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...<insert previous military experience here>

Wanted: 4-8 mercenaries with previous urban and high-profile operations experience, wanted for wetwork in a AAA neighborhood on the outskirts of Seattle. Benefits include a large chunk of nuyen for a single nights work, relatively light legwork, and all the neon blue with the wavey purple lines and green edged Pop-tarts you can eat.

Send your resume into your trusted fixers for consideration.

Okay, down to the nitty-gritty. A call has basically gone out over mercenary channels for a team of consummate professionals. No requirements on previous experience working together, but they don't want wet behind the ears greens here. If you haven't worked together, you have to have worked. Minimum two years of verifiable field experience. Group of Shadowrunners in Seattle are looking for people to handle the heavy ordinance. Heavy Weapons, Launch Weapons, Demolitions, Gunnery, skills like this will be requirements just to get in the door. Mages and Adepts feel free to apply, but make sure you're used to knocking on the door with both fists. Loud, flashy, high destructive, and area-effect are the watchwords for this particular job. Pays 37.5 to 75k nuyen for a single hit on a single target, no restrictions on profile or collateral damage. You don't have to be legal in the states, but you need to be able to make it to Seattle within 3 days of being notified. You're hitting a major player in organized crime, so be ready pay the piper if it comes calling. But hey, that kind of stuff comes with the job, right? Must be meta-human friendly. Sneaky, stealthy characters need not apply.

Alright, for the actual mechanics. Char-gen rules follow:

Number of players: Looking for 4-8.

Setting: One run on a AAA rated neighborhood, hitting the equivalent of a AAA megacorporation main headquarters.

Time: October, 2064. SURGE edges and flaws are available per the Year of the Comet. Don't forget the extra five build points to be a "Changeling"

Build: Build Points (130),

Additional: Add 130 karma and 1,000,000 (Money spent after chargen should include street index)

Karma for cash: 1 karma=5000 and vice-versa (bought karma does not add to karma pool)

Throw in any character concept you want, as my table top players know, I'm more interested in making sure everyone's having fun then playing a strictly cannon game. However, keep in mind that even metahuman's are prejudiced against the metavariants, so if you want to play a night one, expect people to stare, gawk, and remember you very clearly. Also, if you're going to play a Ghoul, keep in mind similar things. You smell like dead meat all the time, you have overly pale skin, you're blind, and it's uncomfortable almost to the point of pain to be in the sun. Bred Drakes, you'll have all that and more, including the whole automatic 6 point automatic Dragon Enemy. The only thing worse then dealing with dragons...

Since the characters are established, you can have custom gear. Just make sure it's detailed out.

I require either the HTML files that NSRCG spits out, or text files. Only these two options exist. Any other file format will result in the character being rejected and replaced wink.gif

I do not accept Raygun's weapons.

I'll be posting on a regular basis. I won't guarantee once a day every day, and I'm usually a bit more relaxed on the weekends, but there will be at least two significant storyline bumps each week. One on Tuesday, and one on Friday. I'll update between of course, but these two bumps are mandatory. This is in hopes of keeping the game from stalling out like so many other board games.

Metahumans start with 2 points of karma pool (house rule).

Karma will be awarded at the rate of 1 point per week (every Tuesday) and extra bumps after significant story events.

By the way, I'm God, and I don't have to be nice. If you're doing something I don't like, there will be 1 warning. Just one.

When submitting a character eMail me your characters and post a short description here in the Recruitment thread containing your final Skills list (w/ratings) and a short blurb of information on previous experience or your reputation as a merc. I'm not looking for full backgrounds, and I don't want more then a couple of lines. This is just info for your employers to read over and decide who to interview. Once you're selected you'll be called to the main IC thread for IC interviews with the other characters. It's up to them who they select, so point your sucking up in their direction if possible biggrin.gif
You talk about mercs more used to frontal assaults - would a sniper be something along these lines or you need closer and personal combat experience?

I will be doing the sheet and maths tonight (European night) at home just wanted to give aheads up that I am interested and hear your thoughts about making a sniper....
::plans on whipping up a demolitionist:: Gotta love making things go boom smile.gif
grinbig.gif This is niiiice.

I'll put together a Troll Merc who's self-trained and coming from Norway. Ever seen a huge troll with long natural blond hair before ? cool.gif
Mister Juan
I'm interested. I'll start working on something.

Troll, Wildcat-gone-merc (Actually - the Cheyenne branch - the Hotamemasehao'o (Dog Soldiers))

Specialties: Heavy Weapons, Demolitions, Launch Weapons and Politics.

EDIT: Do we want to make a merc team between the interested folks? We can get good coverage and deliberate overlap on specialties and have a consistent level of professionalism and team-skill.
Yeah I'd sure want to work this way.

Specialties I was considering: Assault, Heavy Weapons
Secondary Specialties: Lauch Weapons, Close Quarters, Gunnery

We could really use a rigger. There's enough starting ressources to go for some crazy stuff, like a combat helicopter. Especiallly if we pool our ressources to this end. That would make our team a very interesting choice.
If I knew a blasted thing about 3rd Ed riggers, I'd bite. But I don't.

Unless someone wants to walk me through it...?

EDIT: For the team aspect - it'd be cool to have an really fantastic illusionist who can make armageddon appear to happen. Moreso, I mean.
Also - Fenris - as far a minimal legwork - does that mean that if we have questions about the IC target/job, you (or the PCs) have answers?

Specialties: Demolitions, combat magic, illusion magic
Secondary: ARs, electronics, health and detection magic
Oh, man. I can't wait to see that character, Whizbang.

I'm trying to dig up info on riggers, thinking Rigger/Tactics specialist.
Cedric Rolfsson
SR3 game, mass destruction, I'm interested.

I'll try a Elven combat mage; think Kyle Luppas from "Headhunters".

Edit: Question re: chargen

Can we spend more than 60 bp on atts?

Are there limits on Edge and Flaw points?
Hmm I'll toss together a rigger. Always wanted an attack chopper smile.gif Lemme see what I can put together.. I presume custom vehicles are acceptable?

Any limits on avalibilities?
Cedric Rolfsson
Cedric's Elven Combat Mage Character concept:

[ Spoiler ]

If this concept works I'll get the character sheet done


If we're going with a previously organized team, like a military unit that's previously formed etc. then I'll change this character background around. I'm trying to make a astral specialist whose primary contribution is the use of various elementals with spell support.
If theres still room (damn I woke up late) I'd offer a ork merc.

Primary Abilities: AR, Grenades, Medic
Secondary: Interogation, Demo, Recon

Also how does Avail work from getting stuff post character generation?
Netlich - The team that's hiring you is planning on going in all stealthy like, they're looking for people to blow up everything but the building they're standing in, basically clear the area. So the sniper isn't the best choice, simply because snipers tend to do single shot single kill actions, as opposed to area denial effect type stuff wink.gif

Regarding a Team of Merc's - If you guys want to put together a team of mercenaries that work together on a regular basis, I like the idea enough that I'm willing to toss extra money towards it. You can be indie's or working for one of the major merc groups, I personally don't care. If everyone gets together in the group, I'll double whatever money each character donates to a group pool to be used for equipment for the whole group, like vehicles and Battle-Tac. I maintain veto rights over what's considered group equipment though, so this isn't a free slush fund for your personal gear biggrin.gif

As a side note, I think a merc group with this extra gear and the experience together would have a much better bargining position for things like higher pay or hazard bonuses wink.gif

ES_Sparky - Basically, everything you want to know should be provided by your employers. However, since the employers are other PC's, you'll have to work out the specifics as a group.

Cedric Rolfsson - You're still limited by char-gen rules regarding spending build points, so no, you can't spend more then 60 points on stats. You can, however, raise your stats using karma afterwards, up to your racial modified max.

Limits on Edges and Flaws are as per SRC. No more then 5 edges, no more then 5 flaws, and you can't recieve more then 5 build points from flaws after paying for edges.

Tashio - Custom vehicles are definitely available, I just want the entire build for the machine broken out so I can see the points and costs. Also, if the group is going for the "merc company" outfit, you may have more then just your starting cash for vehicles, so you might want to talk to them before you build anything.

Limits on availability with starting cash are standard. Nothing above Avail 8/Rating 6. However, with the money provided after char-gen, availabilities are not an issue. However, you do have to be able to provide an explanation for anything outrageous, and you have to pay Street Index.

Chance359 - See note to Tashio above.
Ok I'll toss in an idea.

What if ... we're a well-known group of Merc from Germany (or some other place) with somewhat of a good rep. We're part of an international merc organization to which we pay a percentage while they get jobs for us from all over the world. We're a team scpecialized in demolition and no subtleties, exactly the team that was being asked for. We might decide to have a name or not, we might decide to have a uniform or not.

I know this is not adding much but at least it summarizes. What do you guys think?
Well was planing on getting something similar to the MI24-Hind, combat and transport all in one. Possibly a well equiped van of sorts as well.

So yea some extra cash might come in handy specialy when have to start paying street index

That works for me Gobo
Cedric Rolfsson
Just a thought folks, remember that this is an urban setting and that what we're being contracted for is grossly illegal. Many of the larger merc units wouldn't get involved in this type of deal since they are monitored and must worry about things like public image and economic pressures. What's being proposed is a shadowrun rather than a mercenary contract for military services. I doubt many IRS agents would be happy to see an itemized return with the entry: "50,000.00 from Y corp for assassination of X".

How about we're a small unit of professional mercs, specialist who have been sub-contracting with larger units in the past for specific shadow tasks that they can't be involved with above boards. Little known outside the international mercenary circuit we are the people who get called in when military force is needed but cannot be used legitimately.
Mister Juan
Just got back home and I'm really into this! I was actually going to do a rigger, since I've never tried, but since some already flagged it, I'm going to go with my second idea.

An Irishman who's done most of his merc work "free" agaisn't Tir Na Nog (I can never remember how to write this), and so, is really geared toward guerilla warfare, urban operations, geeking elves (hihihi), dealing with magical threats and generally good with every kind of improvised weapon (since he's more of a "terrorist" than a military guy).

I'll get working on the background and sheet tonite.

As for skills:
Primary: AR, Shotguns, Lauching Weapons
Secondary: Demolition (improvised, mostly), boxing, paranormal animals (dealing with them) wink.gif
QUOTE (gobogen)
We're a team scpecialized in demolition and no subtleties.

I like everything except that. I think it'd be cool to be good at anything (though twinking for the game probably isn't a bad idea)

But we definitely need uniforms! And a name (for the bigger company and for us)

I'm fine with the parent organization being based in Germany. And dagnabit TASH... I wanted to be the rigger, but I totally defer to you since it sounds like you have a clue.

Or... we could have two riggers... ....hmmm?
Howabouts... IPOA.

Or whatever they have become. I like the mission statement.

Ian Crassius Drake

age: 54
height: 6' 2" weight: 200 lbs
hair: blonde (white) eyes: blue
metatype: human
distinguising characteristics: snake tattoo on right forearm

Organizational Experience:

- UCAS Army, Special Forces, Medical Sergeant > 2030-2042

- French Foreign Legion, 3 REI, 2REP > 2044-2049

- French National Police, RAID (Reaction, Assistance, Intervention, Dissauder), Assault Force Commander > 2052-2060


Combat Trauma Surgury
Extended Field Medical Operations
Force Creation, Training and Command
Close Quarters Battle
Wilderness Survival
Airborne Operations
Guerilla Operations
Military Reconnaissance
Jungle Warfare
Urban Operations/Warfare
Breach Tactics
Apprehension and Arrest Operations
Civilian Special Warfare and Police Operation

OOC : As you can see, Ian is getting a bit on in age, and has been out of the game for a few years, having retired after a long military career (albeit spreadout), but brings a weatlth of information and broad experience into the mix. Gonna be hard to do with only +130 karma...but It could be attributed to skill atrophy (i guess?)
Is the snake tattoo significant - is it something we could adopt as a company (or sub-company) thing? (if Frosty doesn't mind, that is)


We could all forego purchasing armor (since we can't get mil spec stuff) in chargen and get it after chargen with money contributed to the team fund (matched by Fenris!) - the way I see it, that armor is our company uniform right? Not personal gear... wink.gif
Not really a great tatoo anymore, he got it when he was like 24...sooooo.

But's it a pseudo characterization of the snake on the old "Don't Tread on Me" flags of the American revolution.
Ian could be the founder of our sub-company within the larger company?

Also - Tashio - have you given any thought to VTA? How freaking cool would a Banshee be?! I can back us up with a roadmaster or land APC.

Banshee (just for example) is 2.25 mil. That's 6.75 mil after the street index. Which means as a company we have to come up with 3.4 mil. That's 560k each on a team of 6 or 425k each on a team of 8.
Mister Juan
That sounds like a plan wink.gif I'm in for the cash. I'll set a block of it aside
I have a Troll Heavy weapons expert that would be great for this, let me dust him off, upgrade him and I will send him in.
Mister Juan
All done with my character: I'll be posting sheet and background shortly.

Just wanted to let you know that I have about 700 000 nuyens left over. I could probably buy more cyber, but I'd rather keep it for the team.

I didn't buy anything that has to do with communication gear or battletac system... since thats more of a team thing to decide. Anyways: those 700 000 go in the team pool wink.gif
Mister Juan

To be presumed armed and extremely dangerous. Shoot on sight.

Subject: O'Mailey, Patrick Sheamus
DOB: 01-09-2029
Birthplace: Dublin, Tir Na Nog
Metatype: human

Last known physical description (as of 08-11- 2059): 5'10", 195 lbs, short red hair, full beard, green eyes. Has a fully cybered right arm (original one is rumored to have been lost in the 2052 gunfight between a TRC assault group and INLA elements outside of Dublin).

This individual is a know member or affiliate of the following declared terrorist organisation and enemies of the Tir:
-The Official IRA
-Irish National Liberation Army
-Various Protestant Paramilitary groups, including the URF and NURM.

Wanted in connection with numerous homicides and bombings in the Dublin and Belgrad areas that caused the death of government officials, members of the nobility and military officers.

The subject apparently fled the Tir around 2054, when the cell he was part of, located in Dublin, was captured. Seven of the Twelve members were O'Mailey: all have been found guilty and executed as of 2054.

Last known whereabouts: Caen, Normandy, France.

This individual has received extensive training in guerilla and urban warfare through organisation such as the Official IRA and the INLA. He has demonstrated a knowledge in explosive, and is suspected of having been involved in the 2052 carbombing that killed Thomas O'Neil, director of Armaments Éireann-Tir.


Since, 2054, Patrick has simply been roaming around Europe, offering his services to whom ever was ready to pay the price tag. He still strongly supports the IRA and INLA, but simply cannot put foot on Irish soil anymore.
Should I post his full character sheet here?
QUOTE (ES_Sparky @ Sep 14 2005, 10:06 PM)
Ian could be the founder of our sub-company within the larger company?

Also - Tashio - have you given any thought to VTA? How freaking cool would a Banshee be?! I can back us up with a roadmaster or land APC.

Banshee (just for example) is 2.25 mil. That's 6.75 mil after the street index. Which means as a company we have to come up with 3.4 mil. That's 560k each on a team of 6 or 425k each on a team of 8.

I had the idea Ian was just one of those guys who simply doesn't know how to do anything else, and had to fall back on what he did know when times got tough. Being too old to move into any official organizations from the outside (he was retired, and 54 is no age to start at the bottom of the ladder), he turned to the "private" sector.

I could see him as "middle management" of sorts for a merc company (maybe a trainer with lots of experience <skills like these are perishable if you don't practice constantly> or an officer of sorts depending on if organization would be military-style or corporate), but as a guy who left the game at one point anyways, I could never see him going in on founding a new company. Possibly a reluctant co-founding though if he knew the partner well enough.
Mister Juan - Nope, email me the character in the appropriate format. Please make sure you send it in the right format. I'd hate to have to bounce someone because of that wink.gif

Currently, anyone on this thread is running the show. You guys can decide to be a previous group or not, take advantage of the nuyen matching or not. I just need to have a clear consensus to take back to the players by next Monday.
Frosty - I was thinking the sub-company could be one Ian founded in his youth - and he's back now, but it's been taken over by younger faster folks, though not more experienced. Not sure if that would be his cup of tea, though. smile.gif

He seems like a good candidate for the old-man-seen-it-all tactics whiz - tactical computer/battle tac guy. I'd be willing to chip in to our team fund for his tactical computer that if he's got the ESS. (1.6 mil that we'd need to come up with 800 k of)

Okay mailing my sheet off to Fen. Will post a coherent BG in the AM. Er... later in the AM.
Ok I changed my character idea entirely. He's a human who has made a name for himself hunting huge critters across the Confederated American States. He has had a team working for him but he got out of employment for undisclosed reasons and no one would pay for his services anymore in that region, so he travelled a bit and got himself into a mercenary association. He's been a mercenary for longer than he was a critter hunter, but because of his background, they still call him Indiana Jones.

Specialities: Gunnery, Launch Weapons, Assault Rifles
Secondary: Biotech, Demolition, (whips?? wink.gif)
Cedric Rolfsson
Can we re-cap folks, just to clear up this in my own head.

Are we all agreed to be a small shadowy sub-group of mercs. Totally off the books, not associated with any one group anywhere, who engages in operations of more questionable legality for the right price?

If we are agreed on that then I think we should develop look at what specialties such a team would need and make sure we've got someone covering each area. I like the idea of reserving cash from each individual to throw into the Equipment fund.

Areas that I think we'll need coverage:

Transportation/Drones, Demolitions, Surveillance, Heavy Weapons, Combat Magic, Medical, Groundpounders

Obviously I'm not a military person, those of you with military experience who have some understanding of what a military special operations unit would consist of( cough *Frosty* cough) please speak up.
Yeah Cedric, I just closely read your ealier post about 'legit' mercs not touching this job. We could be under a larger shadow merc company... totally off the books. I really don't care, I just want uniforms! And a cool name!

Count me in for the smaller, unafilliated team of mercs. I'd say we don't represent the entirety of the merc team, maybe like 12-20 others (that we can take as contacts).

This is the coverage we have (if I got anything wrong, let me know so I can edit in the corrections. Some of it is inferred - apologies for anyone/thing I missed):

Assault - 3 specialists: Chance359, Gobogen, Mister Juan
Demolitions – 2 specialists: Chance359, Whizbang
Drones – 1 specialist: ES_Sparky (current newish concept)
Gunnery – 3 specialists: Gobogen, ES_Sparky, Tashio (assumption)
Heavy Weapons – 0 specialists: (I’m betting it’s a secondary for a lot of folks)
Launch Weapons – 3 specialists: Chance359, Gobogen, Mister Juan
Magic – 2 specialists: Cedric Rolfsson, Whizbang
Medic – 2 specialists: Chance359, FrostyNSO
Surveillance – 1 specialist: ES_Sparky (current newish concept)
Transport – 1 specialist: Tashio

We're light on heavy weapons. We're light on surveillance, transport and drones, which is probably ok.
This seems fine. The next step might be to work all together on the sheets, but it seems there should not be any sheets around here... so we have to agree beforehand on whose good at what.

If I counted right, that's 7 PCs for the team. I think that's fair. For a job that pays that well, it's worth it to be more and cover/complement each other.

I'm 100% in favor of our group being part of an underground/shadow mercenary business. Again, I believe it should be international since the demand for such a group is limited, in particular because of the limited number of employers who can afford its services. A group name is in order so suggestions are good. Uniforms are likely to fit the team name/concept if any smile.gif
My ork merc's primary skills are First Aid, Assault Rifles and Launch Weapons. Seconday skills are Gunnery, and a few B/R needed for field repairs on electronics, and Launch Weapons. I should have about 700K left out of that million to contribute to the team fund.

I probably going to chance my skills around some and go for night/limited visibilty fighting and close combat for secondary skills.
Cedric Rolfsson

In this type of unit would a combat mage, whose primary contributions would be the use of elementals and astral overwatch, have SMG skill or would it be more realistic to have Assualt Rifle Skills? Do military units use SMGs? What is a carbine, as in the M-4 carbine, is that a rifle or a SMG? Do people in basic learn Demolitions or is that like a specialty school?

If these questions sound stupid I'm sorry, I want to aim for a realistic feel to the skill sets my mage would have and I don't know what's realistic for a military person.

Fenris, what's the deadline on character sheets? I've got a couple of questions concerning using the extra karma awarded but other than that I should be ready to send in my sheet.
It would make more sense to have assault rifles. The M4 is referred to as a carbine, but in essence it is actually an assault rifle. SMG's aren't normal fare for basic training, you would've needed to pick that up somewhere else or in a specialty school. Domolitions is specialty fare, though you would know basic use of grenades out of basic.

As for specialties...I'll rip out of my experimental thread, the specialties that would be found in a 12-man Special Forces A-team.

Captain - Can be any specialty, but often comes from Operations Sergeant (see below)

Warrant Officer - 2nd in Command, can be any specialty, often comes from Operations Sergeant.

Non-commisioned Officers (2 of each)

Weapons - Know how to use a variety of weapons, foreign/domestic, and be able to instruct another in their use.

Engineer - Construction (field fortification as well as civil construction) and Demo

Medical - Be able to not only perform light field surgury, but also know how to set up a forward medical post for receptions of wounded soldiers with little support.

Communications - Be knowledgable in the most advance communications and computer concepts and devices, while also skilled with even the most primitive. Must be able to Build/Repair all of these things too.

Operations and Intelligence - Be versed in recon techniques and the analysing of intelligence, plus know how to apply that information to future operations. (A lot of Team Leaders and SIC's come from here) (Recon Falls Here)

Members would be crosstrained with a variety of skills, and know at least 1 other language and have knowledge of that culture.

Also, add to the specialties : Magical Support, since it's the sixth world.

I know a lot about French Special Operations structure, but "American" is probably going to be the most familiar.
**Looks around to make sure the coast is clear**

As a completely Innocent Bystander who never posted here... some things to consider are:
-You may be asked to completely demolish a building...make it go boom.
-You may be asked to kill a lot of people...
-You may be asked if you're interested in attending a changeling Rave...


**Runs for cover before Fenris finds him.**
Mister Juan
Good thing I decided to make my merc's favorite weapon a gyromounted heavy recoil compensated High Velocity Assault Rifle.
I submitted my guy, er- I will when I hear from Fenris and get the address to send him to. Hopefully he makes it in.

I am sorry, but i was only able to contribute 160k to the team fund, and that is with only having a light pistol and armor clothing (he's been out of the game for a while, no need to keep heavy weaponry in the apartment smile.gif), so he'll need to get geared up later on.

The reason I had so little cash is that I used a boatload getting his knowledge and "technical" skills up to snuff considering his experience and a 30 year career. You'll see he isn't a combat monster, but I did take an aptitude in small unit tactics and have the skill at 8. (IF HE IS ACCEPTED AND THIS IS DEEMED OK BY THE GM)

Anyways, here is his complete skillset:

Ian Crassius Drake

Assault Rifles [5]................................................SV:Navigation(KNO)/Land [5/6]
Edged Weapons [3]....................................................Field Medical Ops(KNO) [6]
Gunnery [3].................................................Reconaissance Techniques(KNO) [6]
Heavy Weapons [2]..................................Force Training and Command(KNO) [6]
Launch Weapons [4]......................................Guerilla Warfare(KNO)/Jungle [6/7]
Pistols [5].........................................Urban Warfare(KNO)/Night Operations [6/7]
Rifles [3]....................................................................Police Procedure(KNO) [6]
Shotguns [3]...................................................................Police Tactics(KNO) [6]
Submachine Guns [4]................................................IN:Classical Music(KNO) [4]
Throwing Weapons [4]...............................................................English(LAN) [3]
MA:Brawling [5]................................................................English(LAN) (RW) [1]
MA:Brawling/MN:Close Combat [2]..............................................French(LAN) [3]
Athletics [5]......................................................................French(LAN) (RW) [1]
Diving [3]................................................................................Spanish(LAN) [3]
Parachuting [4]................................................................Spanish(LAN) (RW) [1]
Etiquette/Military [3/5]................................................................Arabic(LAN) [3]
Leadership [6]...................................................................Arabic(LAN) (RW) [1]
Wilderness Survival/Jungle [6/7]......................................................................
Biotech [5].....................................................................................................
Small Unit Tactics [8]......................................................................................

...Not really a combat monster.
Cedric - The deadline's fairly loose at this point, but I'm hoping to have things cleared up by next week.

You guys can post character sheets in here for review if you like, I didn't mean to indicate otherwise.

However, to be included in the game, I must receive your character sheets via email in either .txt or .html from the NSRCG at quantumthoughts(at)gmail(dot)com. I don't care what program you use to make the .txt file, as long as it's a .txt file when you're done with it.
FrostyNSO, Ian seems like a great candidate to be our tactics guy, even our commander. You game? You don't happen to have the essence for a tactical computer do you...? I'm sure we can get the funds together after buying everyone's Team Gear (vehicles, armor, pricey weapons).
Cedric Rolfsson
I thought about a name for the group.

Apex Security Consultants - ASC:
This would be the "front" parent organization for our particular unit. I figure this is a semi-legal business front that handles payments and contracting, etc. I think it would be best based out of Berlin in Germany since that place is wide open. The contracting and payments go through this organization, the Johnson doesn't know who we are and we don't know who the Johnson is, we'd simply get a precise from the Contact Officer and the team would either accept the assignment or it would be turned down and, presumably, go to another unit. Each team would operate like a "cell" from an insurrgent group, we know our control but not the other cells and therefore can't give away the other shadow mercs in ASC umbrella. Limited logistical support, and information gathering assitance.

For our particular unit designation I thought about something simple:

Black Knights: Unit symbol: On a white shield, sable swords beneath the image of a stylized black knight chess piece. Similar to the infamous pirate symbol only with a knight's piece and reversed colors.

I'm not keen on having any kind of stand out uniform or designation, we're supposed to be covert, untraceable, etc. etc. I thought I'd start tossing around the concepts.
CR, I think the trend is to an unincorporated group of mercs, a membership of between 12-20 folks. (or at least, those were my suggestions smile.gif ) I do like ASC for a name. And when I talk about uniforms, I'm not talking about anything flashy, but consistent looking professional gear. I guess we could just say any gear we have fits our merc company's 'uniform' code.
Cedric Rolfsson
Perfectly acceptable, something to show a certain degree of unified thought and purpose.

My mage is primarily going to be geared towards elemental usage and astral support. Capable of combat magic but not designed to get in there and shoot it out with anyone.

Active Skills:
[ Spoiler ]

Knowledge Skills:
[ Spoiler ]

I think Drake could squeeze a tac-computer in (with battletac mod of course), but the price with the street index would be way too prohibitive. We're talking like near 2 mil.

1,972,700 to be exact. A wee bit too much!

That included:

Upgrade to my Headware Radio (A betaware replacement, to make room)

and the system itself:

Tactical Comp. w/ Battletac mod.
Dedicated Port for Orientation sys. <alpha>
2x generic ports (sight/hearing) <alpha>
4-slot chipjack <Beta>
3x tactical sense programs (chips)
Router <beta>
5x router ports
Orientation System
Internal GPS (have 1 extra chip slot to accept map chips)

That setup would pretty much guarantee +2 to Small Unit Tactics at all times, esp. with Battletac.

As for being the tactics guy, I think Ian would be up to that. Being semi-retired, I don't see him as the commander, but perhaps a trusted second-in-command involved in training, or even something like a last-minute replacement who would have to earn his place in-game. What sounds better? Remember, he is coming back to the line of work after a hiatus.
That's less than 150k per member, it is indeed quite a lot, but we'll see if it might not still be feesable.

As a note, I'll work on my character sheet tomorrow and will post his skills tomorrow as well.
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