Lady Door
Apr 6 2007, 12:31 AM
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0) |
It's been a few days since everything went down with the Gianelli Family. Things could have been simpler, but any job you can walk away from.....
Thankfully, life is starting to fall a bit more in to line. The Taste of Osaka is finally closing its doors due to a number of terrbile incidents First they get closed for termite inspection, and end up with termites and ants. Then most of the workers stop showing up, which leads to even poorer service. Not a good recovery after a food critic got poisoned with bad sushi. Then the health inspectors timely review catches them in the midst of all of this. Trying o recover, the floundering owner goes for a bank loan, and is denied all over town. He starts to turn to getting more drug moen,y just to have his 17 year old daughter die from a bad Kong Chip. The already strong rumors that the place is haunted get only stronger when the owner commits Seppeku in his office.
Grateful for the excellent work, and true to her word, Caporegime Cynthia Vicente arranges for four of her working girls and one of her boys start andwering to Lucky. Cynthia still gets her 15%, and Lucky gets some more "hands on" experience. Cynthia takes her out for a celebration dinner.
Without any imediate concerns from Mancuso to take care of, life is looking just a bit more shiny for the moment. |
Lady Door
Apr 6 2007, 04:38 AM
Life may be a little more shiny but that doesn't mean it's any less chaotic. Lucky was still working 20 hour days, relying mostly on her newfound magical prowess to keep her going.
The deal with the krewe that had been operating out of the Taste went off without a hitch, thankfully. Meaning that now Lucky had a solid krewe contact and a dealer with which to peddle her load of Bliss. The payment wasn't all that she had hoped for but a promise of future product kickbacks sweetened the deal.
Now, she was finally back in her office and able to sit down and re-evaluate where her priorites were. Leaning back in her chair, Lucky pulled out her commlink and began to review her ongoing To-do list.
Pay a visit to the Arena again. Still need to pay back Fernando for slipping me the private suite when D. was in town. Also, check with Mal about a fighter to back. Let's see... what else.. hmm, there's that party Vincent is throwing. Could be interesting to see what show business is like in the Big Easy. I think I'll go. That's Saturday. Gonna need a new dress before then.Lucky put the commlink down and lit a cigarette. She exhaled, blowing the smoke out in large, lazy rings.
God, I'm tense... sorry, Father. I really should schedule a spa day or something.
Apr 6 2007, 05:53 AM
The Lucky Strike - Office - Friday
There's a knock at the door to the office. Roberto opens the door, letting in four attractive young laides, and a very handsome Latino man.
'Scuse me Ms Lucky, but MS Vicente sent these folks over to talk with you. Said you'd want to see 'em.
The "lady" that looked the most sure of her self, a long haired brunette in a summer dress walked forward and offered her hand.
Pleasure to meet you Miss Santangelo. My names Bridgette. The blond is Anna, Denise is the girl with the pig tails, and Shannon is the 'red head'. And this is Angelo.
The blond, Anna, certainly looked like she needed to be introduced. She seemed lost in a world of twirling her hair and looking at the walls. Denise, the raven haired girl seemed a bit sharper. She looked a bit anorexic, but that's one of the side effects of their line of work. Shannon certainly looked red haired, but it was bottle red. No way of knowing her orginal hair color. She looked a bit older, perhaps 23, and more aware of her surrounndings than the other two. And Bridgette seemed perfectly comfortable.
Angelo however seemed more than comfortable. He was wearing an unbuttoned black silk shirt, showing off his dark skin and wash board abs. He had a grin a mile wide. It was a nice smile certainly, but he seemed maybe a bit too eager to please.
Bridgette continued Ms Vicente sent us over. She said you'd have special work for us?
Lady Door
Apr 6 2007, 07:13 PM
Lucky takes Bridget's offered hand, returns the shake firmly and then nods to Roberto.
Thank you, Roberto. Why don't you grab us a bottle or two of something and bring it in.
Turning back to the newcomers, Lucky indicates the open chairs.
Please sit. It's a pleasure to finally meet you all. Before we discuss what my plans are why don't you tell me a little more about what your expectations are in regards to working with me? I think it's better if we all start out on the same page.Lucky smiles and leans back in her chair, her eyes on Bridget.
Apr 6 2007, 07:18 PM
Roberto fetches the bottle, while Bridget again does the talking.
Anna's a dancer mostly. She does her thing, on stage or private, and can go from there. Denise and I , we mostly work as escorts, going out on the town with John for the night. It pays pretty well. Quality versus quantity I say.
Shannon specilaizes a bit. She's adominatrix primarily. None of us are street walers, so I just want t oget that all cleared first. We're professional entertainment.
Alberto's an amazing massuer primarily. He also get a lot of work form just "being around" as he calls it. All of us will go both ways if the money's right. We've done diferent venues, groups, that sort of thing, so we know what we're doing. I've got some skill wires installed as well, and all of us have eyecams and ear recorders. Ms Vicente insisted on it and got us all wired.
Lady Door
Apr 6 2007, 07:33 PM
Excellent. Thank you, Bridget.Lucky waits for a moment when Roberto returns, letting him pour the drinks. Watching Roberto, she sees his eyes land on Bridget. He smiles. She smiles.
Roberto seems to have a good eye for talent.
Once Roberto leaves, Lucky begins speaking again.
This is how it's going to go. You four will be continuing for me what you've begun for Ms. Vicente. The only difference is that the Strike will be your new home. I'll expect you two, here Lucky indicates Bridget and Denise, to hang around in the casino and lounge for the first while, spending time with the high rollers and players, helping them to increase their bets and whatever else they want to do. You're free to continue escorting but I'll have a cut: 10% off the top, which is 5% less then what Ms. Vicente was taking. As a special incentive, I'll offer you a kickback of 5% for every extra thou you can get your John to drop here at the Strike. That deal goes for all of you.
For you, Ms. Anna, we'll be installing a new dance floor once our permit is approved. Don't worry.. it will be. You'll be our main attraction for a while until we bring on a few more dancers. Ms. Vicente assured me that your skills were... exemplary.For a moment, Anna looks upset.That means they're good, Anna.Lucky smiles and looks over at Angelo.
Angelo, I don't suppose you have any skill with a gun, do you?
Apr 6 2007, 07:36 PM
Angelo looks confused What would I use a gun for?
The young man lokos like he spends a lot of time between the gym and the salon. Probably not so much at the firing range. Over all, he sems to be in excellent shape. Probably boxes at the gym or something. But he doesn't look the type to know much about guns. He has a very "male underwear model" look.
Lady Door
Apr 6 2007, 07:42 PM
Sometimes, in the course of business, it pays to have an attractive bodyguard. It keeps those you're dealing with distracted and it draws less attention then the stereotypical 7 foot tall Troll. I would like to be able to use you as such when the need calls for it. I'll be getting you a set of skill wires then.
Don't look so worried, they'll be invaluable to you later. When I am not in need of you, you will be keeping yourself available in the club... Now, does anyone have any questions?... oh, and please, don't ask me about money. I'll discuss that with each of you privately. It makes things so much more pleasant that way.
Apr 6 2007, 07:53 PM
Shannon says For my particular vocation, I needa private place to work. Is there any place aorund here suitable for that? I have an important list of clients, and they won't be pleased if I'm unable to take care of them properly.
Anna looks annoyed and bored. She starts checking out Angelo.
Lady Door
Apr 6 2007, 08:04 PM
Lucky nods. Of course, we have a private room that is set apart from the others at the end of the hall, number 12. I'll turn that over to you to do with what you will. I'll assume we'll need some sort of soundproofing and renovation work, so get an estimate and get me the bill. Anything else?
Apr 6 2007, 08:06 PM
That is exactly what I was going to ask about. yes, I can take care of that.
Everyone else shakes their heads, except for Anna, who pulls out a cigarette, then thinks better of it seeing Lucky's face and the look on it that says "That cigarette will end up somewhere uncomfortable if you keep going".
Business finished, the group gathers their things and leaves, Angelo taking a lingering look at Lucky.
Lady Door
Apr 6 2007, 08:35 PM
As the group heads out, Lucky thinks:
Well, hell, might as well test the merchandise I'm going to be selling.She smiles at Angelo.
Angelo, would you stay for a moment, please?
Apr 6 2007, 08:37 PM
Angelo's massage is fantastic. He talks very low and smooth while he works. He starts with the basic relaxing massage, then brings Lucy's attention back when he starts paying attention to certain details. It ends happily, with Lucky quite pleased by her new product.
Lady Door
Apr 6 2007, 08:43 PM
Going to have to thank Cynthia. That Anna though, her attitude is going to need some adjusting. We'll see what I can do about that.
Noticing the time, Lucky grabs her long coat and her Ares, tucking the Ares into her underarm holster. Lucky also slides her Hammerli into a holster tucked into the small of her back.
Time to hit the Arena again.Lucky pulls out her lockbox and slides a fat stack of hundreds out and into her pocket. Lucky tucks the lockbox away, locks her office and heads out of the Strike.
Soon she's pulling up to a familiar looking alley.
Apr 6 2007, 08:54 PM
After the now familiar walk through, Lucky's in the thick of things. She's got a bit of a reputation here now, so there's a few familiar faces. As usual, her hostess arrives to 'asist her with anything'. The Brunnette from Darius' visit, Angela.
Angela is one of the many concessions that Le Croix makes available for repeat big spenders such as Lucky. She's always available when Lucky comes in, or is made available. Sh'es godo for introductions, or any sort of sweet tooth Lucky might have while in for the evening. Even better , she's also Lucky's personal bartender. She can get drinks directly, without any silly waiting at the bar. She's also

300 an hour. But for some things, such as the proper image of importance conveyed, there really is no price to high.
What are we interested in this evening Ms Santangelo?
Lady Door
Apr 6 2007, 08:56 PM
I'm looking for Malice, Angela.Lucky smiled and made a transfer of 900

to Angela's comm. The woman preferred the cred up front and her tips in cash, a woman after Lucky's own heart.
Apr 6 2007, 09:00 PM
She's in. She's down in the cages. This way.
Lucky had learned from a number of visits that "the Cages" were where the fighters got prepared. For some this meant putting on spiked gloves, or taking combat drugs, getting them selves psyched up, or even inflicting a few superficial wounds on them selves to mess with opponets minds. For malice, this usually meant screwing someone's brains out, then getting in to her leather barely-there's, before she went out to kill someone.
This was indeed the state she found Malice in, with another one of the fighters. Malice loked over from her 'ride'. Be with you in a sec Luck, feel free to wait.
Other fighters were trying to find things to occupy their attention. This was part of Malice's strategy. The Cages offer no privacy at all. So her next opponent would likely be thinking about what she had jsut been doing more than what she was about to do. Malice could be a real cold bitch some times.
Lady Door
Apr 6 2007, 09:03 PM
Lucky smiled and took a moment to glance over the other fighters, enjoying their discomfort.
Let' see, there's that big guy over there. Of course, he's new.. so. Hmm. I need someone with some kind of style... I wonder if Harry's here tonight. Now there's someone I wouldn't mind going home with.Lucky's eyes strayed up to the private suites, wondering.
Apr 6 2007, 09:30 PM
Malice finishes her 'warm up' about ten minutes later. She towels off and walks over to Lucky.
Still talent scouting Lady Luck? You might want to check out that one over there
Malice points to a tall black man. He's well muscled, but not huge. Very lean, good looking enough to be a show horse. His head is shaved, and he's wearing only a pair of black pants. He's currently wrapping one of his hands in a boxing wrap.
I've seen him fight once before. His name's Caesar, but you might want to come up with something more interesting. He's only gota bit of augmentation, but he has skill. He seems to be in to kick boxing, probably started out as a street fighter. Of course, that means he might not be big on the idea of a manager taking a cut, so you'll have to sell it.
I have to go kill one of htese guys now. Back in a bit. I'll see you later tonight, your place. You still owe me some dog and a black berry cat by the way. Don't forget.
Malice walks out of the Cages towards the Arena.
Angela waits by Lucky.
Lady Door
Apr 6 2007, 09:41 PM
Yeah, I know. I'll see you there. Lucky smiled as Malice walked away and then turned to Angela.
Angela, could you ask Cesar if he would join me up in my suite after his match, please? That is, assuming he lives through it?
Lucky eyes Cesar appreciatively, and then heads for her suite, stopping to speak with a few of the familiar faces she sees along the way.
Apr 6 2007, 09:45 PM
Malice's match is almost over by the time Lucky gets back to the concourse level. The woman loves drawing out a match. There are few fighters who can really challange her. Those always become head liner matches. this one was over before it started.
Angela arrives a few minutes after Lucky in the siute.
The fighter said that he would meet you, but he didn't seem pleased. He said it had "better be worth his while".
Without asking, Angela fetches Lucky her drink and a cigar, then prodcues a number of lotions from a cabinet and gives Lucky a questioning look. Angela gives excellent massages, especially feet and hands.
Lady Door
Apr 6 2007, 09:48 PM
Lucky just nods. Her mind already debating the terms of "worth his while". Clearly, the man was like Malice, enjoying the freedom of being a solo performer. It was also just as clear that the man probably had no idea what being managed by someone with Lucky's connections could be like. Either way, it looked like she was going to have to handle this guy with kid gloves.
Angela, tell me what you know about this Cesar guy?
Apr 6 2007, 09:50 PM
Not a lot. He's new. He's won his first three matches. Other than that, he comes to fight, then leaves again. Never stays around. I haven't seen him socialize with anyone.
Lady Door
Apr 6 2007, 09:54 PM
Lucky nods and sips at her drink. Picking up her commlink, Lucky brings up the Shadowland: New Orleans data haven. Bringing up the haven's directory, Lucky selects "The Arena".
Might as well see what everyone else is saying.. if anyone else is saying anything, that is.
Lucky's eyes scan the listing of known fighters, selecting the name Cesar when she comes to it.
Apr 6 2007, 09:58 PM
The data haven has a dissapointing amount of intel on the Arena. It does provide a link, one way, to the Arena's home LAN however. There she gets all the statistics. Caesar has been around just long enough to acutally be tracked. If you make it through your first two matches here, then they start keeping track. Otherwise you're just meat.
There's also a short vid file, showing his last match. Caesar is brutal. In the match, the knees a man in the side, breaking ribs, then follows up with an elbow that breaks the jaw. He then takes the stunned man and grabs him by the head, gouging an eye, and rams him in to the stone wall of the Arena, leaving a blood spatter.
The vid shows him for a few seconds after. He's breathing heavy, his face shows focus and energy, not the usual rage or cold calculation most fihgters go for.
Lady Door
Apr 6 2007, 10:00 PM
Interesting, an adept maybe?Lucky moves forward, staring down into the pits, waiting for Cesar's fight. In the meantime, another thought comes to her.
Angela, have you seen Harry lately?
Apr 6 2007, 10:02 PM
He was in two nights ago. He usually comes once or twice a week, so he may be back tomorrow night.
Angela is a smart girl. Smart enough to learn her clients needs, and see to them before hand. This means things like knowing about the people they work with, and their movements within the Arena.
Lady Door
Apr 6 2007, 10:06 PM
Thank you, Angela.Lucky sighs. Ever since the dinner meeting the other day she had been hoping for a little more recognition. Harry seemed to like her well enough, and it seemed as though Cynthia was genuinely pleased about how the situation with the Taste went down, but still Lucky couldn't help but feel as though she was still and was always going to be the low man on the totem pole. It was a feeling she didn't care for at all.
Realizing that Angela had moved her her shoulders, Lucky sighed and leaned back into the chair.
You're a godsend, Angela. You really are.
Apr 6 2007, 10:09 PM
Angela smiles. She pulls up the schedule on the AR for Lucky, showing that Caesar isn't due to fight for another 20 mnutes, meaning it will be at least 40 until their 'meeting'. She asks if there are any other services Lucky would like while she waits.
Lady Door
Apr 6 2007, 10:11 PM
Not tonight, Angela, but thank you. This feels like heaven, so if you wouldn't mind??Lucky smiles up at Angela.
Lucky takes another long drink of her whisky and lets herself melt.
Apr 6 2007, 10:14 PM
Being that they have the time, Angela makes good use of it. She removes Lucky's jacket and shirt for a time, so that she can do her back properly, then helps her dress again. Then it's on to the legs. Then feet and hands again. By the time Caesar arrives, knocking at the door, Lucky has been to masage heaven, head to toe, and had some time to recover with a bottle of water followed by a whiskey malt.
Caeser enters the room. He's dressed now, wearinga ray hoodie, and steel toe boots, as well as the pants he fought in. He seems not much the worst for wear.
You Lucky? Heard you wanted ta see me.
His voice is very deep, the kind most men only do in the early morning.
Lady Door
Apr 6 2007, 10:16 PM
It's also the kind of voice that makes Lucky melt. Playing it cool, she nods and indicates one of the leather chairs.
Please have a seat, Cesar. Would you like something to drink?
Apr 6 2007, 10:17 PM
He helps him self to a bottle of water and sits down across from Lucky. Angela sits to the side, out of the way, waiting for an order.
Lady Door
Apr 6 2007, 10:20 PM
Angela, would you give us a moment please?
Once Angela is out of the room, Lucky turns back to Cesar.
I'm going to be blunt with you, Cesar. I like your style. I like the way you carry yourself. I also hear you're without representation. I would like to change that.
Apr 6 2007, 10:22 PM
Don't need no rep'sentation to take some fool out lady. Don need no one taking any my money that I earn, jus' for sittin' roun' watchin' me do it either.
Lady Door
Apr 6 2007, 10:32 PM
I agree with you. Don't need no one taking any of your hard earned money sittin' around watching you. But, I'm not going to sit around and watch you and take your money. Like I said, I like your style. But, style's not going to get you where you want to go. What are you looking for, Cesar? I don't think you're in this for the fame... you come, you fight, you go home. So, you could be in it just for the money, in which case you gotta know that the fights you're doin' are nickel and dime fights. Nothing more. You want to make the real money? You need someone who can introduce you to the right people, get your name listed for the real fights in real rings. I can do that for you, Cesar.
Lucky lights a cigarette and smiles at the suspicious look on Cesar's face.
You want to know what I want, Cesar? I know you could care less, but I'm going to tell you anyway. I want someone that I can take all the way to pro-UFC. The real deal. I would like it to be you. As such, I'm asking that you let me make the introductions, talk you up, get you making the real money and I won't even touch a dime of what's yours until then. Of course, I could be talking to the wrong man... but, that's your call.
Apr 6 2007, 10:38 PM
You don' touch a dime? Believe that when I see it. I ain't thinking pro, least I wasn't. Don't know nothin' 'bout that. I just fight where da money's at.
Roll Influence (G)/Leadership-Persuasion no modifiers
Lady Door
Apr 6 2007, 10:43 PM
Then you need to be thinking pro. Besides, like I said... these are nickel and dime fights. I have no need for loose change. Charisma/Persuasion Test [ Spoiler ]
Persuasion: 4 + Charisma: 9 + First Impression: 2, 15, Result: 5,6,6,6,6,6,6,5,2,3,2,3,2,3,1 Total: 8 successes
Apr 6 2007, 10:48 PM
Yeah al'righ', we'll give it a shot. But I been makin' good money 'roun here. Ain't no point in fightin' if yo ain't bettin' on ya self. And ain't no point in bettin' any less than evrathin', 'cause if ya lose, ya' ain't gonna be 'round ta' not enjoy it. So what ya got in mind lady? Wassur name anyway?
Lady Door
Apr 6 2007, 10:54 PM
I couldn't agree with you more, Cesar. The name's Lucky. Lucky Santangelo. First point of business will be to get you into prime fighting condition, I'm thinking some more 'ware.Lucky eyes Cesar critically.
What's with the name, anyway? It your real name?
Apr 6 2007, 10:55 PM
Gotta problem wit dat?
Lady Door
Apr 6 2007, 11:04 PM
I don't have a problem with it. Just doesn't seem to suit your fighting style. I'd go with something more evocative of how you move. You fight quick. You strike. You plan. You calculate. I would choose a name that represents that.Lucky shrugs and sips her drink, letting her words sink in.
Apr 6 2007, 11:05 PM
Well dne I'll let you figa that out. I gotta split soon. You gotta numba?
Lady Door
Apr 6 2007, 11:07 PM
Yeah, I got a number. Where you headed so soon?
Apr 6 2007, 11:08 PM
S'me place else. Why, you got somethin' worth hagin' round for?
Lady Door
Apr 6 2007, 11:11 PM
If we're gonna be working together I need to know if you're running around doing something that's gonna lessen my investment. You doin' something like that?
Apr 6 2007, 11:13 PM
I ain't pumpin Novacoke or nothin like that, if that's wacha mean. Don't touch that sort o' stuff. My body is my temple.
Lady Door
Apr 6 2007, 11:16 PM
It's a really nice temple too.Lucky smiles and pulls out her commlink. This is my number. If anything happens to you, you call me. I also want you to send me over a schedule of your next matches. We need to decide how to proceed. I also need to know what ware you got and what grade it is so I can figure out what you still need and what needs upgradin'.
We clear?
Apr 6 2007, 11:19 PM
yeah sure. Dat it?
He stands up to leave.
Lady Door
Apr 6 2007, 11:21 PM
Lucky stands as well.
Then I look forward to hearing from you.Lucky smiles and opens the door for Cesar.
When he's gone, she sits back down. The fights are starting to wind down outside and there's really not much else to do.
Tossing back the last of her whiskey, Lucky heads out the door.