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Well Luigi *was* heading to the gym and then on to wherever Lucky's card takes him, but if something happens on the way just lemme know and I'll edit the posts....
Glitch occurs when half or more of your dices roll as 1s. Critical glitch occurs when you throw a glitch and don't have any hits. BBB p. 55-56
Once again... sarcastic.gif
Correct, sorry, I should have replied to that sooner.

Callidus, you missed a glitch by a single 1. One more and that would have bee na gltich, but you got three 1's off a dice pool of 8.
Woohoo saved by a single die *8->
Every little one counts.

Imagine glitching on a perception test.
"Hey, I think that little Japanese guy is following me. Hmmm... Ok, I wait around the next corner of an alley, and grab him when he comes around.


*time pasess .... Grab*

Tell me whacha y'a know ors I'll put yer head inta dat dere wall!

Huh, wha' ,who are , Hel-


...time ta fin' 'nother stalker ta question"

*Luigi walks off*
ROFLMAO *8-> hehe he soo would too *8->
That's why I love glitches. biggrin.gif love.gif
mfb - On your next post, go ahead and let me know what you're getting set with as far as gear and prep work. If it's essentially "go get 'x' guns' just post that OOC.

For checking on Jeremy and sitter, post IC, etc, and include heading back to the Strike or calling Lucky or whichever when you're set.
@Deva - just not having much luck today , are we? Bunch of bad rolls, and now ganged up on. Dont' feel picked on. Think of it this way; if you were going after a pair of runners, one wasa dwarf, and the other was a minotaur, who would you go after first?

@mfb - still waiting for your next post to know where you're headed and what gear you're bringing along.
@ Callidus - pine apple is hilarious. 3 CSP for the thoroughly rolled post. makes things much easier and faster since I don't have to wait for multiple posts.

Karma will be coming around again soon. Not a lot since we haven't gotten very far, but some for RPing and such.
OK, we've got Callidus' character Luigi unconcious and minotaur-napped, and Rayo in a tight spot. We'll see how the rigger does at getting out of it.

mfb - looks like you're going to have your work cut out for you as well. Meet to handle, Family guys and krewes to whack, and a minotaur to rescue. Isnt' it nice to be wanted? biggrin.gif
see, i knew i should've picked up that Minotaur Rescue knowledge skill.

we can rp this out or not--J's going to ask Vinnetto, her Seattle mob contact, what he knows (if anything) about the situation with the Spinnellis, specifically if J herself knows anyone from Vince's crew. Vinnetto's a consiglieri in the Ciarniello. he's been around for a while--came to Seattle as a caporegime under O'Malley. that's Brian O'Malley. he's been around forever, but he's never really distinguished himself.
mfb - Roll ettiquette , add in connection rating of the contact, to see how much intel you can garner.
J's done prepping, she'll had back to the Lucky Strike. lemme know when i should post her showing up.
Sinceit seemed pretty clear you were on your way, I posted arriving, but left you at the parking lot in case there was anything else you wanted to do before going in.
Looks like Rayo is getting set for that big dwarf hole in the sky. Going to use hand of God good sir? Don't suppose you ever got that Crash Cart paid up?
I think the god of Shadowrunners likes Rayo. And no, just going to screw Crash Cart, not to pay them.
So, burning Edge. Maybe NOPS are even once in the right place at the right time?

Edit: Sorry, didn't remember that you didn't like burning edge part. Let's just use that old 3rd edition Hand of God stuff.. same to me.
With the fourth reading I got something out of that french. Not meaning it's bad, just my little head had to translate those things more than once and even harder was to know which part was english and which wasn't. I would complain about lack of subtitles, but Callidus would have to write them everytime with Luigi. Also, it fitted really well in there, just added even more to Rayo's confused mind. biggrin.gif
Usually I'd put something in a spoiler to translate, but in this case, as you said, it makes more sense that Rayo wouldn't really know what he was saying and have to ponder on it a bit.

As for HoG, I usually give people a choice. Iguess this is something I forgot to mention in the House Rules. It seems ridiculous to me that someone with an Edge of 4 can have 4 HoG uses. So either you get just one, flat out, OR , you can use HoG and Burn all of your Edge attribute, down to 1, and then can rebuild it. As long as you have an Edge of 3, you can use HoG again. So let me know which one you choose. smile.gif
Karma Awards

Roleplaying ----------3
Driving the Plot------1
Alley Fight------------1
Timely Posting-------1
6 karma

Roleplaying ---------2
Alley Fight -----------1
Timely Posting-------1
4 karma

Roleplaying --------3
Time Posting -------1
4 Karma

It seems liek a bunch for the little that's been done but no karma has been awarded for qutie a while real time ,as the game took some time to get back up to speed. So here's something to work with while things pick up again.

I think I take the first one. But do I still burn my edge (by one point or more) or does this "only once"-thing rule out the burning edge -thing?
Burn one Edge, only used once. As opposed to burning your Edge down to 1 and being able to use HoG again once you build it back to 3.
Note to Callidus - You were down to 6 boxes of stun, having had some time to recover. They just kept you under with some narcotics.
crap forgot wounds mods.... erm make that Con test at -2 dice then *8-< hehe a -1 dice pool *8->
negative dice. Nice

"Uhhh. .. I uhh... I'z works fer m' self! yeah, dat's it! Jus' me, ain't no buddy else. Spec'ly mss Kozlowski, or dat "lucky" brod" Nope, don' know nuttin' 'bout none a dem', no ways no hows. ..... honest .....

what? Why ya' laughin'?"
Soooooo can't even convince them that the truth is true *8->
if you mean, why isnt' he truning down the juice, it's because he's purposefully going over board on the punishment.

Con is for trying to mislead information, lie out right ,that sort of thing. So if you fail a con test, he knows somethings missing or isnt right Obviosuly he doesn't know what, so consider it violent fishing.

If I'm not getting what you mean, or misunderstanding, please be specific. Don't want you to think I'm mishandling the situation because of a misunderstanding.
*8-> No you've got it about right, I wasn't shocked (pun intended *8->) that he didn't turn down the voltage or that he wouldn't believe me right off the bat. Just was hoping to avoid too many Con checks as I'm hoping he doesn't know the truth from a lie... but heyho Luigi with negative dice is gonna be sucking at making it look too good, although he'll probably suck at making the guy believe he;s telling the truth too.... specially with his high willpower and Guts advantage *8->

hmmm, guessing upping my edge or buying skills at this point is sooo cheatin' so will hold off til I'm outta this bit (gulp, I hope I get out *8->)
I gave you karma, so I'll let you up an attribute, but not a skill. You can up your skill after the encounter, assuming you survive.

The way I intend to do it is with some con checks and more will power checks. Con to see if you lie well, but willpower to see if you give up anything. So even if he never believes you and knows you're lying, you an still resist the torture.

Oh, and Guts would definitely apply for resisting torture in my mind.
FYI - Will be out of town from Monday to Friday. Heading up to Utah to pick up our kids. Probably won't be around a computer during that time either.
It feels a bit like the Hand of God didn't work.. dead.gif
HoG worked. Just cost you a point of karma. Recall that no where is it written that the HoG is a Get Out of Jail Free Card. And to my mind, that totally goes against the feel of the game anyway. Be glad, for Sinn, when he used his, he ended up bound in a spirit pact which eventualyl tried to take control of him. It could be worst.

Anyway, you and callidus are set to continue posting. What's Rayo's next move? The world (and me) wants to know.
I'm referring with lost of HoG to thing that I have waited almost two weeks now for something to happen. Been here everyday. Read my last four posts, you should find what Rayo wants to find out first before doing anything.
Edit: Sorry, last five posts.
As I mentioned before, I've been gone for a week. Rayo did have his comm on him, but then he was promptly borught in to a ritual to transfer a point of karma, midnwiped of the fact ,and left in his van. No scars from the wounds he took, although the marks are there in his clothing. Did I miss something?
Time and date.
Same date (thurs, Aug 16th), 2100
Oh yeah, I also would want to know if anybody has contacted Rayo while he was sleeping. After all he did send empty messages to three people (Luigi, Lucky and that ork who wants to have upskirts pics of Lucky.. what was his name? Oh right, Benny) and it would be damn if none of them would ask "WTF you're doing?!"
Right you are. Apologies, I knew I'd missed something. You would have questioning messages from Lucky and Benny.
in case you're wondering why my several of my rolls look a bit odd, it's because i was rolling all 12 of my d6s and then lining up the 5s and 6s before all the rest, to make it easier to count hits. however, it struck me that when in doubt, i roll too many dice and subtract as many dice from the end as necessary to get to the correct number of rolls (easier than rolling too few and then everyone having to wait for me to come back and roll the rest), so it's cheating to do it that way. i've started listing the dice from left to right as they lay. and people wonder why i prefer to roll online!
If you want to use a dice roller that you can post links to ,that's just fine. I do it pretty much the same way as you described. Either way works.
Going to be touch and go for about a week. I have a lot of things going on until about Wednesday, so I'll be posting a bit less often. mfb, will get your results up as soon as I can. Sorry for the wait.
Two glitches in two damage resistance tests? Damn that guy is unlucky.. but with that many successes the glitch shouldn't be a bad one. read.gif
I have said this several times before, but you know how glitch occurs, don't ya, oh GM of GMs? I think we have discussed about this many times before.. lick.gif
Yes, he blew it. I was all stoked thinking "At least this guy will put up something of a fight". Then got two glitches. It was seriously everything but his successes on both rolls were ones. Just a nasty, nasty roll. But hey, dice don't lie. So he has some visions modifiers and lsot his action for the round.
OK well, it doesn't look like Callidus is going to be returning. It's been weeks since we've seen anything from him, and he hasn't replied to my PMs either. So once this part w mfb is resolved, we'll be moving on with or without him.

Callidus - if you show up, please post quickly. 'cause there's really only one way that we can move on at this point, and it ain't pretty. frown.gif
This thread seems to have some kind of curse to your players. They seem to get a life elsewhere.. or die mysteriosly.. or goverment comes and bans them from internet, FOR LIFE! cool.gif (<-Fed.)

So sad.. so young.
Hahahahaha... yes, mafia life is hard after all. Gotta watch out for those feds.
You have Big Brother looking over your shoulder there Deva?

Anyway, mfb's thing should be sorted out soon. Then we can move on and se i fCallidus manages to get back in time. Just think of this thread as Shadowrun:Survivor. Big karma to the last man standing.
Little Update: Still no word frmo Callidus, so at this point, he's offically on Suspenion. His character will be removed from the game in a way that makes sense, but still leaves the potential for him to come back later should he resurface.

We will be joined shortly by Galedeep, and possibly Critias. We've got our own little mafia-hydra going on.

[ Spoiler ]
The sheet is much clearer. Thanks. smile.gif
Not a problem, boss. Changed that contact, as you suggested.

How would you like to start things going?
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