that comes from rounding off the number of dice needed to glitch? *shrug* Perfection, nope. But the differences aren't that huge, certainly nothing that i'd hold back dice because i was worried about it, and 2 dice still have a greater chance to glitch than 3.
P.S. It sure beats the hell out of the old version of it. Two levels of screw-ups. Happens more often than winning the lottery. Etc.
Sep 1 2005, 03:00 PM
Yeah, if the Glitch rules are the worst thing then this game's going to fuckin' rock.
Sep 1 2005, 03:05 PM
QUOTE (SirBedevere) |
No blakkie I'm not going to use an illegally obtained copy of SR4. By the way, it's interesting to know you assume I'm a thief, I'm glad to know how I'm perceived here.
I am trying to help in the extremely limited way I can in Kagetenshi's SR3R project, not trying to retro fit SR4 into SR3. |
So what was your reason for reading here again?

My apologies, for some reason i thought it might have been you that openly stated before that they were going to use an illegal copy of SR4 to retrofit things into SR3 (or SR3R?). Afterall i figured there might be some reason for you being here other than to push up your angst-meter, and intended theft was one that has been given before.
I thought when this thread was started it was genuinely seeking information. That is the only reason why I 'bitched and moaned'. I see I was wrong. |
Now, now. Don't be taking my comments out of context.

I didn't see moaning in your post.
Sep 1 2005, 03:27 PM
QUOTE (Clyde) |
Yeah, if the Glitch rules are the worst thing then this game's going to fuckin' rock. |
That would hardly be true even if it were the worst thing, but it isn't. Far from.
Sep 1 2005, 03:45 PM
I have yet to see anything I'd consider proof that SR4 has meaningfully "simpler, more streamlined" rules - at least as far as the basic resolution system is concerned.(thought admittedly, I haven't looked very hard at magic and rigging yet)
There are just fewer of them. So far. And anyone who believes SR4 is going to be saved from rules bloat is living in a dreamworld. A new edition comes out, the company puts out supplements, several years later there's as much junk to wade through as ever.
Sep 1 2005, 04:09 PM
SR4 Hater is such a strong term - I prefer SR4 DisiLiker

I hated the idea since it was announced (Feared it was coming before the announcment) Yeah, I complained, but hoped it wouldn't kill the game. from what I've seen of the system here - and I think I've seen a great deal - I don't like it. For a Shadowrun Game. They completey botched the setting - IMHO.
Wether they've killed it or not is another question - only time will tell.
*Shrug* I just haven't seen a reason to continue to post what I don't like about it. I said it once, and thats it. I ask the occasional question, but have pretty much reverted back to my former status of 'Semi Lurker'.
But for those of you that missed it, in a nutshell:
Shadowrun ended with 3rd edition. SR4 is a new game, based on Shadowrun. They just were not creative enough to give it a new name.
Sep 1 2005, 04:26 PM
My pessimism rains supreme.
I am torn between hoping that SR4 does not sell a single copy and I am proved right, or that it sells like wildfire and they can afford to make SR5...
Regardless of what happens, I am not so proud as to be above "retrofitting" SR4 to SR3, so I can use a story I love with rules that I love...
I hate tob e a naysayer Super, but do you really think, that if SR4 sells like wildfire, and they do make sr5 "soon", that they would go back to a ruleset from a previous version, that may not have sold 'like wildfire"?
Sep 1 2005, 04:31 PM
The best hope for an official return to SR3 is the death of the line followed by a resurrection a few years down the line. This has happened to other games, IIRC.
well, that would be possible Kage, i suppose, if by "wildfire", super ment "I hope SR4 sells like a wildfire in the arctic circle"... but i dont think thats what he ment.
Sep 1 2005, 04:34 PM
QUOTE (Supercilious) |
My pessimism rains supreme.
I am torn between hoping that SR4 does not sell a single copy and I am proved right..... |
That's not pessimism, that's flat out ignoring what's already happened.
Sep 1 2005, 04:38 PM
QUOTE (Aku) |
well, that would be possible Kage, i suppose, if by "wildfire", super ment "I hope SR4 sells like a wildfire in the arctic circle"... but i dont think thats what he ment. |
I'm not interpreting his statement, I'm offering a more likely path to the assumed goal.
Sep 1 2005, 05:18 PM
At least there is a thread that draws SR4 "haters" like moths to a flame.

QUOTE (SirBedevere) |
Now SR4 is here and my worst fears have been realised. I don't like SR4 so I'm not going to buy it, but what's the point of rehashing old issues? |
My worse fear is someone who makes wild accusations without reading the material and then attempts to provide fixes, without reading the material.

You should probably run for political office.
What is you worse fear specifically?
I kid, I kid. But seriously, majority of the people who seem to "hate" SR4 or have come to "accept" SR4 haven't read the book and base their assumption on what the forums have stated. If I had done that, I would never have bought the book.
But I guess I am digressing from the purpose of the thread and everyone's mileage will vary. Different tastes for different folks. But the camp of people who have not read the rules, hate the new edition and are offering fixes.... seems a little odd to me.
Sep 1 2005, 05:22 PM
QUOTE (Grinder) |
Some weeks ago a lot of people here complained and complained about SR4 without actually knowing either the rules nor the new setting.
Now SR4 is availabe (at least as PDF) and no "I hate SR4 because no Drop Bears are in it"-threads appear here. What happened to all the SR4-haters? Can't imagine they all deleted their DS account. |
As soon as I get the book (or I can read it) I will post my opnion on it. I was one of the more outspoken opponets of SR4, but I layed off after several people asked me to 'wait and see'. Well I am still waiting to get the book. But from what I can tell I am really not going to like it.
I don't belive there where ever 'hate' threads, just people who were vocal about being shafted. The hate thing was brought around by the blindly loyal.
Skeptical Clown
Sep 1 2005, 05:31 PM
What's the point of a hate thread? SR4 is out, there's nothing to be done. Except for never give FanPro money again. Which I won't.
Sep 1 2005, 05:38 PM
- So sergeant, can we drown them now that we have gathered them all ?
*Sorry, I couldn't prevent myself... just joking...

Sep 1 2005, 05:49 PM
Reactionary purists amuse me, no matter where they pop up.
This entire thread looks exactly like the complaints I saw about D&D 3rd edition.
The rules are, in fact, simpler. As a GM, from my read, the systems are /far/ more streamlined, in that there are no longer 6 different ways to, say, handle an attack. No longer are there different rules for melee as opposed to ranged combat, for example. Instead, there is one minor difference in mechanics, and different skills involved.
Honestly? I like it so far. I could do without shadowrunners having wireless-enabled cyberware...but, then, the book specifically states you can just turn it off for security reasons, which is precisely what most runners will do.
And, come on. It's not like SR2 and SR3 didn't suffer from mathmetical oddity. No difference between TN 6 and 7, anyone?
Marc Hameleers
Sep 1 2005, 05:54 PM
No difference between TN 6 and 7, anyone |
BURN!!! BURN !!! BURN!!!!
Sep 1 2005, 06:08 PM
QUOTE (Grinder @ Sep 1 2005, 05:55 AM) |
Some weeks ago a lot of people here complained and complained about SR4 without actually knowing either the rules nor the new setting.
Now SR4 is availabe (at least as PDF) and no "I hate SR4 because no Drop Bears are in it"-threads appear here. What happened to all the SR4-haters? Can't imagine they all deleted their DS account. |
I knew both the rules and the new setting. Complaining about something's flaws, when it's flawed, should not be viewed as a bad thing. The setting adjustments are acceptable (except for the insane loss of land mass in California, though I am under the impression that was a Photoshop error rather than grievous misunderstanding of the geography of the region).
Shadowrun 4th Edition has some nice things, has a good aesthetic (ignoring the cover art, sadly, and a few other internal artwork), good setting and world info (though there's a trailing SURGE reference with no substantiation to new players about waht SURGE is) but has rules that don't scale well (hence why hard limits exist that can be reached in creation) and don't work as they are intended (certain types of ammunition are just plain better than others in every situation, an adept with maxed-out combat sense is pretty much Neo, etc, etc...)
A lot of the problem was lack of developers understanding the system that they had created. Attempts were made to explain both the underlying math and the many manifestations of apparent misunderstanding, but not many of those instances were fixed. With ammunition types, for instance, you're gonna average one hit (i.e. +1/-1 DL) on three dice. If a type of ammunition drops an opponent's dicepool by 2, but reduces your damage by 1, then that ammo is going to do less damage (1/3 of a box). The opposite is true as well.
Ultimately, SR4 just doesn't thrill me. It plays with a sort of a nWoD feel, the rules don't work well, and... really, it just seems like shifting to a static target number was a bad call, with all the difficult-to-fix (hours of playtesting and brainstorming to produce good adjustments) and impossible-to-fix (hours of playtesting before admitting defeat) situations that cropped up as a lot of it. It might take me 25% less time to make a series of tests, but that faster play isn't free. I think the price was too high.
But, hey. I'm a SR4-hater. I should probably, you know, delete my Dumpshock account. It is verboten to speak of systems you don't like, or continue speaking of old editions after the eBook of the new edition has hit virtual shelves. The game police will come for me in the night, for my terror-loving, freedom-hating objective analysis of facts.
Sep 1 2005, 06:44 PM
Personally I think that no matter what nits I choose to pick with rules I've only seen in passing, a lot of the reason I dislike 4th edition is that it and I got off on the wrong foot.
You see, it was a matter of weeks after we were assured that there was no new edition being planned, here on this very forum, that we were told the game was in play-test.
I hate being lied to. And, if they weren't lying, then the first incarnation of these rules were written in a matter of days, which is scary in and of itself.
It's funny that people compare this to D&D 3rd edition. Perhaps it's true that this is reactionism at its finest, after all, I've had my 3E SR books for a LONG time ago(well, except for a new copy with the eratta in it I got a year ago

), and I've definately gotten my use out of them.
Unlike Star Wars d20 which had a revised edition within a couple months of release.
Then again, I don't by Star Wars books any more either. or World of Darkness, or Mutants and Masterminds, or Midnight, You get the idea. I hate new editions for games that are only a couple years old.
So, has it been long enough for SR? Sure, probably. Well, maybe if they hadn't still released third edition books right up to (and, in fact after) the release of 4E.
But still, I do so hate being lied to.
Besides, other than the deadliness of spells I like 3e
Sep 1 2005, 07:28 PM
Magic should be deadly, I mean come on.
If anything is going to be overpowered, it is magic. And if you ever want to balance Magic just limit initiation...
EDIT: So SR4 has been selling like wildfire? I figured, when I said SR4, I did not mean the BBB, I meant the sourcebooks and rules supplements, those will determine whether or not the system succeeds IMHO.
Sep 1 2005, 07:52 PM
QUOTE (Ghostfire @ Sep 1 2005, 01:49 PM) |
Reactionary purists amuse me, no matter where they pop up.
This entire thread looks exactly like the complaints I saw about D&D 3rd edition. |
I've heard about this thing you should look into... It's called Turd 2.0.
I know it smells funny, and there are flies, but it's
new, so it
has to be good...

I've switched RPG editions a few times - in D&D , WoD and in GURPS - and I've yet to feel the same way about any of those changes. I thought D&D 3E was a great change, thought GURPS 4E fixed more problems than it caused and is a major improvement but could have been a lot better, felt that the new WoD game just replaced one shitty system with another as an excuse to print a lot of new books, and currently think that SR4 "fixed" a lot of things that never gave me trouble and did away with a lot of things I liked. Didn't realize I was blindly reactionary the whole time.
Sep 1 2005, 07:58 PM
First of all, I'd just like to note that when a setting "dies" and is reborn, it typically comes back as a d20 version (which is something most people don't want here). Look at Traveller, Talislanta, Gamma World, etc.
The main thing SR4 has done for me is shed a light on the RPG system that I've loved to play for so many years and point out all the flaws intrinsic to that system, loaded down with the years of increasing the rules bloat rather than fixing it. There were a few times where the rules WERE streamlined (notice: VR1 to VR2 conversion), and after a few bumps and grinds, worked out pretty well, but there are so many things in SR4 that eliminates the problems of SR3. Things like the old Threshold 2 staging number (odd successes really don't mean anything), "6 is the same as 7" Target number, and the unrealistic firearms rules (which SR4 doesn't fix, by the way, although the attempt was pretty valiant and with just a few more tweaks it could actually work). Not to mention the fact that cyberware and bioware prices remained the same for over a decade (nothing is THAT immune to SOTA).
I like SR4. It has its own fair share of problems which are more blatantly obvious because of a lack of age and comparisons with the older refined SR3 system, but there are definitely good things from the system that could be grafted back to SR3. To find a system that is truly great, you'd have to find some way to deconstruct and rebuild the original mechanic such that you don't have to worry about the weird probability plateaus or the overwhelming contribution of skills + attributes (which SR3 is NOT immune to... we've had that mechanic all along, folks) or the "TN less than 6 or nothing" effect. I don't know how one could do it, especially not without copying an existing system out there.
Sep 1 2005, 08:05 PM
QUOTE (blakkie) |
QUOTE (Supercilious @ Sep 1 2005, 10:26 AM) | My pessimism rains supreme.
I am torn between hoping that SR4 does not sell a single copy and I am proved right..... |
That's not pessimism, that's flat out ignoring what's already happened. |
I'm curious, do we have any sales numbers? (I can only tell that my group loves it)
Sep 1 2005, 08:05 PM
One could start by having someone who has some sense of probability on the design team, and listening to them when they say, "No, that's stupid, that doesn't do what you want."
Starting with an existing system is a good idea--an existing system like SR3.
Cleaning up SR3 would have been much less work than rewriting SR4 because you could spend all your work on cleaning, not on trying to recreate mechanics that used to work fine but now are different.