Jan 30 2008, 02:41 PM
<<@Team [Tank] Ok. Well how are we gonna get around that?>>
Book takes a drink before continuing.
<<@Team [Book] Ok, if System here can control or suppress everything except the cameras then I think I have a plan. The two of us go inside, invisible->>
<<@Team [Tank] You can do that?>>
<<@Team [Book] Yes->>
<<@Team [Tank] Hot damn!>>
<<@Team [Book] Like I was saying. We slip in invisible. When I reach the statue, Tank here suppresses the guard, I'll pull up a pair of earth elementals to move the statue. Disrupting the ward will be easy enough. We simply need to disrupt the chalk line or whatever was used to make it. I will either be under the carpet or in a basement level. Barring that, I can simply attack it in the astral. The creator will know of its disruption at that time, but thats ok. We'll take care of them as the first two parts of the run. The elementals then load the statue into the back of the truck. We'll place several large rugs on top the garbage. That should keep the statue clean and provide a cushion. Sound good? If so, then incapacitating the security mages seem like the next area to plan.>>
Jan 31 2008, 04:13 AM
System Error smiled at the plan. Taking on mages ... sounds like fun!
What can I do to help in that?
Jan 31 2008, 06:42 PM
<<@Team [Book] Ok, you have their home addresses and schedules. We need to cross reference where we think they'll be during the windows of opportunity. My plan is to capture one or both of them and frame them for the break in. That earns us a bonus.>>
Feb 1 2008, 04:19 AM
Sounds good to me. Whe ... urp
He burps - rather politely for an ork - and continues, Excuse me. When is this going to happen and what kind of distraction do we need?
Feb 1 2008, 02:55 PM
<<@Team [Book] First thing I need is a better idea of where we might find the mages next Wednesday evening...>>
Feb 1 2008, 10:31 PM
Wednesday is poker night. They have it at one of their houses.
Feb 1 2008, 11:56 PM
<<@Team [Book] This is perfect. We pick our two up after the party. Any idea if one of them is hosting it this week?>>
Feb 2 2008, 01:00 AM
No, some girl one of them is dating ... at least that is what I think.
Feb 2 2008, 04:15 AM
<<@Team [Book] Even better. One of them will leave, one will stay and since one of them is dating her, security should be lacking.. We will want to scout the neighborhood tomorrow.>>
Feb 2 2008, 05:13 AM
System Error slides over a city map and all the intel he has gathered so far on the two mages.
Just tell me when.
Feb 5 2008, 10:55 PM
Book nods to the hacker:
<<@Team [Book] Ok, everyone take the rest of the day off. Tomorrow we'll check out the game site tomorrow for security and surveillance. We'll make a dry run on course and finalize our plans. If everything looks good, we run for real Wednesday night.>>
Feb 6 2008, 02:08 AM
System Error smiles. Sounds good.
Feb 7 2008, 04:58 AM
Both Book and Dalton finish their meal with casual conversation. The check is paid from team funds and a good tip left for the waiter. Neither are very talkative on the ride to their various dosses. They make a good team, but share little in common for prolonged idle conversation.
The evening finds Dalton at the Fire Cracker and Book crashed out in his bean bags with a book. Before drifting off to sleep, the shaman wonders about the next 72 hours... What exactly have I gotten myself into?
Feb 7 2008, 05:32 AM
Tuesday, Noon: Preparation for scouting the girlfriend's house.
System Error sends a note to both Book and Tank:
Where do you want me to meet you?
Feb 8 2008, 04:00 AM
Tank replies to the young ork.
<<@Team [Tank] Just picked up Book. Name your spot and I'll swing by and get ya.>>
Feb 8 2008, 05:00 AM
System Error provides the information to Tank and waits until he is picked up. The three of them make it to the girlfriend's building - a condo on the edge of the center. It is fairly non-descriptive with three to four levels in places. There is a tennis court and swimming pool near the center. Not surprisingly, the area is free from the normal type of street people in the area. The low grade security is milling around and looking very bored.
Feb 8 2008, 01:58 PM
As the team makes a drive by of the area, Book projects from his body to performs a recon of the area.
Tank looks over to system area as he begins looking for security cameras or drones. He talks to System Error as he looks. "Not too worried about the security wanna-be's, but when we make our second passing I think a spoofed id would be best. What do you think?"
Feb 8 2008, 05:31 PM
System Error smiles and says, Already on it.
Book sees a couple of low level watchers in the area. None of them seem very intelligent nor seem to be moving with a purpose.
Feb 9 2008, 04:02 AM
As the car exits the block,
Book's astral form eases back into his mortal shell. Taking that first, deep breath, as though he was reborn into the flesh, he opens his eyes and sits up. "
Initial recon looks like a whole lot of nothing. I want to make a second pass and check her condo specifically."
Tank drives on for nearly a dozen blocks before circling back around for a second pass. After getting the apartment location from
System Error,
Book makes a casual, astral flight towards the apartment. He moves slowly, taking note of the watchers and being care not to move so faster as to assault any barriers he might encounter.
[ Spoiler ]
Objective here is to determine if there are wards in place and if any watchers are patrolling her apartment. He's not going to press, trying to scout without setting off any alarms.
Feb 9 2008, 05:40 PM
Book discovers a few low force wards in his fly-by. Her apartment has the only high force ward he has seen. There are some watchers near her apartment but none at her apartment.
Feb 11 2008, 02:46 PM
Sitting up once again as Tank navigates the vehicle out of the district, Book fills them in. "Just as a I thought. He's warded her apartment. Figured that given that they meet their for a poker game. That means one of them will probably stay the night while the other leaves. Being security mages and the like, I imagine they might have DocWagon or CrashCart contracts... Perhaps even bio-monitors linked to the work systems. The plan is gonna get a little liquid here."
Book settles in an makes some notes in AR. Once clear of the neighborhood, Tank sets the car on Grid Guide™. "First, we gotta hole up in the area waiting for the game to end. Once we make the mage leaving the game, System you'll need to own his com. Once you do that, you can then set up a false feedback loop on any monitoring systems tied in. We will need to let him leave the immediate area. Too much risk otherwise. Then, since you own his coms, you'll own his car too. We'll pull up beside him at a traffic light, you roll down his window as we approach and blam! Tank and I tag team him. I will be masked to look like his partner. Keep the confusion running high."
Book rubs his hands together in anticipation as he continues. "We'll drive the vehicles off to the side, mage mask him and transfer him into here. We'll take him to where we grab the trash truck. Throw the rug in back and him on it. I will determine which ward he created by his astral signature. We then head over to the museum. You own the security system. We slip in invisible and drop the guards. I will move to the statue, have the earth elementals move it to a rolling platform. Move it through the ward our boy made and half through the other. I release them, step to the other side, recall them and finish loading it in the trash truck. You will need to doctor all outside footage to remove our passing."
He takes a deep breath before finishing. "So we need to get a rolling platform capable of moving the statue, we need a mage mask, restraints, masks and gloves for all three of us. The outstanding parts of the plan include getting an alternate vehicle to use outside the condo, the hardline cameras in the museum, the sensor plate under the statue. Did I miss anything?"
Feb 12 2008, 04:29 AM
System Error's eyes loose focus for a minute. He returns to himself after a second and replies, No, that seems about right to me. I might have a lead on the restraints and a mage mask. Let me know if you want me to come up with those.
Feb 12 2008, 03:50 PM
Tank adds, "Book and I already have gloves and face masks. You got yours System?"
Book looks to the hacker. "Can you get us a rental car? I'm thinking having one awaiting pickup on a corporate account would be good. When we are ready for pickup, we can drive by and you can remotely rig it and log the pickup into the rental agency computer. This way there is no video of us getting the car and in the system the rental looks legit... Or legit enough that no one will follow up for days. We'll return it tomorrow and no trail back to us."
Tank volunteers, "I can go by a hardware store or industrial supply and find a platform to roll the statue on. I'll also get a side grinder so we can deal with any serial numbers in case we need to ditch it... Better use the mumbo jumbo and change my appearance for the cameras, in any case."
Book agrees, "Yes. A mask spell is definitely called for. We may have to abandon the platform. Seeing as how that's probably not a high demand item, even without serial numbers it won't be hard to track back everyone who sells that model in the Atlanta area and get security footage of you buying it."
As they look at each other for a moment musing the plans, Dalton asks, "Ok, what about the cameras and sensor plates?"
Book sighs, "I hate to say this, but we may have to deal with the fact that security will be alerted at that time.. I'd like to factor our security mage into that plan, but I'm not exactly sure how to factor him and the fact that you were masked as his partner when we capture him... Gonna have to give that a little more thought..."
Dalton smiles anyway. "Let's go shopping!"
Feb 13 2008, 05:25 AM
System Error replies, I have gloves but being an ork is usally enough of a mask. I can get one easily enough. You thinking Halloween or something serious? Rental car is on my to-do list. How about a registration to a Mr. Johnson? He smiles at his own joke. Yeah, shopping sounds good.
Feb 21 2008, 04:41 AM
The evening brings stormy weather. A think mist with oppressive humidity has settled down upon Atlanta. The sky is darkened with clouds that show no sign of leaving any time soon. The mood of those milling around the streets seems to mimic that of the weather in this city that is never dark. The few brave souls who decide to brave the wet and uncomfortable night find that they have the area to themselves for the most part. The junkies drop farther into the shadows, fearful that a passing member of the Star will decide to amuse himself at their expense. The dealers also drop back or stay home in the hope that a lost sale is better than jail time or worse yet, giving a cut to the Star.
System Error waits at the appointed corner. To the outsider he looks like he is waiting for a bus that will not come.
Feb 22 2008, 03:54 AM
The day had been busy for Tank. He'd met with Michael Richard's delivery man earlier and made the exchange. He'd also ground out the serial numbers from the platform after he and Book made the pickup. He grinned from ear to ear as he loaded up the drone. Never having owned such a piece of hardware before, he was excited to have it as a backup for the team.
As the duo silently drove through the dark and dreary night, Tank was actually optimistic. The nasty weather would keep the looky-loos's at home for the evening, further reducing their chances for getting caught. He wasn't to the point of whistling, but he was definitely in a good mood.
As they drove on Book found his thoughts straying to the elven woman, Melinda. It would not be good to allow her to monopolize my thoughts. The time to focus is now. Even as he began to focus, he wondered about the motivation to steal the statue. It will be extremely hard to fence. The goal must be to embarrass either the museum or the security company. Eventually he put the thoughts out of his head and instead, finally, began to focus on the plan. So many places for it to go wrong...
Eventually Tank pulls his vehicle up to the bus stop. He rolls down his window and leans out talking to the young ork. "407 north with transfers to poker parties and the museum..."
Once System loads up Tank engages the pilot program spins around in his captain's chair asks their hacker, "Rental van and trash truck all lined up?"
Feb 22 2008, 07:44 AM
System Error grins from ear to ear at Tank's joke. He hops in the car and takes a seat. Looking at Tank he replies, Not a problem. Matter of fact, I rented two vans, three cars, and a 15 passenger bus. There is also a sizable donation to the rental manager's personal account. Let them try to sort all that out. He smiles and seems pleased with himself. I assume that we are going to the poker game first?
Time passes as the auto-pilot takes them to the girlfriend's apartment. The previously bored security guards are still bored. They are no where to be found. Perhaps they are in the guard shack due to the weather?
Feb 23 2008, 05:49 AM
Tank considers the 15 passenger bus with a smirk. "You know.... Nah... We'll stick with the plan." He drives the crew past the car rental place so that System can remotely rig one of the vans. Then, with the van near behind, he drives to a parking garage where they can get a little privacy. There, they transfer the gear and the doberman to the rental van before Tank locks his vehicle and engages the security.
As the pull into the neighborhood and find the guards missing, Book's paranoia begins kick in. What the....? "I'll be back." With that, he leans back in the seat and his spirit steps out of his body and begins a little recon of the area.
Feb 23 2008, 06:54 AM
Book is confronted with a brighter than normal light on the Astral. He takes a moment to realize that he is looking at the collective auras of all the people who are staying in tonight. There are several watchers floating here and there among the buildings just as before. The ward outside the girlfriend's apartment is still in place and now there are two spirits watching over it. One is an earth elemental in the form of a rock golem and the other is presumably a beast spirit as it is in the form of a giant panther.
Feb 23 2008, 08:12 AM
Book returns to his body, sitting up slowly with a look of determination. "The party is definitely on. The astral watch dogs are in place. Let's move down the block a bit.... Hopefully these guys aren't as paranoid as us."
Tank moves the rental van on down the street at a normal pace and locates a parking sport a block away. He then launches his fly-spy drone to get a better look of the area around the apartment building and locate the mage's car.
Book meanwhile sets a watcher inside the van to keep watch on them astrally. No sense advertising.... One that is completed, he performs another wide astral sweep then returns to his body. "They are fairly well protected astrally. Mundane appears to be the way to take him down."
Feb 23 2008, 08:17 AM
With a far-away look in his eyes,
System Error responds
Yeah, I learned the hard way that your primary focus is great but it can get you killed if you rely on it alone.-----
Book's second astral sweep doesn't turn up anything unusual.
Tank finds out that the drone doesn't seem to fly well in this weather.
[ Spoiler ]
Please roll a piloting test. BTW, did you get info on the type of car he drives?
Feb 23 2008, 08:23 AM
System worked up dossiers on each of the mages. I guess I'm gonna have to pass the buck back to you on that question.
Feb 23 2008, 06:23 PM
Tank finds that despite the weather, he is quickly able to adjust to flying the little drone. It takes him a while but he soon finds the car for one of the mages. It is a low end luxury model with all the bells and whistles.
Oh, yeah.
Feb 25 2008, 03:34 PM
Tank locates a tree or a ledge onto which to land the fly-spy where it is obscured. "Now comes the waiting."
Book decides that of the two courses of action, staying out of sight or astral surveillance, the former is his best bet. Letting physical, technological surveillance be the primary method will be far with all the nearby magical security.
Tank turns to the hacker. "My drone is in position near the car. You are welcome to jump in and use it as a staging point to own the mage's car. You can then trace back to his com using his subscription to the car, right?"
Feb 26 2008, 06:26 AM
System Error smiles at Tank and says, Unless he has some massive ice on that comm, this should be child's play. Thanks for the drone perch.
After several hours of boredom, System Error reports that one of the mages is headed for his car only to report that it was a false alarm. He got a package out of the trunk and headed back inside. The weather has a depressing mood on the group for a bit until they see a Star patrol car chase down some ganger on foot. The beating he gets indicates that he pissed off someone. However, they don't haul him in.
Finally, the other mage emerges from the apartment around 0100. He makes for the car and gets in. System Error calls heads up and begins to work his magic.
Feb 26 2008, 05:16 PM
Book quickly becomes bored with the whole stake out. He settles back in the seat and dozes off, in and out of consciousness. He occasionally checks the astral to insure that their position has not be compromised.
Tank on the other hand watches through the drone camera and begins playing several concentration games. By the time there is actual movement, he has played 37 different games and eaten 6 Fizzo-Chewy® Snack Bars. The Fudgy-Moca was pretty good, but the strawberry-peanut butter was just plain nasty.
Looking at the time... 0100. Shit, this is putting us a little behind schedule... Tank insures that Book is roused and as the car begins pulling out, he starts his car moves down the street. He also lights up the fly-spy and collects it as they pass.
Book on the other hand waits until they clear the neighborhood, then astrally projects, checking to insure that the target lacks astral surveillance...
Feb 26 2008, 07:16 PM
Book sees the mage a little less clearly on the astral than before. It is as if something is muting his aura a little. However, it is no more than several drinks would normally do. The overgrown cat pads behind his car.
System Error speaks up. Just tell me when and I'll take over his car and comm.
Feb 27 2008, 03:00 AM
As Tank begins slowly closing in on the security mage, Book assenses the cat spirit.
Feb 27 2008, 05:45 AM
Book is able to determine that it is a beast spirit of some kind. How powerful the spirit is would appear to be a good question.
Feb 28 2008, 03:38 AM
Book momentarily returns to his body, "He has a spirit in tow. I will deal with that when you guys peg him.", before preparing his attack.
Tank looks over at the doberman in the passenger seat, before slinking back in his seat and going into full VR. He jumps into the drone and opens a command window back to the car. Feel like I'm back in the Army. 'Cept I miss my tank...
As they close in to a stop light/sign, Tank kicks it off. <<@System Error [Tank] Ok, we are pulling along side, lower the window and lock out his coms.>> He then issues a command to the car to lower the window and pull along side beside the car. Now I guess we find out if we are really in the big time or are simply fodder to the slaughter...
Feb 28 2008, 05:00 AM
System Error eyes are completely glazed over. His voice has become monotonous. Command confirmed.
The window on the car drops as expected. The mage in the car is freaked out by this and begins to scream when he sees the van along side him.
On the astral, the panther jerks his head up and looks for his prey.
Feb 28 2008, 03:52 PM
Book hangs back as Tank's vehicle pulls alongside the other shaman's vehicle. He readies the mana, feeling it at the edge of his finger tips. Snake is not happy, even though it is a surprise attack, it is a direct engagement and Snake resists. He knows that the spirit could become his undoing in a prolonged engagement so he risks overcasting and is burned for risk. He digs deep sending everything he dares with the stun bolt, but it still lacks the force of his spirit that comes with a full commitment of body and soul... Let this be enough... If not, let the spirit be summoned to our target and be gone when Tank drops him...
Back in the virtual world, Tank feels the strength and speed of the drone. Far faster than his meat body can move and react. As the window lowers below the barrel, he lets a three shot burst right into the surprised target. Good night Gracie. He hesitates a split second to ascertain the state of the mage before making a second fire decision..
Feb 29 2008, 06:35 AM
Tank can see the mage's body convulse from the shock of the ammunition. He tries to enter a command in his computer then has a quick look of concentration on his face. In truth he looks as if he is about to fall over.
Book watches as the Panther doesn't even grimace when hit with the stun bolt. The big cat stops for a second before heading in the direction of the car.
Tank sees a giant panther materialize beside the mage's car blocking a second shot.
Feb 29 2008, 02:53 PM
Tank grimaces, then cusses himself for not shooting the damn mage twice at the onset. Safety tip: Shoot the mage twice. Always. Trauma patch if required...
Book again blasts at the spirit.. Tank would more than likely be unable to blast through the beast..
Tank on the other hand has heard of well placed shots disrupting a spirit. He levels his aim and shoots knowing that surprise had slipped away and the materializing spirit would be doing more than blocking in a moment.
Feb 29 2008, 04:52 PM
The spirit shimmers momentarily after Tank hits it. Then it is gone.
Without warning the mage's car slams on the brakes. System Error's monotonous voice speaks out, Warning, system crash. Please reboot.
System Error comes back to himself and adds, Check the car. I decided to crash him.
Feb 29 2008, 07:22 PM
Book's astral form hovers over their target. He concentrates and studies the shaman's aura, first to memorize the pattern to ascertain his signature for comparison to the wards and second to determine if he is unconscious from the sudden stop.
Tank on the other hand checks fire and matches the vehicle stop. He exits VR and looks back at System, "Did you see that?! I blasted that nasty magic lion!! Mages! Pah!... I mean no offense, but we go this covered."
Hovering close enough to hear the cocky adept, Book considers replying but instead lets him have a moment in the limelight. I'll burst his bubble later.. thinks the shaman. Book summons a watcher to serve as an astral watchdog, then returns to his own body. The weight of the mundane world weighs heavy and he feels oh so slow compared to the lofty movements that astral space affords him. A nagging voice, deep in the back of his brain is Snake, chastising him for not focusing more studies on the astral. In time... In time...
Book looks to his two team mates. "Let's ditch the car in a nearby lot, get the mage, bind and mage-mask him and get on to the trash truck. We are a little later than we wanted to be...."
Mar 1 2008, 02:48 AM
Tank sees a tan, human male about 30 years old sitting in the seat of the car. Blood gushes from a cut on his head. Upon closer examination, it does not appear to be life threatening. However, the headache will not be envied by anyone.
Book is quickly able to determine the man's aura and that his head injury is not life threatening in anyway. Book picks up on the confusion and anger pouring off the man's subconscious in waves.
System Error smiles. Looks like we nailed this piece of the puzzle. Tell me where to have the trash truck meet us.
Mar 1 2008, 01:29 PM
Tank looks back to the tecno-hacker. "You seriously rule. Four blocks from the museum?"
Tank drives the rental van over to a nearby alley. Looking out for security cameras, he tries to align the vehicles for a little obscurity to transfer the mage. Then, he looks for a lot nearby where they can dump the mage's car without raising any suspicions.
As Book bounds the mage, Tank uses the mage's sleeve to clean the blood off the steering wheel/dash. No sense taking chances with that..
Minutes later they are on the road, their guest bagged and tagged for the ride. Book looks to the other two. "He has cybereyes. Recording capability no doubt. We need to find a way to use that to our advantage. So far he's seen the doberman and the van... " Everything the mage had seen so far is non-descript. Book knew that to earn the bonus, he needed to leave enough bread crumbs to make it look like an inside job. The wheels in his mind continues to spin as the van goes down the highway. He always liked a little overkill.
Mar 2 2008, 03:54 AM
System Error smiles and answers tank with enthusiasm more like a group about to bail out of an airplane on a training drill. You got it, chief! And you're right, I do rock.
Tank spots a parking lot for the city bus. While technically illegal to park overnight there were always a few cars and the Star never seemed to care much. Trash was blowing around the one car on blocks that had been there for who knows how long. The rest of the cars looked like city residents using this lot for the discounted parking it offered. Most of the lights were still intact, though a few flickered ominously. All in all this particular lot looked average.
System Error pipes back up and adds a quick note. We're gonna have to make it six blocks. There are too many eyes four block out. Here, follow this map.
Tank is greeted with an AR map of their current location and all other pertinent details of the road way.
System Error smiles once more and adds, I hope you don't mind chief! I gave myself access to your comm. You should really consider better security on that thing.
Book hears the mage groan for a minute then go still only to convulse a second later. He is obviously awake and uncomfortable.
System Error's map leads them to a darkened alley where they can make the transfer without problems. The trash truck is waiting for them.
Mar 2 2008, 05:09 PM
Tank follows the route directed by System Error. Better safe than sorry Grandma always used to say.
As the mage begins to stir, Book inspects him astrally and adds a second watcher. This one specifically watching the mage. Any attempts at spell casting or summoning will trigger the watcher and the caster-summoning link will alert Book instantly should the watcher be dispatched early. He then checks the restraints to insure that they are secure and then sits back as the seconds tick by.
Arriving at the alley, Tank keeps his cool and back up the van. The duo move quietly loading the carpet into the back of the trash truck, then unrolling it. Next, they move the mage and platform over onto the carpet. As Tank loads the doberman, Book begins casting his spells.
He concentrates, hearing the hum of the mana, weaving it around the adept. When he is finished, Tank no longer looks like a burglar in a ski mask. Instead he looks like an ork with several distinctive scars and a sanitation company uniform. His attempts to turn himself invisible do not go as smoothly. He tries to spin the mana while keeping the hum of Tank's spell in place.
He weaves the mana around himself, but is not satisfied and allows it to dissipate. He weaves again... and again.. He blinks in and out of visibility four times, not satisfied with the spell until the fifth casting. Now sustaining two spells he climbs into the cab and sits back. Here's a silent prayer for a smooth operation...
Tank climbs in and as soon System Error is aboard they move towards the museum. On the off chance that random monitoring is occurring, as they move closer they stop by several trash cans and pretend to load up the trash.