Apr 6 2007, 11:39 PM
Arriving home, Lucky sees a familiar Harley in front of the house. Apparently Malice meant what she said about coming over right after her fight.
Lady Door
Apr 6 2007, 11:44 PM
Lucky's jaw drops. No one had ever been to her house. Her home was sacred, sacrosanct.
Getting out of the truck, Lucky headed for the side door. Finding it still locked, she sighed. Opening it, she walked in.
Apr 6 2007, 11:46 PM
Lucky finds Malice in front of the trid, watching some sort of japanese game show that involves shocking contestants that get answers wrong. She's wearing her usual, an extremely short leather miniskirt that hides nothing, a leather halter top, and leather arm length gloves, secured with belts. She's drinking a brown and yellow bottle that says "Yohoo!" on it.
Evening dear. Glad you could make it. All rested up? We have work to do, and I ordered Dog.
Lady Door
Apr 6 2007, 11:50 PM
Confused, frustrated and just a little angry, Lucky is stopped mid-thought.
You ordered Dog? Where the hell did you order Dog from?... you know what, nevermind. I don't want to know... I thought we agreed to meet at the Strike? ... and what do you mean we have a lot to do. What are we doing?
Apr 6 2007, 11:53 PM
Well when you weren't going to be at the Strike, I changed my plans. You should thank me. I woulld have been irritated if I had to wait. Now I'm not irritated.
And yes, we have a lot to do. First of all, I need an update on your little "To Do List". And second, we have to get you practicing. All play and no work after all....
You need to practice your spell casting, and you have quite a lot to learn about summoning still ,believe me. If you want me to keep my part of the argain, then you have to actually let me teach you.
Lady Door
Apr 7 2007, 12:11 AM
Lucky sighs. What's done is done, there's really no point in getting angry now. Besides, now that Mal is here maybe she can tell her if there really is something haunting her basement.
All right, let's take a look.Lucky pulls out her commlink and reviews the list that Mal gave her the first night they met.
Okay, #1 was your massage, which I think you'll agree was heavenly. At least, I would assume so from the way you were moaning. #2, you wanted to meet some of my friends. I can arrange that but you'll need to let me know when. My friends don't due "spur of the moment". Though if you're interested, I'm meeting a man tomorrow night you might enjoy. Let's see, #3, you wanted something from me you wouldn't name. I'm still breathless with anticipation on that one.. #4, I can't tell anyone about you. So far, so good. #5, The Blackberry Cat. I made a few calls and I managed to get my hands on one that's being shipped from Egypt. It's gonna take a few days as it's going by boat. Apparently, you can't ship them by plane as they have a tendency to crash them. Boats are okay because they hate water. Go figure. As for the dog, you arranged that for us tonight and let me tell you how much I am not looking forward to eating Fido. #6, pay you for sex.Here Lucky smiles and winks at MalBest ten grand I've ever spent. #7, speak to you in wise guy. We did that. It drove me nuts. You laughed your ass off. Hilarity upon hilarity. #8, Sparring. I still have the bruises from last time, but you have to admit my left hook is getting a hell of a lot better.
#9, we still have to visit that bartender. #10, this joke. That's still on the to-do list. Not bad though. Pretty much all the way through the list.Lucky flips the comm shut and slides it into her pocket.
I'm going to get changed. I'll be right back. With that Lucky heads for the shower.
Apr 7 2007, 12:21 AM
Malice, having no respect for "private time", or maybe no concept of it, comes up to let Lucky know that the "Dog is here". And that she should "Hurry the fuck up".
Eventually ,shower finished, and dog devoured, Malice sits in a reversed chair facing Lucky.
Ok, we'll start with spirits. First thing to remember is that not all spirits follow the same hard and fast rules . Always expect them to do something. The tigheter rein you keep on your sirits, the less likely they are to devour your soul. Soul devouring is bad. Remember that.
Second, all spirits want the same thing:Freedom. Very few spirits you summon will be True Free Spirits. The ones that aren't, want to be, even if they odn't know it yet. So if one gets loose, it will probably try to kill you , then wander on it's merry way.
Third, spirits are strong. Besides stating the obvious, this is somethng you'll ahve to remember. You've experienced drains a few times now, and summoneda minor spirit or two. That's nothing compared to what binding a strong spirit will do to you. That;s by and large how most stupid mages die. They get them selves in over their heads with a spirit that they thought they could handle.
Fourth, spirits cant grow on their own. There's a reason that they answera summons, and it ins't becuase you'rea bad ass. They answer because they gain strength from it. Spirits feed off of the life energy of metahumans. Powerful ones like Free spirits and Ally spirits can feed off of your karma. If you don't know what that is ,you need to study more. Lesser ones gain some small strength every time they are summoned. A free spirit will hang around areas of strong magic, areas that are tied t it's type, like a wood spirit in an old growth forest, or a spirit of man in a city. They do this becuase it's how they feed, while they're waiting for an oppurtunity to get more karma.
Questions so far?
Lady Door
Apr 7 2007, 12:31 AM
Yeah, what's next?
Apr 7 2007, 12:52 AM
You need to stud the different types of spirits to know what some of their powers are like. Start with the ones that you can acutally summon your self. You have to know what you can do, before you worry about what your opponent is capable of.
You're Catholic, so your tradition will likely identify that. Mos tof the things you summmon will be elementals. Not all the willful or birght, unless they get loose. Then they'll destroy everything around, starting with you. Definetly not the type you want to take lightly. For summoning them, there's enough of any one element anywhere in the world today to do it on a whim. For binding though, you'll need a decent amount of the material they're made from. The more powerful you want, the more types of materials you'll need.
If you want to summon a fire elemental, you'll want to get some expensive incense, probably a lot of charcoal, or rare woods. Things that burn well. Fire is proud and watns to be fed. Do that and you can placate it enough to bind it to your will. All the elements can essentially be bound in ways similar to this.
Spirits that associate with man will probably be very hostile with you. You'll probably be summoing things like imps and such at first. Tricky little things that'll do your dirty work. They're a lot smarter than elementals. Just keep a tight binding on them. Remember to always keep your guard up with those sorts of spirits, and be very precise in your orders. Show them that you're stronger than they are, and they'll do as you command.
Lady Door
Apr 7 2007, 12:53 AM
Lucky nods, absorbing everything Malice says. Go on.
Apr 7 2007, 01:05 AM
You'll need to gather these supplies to bind your first spirit, so you'll want to find a talismonger in the city. If you can't find one, I can reccomend a couple. They'll have everything you'll need. You'll also need to start collecting soem grimoires on spirit summoning. You'll need one for your spells to. For most mages, especially ones with a more analytical mind like yours, having the spell ni black and white print is the first step in learning it.
Other types of spirits we'll talk about later, including the Loa. That doesn't really matter right now. What's most important is identifying your tradition. The more you practice, the more that will become clear. once you have a clear mind set of just what it is you're doing, it'll be much eaiser to do. Other wise it's like playing a game of cards, without knowing the rules, or even what game you're playing.
What can you tell me about how you see magic? About what you think your tradition is, or should be? Have you looked in to it at all?
Lady Door
Apr 7 2007, 01:12 AM
I've always seen magic as something given to us by God or the Devil, depending on whose court we seem to play in the most. For me, it's always been inherently religious. I suppose if I were to define my path, it would seem more shamanic if not for the fact that I don't see myself that way. I would consider myself a hermetic. I'm not very familiar with the traditions or paths of magic, other then I do not belive in voodoo or Candomble. Traditions both banned by the Catholic Church. I feel a little hypocritical saying that, since I know I do not necessarily follow the tenets of the church, but it's how I see it. I've been reading more and more about the old ways of magic, before the Awakening, learning the history, so to speak.
Apr 7 2007, 01:17 AM
it sounds like you know what you believe and how you see it, you just need it categorized. You seem to be a Black Mage. You follow the path of Black Magic. That means I win my bet with my brother.
Black Magic has a rep as being devil worship, which is bull drek. Black Magic has a lot of Christian symbolism in it, some turned in side out or sideways. But it's main tenats are things like "Will to Power" and "Do as thought wilst" . In other words, you make it happen. No one's going to hold your hand. Sound familiar? How 'bout this one "God helps those that help them selves." I've always chosen to help my self to what ever I please, and I doubt that you're much different. Read up on it, and try to ignore some of the pseudo-religious drek. Some people just need those crutches of goatmen and crap to help their weak minds a long. Black Magic is about you making it happen, not some goat head giving you what you ask for.
That sound a bit more your style?
Lady Door
Apr 7 2007, 01:21 AM
Lucky nods and smiles. I think so. I did read something about it, and I had like the way it sounded. I think I'll look into a little more... wait, your brother? You have a brother? You talk about me?Lucky looks incredulous.
Apr 7 2007, 01:28 AM
You'll also have to practice contacting your mentor spirit. The easiest way to do that is to get your self deep in to whatever it's in to. I know a thunderbird shaman in the NAN who has to stand out in the rain to commune. That sucks. Others, like wolf followers, haveto be in some sort of peril. If your mentor is who and what I think, you'll have to be deep in some sort of vice. I wouldn't suggest gambling. Good way to lose your shirt. You could always try tantric rituals. They're great. All you need is a partner with an open mind.
Halluginagenic drugs shoudl do the trick too.
Get all that done, and you'll ahve a solid base to work off of. Then we'll do a binding ritual, and get you your own little spirit servants. Eventually I'll show you how to create a permanent spirit servant, an ally. Completely loyal, completely at your control. Like your own spirit doberman.
Apparently Malice isn't interested in talking about family.
Lady Door
Apr 7 2007, 01:33 AM
Lucky smiles, she can take a hint. Looks like I got lucky with the mentor spirit thing. Okay, so read up on Black Magic and spirit summoning, find a talismonger and invest in some good materials, and find a way to commune with my mentor spirit. I can do that. I've been thinking about taking some time off from the Strike, this could be the reason I need... an Ally spirit? I've heard of them. I would like that.
Apr 7 2007, 01:35 AM
Alright then. You've got your homework, and a To-Do list to get on . Any questions? Otherwise I'm gone to let you get some things done.
Lady Door
Apr 7 2007, 01:40 AM
Nah, I've got it. Get outta here. Lucky smiles, taking notes on her commlink.
Apr 7 2007, 01:43 AM
Malice looks at the commlink and laughs. Yep, Black mage or hermetic, that's for sure.
Oh, and about that 'bartender', I expect video
She winks and walks out. A minute later, Lucky hears Malice's bike start up , then peel away. The house is quiet.
A little .. too quiet.
Lady Door
Apr 7 2007, 01:45 AM
Irritated by the silence for some reason, Lucky activates her AR using her commlink. Going through her music options, she settles on Dystopian Dreams and blares it.
That's better.
Lucky settles back into her couch, her feet tucked up underneath her as she makes notes and brings up information on Black Magic from MagicNet.
Apr 7 2007, 01:56 AM
Dystopian Dreams goes in to one of Lucky's favorites, Gemini, and the music washes over her. She sits, thinking back on her conversation with Malice. What to do first?
Studying on Magiknet, there's all sorts of papers written on Black Magic. Most of it tends to revolve around the church , or some old dead guy named Crowley, who apparently was really in to demons, like "Baalzelbub", who he claimed to have once sent against an enemy in a great battle that took place entirely on the astral plane. Of course, this was over a hundred yeras ago....
After asking around on a number of chat boards on Magiknet, she evenutally finds her way down to MagikUndernet, the Magiknet version of Shadowland. A black cloacked figure waits for her there. The so called "Decker on the Threshold" she's been hearing about from the last few people she talked to.
Why do you seek entrance to this place? What makes you think you shall ever access this place?
Warned about this, some sort of construct in the matrix meant to mimic the "Dweller on the Threshold", what ever that was, Lucky knew it would just take some smooth talking and a bit of cred to cross it.
Lady Door
Apr 7 2007, 02:05 AM
I come here to find knowledge, to find the secrets of magic. I also come with a gift.Here Lucky's icon holds out an antique looking cigar case. Inside is the transfer code for 3,000

, although in the Matrix it appears as a case full of money. Lucky stands back after the figure accepts the box and waits.
Apr 7 2007, 02:06 AM
Etiquette-Matrix/Influence (G) check
Lady Door
Apr 7 2007, 02:17 AM
Influence Check[ Spoiler ]
Influence (g) 5 + Charisma 9 + Edge 6: 20, Result: 5,5,5,5,5,6, re-roll 6, re-roll 4,4,3,1,3,4,2,3,4,5,3,4,4,2,6, re-roll 2 Total: 9 successes
Apr 7 2007, 02:24 AM
The Decker on the Threshold fades away. In it's place is an entrance to a cave system, with a river running down it, which the system idenitifes as the River Styx, the browse program. For one chilling moment, Lucky remember the cave ... where she was dead. But this is the matrix, just a program, just icons.
Looking through her browse utility, Lucky quickly gets oriented. Side caverns are data stores, some of them are meet points. There are listing for teachers, pirated spell formula, illegal formula, links to talisleggers, forbidden components, information on hostile spirits such as shedim, selling boards for dangerous para critters, the list goes on and on. It's like an online Black Market, giving the 'Black' a whole new meaning.
Lady Door
Apr 7 2007, 02:32 AM
Lucky spends what feels like the next four hours exploring the caverns and libraries of MagicUndernet. She's downloaded file after file, read document after document. By the time she slides out of the host, Lucky's head is filled to bursting with everything she's learned. Yawning, Lucky notices the time. It's around 2:30 a.m., actually early for her.
Looking around, Lucky realizes something is off... the music. It's stopped playing.
That's strange. I had it on continuous repeat.Lucky shrugs and activates the music control, turning the volume down. Realizing that this is the first time in forever that she's been home and had nothing to do, Lucky turns on the Trid and heads to the kitchen for a pint of that Double Chocolate Chip Mint she's been saving for just such an occasion.
Apr 7 2007, 02:39 AM
As she spoons out the ice cream, and drops the spoon in to the sink with a *clink* ,she realizes how loud the sound is. There is no other noise. The trideo is off. There is no show on, no music. Going over to the unit ,she sees the wall pulg, disconnected.
Lady Door
Apr 7 2007, 02:53 AM
What the hell?The sound of her voice echoes loudly in the house, causing her to jump a little bit. Sighing and rolling her eyes, Lucky plugs the unit back in and sits down to enjoy her ice cream and Trid. Realizing that she left the ice cream back in the kitchen, Lucky sighs again and goes back to get it. Walking down the hallway, Lucky feels a chill run up her spine. Turning on the hall light, she forces herself to be calm and just go get the damn ice cream already.
Lady Door
Apr 7 2007, 03:36 AM
Lucky walks into the kitchen, the ice cream is still sitting there. Laughing at herself for being so scared, Lucky picks it up and starts to head out of the kitchen when something catches her eye. The cellar door is open. Lucky swallows and walks quickly over to it and slams it shut. The sound echoes in the kitchen. Lucky locks the door and goes back into the living room.
Soon, the empty ice cream bowl is sitting on the coffee table, the Trid is off and Lucky is fast asleep on the couch. She never even sees the shadow move across the room.
Around 10 a.m., Lucky wakes up. Stretching, she looks out of the window. Rain. Wonderful, hurricane season's starting.Getting up she checks her commlink, there's a waiting message from an Alexa.
Who? Oh, right Snake's chick. Picking up the empty ice cream dish, Lucky routes the message through the houses' AR and listens to it in the kitchen.
Apr 7 2007, 03:38 AM
Lucky, it's Alexa. Listne, I've thought about your offer. I want in, but I need two things first.
First, I need protection from Copper. He'l come after me if I jump ship. second, there's a chip I need. Copper gets all hs girls on it. I don't know what's in the programming, but if I don't get it every couple of days, I get the shakes real bad. I want to come over but I can't do it without that chip.
Call me , I guess....
Lady Door
Apr 7 2007, 03:55 AM
Lucky listens to the message, a grim look on her face. Saving the message, she puts the dish into the dishwasher and goes to take a shower.
A few hours later, Lucky is sitting in her office at the Strike. She goes over the previous nights books and rubberbands the cash into it's customary piles, tucking Julian's percentage into her jacket for delivery later. The report from Brian is good, everyone behaving like they should. Checking her To-do list for the day, she still needed to call Alexa back and she needed to pay a visit to that bartender later tonight. Otherwise, her day was pretty open.
Still, she did need to find a talismonger. Where the hell do I find someone like that?Having no magical connections beside Sinn and Malice, Lucky logs back onto MagicUndernet. She quickly finds that searching for a talismonger in New Orleans is like trying to find a crackwhore in a ghetto. It was gonna happen.
Apr 7 2007, 04:06 AM
It seems like as soon as Lucky holds still, the world tries to play catch up with her. Shannon comes in with a foreman, needing to get in to room 12 for the estimates. Anna wants to know when her stage is going to be bult. Angelo is wondering when he gets the cyber, now that he's had time to get excited about it.
A flurry of emails come from talismongers wanting to get her that "rare item" she "needs right now". The dealers call, with a bunch of extra bliss the're looking to get unloaded. Then there's a smack in the background, as apparently one guy didn't know Lucky's name was on the list as the source , not a client. The lsit is promptly burned, and that guy ends up pushing marijuana to high schoolers for a month.
After three hours of constant questions, it's about all Lucky can do to keep from reaching for her little white saviors.
Then the phone rings again, with an unfamiliar number.
Lady Door
Apr 7 2007, 04:13 AM
Getting the estimate from Shannon, she tells Shannon to talk to Roberto or Julia about getting a key to her new room made. I'll look over the estimate and let you know. In the meantime, you're operating under a 5k budget.
Anna, your stage is being built on the east side, right next to the casino lounge. We got the permit approved, so they'll begin construction on Thursday. In the meantime, like I mentioned before, you'll be using the private room and offering private and group dances.
Angelo, your appointment is scheduled on the 30th. Remember, no illegal substances for one week prior.
Lucky simply blocks the emails. I'll have to find one on my own, it looks like.
Lucky works the annoyed and irritated angle to the hilt with the dealers, getting herself a delivered freebie in the process.
When the unknown number comes up on her commlink, she locks her office door and goes to black screen. She answers.
Apr 7 2007, 04:16 AM
Hello Lucky.
It's Harry. Harry Rybinski. Harry the Hammer has her number .Did I do something wrong?
How are you today my dear? Listen, I'm having lunch today at a little seafodd restaurant on Jackson called Ray's. Meet me there today, 1230. And don't be late dear. Alright?
Lady Door
Apr 7 2007, 04:35 AM
Of course, Mr. Rybinski. I'd be happy to.Lucky doesn't breath until Harry hangs up. Then she falls back into her chair,
Lunch with Harry the Hammer? What did I do? Did I do something wrong? Wait, do they give bad news over lunch? I thought that was dinner. Rays... it's family affilliated. Is that good or bad? Shit, what time it? 11:30? Shit! I gotta change.
Lucky flies to her closet in her suite, tearing through it to find something to wear. Finally, she settles on a fitted black skirt that barely reaches her knees, a white button up with three buttons undone and a black lace cami showing underneath.
Grabbing her tailored leather jacket, Lucky heads out the door.
Arriving at Rays with five minutes to spare, she waits for two minutes, touching up her makeup, then heads inside.
Apr 7 2007, 04:43 AM
Ray's is "authentic" as in , it's old, it's dark, there's all those little candles in their red glass containers, and the table clothes are red and white checkers. The "maitre 'de " apparently knows Lucky, or at least her description, because he immediately picks up a menu and gives her a "this way" look.
He leads Lucky to a room in the back, partitioned off from the main resttaurant by a wooden double door. Harry is sitting at a large round table, alone. As usual, he's wearing a dark three piece suit. He waves Lucky over, finishing an oyster at the moment. He stands as she walks in, giving her the now customary hug resserved for those that 'belong'.
Sit Lucky, please. Have one of the oysters.
Lady Door
Apr 7 2007, 04:46 AM
Lucky returns Harry's hug and then sits. Smiling, she nods. Oh, thank God, I know how to eat oysters.
Lucky picks up one of the oysters in the shell, taps the tip in tabasco sause and opens her mouth, letting it slide down her throat. She closes her eyes for a moment, savoring the taste and then licks her lips.
Perfect.Lucky says approvingly. Thank you, Mr. Rybinski.
Apr 7 2007, 04:48 AM
Help your self to another. I ordered plenty. The food here is excellent, take a look. Let me know if you see anything you like. On me.
Lady Door
Apr 7 2007, 04:54 AM
Lucky can't help but smile a little at Harry's intentional/unintentional offer.
Thank you, Mr. Rybinski. You're very generous. The way this place smells, I think I'll take you up on your offer.Turning to face the waiter, Lucky orders a whisky and a plate of pesto pasta.
Once the waiter leaves, Lucky turns back to Harry.
I was surprised to hear from you, Mr. Rybinksi.
Apr 7 2007, 04:58 AM
I've been meqaning to treqt you for a while, but something came up today that demanded immediate attention. Something I've been concerned about that decided to make it's self a problem rather unexpectadly. You remember Eddy Tango? The young man so taken with you at thhe Arena? What do you think of him?
Lady Door
Apr 7 2007, 05:01 AM
Lucky takes a moment to collect her thoughts.
I remember him. I thought he was cocky, maybe a little too hot headed.
Apr 7 2007, 05:06 AM
A sound judge of character I'd say. I've suspected that he's been skimming for a while now, but hadn't decided to apply pressure to him jsut yet, to be sure. Well, he escalated things last night.
Do you know who Autum Weisler is?
Lady Door
Apr 7 2007, 05:09 AM
Weisler? As in sottocappo Weisler?
Apr 7 2007, 05:17 AM
Correct. Autumn is his niece. She's 17.
Apparently she got in to a little "affair" with Eddy a few months back. I've been watching the situation, but it ins't my place to interfere in another man's house.
She was found this morning , near death, on the river. She'd washed up. The girl had been raped. A mage did quite a lot of healing. When she was able, she told me that Eddy had raped her. She'd found out that she was pregnant, and had an abortion. He got upset, said he wanted another one. She said no. he attacked her. When he was done , he hit her a few times, dumped her out of his car, off a bridge in to the river.
I don't think he knows that she's alive. He'll be expecting to hear something in the next few days. But he'll be jumpy for a while.
I can't send Vin to take care of this. Vin is solid, but he's to old. This has to be handled in side the family, and before Erik finds out, which will have to be tonight.I know Erik, and he won't take it well. He'll tear the city apart looking for him. We can't have that. I need Eddy brought in today, before that happens. Here's his address, there's the transponder in his car. It's at his house. has been for the last two hours.
Feel free to have a few more oysters before you go. I'll have them box up your pesto. It's good, you won't want to miss it.
The whole time harry talks, there's no change in expression. He's munching away over his plate at some fettucini alfredo. He looks up occassionally, but most of the time, he's just eating. He could be discussing a game he has no money on for all the emotion he shows.
Lady Door
Apr 7 2007, 05:21 AM
Taking the address, Lucky nods and has another swallow of her whiskey. When the waiter approaches, she simply shakes her head.
Where do you want him?
Apr 7 2007, 05:32 AM
Call me when you have him. Have another oyster Lucky, or they'll be wasted. There's no rush, he isn't going anywhere just yet.
In case you're wondering why I called you , when I obviosuly know exactly where he's at, it's because you earned it.
Lady Door
Apr 7 2007, 05:36 AM
Smiling, Lucky nods and slips another oyster down her throat, following it with a slug of whiskey. Her eyes never leave Harry's.
I appreciate the compliment, Mr. Rybinski.
Apr 7 2007, 05:44 AM
Meeting her gaze , Harry states I'm not a compliment giving man Lucky, if you haven't noticed, I deal in hard facts, and that's it. If I say you earned it, you did.
Lady Door
Apr 7 2007, 06:12 AM
Then I earned it, Mr. Rybinski.Sliding the oysters over to Harry, Lucky smiles.
Apr 7 2007, 07:54 AM
Once they finish their meal, Harry takes care of the check ,as promised.
Don't let me down Lucky. I put a lot of trust in you today
Great, no pressure.