Sep 16 2005, 01:09 PM
Email received this morning, formated for this board, but no text changes outside of rearranging the letters in my meat-handle.
Man did they ever pooch this description.

I wonder if the playtesters even used it this way.

Hi Kwyjibo,
QUOTE (original email) | Seeking clarification on recoil.
The recoil example in the BBB doesn't cover something that is less than clear to me when i read the rules. If you could please enlighten me by finishing this example:
First Simple Action I fire my SMG in a [3 round] burst. My SMG has 1 point of recoil compensation, so after removing one point from the -2 recoil I have a -1 recoil penaly that applies to that attack. For the second Simple Action i fire another [3 round] burst at the same target.
For this second attack do i have a -3 recoil modifer (what is listed for the second burst in the Ranged Attack Modifiers table)?
Or do i have a -4 recoil modifer (-3 for the second burst plus the -1 recoil modifier that applied to the first attack)? |
It would be -3, but that's because the recoil comp counts for each action. So the second shot incurs a -2 rather than a -3 because you have 1 point of recoil comp. Recoil from previous shots is cumulative, though, so you'd have that -1 recoil from the first shot too, so -3 all together on the second shot.
To break it down:
First Burst 3 bullets, Recoil 2 (1 per bullet, first bullet in an Action Phase never counts) Recoil Comp of -1 Effective penalty of -1 (2 - 1) on 1st burst
Second Burst 3 bullets, Recoil 3 Recoil Comp of -1 Cumulative Recoil from 1st burst (Recoil 1) Effective penalty of -3 (3 - 1 + 1) on 1st burst > P.S. I would like to pass the answer onto to others at Dumpshock Forums, would it be ok if i copy/paste your reply?
:: Rob Boyle :: Shadowrun Developer for FanPro LLC ~
Sep 16 2005, 01:35 PM
Oddity this creates, it is slightly better from recoil perspective to do a Long Burst then a Short burst, instead of the reverse order, if your recoil compensation is White Knight weenies need an extra help.

The first way means no recoil penalty, the later has a recoil of -1 on the second [long] burst.
EDIT: Actually this oddity occurs at recoil 3, 4, and 5. Always one less recoil penalty for Long then Short.
Sep 16 2005, 01:49 PM
Yeah, in general the recoil rules are kinda whacked. That's why people complain that, firing a 10 round burst you're less likely to hit anything than with a 7 round burst. From what little I've seen (and I admit I haven't been paying much attention), it would seem SR4 does address this somewhat with wide/narrow bursts.
Also, to make the math easier, I wouldn't complain if all firing TNs were reduced by 1, and the first shot was counted towards recoil. Might not be as realistic, but it's one less thing to remember when adding stuff up.
Sep 16 2005, 01:55 PM
QUOTE (nezumi @ Sep 16 2005, 07:49 AM) |
Yeah, in general the recoil rules are kinda whacked. That's why people complain that, firing a 10 round burst you're less likely to hit anything than with a 7 round burst. From what little I've seen (and I admit I haven't been paying much attention), it would seem SR4 does address this somewhat with wide/narrow bursts. |
With solid recoil compensation i'm not sure what the reasoning you'd have for using FA 10 rounds over the 9 rounds of Long Burst-Short Burst. Maybe one less roll so you only need to burn 1 point of Edge to up them both? But with recoil comp the former gives -5 die recoil, the later nada recoil.
But ya, at least they added Wide-Narrow to change that wierdness of what firing a burst did.
Sep 16 2005, 02:35 PM
Thanks blakkie and Rob
Sep 16 2005, 04:54 PM
sounds like they basicly ported the recoil rule over from SR3 and used dice removal rather then TN addons...
must confess tho that the rule that recoil conpensated for on the previus attack suddenly have effect on the next. somehow the logic of that escapes me...
Sep 16 2005, 05:02 PM
QUOTE (hobgoblin @ Sep 16 2005, 10:54 AM) |
sounds like they basicly ported the recoil rule over from SR3 and used dice removal rather then TN addons...
Ya, probably why they didn't describe it well. Most of the people involved had SR3 stuff left in their head that filled in the holes.

must confess tho that the rule that recoil conpensated for on the previus attack suddenly have effect on the next. somehow the logic of that escapes me... |
That actually makes more sense to me, as you are already slightly off-balance as you squeeze the trigger (virtual or mechanical) a second time.
Sep 16 2005, 05:03 PM
I must be zoned out. I read the thread title as "Mooses comes down...", not "Moses comes down..." for the last hour.
Sep 16 2005, 05:06 PM
QUOTE (Jrayjoker) |
I must be zoned out. I read the thread title as "Mooses comes down...", not "Moses comes down..." for the last hour. |
A moose once bit my sister....
Mind you, moose bites can be pretty nasty....
Sep 16 2005, 05:09 PM
So, if I have Gas Vent III I never take a recoil penalty on short bursts? The recoil comp counts on each burst and there's no "left over" recoil . . . ??? Sorry if this is dumb. Am very tired at the moment
Phantom Runner
Sep 16 2005, 05:11 PM
QUOTE (Clyde) |
So, if I have Gas Vent III I never take a recoil penalty on short bursts? The recoil comp counts on each burst and there's no "left over" recoil . . . ??? Sorry if this is dumb. Am very tired at the moment |
What is the recoil comp of a Gas Vent III in SR4??
Sep 16 2005, 05:52 PM
QUOTE (Clyde) |
... there's no "left over" recoil . . . ??? |
There is leftover recoil. Any uncompensated recoil from the first burst is also added to the second. The only real change from SR3 to SR4 (outside of substituting dice mods for TNs) is that recoil compensation applies fully to each burst.
Sep 16 2005, 06:07 PM
QUOTE (Fortune) |
QUOTE (Clyde @ Sep 17 2005, 03:09 AM) | ... there's no "left over" recoil . . . ??? |
There is leftover recoil. Any uncompensated recoil from the first burst is also added to the second. The only real change from SR3 to SR4 (outside of substituting dice mods for TNs) is that recoil compensation applies fully to each burst.
The example he is giving is of firing two bursts of 3 shots each, using a weapon with Gas Vents III which gives you 3 points of RC.
So the first burst would normally have a -2 modifier because of recoil, but the Gas Vent III compensates for that complete. So there is no left over recoil.
And then the the second burst would normally have a -3 modifier because of recoil, but in SR4 you apply the RC from the Gas Vent III to this second burst.
Thus Gas Vent III means that you never have to worry about Recoil when using 3 shot bursts.
Sep 16 2005, 06:19 PM
Ah, fair enough. I need to remember to read things twice at 4 AM.
Sep 16 2005, 11:04 PM
arg, kinda made the same misstake. i recall that in SR3 the entire recoil of the first attack carry over, conpensated for or not. but the reply from rob states that only uncompensated recoil carryes over. that makes a lot more sense than what i first read...
or is it the lack of sleep and the beers thats playing mind games with me?
Sep 20 2005, 01:38 AM
So ... If I use fullauto on multiple targets - firing 3 bursts on 3 people - I get RecoilCompensation on each burst?
Sep 20 2005, 01:51 AM
Yes. In this case, one "full burst" becomes three "short bursts".
Sep 20 2005, 01:52 AM
QUOTE (tirsales) |
So ... If I use fullauto on multiple targets - firing 3 bursts on 3 people - I get RecoilCompensation on each burst? |
That is one way of interpretting this, but personally I would say that with a Full Burst being a single Complex Action, recoil only takes care of the first three shots. Your pulling the trigger once and holding it down through out the 10 shots, you just treat it as three bursts for the purposes of damage.
Sep 20 2005, 03:58 AM
Ok, I cant find anything in the entire PDF (and I searched the PDF) that says, or even implies, that recoil comp applies to both actions. In fact, the example on page 143 seems to imply the exact opposite. So is this errata, or is Rob mistaken?
Sep 20 2005, 05:48 AM
All right, I haven't bashed SR4 and I've been very optimistic up until now . . .
But how in the hell did they not get recoil right? It ain't rocket science or anything - you just count to 10! 16 years and 3 editions and they never had a problem and NOW they get all screwy??
Sep 20 2005, 09:11 AM
QUOTE (Fortune @ Sep 16 2005, 12:52 PM) |
QUOTE (Clyde @ Sep 17 2005, 03:09 AM) | ... there's no "left over" recoil . . . ??? |
There is leftover recoil. Any uncompensated recoil from the first burst is also added to the second. The only real change from SR3 to SR4 (outside of substituting dice mods for TNs) is that recoil compensation applies fully to each burst.
And that recoil increases for the second burst. You could interpret the rules as saying recoil increases by 1 for each time you pull the trigger (first short burst -2, second -3). That is, each time you "reset" your recoil comp, the starting recoil increases by one, then you apply the uncompensated recoil from the last shot/shots then you apply recoil comp, THEN you have your modifier. Or you could put it as Rob did

, each round in an action phase imposes -1 recoil eccept the first.
(They did manage to screw up 3rd grade math in the example on page 143

Sep 20 2005, 09:21 AM
The reason that the first short burst in a pass is at -2 (instead of -3) is to indicate the lack of recoil on the first bullet fired in that specific pass. Each subsequent short burst would be at (an additional) -3 penalty. Not that it matters, as I don't believe you can do more than two bursts in any particular initiative pass anyway.
Sep 20 2005, 09:27 AM
Your right. Eccept you can fire 3 bursts in a phase with full auto on multiple targets. It is described as being resolved as multiple bursts. Though I will not treat it as such when it comes to recoil, there is nothing to indicate you should not.
Sep 20 2005, 12:21 PM
well it was treated as seperate bursts when applying recoil in SR3 so i dont see why it should change in SR4.
Lord Ben
Sep 20 2005, 12:37 PM
So if you have an Ares Alpha with 2pts special chamber design, Gas Vents 3, and a shock pad on the stock you'll have 6pts of recoil comp and could do 3 and 6 round bursts without ever having recoil right?
Sep 20 2005, 12:47 PM
by the looks of it, yes...
Sep 20 2005, 12:49 PM
*hmm* Looks like Rob should take another look at his own rules ...
The firing character can choose to fi re a narrow burst or
a wide burst, each described below. Both use up 3 bullets. The
first burst fired in an Action Phase inflicts a –2 recoil modifier,
the second inflicts an additional –3 recoil (neutralized by recoil
compensation, if any).
Sep 20 2005, 01:07 PM
QUOTE (Cochise) |
*hmm* Looks like Rob should take another look at his own rules ...
The firing character can choose to fi re a narrow burst or a wide burst, each described below. Both use up 3 bullets. The first burst fired in an Action Phase inflicts a 2 recoil modifier, the second inflicts an additional 3 recoil (neutralized by recoil compensation, if any). |
What rob is saying is that part about "(neutralized by recoil compensation)" applies to each recoil modifier. First it neutralizes the -2 recoil from the first burst, then it neutralizes the -3 recoil from the second burst.
Sep 20 2005, 01:07 PM
The more targets you fire at the less recoil you get? Naaa. Could we please get a reason for this? Since we have some bursts that take a simple action and some that take a complex, it would be easier and more streamlined to have all recoil for a phase stack, and recoil compensation count only once. If you have 4 recoil comp on a full auto weapon, you could fire on 3 targets with 3 short bursts with -1 to the second and -5 to the third, or you could fire at one target with a long burst with -5. Now instead you get no recoil at all just because you choose 3 targets? Rob! why did you decide to make it screwy and unfair instead? Am I missing something here?
<edit> Even if above problem does not exist, because recoil applies to each action, it would be awsome if you could just keep track of how many rounds you fired and how much recoil comp you spent countering it in order to find out what modifier you get. Now instead I have to think in layers. I donīt want to think when I play RPGīs! mfb got that out of me long ago
Lord Ben
Sep 20 2005, 01:09 PM
Except that it applies to each action, not to each target. Since firing 3rds at 3 people is a complex action you get it once. However if you took two simple actions like a short and a long it would apply twice.
Sep 20 2005, 01:22 PM
ugh, now i understand why in SR2 and 3 the previously compensated recoil "magicaly" reapeared on later bursts...
so, select number of targets and number of rounds fired. apply recoil comp to all rounds fired as one group. apply uncompensated recoil on all attack tests?
problem here is that it kinda makes no sense that recoil for rounds fired at the third target should apply for the test towards target one and two.
Sep 20 2005, 01:26 PM
QUOTE (hobgoblin) |
ugh, now i understand why in SR2 and 3 the previously compensated recoil "magicaly" reapeared on later bursts...
so, select number of targets and number of rounds fired. apply recoil comp to all rounds fired as one group. apply uncompensated recoil on all attack tests?
problem here is that it kinda makes no sense that recoil for rounds fired at the third target should apply for the test towards target one and two. |
I suspect your interpretation is as confused as mine.
Lord Ben
Sep 20 2005, 01:36 PM
Because of game mechanics, that's why!

Seriously, the game mechanic alternative is not to be able to specifically target multiple individuals with full auto bursts.
Sep 20 2005, 01:48 PM
What about the alternetive were recoil comp is always counted per phase instead of per action? Easier to keep track and more consistent. Iīm contemplating another house rule. Off course that would mean you would need 5 points of recoil comp to be able to reliably fire two short bursts. And increasing the efficiency of recoil comp would make full auto much more dangerous. So I think that this is really not an option anyway... O well.
Iīm going to drop this now. Because I realize that the reason for it being the way it is is that when you fire multiple times the target gets to resist multiple times. Itīs all about ballance. Pitty you have to do all that layered thinking in the name of ballance, but whatīre ya gonna do?
Sep 20 2005, 02:00 PM
Not sure why you see it as layered thinking. If you have 3 recoil compensation, you compensate for 3 recoil every time you pull the trigger.
Sep 20 2005, 02:07 PM
..then you apply the uncompencated recoil too. Itīs one more layer than you would have if the total recoil whas the amount of rounds fired and the total compensation was on your character sheet. Thereīs plenty of other modifiers to keep track of you know. Iīm not fond of that stuff.
Sep 20 2005, 02:11 PM
QUOTE (mintcar) |
Your right. Eccept you can fire 3 bursts in a phase with full auto on multiple targets. It is described as being resolved as multiple bursts. Though I will not treat it as such when it comes to recoil, there is nothing to indicate you should not. |
It's one pull of the trigger, so one recoil penalty (and one application of the recoil compensation) to the entire complex action. IMO
Sep 20 2005, 03:40 PM
can work, if one makes a single attack roll for all targets, while they still get seperate defense rolls.
thing is tho that unless it got removed in SR4, normal sweeps waste ammo between targets, smartlinked weapons do not. therefor one can say that when using smartlink its 3 seperate attacks...
Sep 20 2005, 03:55 PM
QUOTE (hobgoblin) |
can work, if one makes a single attack roll for all targets, while they still get seperate defense rolls.
thing is tho that unless it got removed in SR4, normal sweeps waste ammo between targets, smartlinked weapons do not. therefor one can say that when using smartlink its 3 seperate attacks... |
Well 3 seperate attacks or one. It does not matter. Read the first scentence.
It would be -3, but that's because the recoil comp counts for each action. |
Each action. not each part of a action. Not each target. Not each time i think my character might be pulling the trigger. Not each set of bullets. But infact each action.
What you're talking about takes one complex action. Thus despite fireing upon 3 different targets, you still have only taken ONE action and thus recoil comp only applies ONCE.
Not that difficult to understand.
Sep 20 2005, 04:04 PM
so, if i have 2 targets and 4 RC, then decide to attack both of them with 3 rounds in a complex action then i get 0 recoil on first and 2 recoil on second as i have yet to use up all my recoil. but if i only have 2 RC i get 1 recoil on first and 4 recoil on second?
Sep 20 2005, 04:15 PM
OK. So recoil works like this?
The first bullet fired on your turn is always free.
Each bullet after that imposes a -1 modifier, which is cumulative.
However, recoil compensation applies once per *action* to reduce the modifier.
Shots penalty
2 -1
3 -2
4 -3
5 -4
6 -5
7 -6
8 -7
9 -8
10 -9
So, firing three round bursts the penalties are as follows:
RC First Burst Second Burst
1 -1 (2-1=1) -3 (3+1-1=3)
2 -0 (2-2=0) -1 (3-2=1)
3 -0 (2-3) -0 (3-3=0)
Sep 20 2005, 05:04 PM
QUOTE (hobgoblin) |
so, if i have 2 targets and 4 RC, then decide to attack both of them with 3 rounds in a complex action then i get 0 recoil on first and 2 recoil on second as i have yet to use up all my recoil. but if i only have 2 RC i get 1 recoil on first and 4 recoil on second? |
If you're firing at two targets with a complex full auto action one gets a short burst, the other a long burst.
If you're firing at 3 targets it counts as 3 short bursts.
Lets use the thought of recoil comp of 4.
Two Targets:
For sake of argument we'll assume the first target gets the short burst, and the second target takes the long burst.
-Target one has no recoil penalty to the attack as only 2 would be accrued.
-Target two has a recoil penalty of 4 (6 -2 remaining recoil comp)
Three Targets:
-Target one has no recoil penalty to the attack as only 2 would be accrued.
-Target two has a recoil penalty of 1 (3 -2 remaining recoil comp)
-Target three has a recoil penalty of 4 (3 from this burst + 1 uncomponsated)
There we go simple enough lets go with only 2 points of recoil comp.
Two Targets:
For sake of argument again target one will recieve the short burst.
-Target one has no recoil penalty to the attac as only 2 would be accrued.
-Target two has a recoil penalty of 6 as there is no more recoil componsation left.
Three Targets:
-Target one has no recoil penalty to the attack as only 2 would be accrued.
-Target two has a recoil penalty of 3 as there is no more recoil componsation left.
-Target three has a recoil penalty of 6 (3 from this burst + 3 uncomponsated)
And there we have it folks. How recoil works with your examples of the full auto fire on multiple targets in a 1m area. Enjoy
Sep 23 2005, 04:34 PM
QUOTE (Slacker) |
QUOTE (Fortune @ Sep 16 2005, 11:52 AM) | QUOTE (Clyde @ Sep 17 2005, 03:09 AM) | ... there's no "left over" recoil . . . ??? |
There is leftover recoil. Any uncompensated recoil from the first burst is also added to the second. The only real change from SR3 to SR4 (outside of substituting dice mods for TNs) is that recoil compensation applies fully to each burst.
The example he is giving is of firing two bursts of 3 shots each, using a weapon with Gas Vents III which gives you 3 points of RC.
So the first burst would normally have a -2 modifier because of recoil, but the Gas Vent III compensates for that complete. So there is no left over recoil.
And then the the second burst would normally have a -3 modifier because of recoil, but in SR4 you apply the RC from the Gas Vent III to this second burst.
Thus Gas Vent III means that you never have to worry about Recoil when using 3 shot bursts.
Doesn't the example provided on p 143 of the rulebook contradict thsi statement? It shows clearly that while his first burst was fully compensated his second burst has no additional compensation at all and his pool goes down by 3.
Sep 23 2005, 05:13 PM
Said example on page 143 says "the extra -3 recoil reduces his pool to 4". Since his pool was 6 for the first shot, there is obviously some recoil compensation involved.
Sep 23 2005, 05:33 PM
QUOTE (Slacker) |
Since his pool was 6 for the first shot, there is obviously some recoil compensation involved. |
What kind of recoil compensation?
As the weapon's recoil compensation amounts to 2, a dice pool of 4 does not make sense in any case. Either it should be 5 - in case you proceed according to the explanation given in Rob Boyle's Mail - or 3 - in case you do apply recoil compensation only once during a an action phase. The 4 is right out.
Independently of that the "extra -3 recoil" makes pretty much sense as long as you do apply the recoil compensation only once.
Sep 23 2005, 07:24 PM
You are forgetting the 1 point of uncompensated recoil from the first shot. You don't suffer a penalty for all three bullets on the first burst, but it still exists.
That uncompensated recoil is transfered to the second burst. Combine that with the -3 recoil from the second burst itself and you get -4 recoil. The two points of RC knock that down to a -2 modifier.
Thus the dice pool of 6 from the first burst is reduced to 4 for the second burst.
Sep 23 2005, 07:55 PM
QUOTE (Slacker) |
You are forgetting the 1 point of uncompensated recoil from the first shot. You don't suffer a penalty for all three bullets on the first burst, but it still exists.
That uncompensated recoil is transfered to the second burst. Combine that with the -3 recoil from the second burst itself and you get -4 recoil. The two points of RC knock that down to a -2 modifier.
Thus the dice pool of 6 from the first burst is reduced to 4 for the second burst. |
Please re-read the example at the start of this thread. There is no recoil for the first bullet ever.
Sep 23 2005, 07:58 PM
QUOTE (Slacker) |
You are forgetting the 1 point of uncompensated recoil from the first shot. You don't suffer a penalty for all three bullets on the first burst, but it still exists. |
There is no recoil from the first shot. The first (short) burst causes a -2 "recoil modifier"(!) and the recoil compensation reduces this "recoil modifier". There is absolutely no mentioning in the rules that the first shot of a burst would have any special effect on subsequent bursts.
May 17 2006, 01:40 AM
see second post
May 17 2006, 01:41 AM
I have a question about recoil in a drone for instance it has 3IP with an IWN with 6 comp so in full burst is soaked by the gun and the drone takes the neg for the next 2 shots or does it work like 3rd edition where its halved then applied or is it like veh where there is none?
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