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Because the game I'm in with BishopMcQ seems dead (though I'm utterly happy to play...If others are too), I'm pondering...

Running a game. Laugh, cry, or whatever as you will.

I will admit: My grasp of rules is not the best. This would be my first time GMing an actual game with dice.

I'll GM in SR4 only - I just can't find my SR3 books. Low-to-Medium Power is my forte.

My possible "broad themes":

Privateering - A mix of mercs and cyberpirates, set in SR4. Could go either way, but initially set to enable characters from either side of the light spectrum to join in.

SR4 classic - Ye Olde SR. Wobbling between semi-legit and illegal.

Mercenary Small Unit Ops - Maximum of Company-sized (90 people) operations in a mercenary environment.

Not really a fan of detective or high-magic campaigns; just not my thing.

I prefer to play the rules by ear - My focus is on story and character, not the dice-rolling. I am grumpy about writing as a GM, preferring to be able to immerse myself.

Schedule thoughts:

What day of the week I do bumps? Well, I'm looking for work, so it's really "Am I inspired?"

If the players post a lot, I will endeavor to meet your pace. Because I have attention deficit disorder, please...Try to post once a week, if ONLY to let me know you can't post but are still interested in playing.

In the real world, I have a breadth of interests described by those who know me as "so wide it's actually kind of scary"; I may not be an expert in anything, but I know enough to be dangerous about a lot. I can deal with some pretty odd things - but I need to see clearly how you got from the start point to your desired endpoint, the less handwaving the better.

So...anybody interested?
I find the #1 killer of pbp games is RL sucks away a player or two for a week. Everyone else is ready and raring to go, but loose interest awaiting the 1 or 2 people currently indisposed.

While it obviously requires some commitment from all parties involved to keep a game going, an engaged GM is definitely the first ingredient required to keep a game moving forward. A forced bump every week, even if just to allow the active players to continue in the current scene would be greatly appreciated. Example: The last few interactions in Heresy and Hearsay have been mostly just Bishop and me. wink.gif

I would be open to a game based on that premise.
Reading your introduction, I take it you are leaning towards a combat heavy game?
Not Necessarily.

I favor RP over dice-rolling. If the playors look at the situation rationally and decide to go in with guns blazing, I can do that - but equally, I can do sneaky or whatever else the players come up with.
Setting or theme you'd really like to do?
Can't really think of any.
With multiple references to mercs and an aversion to detective or high-magic, sounds like its time to pull out Augmentation. wink.gif

Is that a suggestion for a team without any magic support? Could a team without any magic be successful in your game or did you mean something different?

I'm thinking about the team hacker/rigger....
I'd definately like to get in with this. Either the mercs or privateering could be a lot of fun. Smugglers yacht maybe? Anyway, I'd love to be in on this, whatever theme it is.
I'm saying I have an aversion to high-magic campaigns...Adding in detective stuff was unclear, and I'm striking that reference here. (I'm not sure what I meant, anyway.)

Did know what I mean re high-magic: Don't expect to be messing with Horrors, Ancient Magical Conspiracies, or so forth.

Magic support would be recommended, still, though. Thaumaturgy, after all, just adds a new dimension to things.

So far as book support goes:

In the SR4 category: I have SR4, Street Magic (though I'll confess to having skimmed it only so far), Runner Havens, Augmentation, and Emergence.

We'll be starting things on 1 January 2071 in whichever campaign setting is decided upon. (I'm going to leave it up to the players, really.) Thus, all of the above books are fair play.

So...from here:

If you want in, speak up. I'll take no more than 8 people, though if there's more, that may shift my thoughts in re campaign setting, leaning me towards something which allows for a higher number of players.

Preference-order the campaign concepts I presented, please; commentary welcome! If there's no apparent group decision, I'll pick one semi-randomly, then (in either case) pick a starting location.

Is there anything I'm missing...?
Chargen guidelines?
Oh, yeah.

Okay....I'm actually going to hold off on specifics til the theme and setting is decided on, but:

I'm aiming for a -range- of around 400-420 BPs.
New game? Hmm.....
I have to agree w/ tarantula mercs and privateering sound interesting, but especially privateering. (taking peoples shit that you have no right to.... mmm.... biggrin.gif ). let me know what you decide. O Btw, I don't have access to anything but SR4 and Street Magic, will that be a problem?
I can do privateering/mercs. You want character concepts here or PM? Have a deadline on submissions?
PM, Deadline will be....Eeehhhhhh, let's say Oct 11.
That said: Post HERE your theme/setting choice and your interest, THEN send me a PM.

Or would people prefer I pick the setting and go from there? (In which case, still post your interest here, then send me a PM)

DireRadiant, I have your submission and have sent back comments, but you're jumping the gun.
Have no preference, will make a character to fit if I'm interested in the choice of theme or setting.
I'm interested. 3 of the games I was playing in just got put on hiatus, so I can devote myself to a new one.

Privateering or classic SR4 sound good to me. Concepts tumbling around are either a long-range fire support and medic or stealth adept.

What post rate are you hoping for the players to commit to? 2-3 times per week is doable for me now that I'm only involved in 4 games instead of 8.
Privateering sounds interesting. Concepts percolating around armorer, water adapted merc.

Bishop: I'd be happy with once a week. 2-3 times a week would leave me ecstatic.
To answer questions:

1. Right now, I'd like everybody to focus on the setting they want and what sort of character they'd like to play in whichever setting is picked (I'm happy with "If X setting then Y, but if Z setting then C" or whatever, just so I have something to go off of).

2. I'd like a consensus on setting type (classic, privateering, merc) to be reached by tomorrow at 5 PM Eastern (GMT -5, I think?)...Then I'll post what I'm looking for in characters for that setting.

3. After I post, you'll have til...Eh, Tuesday night to post basic ideas...Feel free to pitch things out for reactions and stuff.

4. Character sheets: I'll have you PM them to me once we've settled on basic concepts and stuff.

Basic thoughts, on that note, of a miscellaneous nature:

A. No ghouls, vampires, SURGE things, or metavariants. The standard metatypes work just fine, thanks.
B. I'm aiming to keep the level of team interconnection small at start: I want the bonding to occur in-game, not before the game.
Listed by preference:

If a Privateer campaign, I'd vie for the team medic with a shotgun role. Light combat support, but focusing more on the patching people up side of things. (Maybe awakened, if so probably aspected)

If a classic Shadowrun, I'd vie for the Covert Ops Stealth Adept role.

If Mercenary Small Unit Ops, I'd vie for heavy weapons and support.
Game type: Merc, Privateer or Classic
Character Type: Rigger/Hacker or Shaman (Former Sioux Wildcat)

As stated earlier I would prefer the privateering setting.
Thinking about trying a Tech-Wiz type character.
If merc setting, I'm not sure what I want to play, might go for magical support tho...
Privateering or Classic
Rigger/Smuggler or Face
I'd prefer privateering, and for privateering a rigger. Wheelman who can drive anything with some heavy backup just in case.

If we go classic, I'd probably go with a wired up hacker/sammy.
It seems so far that Privateering is most people's first choice, it's a 2nd choice for one.

With Privateering we have the following concepts:
Armorer -- Water-adapted Merc
Field Medic w/Shotgun
Rigger/Hacker or Shaman (Former Wildcat)
Rigger/Smuggler or Face
Rigger/Wheelman w/Drones

Covert Ops-Stealth Adept
Rigger/Hacker or Shaman (Former Wildcat)
Rigger/Smuggler or Face
Wired up Hacker/Sammy
Just so you know, in its current incarnation my tech wiz concept is pretty much based on the idea of a privateering game.
For a classic game I could probably adapt it, but I'm just as likely to do something entirely different.
Since I doubt anybody else is going to throw their hat in...

Privateering will be the theme. Grab your towels.

Next up: starting setting (We mgiht stay in this area, might move. It'll depend on how the story goes.)

For my sanity's sake, we're going to start in the Western Atlantic. This area can range ANYWHERE from the Grand Banks off Canada to the Atlantic coast of South America North of Brazil (The classic "Spanish Main"). Data's just a lot more available for this patch of ocean.

Like the pirates and privateers of old, this will actually be a somewhat "amphibious" campaign. The focus will be the water, yes, but you may well end up doing a fair bit on land, too.

Okay, background info as you make your characters:

Unknown to the characters

The Congress shall have power: ... To define and punish piracies and felonies committed on the high seas, and offenses against the law of nations; To declare war, grant letters of marque and reprisal, and make rules concerning captures on land and water; ... - Article I, Section 8, US Constitution

As stated in numerous parts of the SR canon, the UCAS Constitution is basically a copy and paste of the US Constitution, with deadwood such as the 18th and 21st amendments removed, and the electoral college replaced by direct popular voting.

However, Article I contains an interesting thing. One nobody noticed when they were doing that cut-and-paste job, which really was rushed.

Letters of Marque and Reprisal. The commission of privateers, private ships armed and outfitted by private parties, and given a commission by a government to make war upon specified targets.

Nominally, they need to be issued by Congress. In 1856, most countries then existing ratified the Declaration of Paris abolishing the things...But the US, because its Navy was tiny at the time, never did. (Though it did say, during the American Civil War and Spanish-American War, that it would abide by it, the US never became a party.) As the UCAS formally succeeds from the USA, not Canada, this still holds true.

Well, by 2071, the UCAS Navy, while powerful, can't do some things without either engaging in an act of war, precipitating an international incident, or causing severe political heartburn.

So it, like everybody else, outsources. Unlike previous efforts in history, this one actually has Congressional approval, through the intelligence subcommittees. (The line item for it in the budget is in a classified annex, obviously - tucked away in the oddest places, too.)

Known to the characters

The starting city: Miami. The starting date: 1 January 2071.

The parameters:

You'll have been brought together as neophyte but promising runners only days before, on the 27th. Your Johnson offers you some...interesting terms. Apparently, you were cleared by his employer (There's no clue who it might be, but the otherwise non-descript Johnson's manner suggests he's government or military; his voice suggests UCAS or CAS origin) previously, so he lays it out:

You'll essentially be acting as modern day privateers. From time to time, through secure channels, we will designate missions for you to perform. A pay rate will be noted. Your accepting now will be deemed your acceptance for later. Also, if you come across things - maybe you see or hear things, or acquire things, or so forth - that may be of intelligence value to us, you are to report them through channels which will be provided. Based upon the value and coroborration behind the intelligence you submit, you will be paid a minimum of two thousand nuyen per report. That number can, by the way, go up, the Johnson notes.

Otherwise, you're privateers. Whatever captures you make that we didn't tell you to make are yours to do with as you wish. No slave raids, however, will be permitted, even if you aren't working on things for us at the time.

In exchange for all of this, you'll get an initial budget from which to acquire and outfit a ship and to otherwise equip yourself. This will be a loan, but no interest will be imposed and no set term for payoff - just realize that you won't actually see money from this employer until you -do- pay it off, either in money or in information (or services) of value.

(OOC: SR4 has a sadly limited selection of wet stuff, so if anyone wants to convert stuff from SR3 into SR4-ready vehicles, I'll consider them.)

More mechanic-y stuff:

Okay...Design em how you like, though within the "no ghouls, vamps, or metavariants" restriction I specified earlier. Keep in mind, you're all (at best) only moderately-experienced runners. Say 420-430 BP. You know each other, at most, casually.

Please try to have a language in common.

Otherwise - one-line concepts should be posted here by Monday. Sheets to me by Wednesday.

(My apologies for moving up the timeline, but...I got a job today. It starts the 15th. I can still do this, but would like time to start things off right for you guys.)

Group stuff:

Well...If people want to post up conversions of SR3 stuff, go ahead. If you want to use SR4 stuff only, okay.

I'll let you figure out the details of the ship and stuff (which will be owned by the group in common).
Question for the other possible players.

The group will be playing in the Caribbean and more, no Houngan/Mambo(Voodoo) mage types ie a Frank Trollman possession uber mage?

To make sure I understand, are you requesting that no one play that type of character? Such a request is fine by me, I'm just seeking clarity.
No I was wondering why no character ideas/concepts have been put forward like Franks voodoo mage types?

To me the Caribbean would be an ideal setting for such a character.


Um, I'm confused by the possession rules. Badly. I could learn it, given a few weeks, but I admit humbly that that sort of brainpower is going to be taken up by a crash course in database stuff when I start this new job. (It's a project to help a little company turn its DB into something not in disarray, and I...have no clue about DB stuff! Aren't we happy they're willing to teach?)

So, yeah...Houngans would be ideal settingwise for the Carib, but...Please not as PCs?

Because I don't want dreams of Voodoo Zombie Access databases attacking me and wanting to eat my brains.
Here is a thread that pretty much covers it

Wait one, the company that wishes to teach you, it's DB is basically FUBAR. frown.gif *Shudders* to quote a old famous Sci Fi TV show. "Oh The Pain!!"

Johnny Rocket: Ork rigger who speaks with a definite CAS drawl. He moves & acts like former military. He is heavy on hacking skills/programs and has a few drones.

NOTE: He has no mechanic skills. We could really use with one of the other riggers being a mechanic.
GM Commentary: Yes, you could. To say the least.

Thing to keep in mind, that said:

Ships are complex. You can do a certain amount of repairs yourself, but for heavy damage, you need to get yourself to a drydock (this is especially true for hull damage, particularly when it breaches any of the watertight compartments). Not to worry, however: Piracy is common enough in the Sixth World that shipyards don't find combat damage that unusual. Even those that do, well, they can be persuaded not to ask too many questions.

I'm not going to rule on mods or the like right now; we'll presume that wherever you purchase the ship from will add them for this initial fitting-out. Presuming Arsenal will be out soon, I actually want to see what that has to say; It may resolve a lot of questions for us.

Further stuff that I thought of overnight:

1. Keep in mind the importance of watch-standing. There -is- automation that allows for a lot of a crew's functions to be done by computers, especially on freighters (this is IRL; I have to find cyberpirates to see what the books say) but the "rules of the road" at sea require (as a safety measure) that there be at least one person standing watch at all times when a ship is underway. This doesn't mean they need to have skills in operating the ship, just that there has to be a person keeping an eye on things.
2. ...You gotta be able to swim. Yes, I know, in the old days, lots of pirates didn't know how. Well, not here.
3. Other than that: If you want to say your character has never been on a boat before, okay. If you want to say they have, okay. No restrictions.
4. Keep in mind: Ships are cramped. They are notoriously unfriendly to those of unusual specifications - trolls and dwarves can serve aboard surface ships quite well, but it's kinda...claustrophobic. Submarines, however, are no-gos for trolls.
5. 420-430bp is the max on BPs. Money as a part of that I will play by ear.
6. Everybody must have a language common among the whole group that they speak unchipped. Even if it's broken whatever.

If you want me to look over your sheet before submitting it formally, or you want to ask questions privately or whatever, PM them me, or PM me to get my email address and AIM SN.
D Minor
Skip Jones: (human)Commercal diver from Ucas exp in submersibles and Demo
Gunner Blythe, Bahamian African descent dwarf armorer, who acts and speaks like he has some military/paramilitary experience. Speaks English with an interesting accent, sorta British, but not quite.

He will have pilot watercraft for helm watch standing.

Quick note:

This is who I have marked down as playing. I am almost certain I missed people, so if you aren't here, speak up.

D Minor
Carlos Rodriguez: Venezuelan Tech-Wizard, loves everything techincal/mechanical in nature. [got you covered on those mechanic skills Redjack] An Ork. Speaks accented english. Knows his way around boats. As for the rest of his background, I'm not sure how much I should reveal here.

P.S: in the interest of not overlapping too much with other characters (yeah I realize this is kinda sketchy, but I don't want to negatively impact play) what kind of things are associated with an armorer character, WMS?
In my POV, main skill set is Armorer, then a certain level in all firearms, heavy weapons, gunnery skills. To me this a type of Gunners Mate character, who works in the ship's Armory.

Hard part is unless the ship/boat is large, an armorers shop will not be on board, but that is like in RL today only the very large ships would have such.

In my POV, if a character comes from a more organized nation's naval forces or naval paramilitary forces, then for Damage Control, that character would have a 1 in Nautical Mechanics. If the ship is damaged or sinking, everyone needs to know how to repair/fix to a minimum level of skill.

It has been over 20 years since my USN days, today I can still perform at least mentally the basics of damage control, in my sleep. No I was not an Engineering type either. I was a Twidget not a Snipe. biggrin.gif Nothing like have a room flooding with salt water, you and your DC teammates have to stop the flooding to before every one has to tread water. biggrin.gif Tends to accelerate the learning of DC.

So your character will be the Snipe eh? biggrin.gif

Twidget=Electronics type
Snipe=Engineering type
Deck Ape=Boson's Mate type
AirDale=Aviation type

Yeah, my character will be the snipe, of course he'll also know how to repair electronics.

And adrenalin does wonders for learning (there is scientific evidence to back this up. interestingly enough the experiment I remember involved mice that were trying not to drown.)

Back on topic:

found this link to rigger 3 vehicle conversions to SR4 if you want to use them Penta, but unfortunately there aren't that many naval/ocean-going vehicles in there. The ones that are in their seem to be either civilian style (yachts & sports cruisers) or Millitary grade
(e.g. Frigates). And those are prohibitavely expensive e.g.: corvett-class ship, Now only nuyen.gif 40 million! (hmm... maybe we should start pooling our money wink.gif )
Well, I can make up freighters and stuff on the fly (or just go diceless with defenseless sorts of ships); Also, looking at some RL yachts, you'd be surprised how big some of the sport yachts actually are.

Fiiinally: I have one word for you all:

I agree completely with WearzManySkins so far as naval service and the Nautical Mechanics skill goes.
*rings a ship's bell*

Folks! The time has arrived!

If you are playing:

1. You are to post here, with your character name, metatype, and nationality, as well as your role aboard ship.
2. You are to EMAIL me at with your character sheet and character history as separate ATTACHED files in the same email.
3. I may query you, ask for changes, etc etc.

In any and all cases, I want to see sheets finalized by Wednesday at 0001 Eastern Daylight Time.

How we're going to handle the ship and the like:

1. Look at the link of SR3-SR4 conversions. That opens up our choice of vehicles substantially. (It even includes freighters!) I'm going to say that, through channels provided by your employer, you may acquire one ship from the Sport Cruiser, Yacht, or Corvette classes. Corvettes, being surplus'd. will have a 50% markdown in price from book value. But that's still an awfully large amount to work off.

2. After that: I'm going to say that whatever gear you want initially aboard will be included in the initial loan amount by your employer. No need to worry about prices. This can be anything from small arms to shipboard weapons (remember, you gotta be able to conceal them!), diving gear, ship's boats (lifeboats will be included without need to mention them), or...whatever your mind can come up with. Remember that whatever ship you get, if it's of previously military provenance, was "demilitarized" before you got it.

3. The ship's as important as any other element in the story. So talk amongst yourselves. Give this ship a name, a history. What flag does she fly, what port is she registered at (we'll assume that wherever that is, she's made her way to Miami somehow)?

4. All of this can be done in tandem with characters, too, but should be done here.

On Thursday, I'll set up the IC and OOC threads for the game, which I now dub with the title "Marque and Reprisal".
On that note: I'd like to thank everybody for putting up with the nitpicky, disorganized way I've done things. I am not a confident GM, but I do want to help everybody write a good story.
I am still trying to compile a list of converted gear from Cyberpirates, ie guns and gear,,,the ships will be abit longer.

Here is some

Heavy Crossbow Ranges

Colt M24A3 Water Carbine--6p-------=-1----SA/BF-=-=--30c----10--------------1000
SMG Ranges, Uses caseless Ammo costs 1.5

@WMS: Put the guns and gear in separate files. As you finish them, email me the files. Lot less spammy that way.
D Minor
Thanks Skins

I was lookin for speargun stats. Are u ok with them Penta? Any range modifiers for under water use?
As for ships, after some research I've learned that corvetts are WAY too big for a party of around 7. I think we should go with some thing more like this. I'm not sure what vehicle class it is in. Its definitely within Yacht sizes but, there is also that Sport Cruiser in the R3 conversion that is called a patrol boat. Actually, since I don't have Rigger 3, It would be nice if someone could fill me in on the details of those military style 'Sport Cruisers'(e.g. length, open/closed hull, etc). If they are of suitable size we should go for one of those. If they aren't of suitable size we should go for one of those and then launch it from a larger patrol boat a la the coat guard patrol boat I have linked. The interceptor it launches is 7m in length, so if the milspec "sport cruisers" are around the same size as the civilian one in SR4 (5m) they should be able to be accommodated by a similar mechanism.

As far as armament for our eventual choice of a boat, I think we should have at least one weapon capable of damaging other vessels directly. This leads me to wonder what exact availability limit we have for these weapons, as most armaments in SR4 capable of beating 8+ hardened armor are rated above availability 12. If we are limited to availability 12 then we should probably go with one of the grenade launchers or the Medium Machine gun. Whatever the limits are we should probably go with some type of explosive as that seems more likely to be able to disable a ship. (Think: HE grenade called shot to Screw) Although I guess a whole bunch of APDS induced holes through a hull could cause a ship to sink, that is not really the desired result. Another very useful armament (kinda) would be a good directional jammer (don't want the target getting off a distress signal do we?).

But enough of that.
I think it might be fun to fly the flag of Tir na nOg, just for kicks. I mean think of the fear it would inspire once word got round that Immortal Elves were pirating goods in the North atlantic. Or even better yet it might give the Tir's enemies an excuse to open hostilities with the Tir. Ahh.... the political ramifications of piracy biggrin.gif .

On yet another note, I'd like to see WMS's conversions as well, email me at: aku190 [at] yahoo [dot] com .
Speargun: I do not get SR4's ranging with crossbows (and hence spearguns); Crossbows' main attraction, particularly historically, is that they don't rely on strength for range or power...but SR4 links them to strength...Huh. Oh well, I'm not in the mood to go messing with things like that.

Water is a denser substance than air - my inclination is that unpowered projectiles (ie, stuff without its own motor) would have...Let's try half the range of crossbow for start, unless someone has experience with such things and can convince me of a different modifier.

Yes, this makes underwater combat a very melee affair - it is also why underwater combat is so damned uncommon IRL - because one hit with a sharp object generally means your dive suit is punctured (unless it's armored, which adds lots of weight, which you then have to compensate for and is uncomfortable to boot), combat underwater is incredibly risky for -everybody- involved.

A speargun on the surface would be a sort of useless thing - but would have normal heavy crossbow ranges.
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