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You'll be coming in on the next "day", which likely will be (relatively) soon.
Heads up to family members mfb and GaleDeep:

Deva is taking a couple days for personal stuff, so this delay is expected. Sorry I forgot to post it.
Hey, that's cool. I'm just antsy to get in on the action.

I've read all of the game and OOC thus far, and I quite like the feel of it.

I can't wait!
Excellent. You'll have your work cut out for you. Trust me.
sorry about the delay. busy weekend; i had that post on my screen in various stages of completion for at least 48 hrs.
I did? Damn.. Ben knows my business schedule better than I do.. (actually, I was busy and didn't have time to come here, but not because of my PS3)

Edit: Btw, I don't remember if Luigi did have any hair on his head. Somehow in my mind all trolls are bald.. even female. But of course they might look like 80s hairmetal band members. But that's just my head (with lazy memory)
well remember that luigi is a minotaur. He has hair everywhere.

And I was referring to your PS3. Priorities , after all. wink.gif
Deva- not trying to be snarky to you. Makes sense to ask someone like Lucky. Just responding as she would.
Lady Door
@ Galedeep: I love.gif my lawyer.

Now, if only I knew the first damn thing about UCAS law...

Heh, I'll have more information in a while. 'Til then, I'll wing it. I'm just excited to finally be in a Shadowrun game that's high quality, and moves!
Alright, let's see...

Plan B, if Lucky gets a lighter sentence, you've GOT to look into cutting a deal with a local corp for extraterritoriality. Possibly a version of the protection racket the family is into; in exchange for, maybe a place to send their johnsons to do work, or cash, or something, see if you can't get them to declare your casino part of their territory, and therefore out of the NOPS jurisdication. figure out how to work this...
Very interesting idea.
[] > Galedeep outside of it. biggrin.gif
Lady Door
Good idea. I had thought about something along those lines a few months back. Lucky has some dirt on the local Ares branch down in NO. The only problem was trying to find a way to get to the person responsible and dangle the carrot without being too heavy handed with the stick. But, now I have a smooth talking lawyer....
Heh, and he's a good shot. That goes a long way with the right kind of jury in the south. wink.gif

Alright, my initial attempt at freakin' out the po-po is po-posted.

So...did she really gun down twenty guys? That's impressive. How long has Lucky been an active character?
She did. WIth the rest of her crew. All of whom are dead now.
Most of the guys they gunned down were unarmed too.

Lucky's been an active character for about a year and a half IIRC. Over a hundred karma, I know that for sure. Some of it on the DS boards, some of it not. The first part of the OOC chronicles their earlier exploits.
Well, I've made my gambit, and I hope it works out. Any way to get in touch with you guys via AIM or anything? I used the SN Thagrapeofwrath, and typically use trillian.
Do you mean MSN? My email on that is

Remember how omerta works. Code of silence. You DO NOT talk about This Thing of Ours, or you are dead. I didn't say anything sooner because frankly, Goz does not know who she did what with or with whom. I'm saying it now so that you understand her position. You're a trusted confidant of Harry. She also does not know that.

BTW, discussions in the room may be recorded, but because it's between the two of you, it's lawyer/client confidentiality. They can't use it.
Heh, well, the general idea was to make her promise to talk about her associates involved in the crime, but word it in a way to where there WEREN'T any associates to talk about. Sort of a word game. Lawyer-think. If she promised to talk about her associates in the crime of her shooting someone, that means she can only talk about herself, and in that case, she can plead the fifth. Likewise with the vandalism charges.

Still, I may have underestimated her feelings in the matter.

My main constraint is understanding the legal system. I'm making do with what I know from legal dramas, common sense, and wikipedia, but I'm coming up blank on how far to push it, what to concede, and what to demand.

EDIT: I got MSN, so if anyone is around, contact me at
unless there's a reason to post, i'm gonna hold off until J and Lucky arrive and catch up with Rayo. less jumping around in the timeline that way.
Understood. I'd thought Deva would call for back up. But apparently he's playing cowboy. wink.gif Either way, Bennet called in Lucky and J, and is more than happy to wait for back up himself before going into an unknown situation . At your speed, you guys are only 10-15 minutes away, so we'll see how fast it plays out w/ Rayo.

Either way, the remaining group will be brought together "in the morning". It should be a bit more cohesive then. Thanks everyone for your respective patience-es.
Sowwy.. wink.gif
I could explain why Rayo didn't call, but it would take a long time. But mostly, he forgot. Because I forgot the promise. Well.. there's going to be a long, angry, one-sided chat with Lucky afterwards.
Hahaha, fallability is awesome in a game. No worries smile.gif They'll get there eventually. Just move along IC and we'll see where it synchs up.
son of a biscuit. i haven't been including the +1 die from my firearms reflex recorder.
What about wound modifiers? smile.gif
Sometimes plusses ain't all you get.
What about Trolls? C'mon and finish getting shot up!
J has no wound modifiers, currently. a few glasses of gin and a handful of Bliss fixed her right up. she's like the ex-russian Max Payne!
QUOTE (Galedeep)
What about Trolls? C'mon and finish getting shot up!

You haven't been posting on your tangent thread. I have no sympathy/ nyahnyah.gif


Serisouly though I'd love to get this disparate group together. IWTF seems to have a history of split up people. makes it hell to run. glad we're almost there.
Errr.. Rayo and J have never met. And I don't think that they have ever even talked via commlinks. And if I remember right, Lucky has never talked about J to Rayo.
Ben, correct me if I remember wrong.
[ Spoiler ]

Edit: Exception, if somehow J is carrying Lucky's commlink, then this thing might make sense.
edited. i'd misread, i thought Fist had said that Lucky and J had been in contact with Rayo, but it was just Lucky.

and hey, don't shoot J! she's ticklish, man!
They've enver met, but LLucky did fill J in and give her a pic to go off of. I'll hafta double check if she gave J Rayos info , but it makes sense that she would.

Rayo shooting J would be hilarious biggrin.gif
Can we, please, move on so we can get to the next day - before Christmas.
Pretty please..
will do. All the opposition is dead at this point anyway.
NewsFlash : Callidus has returned from the internet-lacking grave. No Call, if you're up for getting back into the game, there's a very simple solution: Roll Damage Resistance.

THis is, after all, the minotaur that managed to completely soak an LMG on full auto. So roll two damage resistance test against head shots. 9DV. I fully epxect youll take damage, and probably be at or around death's door. But that's right where you should be.

If oyu feel that you've lapsed too long or just not in the mood, that's of course fine. But we'd love to have you back In.
sorry for the delay. waiting to post until Callidus decides.
NP, and agreed. mfb, you can always post on Darksun unitl then. biggrin.gif

Edit: I think I need another game.
Well there is always the SMuggler's Run. Now that you can recruit a few more people. Sorry to all, I know the different avenues has been slowing things down. Once we HAVE AN ANSWER FROM CALLIDUS *HINT* we'll proceed, and it'll the be morn, with Galedeep, mfb, Deva, and hopefully Callidus getting heads together on how to proceed without Lady Luck.
Rayo's life sucks even more in Smuggler's Run than in original thread. Not meaning, that it would suck to play it, but I wish all happiness to him he can get.. and it doesn't really look good in there.

Maybe he should leave sweet N.O. and sail to Miami or Havanna. And then he would be even more dead.. sarcastic.gif
Nah, Rayo's coming along. Getting krma bit by bit for one thing. And really, if/when he puls that CrashCart job, he'll have a ton of left over cred once he fences everything. That should help a lot.
Most likely he need to spend rest of his cred (even thought I doubt that there will be anything left after paying his debts) to couple of funerals, as it seems that people around Lucky keep dying (and also coming back to life).
Eeeeee, yes I'm back, and sorry I've been gone with no word but glad to be back online *8->

Anyhoo rolls

[ Spoiler ]
Luigi is so honest that he can't even pretend to be dead. LOL.
But welcome back.. just in time to make Luigi breath again. wink.gif
Well remember that he was alraedy damaged, so we'll jsut say he was unconcious. Deva , Vallidus, either of you feel fre to post him waking up laying out in the back of the van , and the hilarity that amy ensue. biggrin.gif
I've been waiting for mfb to say something.
I can do a post for him waking up, got a couple of ideas, but kinda need a hint on who's van and whether he's tied up/guarded/in a coffin *8->
Deva/Rayo and J/mfb (uunfamiliar russian huuman woman) are in the front. An uunconcious troll woman with red pigtails is in the back. You're both spread out on the ground. She's bandaged, ,your not.
Deva, I don't think it would be hard to notice the dead body in the back stirring. Throw up a post please. smile.gif mfb, you as well.
I'm still waiting for mfb to first post something.
At least to reply for Rayo's question.. or more like statement.
"Ha haa, you funny little dwarf. Me come." or something
He did , and it was hilarious
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