Apr 7 2007, 11:17 PM
Lucky arrives at Al-is-a-gators Farm around 4 in the afternoon. There's a balck sedan out front. The gate is open, but no one is immediately in sight.
Driving in, Lucky spots the figure of Andy T, one of the made men she knows by acquitance. He's pulling out rubber gloves.
Once Lucky and Bennet step out of the truck, Harry comes walking out of one of the buildings.
Lucy. Bennet, nice to see you. Let's see what you've brought for lunch.
Lady Door
Apr 7 2007, 11:19 PM
Lucky walks around to the back of the truck and flips down the tail gate. Grabbing a foot, she pulls the body to the edge. Pulling down the drop cloth Lucky exposes Eddie's face.
For a moment, Lucky feels a little self-concious realizing that her shirt is still open and untucked and her skirt is still riding a little high. She just looks at Harry, waiting further instructions.
Apr 7 2007, 11:22 PM
Harry walks over, inspecting Eddy. He spares Lucky a glance or two as well. Then he nods.
Finish up here Lucky. I'll see you tonight.
Harry turns and walks back to his sedan. Andy takes out a tarp and tool box from his own truck. The tarp he lays dawn about 30 feet from the water. The tool box he opens, and pulls out a few leather arpons. Still insdie are a pair of monofilament chainsaws, and a number of knives. He puts on one of the aprons, and puts on one of the sets of rubber gloves. He takes some golashes ot of his truck. He then turns to Lucky and watches her, waiting.
Lady Door
Apr 7 2007, 11:29 PM
Lucky nods and looks over the tools. Looking at Eddy, she strips off his wife beater and then slips her shirt off. Sliding his shirt on, she tosses her shirt back into her truck.
Sparing a look at Bennett, she shrugs. It's Dolce.
Lucky yanks the body out of the truck, enjoying the sound of the the man hitting the dirt with a thud, outwardly in calm, inwardly she's thinking of everything that Eddy did to that poor girl.
Yank, Drag, Drag...
Lucky slides the body onto the tarp, Andy laid down. Walking back to the tool box, she slips the apron, gloves and galoshes on. She also digs through the tool box until she finds a pair of safety glasses. Holding them up, she looks at Andy for approval. When he nods, she slides them on. Looking at the tools, she picks up one of the chainsaw. Going back to where Eddy lies she removes the tarp he's wrapped in. Looking down at him, Lucky debates for a moment and then starts the chainaw.
Apr 7 2007, 11:31 PM
Bennet asks You gonna pop 'em first? It'll spray more if you don't.
Andy lights a cigarette, apparently content to wait.
Finsh him, give him some time to bleed and let his blood pressure drop.
He clears a small hole near where the head would bleed out for it to pool in to.
Make the clean up a little easier
Lady Door
Apr 7 2007, 11:36 PM
No, actually. He tossed her to the alligators while she was still alive, I really see no reason he should deserve any better.
Lucky's face is set. Her eyes angry. She nods to Andy and then motions for them to back up.
The first thing to go is his left hand at the wrist. The second, his right hand.
Apr 7 2007, 11:39 PM
Andy shrugs. You do the hose down then.
Half an hour later, it's done. Another half an hour, it's cleaned.Andy tosses the plastic ware in to the back of his truck, waves to Lucky and Bennet and drives off.
Bennet climbs in the truck. Drop me off at my car? I've got some other things I still need to see to today.
Lady Door
Apr 7 2007, 11:41 PM
Lucky nods, and slips the tank top off. She slips her shirt back on and drives off.
Thanks for your help. I appreciate it.
Apr 7 2007, 11:43 PM
Don't forget to destroy the commlink. I know of a few good sized dumpsters that get picked up regularly if you're interested.
Lady Door
Apr 7 2007, 11:44 PM
Lucky just nods and indicates the commlink and shirt. I got a place for these.
(By the way, the commlink is off.)
Lucky drives up to the liquor store where Bennet's car is parked.
See you around?
Apr 7 2007, 11:45 PM
He nods and climbs out , then gets in to his car.
Lady Door
Apr 8 2007, 06:07 PM
Feeling a little...mucky, Lucky heads home to take a shower. Walking inside she surprised to see that damn cellar door open again. Sighing, she slams it shut, bolting it closed.
That's it. Getting myself a damned dog.Once she's out of the shower, Lucky pulls out her commlink and starts searching for dog breeders, ... the ones that breed pit bulls.
Apr 8 2007, 06:13 PM
A bit suprised at the prices, Lucky has a couple of options. She can get a fully trained gaurd pit bull for a litle over a grand. Or she can get pups for closer to 600.
Then there's cyber options .....
Lady Door
Apr 8 2007, 06:21 PM
Lucky re-reads that last part... cyber options? Oh, hell yeah.. that's what I'm talking about.Thumbing through the catalog, Lucky takes a look at what they have to offer.
I want something that's real, ya know, an actual 'meat' dog, but hey... wired reflexes.. that's not bad.
Apr 8 2007, 06:37 PM
Parashield Cyber Security Systems
More "Real" than RealCyber Options for Augmented Security Canines- Olfactory Booster
- Ultrasound Sensors
- Cyber Eyes Packages
- Dikoted Patented "Lock-Jaw" system
- Reaction Enhancers
- Dermal Sheathing
- Remte Command - Commlink-Compatible System
- Hyrdaulic Leg Jacks
- Retractable Cyber Spurs
- Cyber-Venom Injectors
- Remote Panic Button System
- Bio-Monitor
- "Guardian Angel" Medical Repair System
Lady Door
Apr 8 2007, 06:51 PM
Lucky eyes the list, speculating. Using the catalog's interactive help feature she asks:
How long would it take to create a custom animal?
Apr 8 2007, 06:52 PM
According to the catalog, you can have most cybrer-hound systems within a week, as long as the price is right
Lady Door
Apr 8 2007, 07:01 PM
Lucky smiles.
That'll do.
Lucky makes her selection:
Cyber Eyes Package
Reaction Enhancers
Dermal Sheathing
Remote Panic Button System
"Guardian Angel" Medical Repair System
Remote Command - Commlink-Compatible System
All right, quote me.
Apr 8 2007, 07:04 PM
Dermal sheathing comes in two basic varieties: internal r external.
For externall, you have ruthenium of photovoltaic options
Lady Door
Apr 8 2007, 07:05 PM
Hmmm, make it internal. I want to be able to pet the damn dog and not bruise myself.
Apr 8 2007, 07:10 PM
- Cyber Eyes Package =3,000
- Reaction Enhancers =10,000
- Dermal Sheathing = 5,000
- Remote Panic Button System = 500
- Bio-Monitor = 1,000
- "Guardian Angel" Medical Repair System = 6,000
- Remote Command - Commlink-Compatible System=2,000
Lady Door
Apr 8 2007, 07:13 PM
About what I was expecting...Okay, I'll take him. I do want a him, okay? Give me the details. Where do I pick him up, what kind of maintenance am I looking at? Do you offer maintenance contracts?
Apr 8 2007, 07:20 PM
Bioware Options
- Muscle Augmentation = 3,000
- Muscle Toner = =3,000
- Platelette Factories = 10,000
- Sleep Regulator = 3,000
- Digestive Expansion = 5,000
- Orthoskin (not compatible w/ Dermal Sheathing) =15,000
- Bone Density Augmentation = 15,000
- Toxin Extractor = 10,000
- Pain Editor =5,000
Lady Door
Apr 8 2007, 07:25 PM
Hmmm, let's see... go ahead and throw in the "lock jaw" system, oh and let's get the sleep regulator, toxin extractor, and the digestive expansion.
And, if I want two, am I still looking at the one week time frame? And I don't suppose you give discounts for buying in bulk?
Apr 8 2007, 07:35 PM
Our Parashield Cyber-Augmented 9 System (Ca-9) are available through any of our many local Parashield branches in your area (Link). Veterniary and cyber-maitenance are available through our local branches for your added convenience. Warranty and repair contracts are available for the firt two to five years.
The model you have selected, the X-9 , comes with a warranty of 6 months at no cost to you, the client.
Thanks to our special "Protect your Home" offer, Parashield is currently offering a "Buy one, get the second model half off" bargain pricing, for when you absolutely must have the most lethal security system. This offer available only only models of equal or lesser price
Lady Door
Apr 8 2007, 07:41 PM
I'll want wired reflexes as well. And I'll take two of the X-9, duplicate the original order for the second please. Also, could you please forward me to the local licensing division once our transaction is complete?
Apr 8 2007, 07:47 PM
Licensing Division Link
Wired Reflexes 10,000
31,000+27.500 = 58,500 + 28,250 = 86,750
Lady Door
Apr 8 2007, 07:52 PM
Holy shit. I've never spent this much money on anything! I better get my money's worth out of these things. Fucking Malice tries to eat them, I swear to God...
Okay, go ahead.Lucky transfers the cred, wincing as she watches the balance drop.
Apr 8 2007, 07:54 PM
Thank you for your business!
- Because you can't put a price on your safety, or destroying the people that challenge it. -
Check out our referral program!~
- Refer a friend and get a credit to your account! -
Apr 9 2007, 04:40 AM
Lucky's phone rings not long after she's finishing her Jack&Coke she took to recover from the cost of the cyber dogs. The number is Mancuso's.
Good morning Lucky. Remember that dinner date that I mentioned? Meet me at noon, there's a little mexican place off of Vance St that has the best percuo' pibil. You'll have to try it. This one , unfortunately, is business. Have you met Barnabas? He'll be there as well, and his sister Anna. Will you be able to make it?
Lady Door
Apr 9 2007, 05:05 AM
Checking the clock, Lucky nods and smiles.
Well, it's not dinner... so I'm still waiting for that invitation, but yes, I can make it.
Apr 9 2007, 05:07 AM
Good, I'll see you then. We'll do dinner tomorrow as you'll be busy tonight unfortunately.
Mancuso smiles, says his goodbyes and disconnects.
Lady Door
Apr 9 2007, 05:15 AM
Busy tonight, huh? Hope it's worth my while.
Lucky gets dressed, wearing a pair of black pin striped pants, a red silk button up, black tailored jacket and a black fedora with a red ribbon around the band. Smiling at her reflection, she checks the clock again and heads out of the house.
Arriving at the resteraunt, Lucky notes that Mancuso's car is already there. The clock reads 11:55. *sigh*
Apr 9 2007, 05:27 AM
Mancuso is seated in side the small restaurant, at a table over in the corner. The table has a good view of the front door, and probably the back, since it seems to line up with the hallway. The place is down in adobe tan, reds, and whites, along with little strings of red jalapeno lights. Very classy.
Seated with Julian, who's wearing a blue button up shirt and tan slacks, is a large, very thick man. Lucky recognizes him as Barnabas, meaning that the dwarf woman next to him must be his twin sister Anna. Mancuso and Barnie see her as she walks in, and stand to greet her. Anna remains seated, as is proper. Besides, she's a dwarf. It wouldn't make much difference.
Mancuso greets her. Lucky, thank you for joining us. Have a seat please.
Being in the back corner, Barnie gets Lucky's chair for her.
Lady Door
Apr 9 2007, 05:33 AM
Nodding and smiling to Barnabus: Thank you.Lucky sits and nods at Anna and then at Julian.
Of course, Julian.She smiles.
Apr 9 2007, 05:49 AM
The four have lunch. The pibril is every bit as good as Julian says. Barnie's conversation is mostly jokes, most of them suprsingly good. For a leg breaker, he's a suprisngly like able guy. Kind of like a big, scarred teddy bear. Anna holds intelligent conversation, most of it being 'war stories' in wise guy speak. The ladies been around. The twins are suprisingly interesting company.
Anna finshes her story ....So I says " What?! No fraggin' way you're walkin' outta here wit dat ting!" And I whack 'em wit da fish! Guy goes realin' back, and 'e falls right off da side a da boat! Now, remember , dis t'ing is a cargo ship, so I figure 'e's gonna be dead from da' fall. I look over da' side, and dere 'e is, gettin' up on Barnie's fraggin' boat! He landed right on da stack a' boxes a' all dose eggs we was movin'! So we get da' t'ing back, but he ruined all da eggs instead! Job was a wash!
Top it off, der's Barnie, sittin' on is boat, covered in egg, 'avin no clue what's goin' on, and he sees dis guy gettin' back up. Barnie don't know 'e's got da t'ing, but he got Barnie all egged! So 'e 'it's 'im in da head wit' da fraggin' life preserva', tags 'im one across da chest, and tosses 'im in da wata'! Guy fraggin' drowns!
You believe dat drek!? Guy falls 15 maybe 20 mete's lives, and gets killed wit' a goddam [b]life preseva'!
The table roars with laughter as the fifth in the string of Anna's mad stories comes to an end. Eventually, Mancuso has the food cleared, and gets down to business.
Ok, here's the story. There's a construction site over on Avery, new office being put up. It's a family affair, so we've got a few people coming and going, a few of our guys keeping an eye on things. It seems however, that some of Michael Romero's men "didn't see" our people there, and made off with a few things.Expensive things. Now this isn't my action, but I got a call from Erik about this. He wants it taken care of immediately. He believes that "the Prince" needs a reminder of who is in charge of this city.
So the four of us are going in for a little pay back. Romero's sponsoring a building project of his own over in Tehama Parish, a strip mall that he has money invested in. Erik would like us to go make matters difficult. The details we can talk about tonight, but the main idea here is damage and theft, delays, that sort of thing. This site was picked specfically because there are Romero men guarding it. We've been asked to give them some of the pay back as well. No fatalities, but broken bones and so on are just fine. We'll meet up tonight aroun 8.
Anyone have any questions?
Lady Door
Apr 9 2007, 05:51 AM
Lucky listens, taking in the information and then nods.
Where's the meet?
Apr 9 2007, 05:53 AM
We'll meet up at the Kitten. Lucky, barnie, both of you bring your trucks. We'll need the cargo space. Feel free to bring along any other toys you think will help move things along, short of explosives. Anything else?
Lady Door
Apr 9 2007, 05:55 AM
Yeah, how we doing this? We showing faces or keeping things under wraps?
Apr 9 2007, 05:55 AM
They'll know who we are. That's part of the reason why you and Barnie are coming along.
Lady Door
Apr 9 2007, 05:57 AM
Good to know. No other questions. Didn't know I was so distinctive.. well, okay.
Apr 10 2007, 03:42 AM
The chit chat goes on for a bit longer, soycafe is had, and soon, lunch is over. Barnie and Anna shake hands with Lucky and Mancuso, and leave in Barnie's truck. Mancuso gives Lucky the more familiar hug and leaves as well in his car, saying the he will see her later.
It's 1330, still plenty of day left before work.
Lady Door
Apr 10 2007, 03:54 AM
Heading out of the resteraunt, Lucky pulls out her commlink and makes a few calls.
Hey Leon, it's Lucky.
Heya, Luck.. what's up?Leon was one of Lucky's few actual friends within the circle of made men that made up the Lucky Strike's "Security Detail".
Listen, I'm gonna need the level of security at the Strike amped up for the next few weeks. Think you and your crew can handle it?
Of course we can handle it. The question is... how you gonna handle us?Leon winks and smiles.
I'll give you those High Roller privileges you've been after, and comp your drinks and food. Same goes for your guys.
Hmmm.. throw in a few of those girls you just brought in and you got yourself a deal.
The whole point of the deal is that you're supposed to keep an eye on the place... but, you got yourself a deal. This starts tonight, soka?
Got it, Lady Luck. We'll be there. See ya then.
Lucky nods and Leon hangs up.
I think it's time I bought into one of those NOPS contracts. Have to look into that. Either way, having more men at the Strike should make anyone looking to retaliate think again.... at least, I hope. Gonna need to give Pounder a call, get some fun stuff for tonight. Maybe some gas grenades or something. Wish I had more time, a couple Mason jars of those termites smashed everywhere would really put a cramp in Romero's style.Lucky laughs and climbs into her truck.
Of course, too many buildings in NO starting going down to Amazonian Termites, people might get suspicious.
Apr 10 2007, 04:01 AM
Arriving back at the Lucky Strike, Lucky pulls up the link to the NOPS corporate site. She starts scanning over "Private Executive Contracts." Finding some of the legalese a pain to read through, Lucky hunkers down. Angelo, passing through to ask a question about something minor, ends up rubbing her shoulders for a while.
Lady Door
Apr 10 2007, 04:06 AM
Not for the first time, Lucky finds herself silently thanking Cynthia for the gift of Angelo.
Scrolling through the menu, Lucky sighs.
Okay, let's see... no, I don't have a corporation of 500 or more employees, no, my corporation is not valued at over 10 million... I wish, soon though, very soon. Let's see... ahh, here we are... Small Business Contracts.
That's what I need, someoneunaffiliated looking over the Strike... okay, relatively unaffiliated.
Using the interactive menu, Lucky brings up their brochure.
Let's see what this kind of thing is going to cost me.
Apr 10 2007, 05:08 AM
New Orleans Police Services Small Business ContractsBasic Service Contract- Increased patrol Presence - Have the peace of mind in knowing that one of our NOPS patrol officers will appearr at you business every 4 hours to ensure the security of the locale.
- Improved Panic Button System - Your Panic button will be routed directly to our systems, bypassing the Matrix and phone providers, to ensure an immdeiate response.
- Security Assesment - A NOPS representative will inspect your business site to suggest security improvements on your contracted property.
- NOPS News- e-news updates of crime patterns, arrest reports, "Crazy Crimes" weekly highlights, NOPS corporate news letter, and more!
- Only $5,000 annually!
Extended Service Contract- Basic Matrix Security - No Small business is complete with out intruder counter measures in their system. Provide for your business by covering all the bases.
- Immediate Drone Response - Any Panic Button Activation will immediately route a drone automated response unit to your area for fast and effective threat deterrant.
- Extended Personal Security Options - Extended Service Contract (ESC) contract holds benefit from our advanced Arms Program Evalution (or "ESCAPE" Program), a personal training course allowing you and your on site security personel to be authorized for more advanced personal protection armament than the standard citzen.
- Increased Crime Monitoring - Updated and increased number of autmoated obvious and discrete security monitoring sensors will give you and NOPS a greater awareness of crime patterns and activites in your area, helping us to stop a crime in your area befpre it happens.
- Detective Guarantee - Our ESC holders will have the assurance of knowing that any crime on your premises will be personally handled by a NOPS associate of detective rank or higher, to help bring you better results, and justice.
- $15,000 Annual
Gold Contract - Arcane Security - Any security protection would not be complete without proper warding in place. protect your privacy from astral interlopers with NOPS warding.
- Automated Astral Asset - Sometimes a ward just isn't enough. How do you know if someone tried to penetrate you astral protection? With a NOPS Watcher patrol spirit, any astral intrusion attempts is immediately reported to NOPS Magical Patrol Division.
- Upgraded Matrix Security - Upgrades in Intruder Counter measures are essential in this unwired world. Know that your matrix security is the latest and greatest, and do your business with the confidence of secure transactions.
- Extended Patrol Routes - Your business contract area will be included in NOPS Officer patrol areas, providing a visible deterrant to would be criminals.
- Dedicated Drone Coverage - A drone Patrol unit Strato-9 will be assinged to patrol your area to make sure that you have the best in automated security coverage and Threat Elimination hardware right at your door step.
- Direct Dispatch Response - Know that if you call NOPS for emergency assistance, out Gold Level Contracts will be routed directly to a metahuman NOPS dispatcher, instead of the NOPS Automated System Strategizer, for fast, personal emergency response
- $50,000
Platinum Level Contract- Dedicated Officer Program Entitlement- Our Platinum Level holders will have personal access to a NOPS patrol officer via Commlink contact. This lead officer coordinates with four other NOPS officers, who will personally answer your commlink calls for assistance, making sure that at any time, our Platinum level holders can reach one of their Personal Emergency Tactical NOPS Officers.
- Fast Response Team - Platinum level holders have guarnateed response to any Panic Button alarm by an armed and armored FRT that will come to their contract site within 10 minutes or less.
- Astral System Support Hermetic Overwatch -Local Elemental - Increase your magical security assets by having one of our own NOPS magical Security Assests assign an Elemental Spirit Guardian to your site. Be Assured that any magical threat will be detected and dealt with. Any intereference with the Elemental Spirit automatically notifies it's controlling Hermetic Overwatch summoner, guaranteeing an immediate NOPS response.
- Increased Drone Coverage - Platinum holders will have extra drone allocation, giving more eyes in the skies to ensure faster alerts t ocrimes in progress, and more versatile response options.
- $150,000
Super Platinum- Magical Organized Response Element - Astral System Support Hermetic Overwatch -Local Elemental Spirits - Coordination can be key in any crime prevention. With out MORE program, your assinged Hermertic Overwatch NOPS officer will assign multiple wathcer and elemental spirits to your place of business to ensure threat detection/elimination.
- Calvary Program -Super Platinum Holders will ahve the benfit of a 5 minute FRT response time, thanks to multiple drone and rotocraft Response Teamds made available for their protection.
- SWAT - To ensure the highest level of protection, and FRT will be immdiately followed by a dispatched NOPS SWAT team, arriving within 10 minutes or less, or your next Emergency Response is free!
- Home Away from Home! - As part of a limited Special Offerm the NOPS is now offering the Home Away from HOME! (HAH!) program to Super Plaitnum holders. With this program, any Platinum level and below services will be made available to the Super Platinum Contract Holder even off of the contract site (Barring extraterratorial zones) for a small usage fee.
- $300,000
Should you feel that the listed Contract options do not meet your Small Business protection needs, please contact one of our Busniness Investigator Tactical Coordinator Help Specialists to find the package upgrades that may work for you at our NOPS Corporate Offices.
Lady Door
Apr 10 2007, 05:56 AM
Wow... Lucky takes a long moment to review the brochure, debating for awhile between the Extended contract or the Gold before finally deciding on..
I'll take the Gold contract. What do you need from me?
Apr 10 2007, 06:00 AM
The NOPS system sends out a application form, including things such as criminal history, credit check, background check, SIN verification, etc. It also includes a "FastTrak" option that lets you bypass some of the more time consuming history checks for a small fee of $5,000.
Lady Door
Apr 10 2007, 06:03 AM
Oh, good fragging hell.Lucky chooses the FastTrak option. I swear on all that is holy, I better be getting to talk with a real person for the amount of money I'm laying down.
Apr 10 2007, 06:10 AM
Apparently "All that is Holy" is at lunch at the moment. Lucky spends the next hour filling out e-paper work, including a bevy of personal information and background on the business. Especially when it's noted that it is a casino. After the hour and a half total of filing, she can't help but wonder what it would have been like if it wasn't "FastTrak'ed". The response she gets back is :
Thank you for your submission for a Gold Level NOPS Contract. Your Application is under Review. You will be notified within 1 week of Contract Acceptance Status. If you would like to accelerate your Application for Immediate Consideration, it can be routed to the Department of Information Processing for a fee of $2,000.