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QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0)
No. Had cereal for breakfast. Going out for Lunch. I was sick. On Mother's Day of all days. Must be my bad karma or something.

There something about a shoulder you want to come clean about..? grinbig.gif

@Meriss: No Astral Masking.. Guess that's one that needs to be on the list...
QUOTE (Meriss)
What nobody's going to ask who Bob is? I'm hurt. frown.gif

Don't complain before everyone posted. wink.gif
The Bob thing is just a minor bit of social engineering on Charlie's part in case of nosy neighbors.
QUOTE (Redjack)

There something about a shoulder you want to come clean about..? grinbig.gif

That one wasn't me. Although I have knocked her out . Twice. oops.

Accidental I swear.
Tashio you OK, don't want you to miss this meet chummer.
OK Looks like we're starting without you Tashio. Sorry. frown.gif
@Callidus: Do you want to start or shall I.
If you're online now probably best you start, I'm still at work for another 2 hours or so and kinda hard to sneak decent long posts in... like the one with all the info in *8->
Sorry, between work and mothersday I got tied up without access to anything for the weekend. frown.gif

Yea Neit has Ritual Spellcasting.
Alright! Hey Tashio I'll wait on my IC till you get Neit to the meet.
Glad to have ya' back Tashio!

Let's get this ball rolling. smile.gif
IC up! Any more info needed I can get or Shell can.
QUOTE (Tashio)
Yea Neit has Ritual Spellcasting.

Crow has that as well, but wasn't the question for Astral Masking?
(Or did I miss another question)
More info it is *8-> Shell's download is up and running
hehe... forgot I had a demolitions skill at 2, specialized in plastic explosives. Even worked it in to my back ground. I feel stupid. *hangs head*
Hey we can use it. Especially if we end up reverting to the infamous Plan B. Hi Boss Lady!
Speaking of Plan B, I'm taking her low post rate to mean the shoulder is still a big problem.. Is it dislocated? Strained?
Hey the airlift talk gave me a thought. Is there a drone with a Holo genorater? Or Redjack you can pull that physical mask trick. (Cute BTW) We can fake an airlift. Imagine a fully loaded dragon or some thing hovering in the middle of the road. I'd stop.
Sorry I have physical mask, not phantasm. I can change the appearance of a person, but not make a full on illusion.
As a side note, I do have this great spell called swarm I am dying to use.
Oh well it's a thought. Care to describe Swarm OOC?
Sawrm would be interesting
On Miami, she's mostly watching and waiting for her turn/need to say something.

She did say however that we read soemthign wrong. She said that the photoshoot and vet appointment are on site. The horse isn't leaving.
Swarm makes everyone affected feel like insects are swarming over them. -1dp for each net success I get. Resisted by Willpower + Counter spelling.
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0)
She said that the photoshoot and vet appointment are on site. The horse isn't leaving.

Meh lol, guess I should refresh before posting smile.gif
I stepped away for a day and the IC thread had advanced a whole page!
Lady Door
Hey guys... sorry for the low post rate. It's mostly my new heart medication. Makes me dizzy and it's hard to type. I'm posting right now.
you guys should seriously get up on msn.
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0)
you guys should seriously get up on msn.

Or you should get on anything else.. Yahoo perhaps..? nyahnyah.gif
@Plan B: Can I get a ruling? What would Swarm do to a horse. (ie freak lucky out enough to get him out of the ranch?)

@Redjack: Do you think ^ would work?
What if he stumbled and broke a leg? He would probably be frantic and out of control. Swarm is area effect so I could move it behind him... but I'm fearful about our payday breaking a leg..
True very true. Bad Idea then.
Glad we got three weeks and a big budget.. Gonna take all of at least one..
Yup indeed it shall.
I have yahoo messenger as well. I prefer MSN since all the other people I know on DS are on there, and it makes it a lot easier. My email address for either is bobburnett457@yahoo and @hotmail respectively. I usually have msn up though. Yahoo almost never. BTW, my name is Ben. 'Bob' is an old family joke.
I added your MSN to my Yahoo. Just awaiting an acceptance.
Yahoo uses both networks..
Lady Door
Okay all... you want to get into a poker game, let's do a poker game. What are the stakes and what are your skills? We'll see who wins and who walks away with some extra cash...
Intuition 4
Perception 4 (S) visual
Card games 5 (S) Poker
Con 5 (S) Fast talk
Charisma 5
@Plan B: Charlie's going to start on the Matrix info

@Fist: I added you to my MSN/Trillian, I'm

I was wondering who that was. I logged back on to my comp and had TWO names waiting. Weird. Still no idea who the other person was.
Prolly Redjack. He added you to his Yahoo^
@Meriss - Not meaning to dig into your dice, but I don't understand the Logic: 3, Electronics: 3 and Browse: 3 for the data search rolls. Is this a house rule or something?
@Redjack think it should be Logic + Data Search + Browse for data searches.... not certain though, new to the matrix side of things *8->

OH and I am still slive, just very busy at work (and got sent to ste yesterday *8-<) will try to get a post up inna sec (being sneaky now boss has gone home) and hopefully one later tonight.
QUOTE (SR4 PHB @ Pg 220)
Most search actions are handled as an extended test using your data search skill + browse program

I was expecting the above to be the method. On most matrix actions the attribute is instead replaced by the program rating instead. I assume defaulting (where the character does not have the skill) to be program rating - 1 for the dice pool. The cool thing is that it becomes an extended test instead of a simple test. The only limit being what information is actually available where you are searching and whether or not you have enough time to locate it.

If the attribute + skill + program is some house rule, I'm ok with that. Just seeking to understand. wink.gif
QUOTE (RedJack)
Hmmm.. He seemed more paranoid than that..

Ritual samples jsut from finger prints wouldn't remain viable for long, although you could use the il from someone's hands. But it would only be good for maybe ten minutes and not at all once mixed in with the trash, grease,etc. The cards could be used for symbolic linking, but again, only for about 5 minutes. These are the types of things Cash makes a point in learning about.
QUOTE (Meriss)
Prolly Redjack. He added you to his Yahoo^

Yeah but I added Redjack on yahoo. The new names were Joe and Jeremy. Which are you Meriss?
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0)
Ritual samples just from finger prints

I was just think fingerprints.. wink.gif
QUOTE (Redjack)
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0 @ May 15 2007, 11:42 AM)
you guys should seriously get up on msn.

Or you should get on anything else.. Yahoo perhaps..? nyahnyah.gif

Let me introduce you the mighty ICQ! biggrin.gif

Seriously, I haven't read the last postings here or in the IC thread since yesterday for a lack of time. It won't be better until Sunday night, so please please please don't rush too fast through the planning!
@Fist: I'm Joe Hi!, actually I'm Joel but my hotmail is Joe from my paranoid high school days.

@Redjack: I just assumed the data search was ATT+Skill+Program, Plan B Can I get a Ruling?
QUOTE (Grinder)
QUOTE (Redjack @ May 15 2007, 09:30 PM)
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0 @ May 15 2007, 11:42 AM)
you guys should seriously get up on msn.

Or you should get on anything else.. Yahoo perhaps..? nyahnyah.gif

Let me introduce you the mighty ICQ! biggrin.gif

I just added MSN.. Since I use GAIM I sign into them all at the same time, one application and the different message windows are all tabbed.
ok, now someone titled 'theshadowrungm' added me. That you RJ? I just want to know who these people are !

@ Grinder: Trying not to rus the sit down but move the game along at the same time. Basically discussing splitting in to three groups of 2. You know, "split up, we'll cover more ground faster." wink.gif
Sticking Charlie and Shell together is a good idea fist. Shell can protect my fragile bod. Also our skills seem to mesh. Although Charlie has some skills in Cash's direction too.
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