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And question on confirmed players?

It's :
  • Grinder
  • fistandantilus3.0
  • Callidus
  • Sigil
  • Fastball
  • Tashio

QUOTE (Plan B)
Okay everyone... let me know who's in and who's out so I can lock down the game with what we have.

I've been bouncing around a concept this week for an ork kid from Jersey who move to Miami in his teens. He's an adept who plays with tech. Been tweaking the history all week.... Did you get talked into two games? Have any openings left?
Lady Door
Redjack - Just read your story on Nico. It's awesome. Thanks. I don't know for sure how many characters we have yet, we're still waiting on a few confirmations but you and Meriss are definitely on the list if we do end up dropping anyone.
If you're interested we are starting up a Cape Town game, a little more magic heavy with socio-political undertones. smile.gif (It's really street level but I think socio-political sound cooler.) Anyway, let me know.
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0 @ Apr 26 2007, 06:05 PM)
The heading for the OOC is "New Orleans"

OK fist I'll do that.

Plan B I just wanted the realitive privacy of my home comp and my time was running short on the public.

check the ooc for Rave

Well I'm just stupid some times. I wrote out Raves background out and went to post it in the wrong forum.
Will do.

Hoping that PB can do her two games. I think yours and Redjack's concepts both sounded neat.

Redjack, awesome fiction piece man. I'd invite you in, but I was literally running four different games at the same time today. I can't handle any more.

IWTF-Smuggler's Run
BTTF 1&2
Table for One
ok make that six games. Shit, no wonder it was so frantic.

Plan B's, definetely quality stuff. Vs Quantity I guess. Trust me on this guys. Look forward to it, it's fun stuff.
Ok people Here's Rave My human Club kid turned Runner. He's geared toward the Cape Town He's also my first attempt at a non Caucaisian (I'm not a racist I just have trouble making convincing African-American chars) I'm actually kinda proud of him, he turned out way darker than I expected. so whatcha think?

Fist I just hope you can move this to the Cape Town thread with your magic admin powers when Plan B gets it going.

Warning Long post Alert

[ Spoiler ]
Fist I just hope you can move this to the Cape Town thread with your magic admin powers when Plan B gets it going.

Yeah I can, but it's a lot easier to just cut&paste.

Edit: Love the intro. I especially liked the part abot the sister coming back to the teacher in spirit form. That was cool. What was the motivation for killing the family? Or were you leaving that open for our GM to 'hook' as she likes?
Lady Door
Amazing background, Meriss. Really impressed.. 5 CSP's for when we start the game. (For more information on CSP's and house rules please check the In With the Family OOC thread) smile.gif
Alright, I managed to cut down the background to what I hope is manageable.

Introducing: Dean
[ Spoiler ]

I apologize for the pun, I just couldn't help myself.
Just finished that. Love the name, that;s great. biggrin.gif Character certainly has some motivations besides just the shadowrunning. That'll be fun t osee it play out in our game.
I'll post my background (and PM the stats) on Sunny on saturday. Seems I have to put a lot of work into the background to keep up with all the little Hemingsways here - and that needs some time. biggrin.gif

Besides, I have to work a lot today.
QUOTE (Grinder)
background to keep up with all the little Hemingsways here - and that needs some time. biggrin.gif


Sunn on Saturday. Heehee. Should have a skill in meteorology.

"and now, or weather man Sunny! Sunny, what can we epect today? Sunny days maybe?"

"..... I hate you Phil"
Lady Door
Fastball... awesome background. Really. 5 CSP's.

Once again, you guys have all been really impressive. (That's a lot to live up to Grinder.. think you can handle it?)
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0)
QUOTE (Grinder @ Apr 27 2007, 12:25 AM)
background to keep up with all the little Hemingsways here - and that needs some time. biggrin.gif


Sunn on Saturday. Heehee. Should have a skill in meteorology.

"and now, or weather man Sunny! Sunny, what can we epect today? Sunny days maybe?"

"..... I hate you Phil"


We in fact have sun here. A lot, with 30 degress celcius. cool.gif

Once again, you guys have all been really impressive. (That's a lot to live up to Grinder.. think you can handle it?)

I'll try my best. smile.gif
Now to the fun part: Sunny has an obvious Cyberarm. Does a Spur costs Essence? How do you handle improved Agility and Strength rating when he uses the arm (like shooting)? And how does it interfere with Muscle Toner and Muscle Augmentation? Does he get all boni for the arm?
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0 @ Apr 26 2007, 10:20 PM)
awesome fiction piece man. I'd invite you in, but I was literally running four different games at the same time today. I can't handle any more.

Thanks! It took me a few days to start feeling out the character. By the time I got into his mind, the game was filled.

I know what you mean about the games. I'm running two threads here on DS for the Puyallups games and two threads for another game on another board. I've just about stopped trying to join new games unless the GM appears to have a good track record for longevity. I've joined four games on Dumpshock that have just faded away in the short time I've been here.

QUOTE (Plan B @ Apr 26 2007, 10:09 PM)
If you're interested we are starting up a Cape Town game, a little more magic heavy with socio-political undertones. (It's really street level but I think socio-political sound cooler.) Anyway, let me know

I'm definitely interested and anxiously awaiting an intro blurb about the city and game feel.
QUOTE (Redjack @ Apr 27 2007, 08:17 AM)
I've just about stopped trying to join new games unless the GM appears to have a good track record for longevity. I've joined four games on Dumpshock that have just faded away in the short time I've been here.

I know what you mean. I've been following Southern Hospitality and Alex is in one of my games, so I know that games hit some bumps along the road as well. Having players stick with it is definitely very important.

It looks like Cape Town is you (Red Jack), me ,Merris, and Tashio. I think that ones closed at that to keep it from bloating too much.

Quick question: Where is everyone located so we have some idea of what times people will be posting.

Wow... I feel like my wife's GM secretary. Especially since I 'passed out' the 20 Questions form to everyone.

Oh yeah, if you didn't get one, I probably just missed you. Oops. Let Plan B or me know. I'm trying to do all detailed organizatinoing stuff so she can focus on chars and such.

Edit: Oh yeah, we're in California, so Pacific Time Zone. smile.gif Guess it might help if you all knew when/where we are as well.
I'm UK so it's about 17:27 when I post this (for working the time zone shifts *8->)
I'm currently on Eastern Daylight Time. So I'm all over the place depending on where and when I am. (I also am not working, so getting on the net is easy for me)
Central Standard Time: But I'm an addict. You might catch me on at 5am through to 11pm, any day of the week. Depends upon what's happening in RL.
Lady Door
Just a quick reminder from your friendly neighborhood GM:

I need your stats, people! smile.gif Please, post them. Or I'll cry and that will be sad. You don't want to make your GM cry, do you?

Also, just so's we're all on the same page with posting colors:
This is speech
This is thought
This is used when declaring an action
This is text messages or comm's info.
This is for when your character has an inner monologe with the imaginary characters in their head. (It's happened so often we have a color for it. *sigh*)
Handwritten messages

*edit* Okay... I'll tell you what... as an incentive.. the first person to get me their stats and whatnot gets to add a nice happy 5 karma bonus. Okay... go!
I'm in California as well and will be off and on throughout the day and evening.
Which part of California?
QUOTE (Plan B @ Apr 27 2007, 02:26 PM)
I need your stats, people! smile.gif Please, post them. Or I'll cry and that will be sad. You don't want to make your GM cry, do you?

Pardon me Plan B are we using the same stat caps for the Cape town game as the Miami game?

Also look what I found here
And heres the SR Version
Lady Door
Yep. I'm working on the intro right now so expect it in the next day or so.
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0 @ Apr 27 2007, 08:25 PM)
Which part of California?

Originally from Southern California, currently in Sacramento. You?
QUOTE (Plan B)
Yep. I'm working on the intro right now so expect it in the next day or so.

Kewl Rave will be ready.
Sunnys stats

[ Spoiler ]

Is it possible to get Cooking as an Active Skill for free?
And some more points to spend on Knowledge Skills? I love 'em and I think that a 30+ year old character should have knowledge in more fields than covered by BP at Chargen.
Why don't you just list it as Athletics (G), Stelath (G), Electronics (G)?
Lady Door
Well, I'll give you the 5 karma for posting your character first, plus you can earn yourself some CSP's good for knowledge skills by posting your char. background. As far as the Cooking skill, I would say it is a Knowledge skill but maybe I'm not understanding what it is you're wanting to do with it. If you can explain it to me as it pertains to your character I'll take a look at it.
About Sunny.

[ Spoiler ]
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0)
Why don't you just list it as Athletics (G), Stelath (G), Electronics (G)?

That was broken up when I converted the file to html.
QUOTE (Plan B @ Apr 28 2007, 12:42 AM)
Well, I'll give you the 5 karma for posting your character first, plus you can earn yourself some CSP's good for knowledge skills by posting your char. background. As far as the Cooking skill, I would say it is a Knowledge skill but maybe I'm not understanding what it is you're wanting to do with it. If you can explain it to me as it pertains to your character I'll take a look at it.

Thanks for the karma. smile.gif

Well, Sunny works as a cook in his dad's restaurant and I think that Cooking can be an Active skill too.

Edges and flaws will come later. Probably along Addicion (mild) gambling (or call it bad habit) and Enemy (some guys in the Mafia) and Sinner.
ok, I just couldn't figure out. I was wondering if for some reason you were payng to have 4 skills at 1 with 16 Bp when you could have it at 1 (G) for ten, or if you were planning on specializing. Was confused.

Hey Grinder.....Gear? biggrin.gif *ducks*
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0)
Hey Grinder.....Gear? biggrin.gif *ducks*


Thank God that he has only a handful of nuyen.gif to spend.
Guns, guns and guns. A middle lifestyle and some 'stuff.

Is that ok? grinbig.gif
Don't ask me, you ain't my problem this time. I'd say whatever you have "written" down is what you got, and what you don't (with the exception of clothing) you don't. Might be kind of hard to take a comm call on your predator. wink.gif

Love the little "getting to know Sunny" blurb BTW. Great stuff.
Lady Door
QUOTE (F3.0)
Might be kind of hard to take a comm call on your predator.

Though quite possibly highly entertaining to watch. rotfl.gif
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0)
Love the little "getting to know Sunny" blurb BTW. Great stuff.

Thanks. smile.gif

Okok, I gonna write down a list. Still not tired, so why not use the time now.
Good for you! That's the spirit! Just keep telling your self "I think I can! I think I can!"
Gear list of Sunny

[ Spoiler ]

Well, that for the start at 1 in the morning.

*mumbles* I think I can! I think I can! I think I can!

Gotta play Shelter with "Mantra" now. cool.gif
Any sort of vehicle or OS for the 'link?
Vehicle? No money.

OS? Thought a commlink comes with an basic OS?
QUOTE (Grinder)
Now to the fun part: Sunny has an obvious Cyberarm. Does a Spur costs Essence? How do you handle improved Agility and Strength rating when he uses the arm (like shooting)? And how does it interfere with Muscle Toner and Muscle Augmentation? Does he get all boni for the arm?

Please, help me out here. smile.gif
Lady Door
I don't know cyberware all that well... I'm going to pass this one off to Ben for an answer.
That's fine - he's a player in this game. biggrin.gif

Contacts for Sunny come later today.
Spurs shouldn't cost as long as they fit the capacity of the cyber arm. Toner and Augmentation wouldn't be factored in when he's using that arm. The arm has it's own stats. IIRC, you're supposed to allocate points to it's body, but that's always seemed ridiculous. It's made of metal. Why would you have to have it specially build to have it be tougher than skin!? So we've always ignored that part and just left your body as your body, which gives it more room for str/Agil/Reac upgrades.
I think the same about it. So when using only the arm, the bonus for Toner and Augmentation don't apply, but the +3 to Agility and+3 to Strength, right?
For simplineness sake, can we use Toner and Augmentation boni für the whole body as +2/+3? Would make it easier.

Wait. That sucks. +3 from Augmentation, but not for the arm who got its own +3? Dah.

I'm confused now. Maybe you can give me a breakdown with numbers?
Since the arm rating and the toner rating are the same all over, it would be the same dice . The only thing that would be different would be strrength tests specifically with that arm , as it's stronger than the muscle augmentation. For the rest, the toner and arm are equal right?
Yes. Ok, so we agree here. That's fine. smile.gif

Expensive way, though. Hopefully ARSE will bring better cyberware rules or at least clarifications.
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