Since I doubt anybody else is going to throw their hat in...
Privateering will be the theme. Grab your towels.
Next up: starting setting (We mgiht stay in this area, might move. It'll depend on how the story goes.)
For my sanity's sake, we're going to start in the Western Atlantic. This area can range ANYWHERE from the Grand Banks off Canada to the Atlantic coast of South America North of Brazil (The classic "Spanish Main"). Data's just a lot more available for this patch of ocean.
Like the pirates and privateers of old, this will actually be a somewhat "amphibious" campaign. The focus will be the water, yes, but you may well end up doing a fair bit on land, too.
Okay, background info as you make your characters:
Unknown to the charactersThe Congress shall have power: ... To define and punish piracies and felonies committed on the high seas, and offenses against the law of nations; To declare war, grant letters of marque and reprisal, and make rules concerning captures on land and water; ... - Article I, Section 8, US Constitution
As stated in numerous parts of the SR canon, the UCAS Constitution is basically a copy and paste of the US Constitution, with deadwood such as the 18th and 21st amendments removed, and the electoral college replaced by direct popular voting.
However, Article I contains an interesting thing. One nobody noticed when they were doing that cut-and-paste job, which really was rushed.
Letters of Marque and Reprisal. The commission of privateers, private ships armed and outfitted by private parties, and given a commission by a government to make war upon specified targets.
Nominally, they need to be issued by Congress. In 1856,
most countries then existing ratified the
Declaration of Paris abolishing the things...But the US, because its Navy was tiny at the time, never did. (Though it did say, during the American Civil War and Spanish-American War, that it would abide by it, the US never became a party.) As the UCAS formally succeeds from the USA, not Canada, this still holds true.
Well, by 2071, the UCAS Navy, while powerful, can't
do some things without either engaging in an act of war, precipitating an international incident, or causing severe political heartburn.
So it, like everybody else, outsources. Unlike previous efforts in history, this one actually has Congressional approval, through the intelligence subcommittees. (The line item for it in the budget is in a classified annex, obviously - tucked away in the oddest places, too.)
Known to the charactersThe starting city:
Miami. The starting date:
1 January 2071.
The parameters:
You'll have been brought together as neophyte but promising runners only days before, on the 27th. Your Johnson offers you some...interesting terms. Apparently, you were cleared by his employer (There's no clue who it might be, but the otherwise non-descript Johnson's manner suggests he's government or military; his voice suggests UCAS or CAS origin) previously, so he lays it out:
You'll essentially be acting as modern day privateers. From time to time, through secure channels, we will designate missions for you to perform. A pay rate will be noted. Your accepting now will be deemed your acceptance for later. Also, if you come across things - maybe you see or hear things, or acquire things, or so forth - that may be of intelligence value to us, you are to report them through channels which will be provided. Based upon the value and coroborration behind the intelligence you submit, you will be paid a minimum of two thousand nuyen per report. That number can, by the way, go up, the Johnson notes.
Otherwise, you're privateers. Whatever captures you make that we didn't tell you to make are yours to do with as you wish. No slave raids, however, will be permitted, even if you
aren't working on things for us at the time.
In exchange for all of this, you'll get an initial budget from which to acquire and outfit a ship and to otherwise equip yourself. This will be a loan, but no interest will be imposed and no set term for payoff - just realize that you won't actually see money from this employer until you -do- pay it off, either in money or in information (or services) of value.
(OOC: SR4 has a sadly limited selection of wet stuff, so if anyone wants to convert stuff from SR3 into SR4-ready vehicles, I'll consider them.)
More mechanic-y stuff:
Okay...Design em how you like, though within the "no ghouls, vamps, or metavariants" restriction I specified earlier. Keep in mind, you're all (at best) only moderately-experienced runners. Say 420-430 BP. You know each other, at most, casually.
Please try to have a language in common.
Otherwise - one-line concepts should be posted here by Monday. Sheets to me by Wednesday.
(My apologies for moving up the timeline, but...I got a job today. It starts the 15th. I can still do this, but would like time to start things off right for you guys.)
Group stuff:
Well...If people want to post up conversions of SR3 stuff, go ahead. If you want to use SR4 stuff only, okay.
I'll let you figure out the details of the ship and stuff (which will be owned by the group in common).