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Hardened Military-grade Armor for 7: nuyen.gif 1,500,000
Tactical Computer and accessories: nuyen.gif 2,000,000
GMC Banshee armed to the teetch: nuyen.gif 6,500,000

Blowing the Yakuza to kingdom come: priceless

That's a really rough estimate of the money we need to lay out to get all this gear.

So we need to come up with about 5,000,000 as a team. That's a whopping 715k each! And I know Ian/Frosty can't pitch in more than 160,000. Fenris has already been very generous by matching our team funds so we might need to either recruit another merc or pare back our gear. Dammit!
Ian still has SUT:8 with an aptitude...nothing to sneeze at. We could outfit that armor with Battletac and still be looking good.
In order to save money on armor, what about gel packed and tricked out heavy security armor? Price after street index (before gel packs and helmet): 36,000. As apposed to 210,000 for heavy military grade stuff. (sorry if none of what I said made sense just got off a 12 hour mid.)
If y'all need another player, I can toss together a heavy weps/gunner/backup demo guy.
The active skills for my character (before karma)

Assault Rifles/AK98 [5/7]
Edged Weapons/Swords [4/6]
Small Unit Tactics/BattleTac Systems [5/7]
Launch Weapons/Rocket Launchers [5/7]
Biotech/First Aid [5/7]
Gunnery [6]
Stealth [4]
Athletics [4]
Wilderness Survival/Jungle [3/5]
Demolitions [3]

The concept is a critter hunter who lived most of his life near the mississipi river and grew to become a hunter of strange things. He came into contact with bounty hunters and he eventually became a mercenary. Do you see anything missing from his skills ?
Mister Juan
When do you want us to send the sheets by???
I'm more just waiting for you guys to hash out all the specifics and present me with a unified concept and a series of character sheets wink.gif

All that said, let's say Friday, Sept. 23.
Ok I have one, Lifter. Troll heavy weapons. HMG's and Rocket Launchers. I am hashing out the details of the character. I am modding a 123 pt char I made for another game.
bclements or Shadow... Any chance you could cobble your heavy weapons merc into a demolitions expert? You know, structural engineering, chemistry and a crazy glint in his or her eye. smile.gif

I can get it into my drone rigger, but it occurs to me that one of the big things we needed our team to do (drop buildings) is our biggest blind spot. Anyway, I'll retooling.

For now:

Alan Carnes (or so he says)

Alan is in his mid-late thirties, lean and wiry with a calculating look in his eyes. He has some sort of asthma or allergy and wears an air filter at all times. He doesn't talk much and only a few have heard his natural voice unmodulated by a transducer or subdermal mic. He's aces with electronic warfare and captains an array of dangerous and deadly drones. He is constantly (compulsively) surfing news sites and conspiracy boards and, if his theories are outlandish, it's rare that his teammates aren't thoroughly briefed on the political situations they find themselves in.

Alan is as shifty and twitchy a guy as you've ever met, but reliable when the chips are down.
Lifter could eaily do that ( I think he is already actually).
Cedric Rolfsson
Fenris, I haven't seen a response to my question concerning the karma costs for initiation, I'm going to assume that my character is going to use ordeals but not as part of a group for karma costs. Primarily I'm trying to determine if I can use the Familiar Ordeal to have a Familiar spirit.

If that is okay then I'll send off my character sheet to you tomorrow, I've got everything else figured out.


Should we as individuals purchase vehicles, or is that better left to a team expense?

I am assuming we're not picking up arms or armor beyond side arms and personal light armor.
Well I'm busy putting together the teams vehicle should be ready tomorrow for comments.

If we're going to be a unit we won't realy have much use for private stuff. Though I guess it depends how much we are going to do outside of this mission.

If you want a custom weapon might want to pick that up as well.
I'd say get your own weapons, but leave military armor for the team pool. THOUGH... since funds will be limited, I think the Banshee and the tactical computer are higher priorities than armor, but remember that Alan will be cooling his heels back behind the lines. biggrin.gif

Skills for Thayer (with karma):

Assault Rifles: 7*
Athletics: 5*
Biotech: 5
- First Aid: 8*
Computer B/R: 3*
Electronics B/R: 3*
Ettiquette: 3*
Gunnery: 5
Heavy Weapons: 5
Launch Weapons: 5
- Missile Launchers: 8*
Pistols: 6*
Small Unit Tactics: 5*
Stealth: 5*
Survival: 5*
Unarmed combat: 6*

As of right now I've got 300K+ left over for gear from character gen and can add 845K to the pool. Also disregard what I said about using gel packs with security armor, i didn't realize some of the negatives for using gel packs.

Mister Juan
Skills for Patrick (with Karma)

Assault Rifles [7]
Launch Weapons/Grenade Launchers [3/6]
Pistols [5]
Shotguns [6]
Throwing Weapons/Grenades [2/6]
Unarmed Combat-SR3/Fists [3/7]
Athletics [7]
Stealth/Hiding [3/6]
Intimidation/Physical [2/6]
Demolitions/Improvised Explosives [3/7]
Wilderness Survival/Forest [1/4]
Negotiation/Fast talk [1/7]
Car [3]
Assault Rifles B/R [3]
Pistols B/R [3]

As for money, I've got about 700 000 left over
I've factored in the cost for all the weapons Patrick would have, as well as a Heavy Security Armor.
I think that you can't have a specialization more than twice the rating of your standard skill. I might be wrong though.

Also, how much essence will I need for communication and BattleTac related cyberware?
Mister Juan
QUOTE (gobogen)
I think that you can't have a specialization more than twice the rating of your standard skill. I might be wrong though.

Even when you break that barrier because of karma?
Your specialized skill can't exceed your regular skill by more than twice. Even if you spend karma. The NSRCG doesn't stop you but thems the rules.
How else can you break it ? I mean, at character creation it specifically says you can have 1/3. Let me check in the book and I'll edit my post here.

Edit: From page 84 in the rulebook, skills section, specialization part.
No specialization can have a rating higher than twice the base skill rating except for a rating 1 base skill and a rating 3 specialization.
Mister Juan
Well, well well: just shows that I haven't red that BBB in quite some time biggrin.gif
Skills for Foxfire (prekarma)

Assult Rifles 5
Throwing Weapons (grenades) 2/4
Sorcery (spellcasting) 4/6
Conjuring (banishing) 2/4
Athletics 2
Etiquette (military) 2/4
Electronics 6
Demolitions 6
Car 2
Small Unit tactics 4
Electronics B/R 6

Open to suggestions...never really done a true combat mage before...
Current skills

Heavy Weapons(STR) [6](7)
Gunnery 6
Athletics(BOD) [4](5)
Stealth(QCK) [4](5)
Small Unit Tactics(INT) [3]
Heavy Weapons B/R(INT) [4](5)
Kick Boxing(STR) [2]
Etiquette(CHA) [2]

Knowledge & Language

Metalurgy 4
Structural Engineering 4
Civil Engineering 4
Smuggling Routes 4
Smugglers Havens 4
Gunsmithing 6
History of Mercs 4
Mercenary Tactics 4
Cedric Rolfsson
Cedric's Elf Hermetic Mage: IF APPROVED

Styx is a younger, handsome elf male. He has all of the proto-typical Elven grace and emaciated looks but lacks the height, standing only 5'10" tall, he is very short for an Elf.

In his late twenties he is technically competent but still young enjoy to be something of a risk taker. He carries himself with flair and style, dressing in suits or "preppy" wear. He spends much of his "down" time reading or playing chess.

Something of a cerebral player, compared to many professional soliders he is only barely competent with his weapons. His lack of height or bulk makes it difficult for him to be effective in close combat.

Active Skills:
Assault Rifles:---------------5
Etiquette(High Society)------2
Electronics B/R--------------3
Edged Weapons(Knives)----4(5)
Knowledge Skills:
Magical Theory---------------5
Small Unit Tactics------------3
Security Procedures----------3
Combat Magic Tactics--------2
Parazoology(Sec. Animals)---2(3)
English (LAN)----------------5
English (R/W)----------------3
French (LAN)-----------------3
French (R/W)----------------2

* Improved by Karma expenditure

If approved then I should have approx. 650k-700k to add to the group fund.
Seems fine to me, after having reviewed the full character sheet.

Code Name: Indiana Jones
Real Name: Stilan Einar Bjordalen
Archtype: Critter Hunter / Mercenary

Active Skills (Note: The plusses are from bioware)

Launch Weapons/Rocket Launchers [5/10] +1+1
Assault Rifles/AK98 [6/11] +1+1
Small Unit Tactics/BattleTac Systems [5/9]
Edged Weapons/Swords [4/8] +1+1
Biotech/First Aid [5/8] +1
Gunnery [7] +1
Athletics [6] +1+2
Stealth [5] +1
Wilderness Survival/wetlands[3/5]
Demolitions (commercial) [3/5] +1

Knowledge Skills

SW:Paranormal Animals(KNO) [6]
AC:Parazoology(KNO) [6]
SW:Magic(KNO) [6]
AC:Biology(KNO) [4]
AC:Botany(KNO) [4]
Arms Dealers(KNO) [3]
Smuggling Routes(KNO) [2]
Smuggers Haven(KNO) [2]
IN:Gambling Card Games(KNO) [2]

About him

Indiana is a human male originally from Norway. He has lived in the CAS since he was a teen. He has made a name for himself hunting critters near the Mississipi river and in the swamps. His abilities have been highly enhanced by several cybernetic and bioengineered improvements. His expertise and professionalism are also undeniable. Although his manners may sometimes lack, he shows a lot of respect for coworkers and employers alike. Overall, he is a very quick, very skillful and very reliable mercenary. He can get the job done for you.
658,400 nuyens left for team expenses. I would rather spend no less than .5 Essence on cyber for communications (I hope that's enough). I can free up some more essence and/or money if it's worth it.
I'm still playing with the Vehicle, we have a couple choices here.

The semi Subtle route. Internal weapons + some signature enhancers. Cost around 2.5-2.6m before SI.

The Tank route. Slightly more weapons all external so obvious. 2.4-2.5m before SI.
Nothing says I love you quite like a railgun and a bunch of missiles.

Silent Killer route (Fun to look at but probably not going to happen) Major Stealth equipment, high ED ECM. Internal weapon mounts.
Cost 4-5m at a guess before SI.

These are all military grade vehicles so SI = 3.

Seeing as we're going to be blowing the crap out of everything the tank route is looking good. Silent Killer would be awsome to play though.

These exclude weapons but I'll probably pick up most of the weapons out of my starting budget. I'll probably be throwing my entire 1m extra into team fund.
Cedric Rolfsson
Fenris I forgot to address Edges and Flaws on my character sheet, I'll address those and send them along in an email.

706,250 to add to the Team fund.

Do we have any volunteers to organize this unit and put together the team fund allocations?

I think we should all post proposed purchases from the Team funds and specific areas that are covered individually. Here are some of my proposals.

Personal Purchases:

Ward casting units, elemental summoning units, foci and fetishes. I'm good.

Team funds:

Weapons, armor, team contacts, safe houses, base of operations, electronic security system. Kits and facilities for Electronics, and Mechanics and Demolitions. Vehicles.

Team funds:

Weapons, armor, team contacts, safe houses, base of operations, electronic security system. Kits and facilities for Electronics, and Mechanics and Demolitions. Vehicles.

Well the weapons and armor which should be part of team fund are those with military grade in my opinion, like heavy weapons, missile launchers, military armor, but not assault rifles and such. Also, instead of getting my character's a military suit, he might like a ruthenium paint and scanners on his heavy security armor instead but these are just details (I see him as a hunter in the swamps, totally camouflaged.. it's pretty cool cyber.gif).
damn this looks like fun, is there still room for one more? I was thinking along the lines of demo/buidling expert
I think we have 8 already, Aku, but it couldn't hurt to throw your hat in the ring. Someone always drops, right? More demo/building experts are sorely needed (Shadow - your guy needs active Demo skill, he's got some good knowledge skills)
alright, i'll toss something together, and hope, maybe he'll take 9 instead
*switches off rutheniums*

Ok all just wanted to say it all looks great. As one of the people hiring you all, my hopes have gone way up!! Looks very solid.

*waves hand in front of your face* I was never here.

*switches on rutheniums*
"Wha... What the hell was that?" facelick.gif

have the numbers done, still thinking on the way, and might need some help with some gear/cyber

EDIT: but no sense in continueing further if everyone is dedicated already
As much as I want to play in this one I think I have to bow out. Aku you can have my spot.
YES! happy happy joy, joy, happy hap...errr

i mean, sorry you feel that way shadow biggrin.gif

To avoid a double posting, heres my skills, as they stand:

Friedrich Losenstein AKA Boomer

Boomer is a classical German, despite being a troll, and would've thrown the 3rd Reich's idea of a "perfect" person on it's head. Tall and muscular, he has blonde hair and blue eyes, and his momma (who's human) still manages to tell him he's handsome, although charismatic, he isn't. He isn't very succint with words, although he understands English and German well enough, from a young age, there was only one concept he grasped well enough to care about.... "BOOM", wether it was making cannonballs in the local swimming pool as a kid, or improvised explosives to impress friends, He always enjoyed making things go boom. After attending college as an engineer (mostly so he could demoish things legally) he served his stint in the german army where he had a successful career as the demolitions expert, until he retired and joined a shadowy merc corp, where he continues his distingueshed and imppecable career, save one incident, which allowed a genocidal leader escape to continue his ways in the Balkens.

AR 5
Heravy Weapons 5
Launch Weapons 5
Demolitions(commercial explosives) 5(7)
Ettiquite 3
Biotech 3

Civil Engineering 6
Engineering 6
Structural engineering.... 6!
Demolitions 6
Military THeory 3
Meditiation, desert wars, roleplaying games all 1
I'll get my character built up and in by the morning. Gunnery/Heavy Weps/Backup Demo guy sound good? Any other skills needed that aren't covered?
I can't believe I forgot to mention that my character Indiana has the connected edge and knows well a big arms dealer who can give him cheaper access to top level weapons and armor. This should help us.
Sweet gobogen!
Gabrial Burns AKA Taxi


Gunnery [8]
Electronics [6]
Car [6]
Electronics B/R [5]
Launch Weapons B/R [5]
Gunnery B/R [5]
Launch Weapons [5]
Car B/R [5]
Vector thrust Aircraft B/R [5]
Pistols/Predator 3 [3/6]
Vector Thrust Aircraft/Banshee [5/10]

Knowledge & Language
Arms Dealers(KNO) [4]
Security Companies(KNO) [4]
Security Procedures(KNO) [4]
Mercenary Groups(KNO) [4]
Gunnery(KNO) [4]
Launch Weapons(KNO) [4]
Electronics(KNO) [4]
Car(KNO) [4]
Vector Thrust Aircraft(KNO) [4]
Lone Star Tactics(KNO) [4]
English(LAN) [6]
English(LAN) (RW) [3]
German(LAN) [6]
German(LAN) (RW) [3]
Hey Fenris, what's your email address for sending you the final version of the characters ? And do you want it before we buy ourselves the military equipment?
Go ahead and dump the final expenditures for the group fund here in the thread, so everyone can see it and it's not any one persons responsibility.

For individual characters, send to quantumthoughts(at)gmail(dot)com
ok, so obviously i'm gonna need some big weapons, and LOTS of explosives (BTW, can anyone think of an explosive safe container?) but any suggestion on what sorta cyber i might want, aside from eye enhancements, ears?
C-6 and normal plastiques are fairly hard to set off with actually being set with a detonater and blasting cap and such. It can be squished, shot, crunched, spit on, etc without going off wink.gif
what about fireballed?
Cedric Rolfsson
BC or Aku if you guys are thinking in terms of Demo experts etc why not put together a combat Shaman that has those skills? We have a pair of hermetics and I like the combination of elementals and spirits for combat and see no reason why a shaman couldn't have the demo skills too.

Just a thought.
Cedric Rolfsson
Alright team, I went through the thread and organzied the posts concerning Team Fund contributions; Here is what we have so far, but it would help if everyone posts the EXACT amount of their contribution.

Mister Juan: Approx 700K
Chance359: Approx 845K
FrostyNCO: Approx 160K
Gobo: Exact 658,400
Cedric: Exact 675,000 (I'm keeping spending money)

that means we have a whopping 3,038,400 dropped into the Team Fund, with Fenris matching dollars that means we've got 6,076,800 to spend.

If everyone will post their contributions I will edit this post to reflect those numbers for the exact amount available for Team Fund spending.
Hmm, with that karma...great form Stay Puft spirit it is! biggrin.gif
i could, but i'll admit i'm not very good with magic stuff, so if BC would rather
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