Ancient History
Apr 17 2006, 07:22 PM
Dog Days.
A new Shadowrun short fiction story.
/Captain Obvious Mode
Apr 17 2006, 07:39 PM
The poor doggie! WAHHH!
Apr 17 2006, 07:49 PM
A nice slice-of-SR-life sort of story,
Dashiell Hammett style. Thought the ending was rather abrupt and out of pace with the rest of the story, though.
If you're a dog lover, it's seriously not going to brighten your day to read it. Be warned.
Apr 17 2006, 07:53 PM
Nice story.
And Fangirl you shoulda put that in spoilers.
SL James
Apr 17 2006, 08:09 PM
What a pro runner. Because the J stiffed him on a grand for a run where he didn't even get shot at, he kills him (with one blow, no less. I r impressed at the SR4 rules).
I am truly impressed that this guy is going to be a core shadowtalk poster. He can explain why Johnsons keep sending him on suicide runs because he's a douche.
Apr 17 2006, 08:33 PM
Seriously. Hes all slick and, 'Bam' broad day light kill the client.
Id get his ass killed in one of my games for that sorta dreck. Especally for that kind of money.
SL James
Apr 17 2006, 08:47 PM
Hey, I'm still wondering why in a ubiquitously wireless world KE wouldn't have swarmed the area after the first officer flatlined and before he regained consciousness.
But that's me.
Apr 17 2006, 08:59 PM
QUOTE (SL James) |
Hey, I'm still wondering why in a ubiquitously wireless world KE wouldn't have swarmed the area after the first officer flatlined and before he regained consciousness.
But that's me. |
An oversight, but it could easily be argued that he was only out for a short amount of time. The Knight Errant team initially dispatched to the area were probably the closest team, and others haven't arrived yet. Real world and fictional police response times are usually significantly longer than their in-game mechanic would suggest. =)
Apr 17 2006, 09:07 PM
There is one thing about this story that just doesn't ring true. I'm surprised that the people at fampro didn't catch it.
[ Spoiler ]
"Your fee? Your fee! You worthless, bloody low-born gutterscum! Don't you understand? This animal is worth nothing to me now! He can't breed! I won't pay you one red cent! [...]"
It is a simple matter to clone new one.
[ Spoiler ]
The abrupt change at the end there does demonstrate some bad judgement on the part of the character. Chester may have been a ruthless killing machine but that's just the kind of mutt that you want on your side, especially when you're a ruthless killing machine yourself. The usefullness of the dog should have been apparent and a good hacker should have been able to access any behavior modification implants he may have had.
Apr 17 2006, 09:18 PM
Good point. Cloning is easy.
SL James
Apr 17 2006, 09:35 PM
QUOTE (coolgrafix @ Apr 17 2006, 02:59 PM) |
QUOTE (SL James @ Apr 17 2006, 03:47 PM) | Hey, I'm still wondering why in a ubiquitously wireless world KE wouldn't have swarmed the area after the first officer flatlined and before he regained consciousness.
But that's me. |
An oversight, but it could easily be argued that he was only out for a short amount of time. The Knight Errant team initially dispatched to the area were probably the closest team, and others haven't arrived yet. Real world and fictional police response times are usually significantly longer than their in-game mechanic would suggest. =)
"Hey, let's send three of our dumbest mundane officers with no backup to arrest a shadowrunner."
But at least I'm not harping on the writing like someone I showed this to, who read this line
Mr. Johnson dexterously pulls a hologram out from the inner pocket of his jacket. |
and was asking exactly how one "dexterously" pulls something out of one's pocket.
Apr 17 2006, 09:52 PM
QUOTE (hyzmarca) |
[ Spoiler ] The anrupt cange at the end there does demonstrate some bad judgement on the part of the character. Chester may have been a ruthless killing machine but that's just the kind of mutt that you want on your side, especially when you're a ruthless killing machine yourself. The usefullness of the dog should have been apparent and a good hacker should have been able to access any behavior modification implants he may have had. |
But you could argue. . . .
[ Spoiler ]
Sticks is wallowing in self-hatred of his violent tendencies--he killed the Johnson for stiffing him, didn't he? When Chester kills the two KE officers, Sticks fears that this innocent and trusting creature is, like him, irredeemably corrupted by violence. That's why he says that "there's no way I could control" Chester: he believes that Chester is just as incapable of keeping a reign on his violent impulses as he is. Therefore, Sticks views euthanasia as the only merciful way to protect Chester from himself.
Ancient History
Apr 17 2006, 10:08 PM
QUOTE (SL James) |
But at least I'm not harping on the writing like someone I showed this to, who read this line
QUOTE | Mr. Johnson dexterously pulls a hologram out from the inner pocket of his jacket. |
and was asking exactly how one "dexterously" pulls something out of one's pocket.
With their right hand.
Apr 17 2006, 10:18 PM
That was a sinister answer to an honest question.
Apr 17 2006, 10:34 PM
FanGirl, that's just groping.
It was a really bad end to the story. Any Shadowrunner would pay a whole lot more than 1000
for a loyal cyberdog. You just can't
buy that kind of thing, even with a good drone. A drone can be spoofed, E-War'd, etcetera, but if you have the dog's behavior ajusted and close-circuited, it can think for itself, but it'll never be disloyal.
Granted, it might do strange things like try to eat people once it's taken them down, but...
I agree, killing the Johnson was a bad idea, but after Mr. J got the bright idea of calling Lone Star on me, it became a really, really
good idea. You don't rat out your Shadow contacts to the Star, unless you're gunning for a quick geeking. As for the Runner, maybe he was a PhysAd, to be so deadly with melee weapons?
And yes, having the dog's testicles cloned and reattached would be a simple matter. For that matter, so should cloning the dog whole cloth, so I have to question why there's any shortage of trained dogs at all.
Apr 17 2006, 10:58 PM
The word you want is "reaching" or "stretching", not "groping".
That said, feedback: it was entertaining, but a number of things didn't feel right about the story.
1) Present tense. Agh!
2) Magical Appearing Staff. The first time you mention the staff is when he pulls it out because he needs it. I ended up doing a text-search just to make sure I hadn't missed a reference to it, but that was the first time the word shows up.
3) Way too abrupt. Someone's been reading too much Beowulf—it's much the same "setup setup setup setup setup setup setup setup ok, we're done" sort of style. The meet takes a bit over two pages, the legwork a little under nine, and maybe three-quarters of a page to retrieving the dog. I blinked the first time I read through and missed it.
4) You've established on page 8 that the augmentation process drives the animals psychotic (as has canon), but when the main character finds the pooch it's friendly and normal-acting. It also should be added, though this is a reasonable mistake on the part of the character, that psychosis is very rarely accompanied by violence (this in contrast to psychopathy, AKA Antisocial Personality Disorder).
5) Hutchinson leaves his throat exposed even when the staff is right next to his head and being wielded threateningly. Protecting the face and throat is instinctive—one-hit kills aren't rare because hitting someone in the throat with a staff won't kill them, they're rare because it's difficult to pull off a clean attack on someone's throat even with an untrained opponent.
6) The main character does way too much of an about-face with regard to the dog—you need some more setup in there.
More if I think of it.
emo samurai
Apr 17 2006, 11:23 PM
If Chester didn't eat Stick while he's unconscious, why would he eat him at any other time?
Apr 17 2006, 11:27 PM
QUOTE (Moon-Hawk) |
That was a sinister answer to an honest question. |
No, it wasn't.
"With his left hand" would have been sinister.
Wounded Ronin
Apr 18 2006, 12:06 AM
It's good fiction but I find it amusing that apparently the FanPro people don't have a firm a grasp of t3h r34l Sh4dowrun as DSFers have.
Heh, I got to to be reminded how much I suck at being a martial arts hobbyist. I go to to be reminded how whenever I play SR I've actually been doing it all wrong.
Apr 18 2006, 12:17 AM
QUOTE (ShadowDragon8685) |
FanGirl, that's just groping.
It was a really bad end to the story. Any Shadowrunner would pay a whole lot more than 1000 for a loyal cyberdog. You just can't buy that kind of thing, even with a good drone. A drone can be spoofed, E-War'd, etcetera, but if you have the dog's behavior ajusted and close-circuited, it can think for itself, but it'll never be disloyal. |
So how do you feel about the end to Of Mice And Men? If George wanted to take a practical approach towards saving Lennie from the lynch mob, he would have stolen a truck or something and gotten Lennie the hell away from the ranch. Shooting your trusting, mentally retarded best friend in the back of the head is not a practical solution to anything, yet that's exactly what George did. Killing Lennie wasn't the practical solution, it was the merciful one. Sticks killed Chester for the same reason that George killed Lennie: to protect a loyal and trusting friend from further suffering in a cruel world.
If John Steinbeck can get away with it, then so can Robert Derie.
Apr 18 2006, 12:18 AM
QUOTE (emo samurai) |
If Chester didn't eat Stick while he's unconscious, why would he eat him at any other time? |
Wow, I'm agreeing with Emo on this one. I need to shower, I think.
Otherwise, it's an entertaining story. Kage and SLJ have said any constructive critisem that I would have said.
Apr 18 2006, 12:24 AM
George was trapped. Even in the event that they could do what you describe (it's been too long since I read the book, did George even know how to drive?), they'd still have been hunted down. They didn't have resources, they didn't have significant experience as outlaws, they had nothing.
The same can hardly be said of the main character of this piece.
Apr 18 2006, 12:27 AM
Kept me occupied for a couple minutes at least.
As a relative SR n00b though, one q: the story mentions respirators? Is the air quality so bad in places in Seattle that you have to wear masks everywhere you go or is the main character impaired in some way?
Wounded Ronin
Apr 18 2006, 12:32 AM
QUOTE (FanGirl) |
Shooting your trusting, mentally retarded best friend in the back of the head is not a practical solution to anything, yet that's exactly what George did. |
But it was extremely funny!
Jokes aside, I actually have a story from my high school days about that. Back when I was in high school some of the drama teachers decided to have a small acting group called the Glimmerglass Opera come and put on the opera version of Mice and Men. They made it this mandatory meeting thingie and so a lot of kids were there who didn't want to be there. People were pretty bored and some people fell asleep, right? And the high point was at the point where the retarded guy was shot in the back of the head with a cap gun on stage I think a bunch of kids burst out laughing.
So, there you have it. Snotty bored kids for t3h win.
Incidentally, I don't want to spoil it because it's really funny if you aren't expecting it, but recently had a Flash Tub which is related on some level to this conversation. I suggest you watch it because it made me crack up.
Apr 18 2006, 12:38 AM
QUOTE (FanGirl) |
QUOTE (ShadowDragon8685) | FanGirl, that's just groping.
It was a really bad end to the story. Any Shadowrunner would pay a whole lot more than 1000 for a loyal cyberdog. You just can't buy that kind of thing, even with a good drone. A drone can be spoofed, E-War'd, etcetera, but if you have the dog's behavior ajusted and close-circuited, it can think for itself, but it'll never be disloyal. |
So how do you feel about the end to Of Mice And Men?
I don't care for it at all. I much prefer the 80's action flick style of ending in which the protagnist flips out and kills countless bad guys and then everyone live happily ever after.
The brutal deaths of the KE officers in the end provide this kind of cathartic release even though thye occur offscreen as it were. The KE officers are one deminsional "bad guys" and we can be happy to see them die. This type of scene allows the reader to wallow bloodlust without the slightest bit of guilt or shame. At this point in the story we are identifying more with Chester than we are with sticks. It is our snout that is burried iin that woman's entrails. It is we who are feasting unselfconsciously on our enemies flesh.
The final scene takes out joy and shatters it into a million pieces because Chester has become our surrogate and he hasn't done anything that we wouldn't have loved to have done ourselves in that situation. We can no longer identifyt with Sticks because and the ending falls flat because of this complete alienation.
Apr 18 2006, 12:41 AM
QUOTE (New Seattle page 14) |
The air around the metroplex remains relatively clean and clear by the standards of any major UCAS city, for which we can thank the weather patterns of the nearby Olympic Peninsula. Seattle suffers as many as thirty stage-one smog alerts annually, and breathing filters are as common as on the streets of cities like Los Angeles. |
Apr 18 2006, 12:52 AM
QUOTE (hyzmarca @ Apr 17 2006, 07:38 PM) |
The brutal deaths of the KE officers in the end provide this kind of cathartic release even though thye occur offscreen as it were. The KE officers are one deminsional "bad guys" and we can be happy to see them die. This type of scene allows the reader to wallow bloodlust without the slightest bit of guilt or shame. At this point in the story we are identifying more with Chester than we are with sticks. It is our snout that is burried iin that woman's entrails. It is we who are feasting unselfconsciously on our enemies flesh. |
Really? Because I don't want to eat people's entrails. . .
. . .but I guess whatever you get out of the story is your business. As for me, I identified with Sticks the whole time, and I saw the scene as something more like "Oh no, my beloved dog has been warped into an evil killing machine."
there's something you don't hear every day.
emo samurai
Apr 18 2006, 12:58 AM
What if the people wanted to take you away in order to perform experiments on you? Chester was the justice of the street personified, revenge against those who persecute you. Stick invalidated it by deeming it evil and killing him over it.
SL James
Apr 18 2006, 01:11 AM
QUOTE (Ancient History) |
QUOTE (SL James) | But at least I'm not harping on the writing like someone I showed this to, who read this line
QUOTE | Mr. Johnson dexterously pulls a hologram out from the inner pocket of his jacket. |
and was asking exactly how one "dexterously" pulls something out of one's pocket.
With their right hand. ![wink.gif]( |
You should have specified that in the story.
QUOTE (hyzmarca) |
The brutal deaths of the KE officers in the end provide this kind of cathartic release even though thye occur offscreen as it were. The KE officers are one deminsional "bad guys" and we can be happy to see them die. |
So much for the webfiction submission guidelines
QUOTE (Web Fiction Submission Guidelines) |
DON'T ...
- Make antagonists into brainless, soulless cannon-fodder. They are people with lives, families, needs and fears. They may also have training, experience and budgets that equip them with the latest gear. In other words, they are not always a monolithic force, but they may not always be easily manipulated or mowed down, either.
Ancient History
Apr 18 2006, 01:14 AM
It was a play-on-words, SL James. Lighten up.
SL James
Apr 18 2006, 01:16 AM
I was being sarcastic.
BTW, since he called the police and KE officer showed up I guess this means KE finally won that ever-lucrative Seattle policing contract from LS.
In other news, Bill Loudoun was found in his office hanging from his tie.
Ancient History
Apr 18 2006, 01:18 AM
Then my sincere apology for mistaking your subtle witticism at face value.
Apr 18 2006, 01:28 AM
BTW, since he called the police and KE officer showed up I guess this means KE finally won that ever-lucrative Seattle policing contract from LS. |
I'd missed this beforehand; that may have been a reason why there weren't any officers in response to this.
Apr 18 2006, 01:42 AM
QUOTE (bclements) |
QUOTE | BTW, since he called the police and KE officer showed up I guess this means KE finally won that ever-lucrative Seattle policing contract from LS. |
I'd missed this beforehand; that may have been a reason why there weren't any officers in response to this.
Actually, he ran from the murder scene. It wasn't until he stopped to call his fixer that the KE goons caught up to him.
Apr 18 2006, 01:45 AM
I got the impression that the K-E that showed up was an animal containment squad sent to retrieve their guard doggie, not the 'Star.
John Campbell
Apr 18 2006, 01:51 AM
Sticks is a fragging idiot. Get the RFID tag removed, and you then have your choice of:
- Keep the dog. It's not that hard to look up "the care and feeding of cyberdogs" on the net, and loyal backup is always a good thing to have in the business.
- Fence the dog intact. There have got to be people out there who'd pay for a cybered-out security dog, and undoubtedly a good bit more than a thousand nuyen.
- Part it out. This is unlikely to bring as much profit as the previous option, but even without the meat, the 'ware has to be worth a pretty penny, and it might be safer than keeping the dog intact... if, y'know, you think that trying to kill a dog that has just demonstrated that it can take out three KE officers who kicked your ass is safer than giving it a bowl of kibble and KE liver and playing a bit of fetch until you can line up a buyer.
Or... you could kill the dog and leave it and the 'ware it's loaded with to rot in an alleyway. 'Cause that totally makes sense!
SL James
Apr 18 2006, 01:56 AM
QUOTE (Ancient History) |
Then my sincere apology for mistaking your subtle witticism at face value. |
So does that stick up your ass have a stick up its ass, or are you just pouting because no one's really said anything good about the story?
Apr 18 2006, 01:57 AM
QUOTE (FanGirl) |
QUOTE (hyzmarca @ Apr 17 2006, 07:38 PM) | The brutal deaths of the KE officers in the end provide this kind of cathartic release even though thye occur offscreen as it were. The KE officers are one deminsional "bad guys" and we can be happy to see them die. This type of scene allows the reader to wallow bloodlust without the slightest bit of guilt or shame. At this point in the story we are identifying more with Chester than we are with sticks. It is our snout that is burried iin that woman's entrails. It is we who are feasting unselfconsciously on our enemies flesh. |
Really? Because I don't want to eat people's entrails. . . . . .but I guess whatever you get out of the story is your business. As for me, I identified with Sticks the whole time, and I saw the scene as something more like "Oh no, my beloved dog has been warped into an evil killing machine." Now, there's something you don't hear every day. |
I hate Mars/Venus quips so instead of making one I'll ask,how do you feel about Rambo: First Blood part II?
Apr 18 2006, 02:14 AM
QUOTE (John Campbell) |
Sticks is a fragging idiot. Get the RFID tag removed, and you then have your choice of:
- Keep the dog. It's not that hard to look up "the care and feeding of cyberdogs" on the net, and loyal backup is always a good thing to have in the business.
- Fence the dog intact. There have got to be people out there who'd pay for a cybered-out security dog, and undoubtedly a good bit more than a thousand nuyen.
- Part it out. This is unlikely to bring as much profit as the previous option, but even without the meat, the 'ware has to be worth a pretty penny, and it might be safer than keeping the dog intact... if, y'know, you think that trying to kill a dog that has just demonstrated that it can take out three KE officers who kicked your ass is safer than giving it a bowl of kibble and KE liver and playing a bit of fetch until you can line up a buyer.
Or... you could kill the dog and leave it and the 'ware it's loaded with to rot in an alleyway. 'Cause that totally makes sense! |
And while you're taking further advantage of an animal that has spent its whole life being exploited, why not just walk up to a little old lady and punch her in the face? Just for kicks. One sock to the jaw and she'll go down like a sack of potatoes, and that's when you start kicking her in the ribs. Don't be afraid to body-slam her a couple of times, too: old people bones make a very satisfying crunching sound when they break. It's a great warm-up before you burn down the orphanage full of blind kids.
You cold-hearted meaniehead.
QUOTE (hyzmarca) |
I hate Mars/Venus quips so instead of making one I'll ask,how do you feel about Rambo: First Blood part II? |
Never saw it.
Apr 18 2006, 02:20 AM
I told you already, orphanages cost double. You don't get the bulk discount until you're ordering at least five at a time.
Apr 18 2006, 02:26 AM
It just seemed somehow, forced. Hyzmarca had it right. The only thing we had any chance of identifing with gets removed, and the end just kinda falls... Meh.
Apr 18 2006, 02:35 AM
QUOTE (Kagetenshi @ Apr 17 2006, 09:20 PM) |
I told you already, orphanages cost double. You don't get the bulk discount until you're ordering at least five at a time.
~J |
Liar! You never told me that!
Awright then, how much would it cost to have you torch the free clinic across the street? Or the puppy farm two blocks down?
Apr 18 2006, 02:46 AM
QUOTE (FanGirl) |
Liar! You never told me that! |
Awright then, how much would it cost to have you torch the free clinic across the street? |
Standard price.
Or the puppy farm two blocks down? |
Are the puppies orphans?
Apr 18 2006, 03:07 AM
So does that stick up your ass have a stick up its ass, or are you just pouting because no one's really said anything good about the story? |
I considered my comment from the second post to be saying something good about the story. =)That, of course, before the rest of the peanut gallery chimed in and the thread turned a little meaner than one would probably like. But such is the way of things when folks stick something out in front of the world for comment.
QUOTE (coolgrafix @ Apr 17 2006, 02:49 PM) |
A nice slice-of-SR-life sort of story, Dashiell Hammett style. Thought the ending was rather abrupt and out of pace with the rest of the story, though.
If you're a dog lover, it's seriously not going to brighten your day to read it. Be warned. |
I appreciate the story itself, the time taken to craft it, and the insight it provides. Hats off to those who face the naked page.
John Campbell
Apr 18 2006, 03:42 AM
QUOTE (FanGirl) |
And while you're taking further advantage of an animal that has spent its whole life being exploited, why not just walk up to a little old lady and punch her in the face? Just for kicks. One sock to the jaw and she'll go down like a sack of potatoes, and that's when you start kicking her in the ribs. Don't be afraid to body-slam her a couple of times, too: old people bones make a very satisfying crunching sound when they break. It's a great warm-up before you burn down the orphanage full of blind kids.
You cold-hearted meaniehead. |
Wait, suggesting that killing the dog and leaving it to rot in an alley might not be the best course of action makes me a grandmother-beating meaniehead?
Apr 18 2006, 04:01 AM
You hit the nail on the head! ^_^
Apr 18 2006, 04:06 AM
QUOTE (FanGirl @ Apr 17 2006, 09:14 PM) |
Never saw it. |
How about Cobra, Conan the Barbarian, Mad Max, or any Steven Seagal movie?
Kremlin KOA
Apr 18 2006, 04:13 AM
the dog licked my soup
James McMurray
Apr 18 2006, 04:16 AM
Where was the soup when he started licking? Your attitude may change completely if you just move the soup to a more "friendly" location.
Wounded Ronin
Apr 18 2006, 04:16 AM
QUOTE (FanGirl) |
And while you're taking further advantage of an animal that has spent its whole life being exploited, why not just walk up to a little old lady and punch her in the face? Just for kicks. One sock to the jaw and she'll go down like a sack of potatoes, and that's when you start kicking her in the ribs. Don't be afraid to body-slam her a couple of times, too: old people bones make a very satisfying crunching sound when they break. |
Did you *intentionally* word that in the way designed to be the most funny-sounding way possible?
I think if you wanted to make that sound like a bad thing you could have at least made it sound Stephen King icky when describing it. But the way you describe it here it reads like a cartoon of a Mexican luchadore assaulting some Republican old lady who hates immigrants or something.
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