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The description of the speargun is that it is powered by a CO2 charge.

The rigger 3 vehicle conversions are at this link

Has most if not all of the Rigger 3 vehicles.

But none of the weapons from Rigger 3 ie missiles and Naval guns have been converted.

I will attempt to convert the Cyberpirates vehicles to SR4, most of them like Aircraft Carrier I hope are out of our league. biggrin.gif

I have web page that has conversions to SR4 from version 3 or lower.

I like the patrol craft in the link you posted. IIRC there is one type of coastal patrol craft the USCG uses that in damn hard to get to roll over or sink.

You will not be taking possession of an aircraft carrier. Ever.

Just to end that dream now.biggrin.gif

A thought re ships' flagging and registry: Remember that: 1. Some flags will be easier to get than others; 2. Whose flag who you fly determines who can come to protect you when all hell breaks loose (to pull an example from twenty years ago, there was a reason those Kuwaiti tankers had to be reflagged); 3. Whose flag you fly also controls whose law is operative as regards things aboard ship.

There's more to it,
The crossbow ranges were an errata.
The corrected ranges (as appear in my version of SR4) are:
Heavy Crossbow:
short: 0-15 medium: 16-45 long: 46-120 extreme: 121-180

yeah Penta, you're entirely right about crossbows and strength, and at least the devs were smart enough to change it.

This brings me to another topic: will we be using the errata'ed rules? on ammunition among other things?
see this link for the current SR4 errata.

Quick summary of the biggest changes (from my edition, corrected 3rd printing):

Riggers no longer use their own stats, they use the matrix stats of the vehicle they are jumped into and their own skills

Ammo types were gimped(except apds, stick-n-shock, tracer & regular)

um... can't remember the other ones, but its all in there. Check it out.
We will be using the errata'd rules...All rules will be used as errata'd.

I am not the greatest at keeping up with the errata, and my PDFs are first-run copies, but I will do my best to keep up.
Still looking for players? If so i wouldnt mind jumping back into Dumpshock, its been a while.
@Gremish: Neh, 7 is good.
D Minor
I think a CG bouy tender might be a good choice. Large enough to launch patrol craft or land a small copter on. I've got 10 years board ships in rl on the west coast. Cramp quarters is an understatment. A 50' vessel is cramped with 4/5 people on board. Another option would be a deep see Tuna boat 100' to 120'. Lots of hold space to convert to workshops

Just say if u want me to find some links?

Penta approved CyberPirates gear

Heavy Crossbow Ranges

Underwater firing weapons
Colt M24A3 Water Carbine---5P------=-1---SA/BF-=-=--30[c]----10-----------1,000
uses SMG ranges
FN-AAL Gyro Jet Pistol--------6P-------=-1---SA-----=-=--10[c]----8--------------600
AP and HE ammo available, uses heavy pistol ranges

Ink grenade-------------------------------------40---------6
Breathing Regulator----------------------------720--------4
Buoyancy Compensator and Weight Belt--475-------4
Face Mask and Snorkel-----------------------120-------4
Scuba Tank (75 minutes each)--------------3,000-----4
Wet Suit----------------------------------------290-------4
Diving Armor (B4 I2 armor)-----------------1,750-----6
Dual Tank Manifold System (hold 2 tanks)-200-------4
Full Face Mask---------------------------------360-------5
Enclosed Breathing Helmet-------------------960-------6
OXSYS Artificial Gill-----------------------------3,250-----4
JIM Diving Exoskeleton (Armor Rating 6)--25,000-----8*
+5000 per point of enhancement
Str is 7 can be increased to a 10 at the costs above, has a -2 mod to reaction and agility, gets only 1 IP, can be rigged which removes the penalties. Rigger gets his rigger initiative, and dice
Liquid Breathing Apparatus-------------------50,000----11*
Will need a Simrig or a Datajack to communicate due to lungs are filled with liquid and Commlink modded for water operation.

*GM approval is needed.

QUOTE (D Minor)
I think a CG bouy tender might be a good choice. Large enough to launch patrol craft or land a small copter on. I've got 10 years board ships in rl on the west coast. Cramp quarters is an understatment. A 50' vessel is cramped with 4/5 people on board. Another option would be a deep see Tuna boat 100' to 120'. Lots of hold space to convert to workshops

Just say if u want me to find some links?


Links are always good. If you want to try turning them into SR4 vehicle stats, even better.

In a dream world, we could find stats for every kind of ship that sails the
Franklin, Human Male, CAS citizen
Ship's Medic (Mystic Adept-aspected Health)
"Litany", Human Female Face, UCAS Citizen.
Cruise Director

The easy girl with the easy smile and troubling past
"Cuda", Elf, UCAS.
Wheelman/drone operator.
Quick recap of the team so far:

Tarantula "Cuda", Male Elf, UCAS: Wheelman/drone operator.
DireRadiant "Litany", Female Human, UCAS: Face; Cruise Director; The easy girl with the easy smile and troubling past
BishopMcQ Franklin, Human Male, CAS: Ship's Medic (Mystic Adept-aspected Health)
WearzManySkins Gunner Blythe, Dwarven Male, Bahamian African descent: Armorer, who acts and speaks like he has some military/paramilitary experience. Speaks English with an interesting accent, sorta British, but not quite.
D Minor Skip Jones, {race?}, UCAS: Commercial diver; exp in submersibles and Demo
Redjack Johnny "Rocket", Orkish Male, CAS: Hacker/Rigger; Former military (Navy)
Narse Carlos Rodriguez, Orkish Male, Venezuelan: Tech-Wizard, loves everything technical/mechanical in nature. Speaks accented English. Knows his way around boats
BishopMcQ, DireRadiant, Tarantula...Everybody except Radjack, who jumped the gun:

I need sheets and histories too, y'know. Email them to me.
D'oh! smile.gif Away for the weekend, and awesomeness pops up. Being a privateer, instead of a pirate, is orders of magnitudes better. While I'm interested in playing, the team looks pretty balanced as-is. =) Any thoughts on niches that the team may be lacking? (Well, aside from a mage -- don't think I could do that well at all wink.gif) (I've been thinking about making a stealthy adeptish-type, which might work well for boarding actions.)

This of course assumes that there's still room for more -- is there?

edit2 : Doh, just saw the "7 is enough" post above. Nevermind, and happy plundering.

Actually...I've been getting pokes from plenty of people.

However, 8 is really going to have to be my limit.

So...If you want in, it's first-come-first-served. Post your concept here.

We have enough riggers, I think, to cover everything conceivable, unless said riggers/hackers are specialized. There are undoubtedly other roles aboard ship that could be filled, though.

Remember that as a ship at sea, you're all going to need to do a lot of things which are handwaved on land for yourselves, or at least keep track of them.

For example:

Supplies. This includes provisions, fuel, etc.! Intelligence. A lot of the little things.

Weather: will be a factor. ICly, the Caribbean is (mostly) covered by the various national weather offices (the UCAS and CAS both, for the record, maintain the National Weather Service as a governmental operation (Public fury nuked any chance of privatization in the early part of the 20th century, after private forecasters were caught "degrading" emergency forecasts to encourage subscriptions)), and there's generally cooperation among all parties on technical matters. Forecasts have not improved in accuracy - the Awakening messed with weather patterns worldwide, screwing forecasting models all to hell, and the Crash of 29 forced mass-rebuilding of the sensor networks (in a fit of enlightened self-interest, the corps actually did donate the gear and the cash to help set it up - everybody gets screwed by hurricanes, after all), which was completed in 2037. As such, it's only been in the last 30 years that a consistent, full-coverage collection of weather data has been resumed. Error rates and accuracy are at the same level as in 2007, mostly because nobody has again put forth the massive amounts of computer power that would be needed to improve it any farther. The 2070 Atlantic hurricane season was active but non-fatal (no storms made landfall, but 2 Category 4 and higher storms did develop), and January in the Caribbean region is almost perfect weather.
Forgot something: The weather babble means:

For :nuyen:500 per month, automated basic weather reports are sent to maritime customers via satellite or shore-to-ship databurst (within 12km of land) from the weather agency responsible for your region (for most of our purposes, either the CAS or UCAS weather service) @ 1200 UTC daily. An additional :nuyen:300 per month gets you more detailed and updated reports sent at 0000 and 1200 UTC daily, with a final :nuyen:300 getting you just as detailed forecasts sent at 6 and 18, as well. (More forecasts means you have more current weather data.)
QUOTE (Penta @ Oct 8 2007, 02:27 PM)
So...If you want in, it's first-come-first-served. Post your concept here.

Sweet. -=)

Kyle "Kremit" DeGroot: Adept infiltrator/frogman. (Human; CAS)

Descended from Dutch privateers that settled in southeast Asia, Kyle is no stranger to maritime life, nor to the violence of piracy. Having started his career as a young adolescent in the Hong Kong sprawl, he moved to the western Atlantic for a change of venue several years ago. While marginally acquainted with most aspects of seaborne "acquisitions", his skills really shine on boarding parties.
gknoy: Ding, you win. A page or two back is my email address. You have until 0001 EDT Wednesday to email me your sheet AND your history/background.
Just thought I'd point out, the yachts in the SR3->SR4 conversion are horribly overpriced.

The first 2 are converted Yachts, the last is the yacht from SR4.
Stats are: Handling, Accel, Speed, Pilot, Body, Armor, Sensor, Price
Yacht Harland &Wolff Classique       -3 10/20 45 2 18 6 1 170k
Yacht Marine Technologies Dolphin II -2 10/20 45 4 18 6 1 102.4k
Yacht MT Sea Nymph (Yacht)           -3 10/20 45 2 18 6 1 17k

For roughly the same performance, the SR4 yacht costs 1/10th to 1/6th the price.

Any reason we can't just buy the SR4 yacht (or a few of them)?
The SR4 yacht, per errata, is missing a 0 in the price. It should be 170k.
Ahh, Sounds good then! smile.gif Sorry I missed that.
yeah, order of magnitude pricing error
IIRC it wasn't the only one either the limo was supposed to have a 1 in front of the 20,00 newyen or something like that. I guess that none of the playtesters were buying the luxury vehicles.

Also, I'd really like to see your guys' ideas about which ship, and where it should be registered/flagged. You can see my post on the subject somewhere above (but my ideas aren't that great, so come up with some of your own) Thanks!

EDIT: I'd also really apreciate it if someone could post the size of the sports cruisers in Rigger 3 and/or if they are covered. I'm wondering if one of them would be large enough to be the primary vessel for the group or if we'd have to launch it from something else.
There should be, I hope, a description of them in R3? I think.
If I understand this, we are getting a big boat, from which we can have a couple little boats and dinghies? Landing are for our rigger's drones? Carry some of those jet skis?

Is the boat going to mount a cannon? Missiles? Or do we sneak up on everything and charm people to take a midnight swim?
GMC Riverine from SR3 is in the Sport Cruiser class, 10 to 20 meter, base Riverine has 2 seats + 2 to 5 Bench seats, + partial basic living amenities. 400 km round trip range. Fits weapon mounts, pintle or ring or turret. 100 to 150 thousand nuyen.

Technically a fit, and good for day/overnight trips. We might be 8 people.

Yacht Class is the size to go for the number we are looking at, has living quarters and amenities for 6 to 20 people depending on Yacht size and price.

So I suggest a Yacht, possibly add a skiff, sea sled, water sport/jet skis.

Racks of missile launchers....
... and drones... several aquatic drones and perhaps some armed roto-drones. biggrin.gif
I do miss the old micro skimmer flying dust bin lids. The new microskimmers aren't quite the same.

A rigger adapted sea sled with a rack of spear guns, a special Targeting (spear gun ) autosoft, underwater clearsight program, off we go. Robotic arms and limpet mines.
Thanks DireRadiant. That is exactly what I was looking for. See I don't have Rigger 3 and am not in a position to go to the nearest game store and pick it up (no clue where the nearest game store is).

Its too bad that it is just not quite the right size, if it were a little bigger it would do nicely, if it were a little smaller we could launch it from a larger boat. (in the link i posted earlyer the Coast Guard Patrol boat (~26.5m) uses a 7m craft to launch boarding parties.
Still though, the riverine is very well suited for our purposes. (maneuverable, fast, well armored) It would also be worth looking into the Aztechnology Tiburon Patrol Boat and the Blohm & Voss River Commander to see if either one might be suitable. If neither will work, we could probably use the Surfstar Marine Seacop to launch boarding parties from some yacht class ship. (of the ones available the Marine Technologies Dolphin II seems like the better choice.)

Sorry I cant be more helpful but my selection of books is sadly limited. Hopefully others will be able to take up my slack.
D Minor
I like where u guyare going so the only thing I'll add 26 meter boat and 8 people livin in close quauters whont be much fun after the first day. a realistic lenght for 8 people and gear should be in the 100' to 120' range(30 to 40 m). A ship this large can easily launch a couple of smaller craft. this on can sleep 59 but after modifications who knows. I'll attemp to .... who am i kiddin some one want to stat this biggrin.gif
Just a FYI, I did pick up the sport cruiser from SR4 and outfitted it as a drone.
D Minor
Then theres this onehttp

Damm my thingys not workin eek.gif
The reason I brought up the 87' patrol boat is that it is crewed by 10 people which seems closer to our group size. Of course with 2070's automation who knows what we can accomplish (cue GM specification if he {this is the proper pronoun, right?} so chooses).
Anyhow, a corvett is definately WAY too pricy, and probably too big. I guess if we are thinking bigger then we could probably go with a large yacht class ship, if one of the examples proves large enough or Penta allows us to mod its stats in order to make it larger, and mabey launch someting like the GMC Riverine as a boarding party craft.

Well, the important part is deciding and then finding stats.

O btw tarantula the Sport Cruiser from SR4 is only 5m long so we should be able to use it with just about anything we go with. Still check out the Surfstar Marine Seacop in the vehicle conversions. Even if we get it after play starts my character can probably add drone modifications.

Edit: Well, upon reflection, I suppose we could go whole hog and get the corvett. Its definately big enough and is already stated so those are 2 things going for it. On the other hand, it is more than a little conspicuous.
I'm a he, to be

You would be hard-pressed to launch one ship (unless you're talking a Zodiac or a dinghy or something) from another at this size level.

If you want my suggestion: Go for a yacht. Sport cruisers can do overnights, but don't necessarily have the seakeeping ability you need - did we mention that the Florida Straits, among other places, generally sucks at most times of the year (There being a damn good reason why the intercoastal waterway was built)? - Yachts in SR4 are :nuyen:170k, which actually isn't much. Remember, now: You aren't stealing Slim Jims by the retail package, but by the TEU container. At the same time: This is Florida, people. Social engineering.
My suggestions, comments?

Group Account Operational Debt
170,000 - MT Sea Nymph (Yacht) -3 10/20 45 2 18 6 1 170,000¥ or equivalent
2,500 - Rigger Adapted
15,000 - 6 X Weapon Mounts
4,000 - Response 5 (Do we want to buy pilot and autosofts as well?)
1,000 - 2 X Satellite Link

20,000 - 2 Water Sports/Jet Skis (Can carry 2 each) ~ 10,000
- 1 small Inflatable Dinghy (Can carry 4) ~ Unknown
4,000 - Basic food and water for at least 4 weeks (Squatter X 8 lifestyle for a baseline cost)
500 - Pilot Watercraft Kit
600 - Medkit
1,100 - One month Weather service subscription
300 - 10 X rating 6 Mapsofts

Tarantula has a remote rigged sport cruiser, while the yacht probably won't carry/launch it unless we paid to have some extra fittings to hold it. It could be towed.

Team Skills for Logistics Do we have these covered? (Obviously we all bring our own particular skills, but these are ones that seem necessary for operating the boat)
- Navigation
- Survival
- Pilot Watercraft, Litany has this for sure, I think others will as well.
- Nautical Mechanic
I'd argue against the 6x weapon mounts. (Whats the point) You can only fire one of them per complex action, and really, I don't see what we'd fit them with besides rockets/missiles which we can't start off with. (And, not getting the mounts now leaves it free for us to see what arsenal gives us later)

2 or 3, (I've got a LMG & Grenade Launcher on the cruiser) with a LMG, spear/grapple gun or the like, maybe.
It's 6 mounts because the yacht has 18 body and can only take Body/3 mounts. That's the most it can take. Less or none is fine, in some ways having drone mounted weapons is a bit better in term of concealability, probably hard to disguise a large number of weapon mounts on the yacht.
I know, I'm just saying that arsenal might offer heavy mounts at 6 body each, or somesuch. Also, what 6 weapons are you thinking to put on it? If you have good reasoning, I'm all for it.
Litany doesn't have any. It's more of a matter of what weapons, if any, do any of the rest of you want or have to mount. And we can have weapon mounts on the yacht, but not install weapons on them till we want or need them.

If we don't have the weapon mounts now, when we are fitting the yacht, it might not be that easy to get them later when we might want them. Then again we can rely on drone mounted heavy weapons.

I'm not arguing one way or another, the weapon mounts are an option on the yacht. I don't know whether or not anyone else needs them. I am not saying we should have them, I'm asking if anyone else wants them, or not as the case may be.

While my character doesn't have an LMG or heavier weapon, it isn't beyond the realm of possibility she might be asked to fire one from the yacht, in which case mounting on a weapons mount reduces recoil effects.

I don't even know if everyone agrees that the Yacht versus the GMC Riverine question has been settled yet.

AS a matter for discussion you can just assume I am acting as the Devil's advocate and am not insisting on a yacht or 6 weapon mounts.

What do you think we should do?
QUOTE (Tarantula)
I know, I'm just saying that arsenal might offer heavy mounts at 6 body each, or somesuch. Also, what 6 weapons are you thinking to put on it? If you have good reasoning, I'm all for it.

I am certain if heavy weapon mounts become available, the light weapon mounts could be removed and replaced.
Actually, by the book, mounts don't help with recoil at all (yet anyway, arsenal should change that). You'd be better off with a tripod for the 6RC. I suppose we could fit it out with all 6 weapon mounts, and deal with changing them out later if need be.
QUOTE (Tarantula)
Actually, by the book, mounts don't help with recoil at all (yet anyway, arsenal should change that). You'd be better off with a tripod for the 6RC. I suppose we could fit it out with all 6 weapon mounts, and deal with changing them out later if need be.

Weapon Mounts will remove the -3 penalty for firing hand held weapons from a moving vehicle.

See p. 162 under "Gunnery"
I've had previous GMs argue that since the weapon mounts in the SR4 book are for remote control, they are not pintle or ring mounts (as those wouldn't allow remote aiming of the gun) and disallow that.

Penta, can we get a ruling?
I also suggest we up the signal, pilot and firewall
12,500 Pilot R5
1,000 Signal R5
3,000 Firewall R6
QUOTE (DireRadiant)
GMC Riverine .... Technically a fit, and good for day/overnight trips. We might be 8 people.

I was under the impression that we were primarily going to be seaborne most of the time -- as that way we have more flexibility in hunting, and less tied-down resources that people could find/track/destroy. As such, I really feel we need a larget ship, that supports extended cruises. (Not to mention that we need storage to put all the loot. wink.gif)

Do we have these covered?
- Navigation
- Survival
- Pilot Watercraft, Litany has this for sure, I think others will as well.
- Nautical Mechanic

Krem has pilot watercraft -- for small motorboats and such -- at a low but competent skill level; he won't be doing James-Bond-esque tours through waterways anytime soon, but he can get us close to targets for boarding.

Survival and Navigation - D'oh! I knew I forgot something. Back to the skill point shuffle. =) These are both active skills, right?

QUOTE (DireRadiant)
Team Skills for Logistics Do we have these covered? (Obviously we all bring our own particular skills, but these are ones that seem necessary for operating the boat)
- Navigation
- Survival
- Pilot Watercraft, Litany has this for sure, I think others will as well.
- Nautical Mechanic

Johnny Rocket
Pilot - Watercraft R3 (Specialized in Remote Operations)
Mechanics – Nautical R1

His forte is Electronics and Gunnery.
QUOTE (Tarantula)
I've had previous GMs argue that since the weapon mounts in the SR4 book are for remote control, they are not pintle or ring mounts (as those wouldn't allow remote aiming of the gun) and disallow that.

Penta, can we get a ruling?

It'll depend on context.

In the shipboard context, there's no reason they would not be remote-capable.
BTW, the skill is, strictly put, Nautical Mechanics, not Mechanics - Nautical. Small but useful note.
Sadily, my membership got approved a few days to late to play in this fun looking game. But if you have any drops or a waiting list, I would appreciate a chance to try piracy the SR way.
QUOTE (DireRadiant)
Group Account Operational Debt
170,000 - MT Sea Nymph (Yacht) -3 10/20 45 2 18 6 1  170,000¥ or equivalent
  2,500 - Rigger Adapted
15,000 - 6 X Weapon Mounts
  4,000 - Response 5 (Do we want to buy pilot and autosofts as well?)
  1,000 - 2 X Satellite Link

20,000 - 2 Water Sports/Jet Skis (Can carry 2 each) ~ 10,000
        - 1 small Inflatable Dinghy (Can carry 4) ~ Unknown
  4,000 - Basic food and water for at least 4 weeks (Squatter X 8 lifestyle for a baseline cost)
    500 - Pilot Watercraft Kit
    600 - Medkit
  1,100 - One month Weather service subscription
    300 - 10 X rating 6 Mapsofts
Tarantula has a remote rigged sport cruiser, while the yacht probably won't carry/launch it unless we paid to have some extra fittings to hold it. It could be towed.

Team Skills for Logistics Do we have these covered? (Obviously we all bring our own particular skills, but these are ones that seem necessary for operating the boat)
- Navigation
- Survival
- Pilot Watercraft, Litany has this for sure, I think others will as well.
- Nautical Mechanic

I suggest the Marine Technologies Dolphin II instead of the Sea Nymph

102,400 - Marine Technologies Dolphin II (Yahct) -2 10/20 45 4 18 6 1 102,400 nuyen.gif

I also think we should definately go with a Yacht. They have the endurance (length they can spend at sea) that we need, and even better, we'll blend in. Anyone have any idea about HOW MANY yachts there are in the carribean near florida? I'm guessing tons.

weapons mounts: I'm not in favor of having tons of weapon mounts at start. Keep in mind we have to conceal them somewhat effectively. An idea I've had about this: get tripod style mounts, put binoculars or telescopes on them. Now it looks like we are completely legit. When its time to shoot stuff: remove binoculars/telescope, mount MG/grenade or rocket launcher.

Response: good idea, I'm also in favor of upping firewall and signal (assuming it doesn't already have shipboard radio, which is probably likely) We should also get it a good analyze program (for detecting hackers). As for pilot, it comes w/ pilot 4 so I don't think it is that necessary or worth the price to upgrade.

Ok, instead of the inflatable dinghy I'd suggest going for the Surfstar Marine Seacop. Its a skiff so it should be fairly portable.
30,600 - Surfstar Marine Seacop (Skiff) +2 10/20 90 2 8 8 1 30,600 nuyen.gif

besides basic food and water, we also need fuel (so penta, how much is 4 weeks of fuel for our lovely yahct?)

what is a pilot watercraft kit? one for programing pilots for watercraft?

Carlos has Nautical mechanic covered. As well as all the other mechanic skills. (mechanic group: 4)

So, I humbly submit the suggestion that we name our ship Kraken's Maw and have it registered/flagged in Tir na nOg. What do you guys think sounds good?
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