Sep 11 2008, 05:35 AM
System adds in, "Ready to go."
The trio reaches Los Samurai territory with little effort.
The first transport is clear, System says to noone in particular as the drone leaves through the door he opens at the back of the van.
Moving a little closer, the duo finds the same group outside the pharmacy with the Lone Star drone buzzing the area.
Let's get this party started.
Sep 11 2008, 08:29 PM
As the motorcycle approaches the pharmacy, Book leans back in the seat and thrusts his consciousness into that which is the astral. He stands in front of the two guards, still sustaining his spell with a cluster of spirits standing and beck & call.
Knowing that his walking back out of the pharmacy alive depends upon a proper performance, Tank pulls right up in front of the doors and hops on the bike - leaving it idling and balanced by the advanced gyros within. He is careful not to look at the van and give away their position. He does, however, take a moment to look over his shoulder at the nearby Lone Star drone. He lingers his gaze to insure the guards take not of it as well.
He then strolls forward, getting a chill as he unknowing walks through the astral for of the Shaman. He summons up as much bravado as he possess with the intent of striding confidently into the pharmacy and past the guards without a word.
Sep 12 2008, 05:15 AM
The toughs look Tank-Junior over but don't stop him from going into the pharmacy. They give the drone more than one look as he passes. Once inside, Tank is confronted by dust covered product shelves. Some of the packaging on the shelves is of a pre-Crash design. Most are for material that is over ten years old. There is an older Japanese gentlemen behind the pharamcy counter. He stares at Tank-Junior for a second before asking, "What can I help you find today, young man?"
Sep 12 2008, 05:47 AM
Tank-Junior confidently strides up to the counter, "I represent your new business partner... Though his intention is to remain a silent business partner."
Book follows the adept in, keeping vigilant watch for new arrivals. He takes a moment to assense the old man's aura, though sustaining the spell inhibits his ability to read it nearly as well as he would like.
Sep 14 2008, 06:12 AM
The old man stares at Tank-Junior for a second before responding. "Is that so? And who exactly is our new business partner that would send such a messenger as you?"
Book is able to determine that the old man is not magically active but healthy.
Sep 14 2008, 04:36 PM
Tank-Junior sets a hand on the counter to establish proximity, but not threat nor arrogance. "I represent a powerful local interest who can minimize complications-" He looks of the the side for a moment so as to imply a threat, but not make one. "-or increase them."
He looks back to the old man and smiles, "But the hope is that we come to an arrangement." He gestures over his shoulder towards the door. "My escort is in the street." Then turning fully back to the old man, "Are you able to discuss terms?"
Awaiting the old man's answer, Tank uses the DNI link provided by his trodes to send a message:
<<@team [Tank] I'm bailing before reinforcements arrive or if this turns hairy... I'm feeling like a fish in the desert.>>
Book fully immersed in the astral does not see the message, but his paranoia is already in over drive. The odds of this portion of the run ending as planned are diminishing by the second.
Sep 15 2008, 05:18 AM
The old man breathes a heavy sigh. "I was under the impression that ... your employer ... understood our previous arrangement. Perhaps the time to re-negociate has come? Very well. Have your employer contact my boss for a meeting. Here is a comm code for your use."
Sep 16 2008, 03:48 AM
Tank-Junior accepts the com-code like its what he had been expecting all along and heads out the door and back to the bike. Book lingers to see what the old man does as Tank leaves the room.
Sep 16 2008, 04:49 AM
The old man picks up a line and speaks into it in Chinese. His voice and aura seem extremely agitated.
He nods and then yells to the young men outside.
[ Spoiler ]
Roll initiative.
Sep 17 2008, 01:58 AM
[ Spoiler ]
Tank Init:
[1,2,1,3,1,6,3,3,3] = 10 (1)
Book Init:
[3,2,6,6,6,4,1,4,3,1,1] = 11 (3)
- (Rolled too many dice for Book, dropped the extras from the end)
Sep 17 2008, 04:06 AM
The two young men bar the door with their guns. They make no attempt to raise them but the sound of the safeties being turned off is unmistakeable. The old man strides confidently over to
Tank-Junior. He says, "
My boss tells me to tell you this. No gaijin will ever dictate our business practices! Now, run along to your master and report." He spits on the floor and then yells in Chinese again. Two of the toughs swing into the pharmacy and take up positions on either side of the old man. The other raises his rifle to his shoulder and motions for
Tank-Junior to move into the street.
Book realizes that the door will catch him on the inside if he does not hurry.
[ Spoiler ]
Give me an Agility + Reaction (2) test.
Sep 17 2008, 05:16 AM
[ Spoiler ]
Tank: Reaction(5) + Agility(3) = Buy 2 successes. You meant Tank, right? Being astral, Book can pass through the door without issue... right?
As the two guards move to bar his way,
Tank figures that his luck has ran out. He stops short of them not turning back at the old man. In the astral
Book watches, unsure what to make of the situation.
As the old man rattles through his next tired,
Tank stands firm knowing that flinching could be conveyed as a sign of weakness. When the thugs move and afford
Tank-Junior an exit, he takes it.
[ Spoiler ]
Is one of the thugs pointing a gun at Tank right now? Do they remain inside the pharmacy as Tank passes out the doors to the outside?
Sep 17 2008, 02:38 PM
[ Spoiler ]
Do'h. I was thinking that he was invisible. Yeah, he's fine.
The two stay in the pharmacy. One comes out with his gun raised but finger not on the trigger.
Tank-Junior makes it back outside without incident. There is a cooling breeze blowing thorugh the area. The guard continues to keep his gun trained on
Sep 20 2008, 02:57 AM
Tank's desire is to flip off the guard and give him a piece of his mind, his instinct however compels him to remain the silent tough in order to effect the ruse. He continues smugly to the bike, ready to move on.
Book continues to watch the guard, not yet convinced they intend to allow Tank to leave. He turns to the unbound spirit, "Guard him." while gesturing towards Tank.
Sep 20 2008, 03:12 AM
Tank is watched while he walks out. The individuals make no moment to stop him and his is able to leave without incident. The guards are obviously annoyed that they can't open fire. One flips his butterfly-knife in an absent-minded fashion while keeping his weapon trained on Tank. The other switches his attention to the Star drone.
Sep 20 2008, 03:41 AM
As Tank pulls away, Book continues to maintain the mask and returns to his body. At this point, there is a spirit guarding the adept and he is headed out of the Los Samurai turf. Book turns to System. "You have the LTG to old man gave him?"
After the hacker's confirmation, the shaman continues. "Next step is to pick a fight. Time to send a self destructing message to that number. I think Daddy should simply tell them they 'should have played ball'... or something like that. Then the drone should begin processing reporting weapon and drug violations."
He rubs his chin. "Unless of course you have a better idea?"
Sep 20 2008, 04:38 AM
System returns a question, "You sure that comm would self destruct on us ... or worse yet, send a trace? I'm good with the LS drone going ape on them. I could also deliver a note via other means to screw with everyone's AR in that building. Would that work?"
Sep 22 2008, 02:38 AM
Book looked at the hacker imagining the opposite conversation where book was explaining the differences in the binding ceremony for a spirit of man vs a beast spirit. Placing a hand on the hacker's shoulder, "You deal with the virtual and I'll handle the astral. I trust you on the details of execution to keep up clean and clear." He smiled as he withdrew his hand, resisting the urge to make a wish crack about quantum phase capacitors or some such nonsense.
Sep 22 2008, 04:54 AM
System nods before loosing himself in concentration. A drop of sweat falls down the side of his face. He looks up after a few minutes. Done. Let's get out of here! The sound of sirens begins to fill the air. The AR outline of the building takes the shape of a hand flashing the peace sign while a flashing sign states, You should have cut a deal. Shortly, guns begin firing.
We ought to pull Tank back in before they send someone after him.
Sep 22 2008, 03:58 PM
"Yea, I was just thinking about him."
<<@Tank [Book] Find a place to pull over. Secluded from sight. Get off the bike and walk away.>>
A few moments later.
<<@Book [Tank] I pulled over and walked into an alley. Looks pretty secluded. Ducked behind a commercial trash can. Man this stinks, make it fast.>>
Turning to System, "Drive the bike off. We'll need to go and pick up Tank" Concentrating on the sustained spell, Book mutes the effect. Tank is now an ork in a garbage man's uniform.
<<@Book [Tank] What the-?>>
"Time to move on to the next phase."
Sep 23 2008, 04:40 AM
System replies, Working ...
There is an explosion nearby.
Damn! They used a rocket on the bike. Heading for Tank now.
The van lurches off before slowing back down.
How do I not look like an accomplice? Tell Tank to hunker down. We'll get him on the back side of the alley.
The van heads for the opposite alley opening and arrives shortly. The three of them can hear Star T-birds screaming overhead. Panic is the norm in the street. News vehicles begin skimming the skies. AR links start popping up for breaking news.
Get this, System says. Some old man is saying that his pharmacy was hit by members of the 51st Street Nomads. Said they just up and killed some bystander on his bike. He looks scared - best acting job I've seen in a while.
Sep 30 2008, 03:26 AM
Book passes the message on to Tank:
<<@Tank [Book] Hunker down and act like you belong. We'll pick you up in the back side of the alley.>>
The adept tries to blend in and moves toward the prescribed spot. The explosion of the bike nearly causes him to say a short prayer, but he manages to hold it together.
Book looks to System, "Well, if nothing else Daddy and Junior are all mixed up in this.... Would have liked it all a little cleaner and quieter, but beggers can't be choosers."
Sep 30 2008, 05:18 AM
I suppose not.
System is able to eventually work his way back around to Tank's location. The sheet number of patrol cars from the Star is making System's skin crawl. Once inside, System takes the trio away from the area. He almost gets to the perimeter when a Lone Star drones drops in front of the van and AR windows pop up with a request for identification.
Sep 30 2008, 02:56 PM
Book sits back as the System pilots the van around to the pick up location. As Tank climbs in, Book again mutes the physical mask to closer to his own form, an older human male.
As they seem to draw attention from a Lone Star drone, Book whispers in the astral to one of his waiting air spirits. Conceal us. He gestures to himself, System and Junior. At this point, he thinks, it would serve no purpose to get caught with Junior.
<<@Team [Tank] This thing wants my ID.. What the hell do I do?>>
<<@Team [Book] Use your fake.>>
Reluctantly, Tank uses his fake ID for identification.
<<@Team [Tank] Guess I'll need to replace that.....>>
His kinesics kicking in to keep him calm as he waits for the drone to allow them to pass.
Sep 30 2008, 06:03 PM
The drone halts for several seconds while it runs through the ID. Another AR window pops up "ID confirmed. This is an active emergency location. Please procede to the exit. Would you like to purchase a ticket to the Lone Star celebration for tomorrow evening?"
Oct 2 2008, 02:54 AM
"Nah, No thanks." Tank mumbles as he keeps his head down and gets the team out of the neighborhood.
Once clear of the neighborhood, Book says to System, "I thinks its time we switched to the alternate ride."
Oct 2 2008, 03:51 AM
System nods. That computes. He maneuvers the van back to the parking garage where Tank's van is located. The trio plus the dead weight are quickly loaded into the van and System sends the wayward van on its way. Looks like we need to move on to the next phase. Besides, I'm hungry.
1317 hours
Oct 3 2008, 02:25 AM
The three now together in the rental van, Book turns to the to them. "Let's swing by and get some grub. We also need to make a little detour to relieve some street drug dealer of his stash and finally a new vehicle to deliver Junior to Daddy's little shindig. Preference would be to visit the street drug dealer before dropping this van."
Once clear of the neighborhood, Book releases the masking spell on Tank but leaves the spirit in place obscuring the others. He then proceeds to astrally scrubbing his signature from everything.
Oct 3 2008, 03:33 AM
System Error pipes up, Anyone in particular? Any particular kind of drug?
A muffled yell comes from the back of the van. Junior begins thrashing around as he comes to. The bindings stay fast.
Oct 3 2008, 03:46 PM
Book looks back at Junior in the mage mask. For a moment he feels a pang of sympathy for the kid, the effects of the mask must be maddening... But not as maddening as the hell he will find himself in when this is over.
Book turns back to System, "Nah. No one in particular. Someone out of the way. We need a quick hit for a small amount. Something to get him smashed out of his gourd. Too bad his bike got toasted, but that helps to tie him to the scene."
Book pauses a moment, "Actually, that will be good for us. Builds a little evidence. Back to the drug. We may not be able to get too choosy. Let's see what we can find."
Oct 3 2008, 06:02 PM
System pulls the van into an eastwardly direction. There's an abandoned park not far from here that has been turned into a squatters camp. Ten to one, we can find some chemicals there.
Fifteen minutes and three slow circles later, an large caucasion ork with thick facial hair steps into the street and waits for the van to pull up to him.
1332 hours
Oct 8 2008, 01:01 AM
As the van enters the park,
Book weaves mana around
Tank yet again. The spirit still obscuring the trio in the back,
Book leans back and lets the face do his thing.
[ Spoiler ]
Physical Mask F3:
[5,4,3,3,4,6,4,3,1,5] = 3 hits
Resist DV2 Drain: Buy two hits
As they roll up towards the ork,
Tank the ork rolls down the window as they roll up. "
What you got to send a brother to another planet?" He is surprised by the deep growl of his voice, altered by the magic.
<<@Tank [Book] If his price is reasonable, just buy it. No sense causing a scene here and complicating things.>>
Oct 8 2008, 02:06 AM
The ork responds, My reputation must be getting out there cause you ain't part of this 'hood. Glancing in the back of the van and seeing nothing the ork scans his comm for a minute. I'll give you fifty 'yen for that high end link you got back there. Either way, I'll send you on a ride on ThE ROcket. It is out of this world.
Tank can hear the pronunciation of the drug as it rolls off the salesman's lips.
Since you new around here, your first hit is only 10 'yen. You grok?
Oct 8 2008, 03:07 AM
Tank-Ork smiles. He was beginning to enjoy playing different roles. "Nah. Got another use for that. I'll take five hits. Gonna have a little party." He draws out the word party, preparing to slot the yen. He wondered what the dealer would do if he saw the doberman currently hidden.
Oct 8 2008, 03:37 AM
Here ya go my man. The ork slides two prepackaged shots over to Tank and confirms payment before forking over the other three shots. He melts back into the camp. The shots feel cold to the touch.
<<@Team [System] I completely forgot about Junior's comm. I feel like an idiot. There. Fixed. Where to now?>>
Oct 10 2008, 10:53 AM
Tank pockets the drugs and drives off.
Book replies to System, "That's ok. Junior is not able to use it in his condition." He runs things though his mind about being tracked with coms and the like, but simply had little knowledge or experience in the technical world. The closest paradigm he could equate to is astral signatures, but he trusted that the hacker was managing that aspect of the run as he was scrubbing his astral signature.
Tank on the other hand has a considerable grasp of the technical world.
<<@System [Tank] If its been on, then its left traces, though that could work in with Book's plans well enough. With us running in stealth we should be clear of leaving a trail, but you should probably re-spoof our coms to be sure. My van will be slaved to my com so that should take care of that. You gonna wipe the logs at the garage to insure that my license wasn't recorded?>>
The adept makes a detour to a McHughs drive-through to feed the hungry crew, still masked with them still concealed.
Once at Tank's van, the crew migrate under cover of spirit. Tank takes the handi-vac from his van to clean out any hair from the van, while Book scrubs the astral of any traces of his spells or spirit. Since they were all wearing gloves, wiping for finger prints are not required.
Oct 11 2008, 02:27 AM
<<@Tank [System] Your license, registration and van's existence were erased shortly after you arrived at the garage. As far as comms, mine is currently shopping in downtime buying the new Mellow Mushroom album. The cameras may not see me but the record will show I was there in person. I have been wiping our digital trail since we started. Anything else?>>
As Tank pulls into the McHughs lot, System pipes up, <<@Tank [System] Get me two double doubles, fries, a coke with extra ice and a chocolate shake.>> Seemingly sensing the look he adds, <<What? I'm hungry.>>
Once they reach the garage System virtually inhales the first double double. The rest of the food is eaten at something resembling a metahuman pace.
<<@Team [System] Ok, sorry I spaced on Junior's comm. I was so worried about our trail that I forgot about his. I wiped five normal and three hidden RFID tags from the drugs. Incidentally, I used my coke to keep the drugs on ice as they need to be cold. I assume crashing Daddy's party is next but is there anything else.>>
The two of you suddenly notice that all of his food is gone.
Time 1441
Oct 17 2008, 02:03 AM
<<@System [Tank] I think you have it covered. Between you on the 'trix and him with the mojo, I'm almost feeling inadequate.. Then you guys send my off on the bike that gets blown up and I really gotta wonder how I drew the short straw.>>
<<@Book [System] Genetics.>>
Tank glares a moment without replying. His concern was whether or not the shaman was joking.
What Tank fails to match in volume, he instead matches in speed. True to his military training, he also inhales his food. Book on the other hand eats the mass-produced, fast-food at a much slower pace wondering if the sustenance is worth the torture of actually tasting it.
After they transfer their cargo back to the van, Book considers simply sending Junior off in that van. He realizes that while it would be the simplest choice, it would create a data trail between Junior and Tank's fake ID. At this point, Tank's ID was already compromised after the check point anyway.
<<@Team [Tank] Guess its safe to send the van back on its merry way where it came from.>>
<<@Team [Book] We will need to locate a cab to transfer Junior to. An automated one... and a location to give Junior a cocktail and transfer him over where System can blot out our passage.>>
Tank eases them out to the street, then turns to System. "Where to?"
Oct 17 2008, 06:01 AM
System wrinkles his brow for a moment before answering. <<@Team [System] Best place I can imagine to do that would be an abandoned garage about eight blocks west of here. I'll put up the location on AR. It is close enough to the cab routes that I should be able to snag one without anyone noticing. Far enough away though that it won't attract any help either. One thing though, it's in an area that claimed by both La Pandilla and Los Samurai.>> Grinning at Tank he adds, <<@Team [System] You may get your chance to shine after all.>>
The trio plus one slide through the streets without any problems. It would appear that the explosion still has everyone on their toes. They arrive at the garage as a cab begins to pull up. No sooner does it stop than three gangers wearing La Pandilla colors step out of the garage. One is holding a light pistol, another a bat, and the third a machete.
Oct 19 2008, 05:32 AM
Tank nods and drives to the location specified by System. Book relaxes for the ride over.
Arriving at the garage, both are surprised to see the gangers strolling up. Book looks out the windows, "Are these guys serious?" He knew better than to underestimate even the most insignificant looking opponent. Every dog has its day.
Tank simply activates the doberman in the back of his vehicle, draws his pistol and decides the way he's gonna play it. He pops the back hatch of the cruiser. It provided two things. First, it drew attention from his door and allowed him to then open his door and step out. Second, it allowed the doberman to join the fray. He stepped out, weapon in hand, concealed along the right side of his body.
Book watched out the mirror as the gangers approached. He figured it was gonna get nasty and quick.
Oct 19 2008, 06:19 AM
You're not Los Samurai. says the big guy with the bat.
I say shoot first and ask questions later, adds the one with the pistol.
Shut up! Both of you. Turning to Tank the ork holding the machette asks, What the hell are you doing here?
Oct 19 2008, 01:29 PM
Tank smiled as the gangers exchanged pleasantries with each other. He did not fail to use the time to his benefit though. He ordered the drone to acquire targets, though not yet engage. Gun, bat, machete.
[ Spoiler ]
Active Targeting, BBB.162
[1,4,1,3,5,3] = 1 hit (Gun)
[6,3,5,1,6,1] = 3 hits (Bat)
[2,1,5,4,5,3] = 2 hits (machete)
As the obvious leader of the crew turns back to the adept/rigger, he continues a confident smile. "
Gentlemen. My apologies for encroaching upon your turf." The doberman's head rises up for its compacted position so as to gain LOS on the targets entering the garage. Its SMG, clearly visible.
Over here."
Tank says as he waves a friendly wave, drawing their attention back on him from the movement of the drone. "
If you will step back out and come back in three minutes, it will be as if we were never here." He knew that if it got messy, it was gonna get real messy, real quick. He figured
Book to dropping the leader and the drone already had the gunner as its primary target. That left him with Mr. Machete. Just to be sure, he painted the target as his in AR.
Oct 19 2008, 11:33 PM
The leader holds firm while the other two back up. And if I don't want to do that? I suppose we throw down, right here. Or I could invite some of my friends to come for the party. From the garage come about ten more gangers. Now. Suppose you tell me what's in it for me to look the other way?
Perception Checks
Oct 20 2008, 01:15 AM
I'm gonna make your week."
Tank replies.
<<@Tank [Book] What are you up to?>><<@Book [Tank] I'm running with it.>>The face leans into his cruiser relaxing a little. "
We can start shooting, you die. Some of them die. Your buddies swarm in. Perhaps we make it out. Perhaps we die also. Or.... You let me finish my business. I tell you right now the Star is all over Los Samurai, but not near what they will be in an hour or two if I finish."
Tank maintains eye contact with the leader. "
Then tomorrow I'll by the first round to celebrate both our good fortunes."
Inside the cruiser,
Book starts to sweat. He's not used to
Tank improvising. The more he thinks about it, the more he has to pee.
[ Spoiler ]
Tank Perception:
[1,5,3,3,6,4,2,2,6,5,4,1,3] = 4 hits
Book Perception:
[3,4,4,3,1,5,1,4,5,6,6,2,5,6] = 6 hits
Tank Etiquette:
[2,5,1,2,5,3,2,5] = 3 hits
Oct 20 2008, 02:48 AM
The leader hold up a closed fist.
Pretty boy. You're telling me that you are responsible for making the news? He looks Tank over for several minutes.
Alright. You go ahead and buy me and the crew a round now and we'll clear out for ten minutes. Soka?[ Spoiler ]
Both see that the gangers are surprised by the decision but not willing to test their leader. When he asks for upfront money they smile and relax a little.
Oct 22 2008, 01:59 AM
Tank slides his pistol into the back of his pants and pulls out a credstick. He pulls it down to 150

and walks up to the leader and hands it to him, his smile still in place. "
Have two. But tomorrow, when Los Samurai is hurting, I'll be back...... and it'll be your turn to buy."
He then places his hands on his hips, standing square. "
You have a bar you prefer?"
Book resists the urge to pass out as the face presses it.
That boy is either gonna come out on top or become a corpse. He did have to admit though, if this did work out, his opinion of the face would move up a notch.
Oct 22 2008, 02:19 AM
The leader smiles and shows off his grin with missing teeth. He takes the credstick. Don't worry about the bar, we've got a line on some o' the good stuff. You know, 'it just fell of the truck'. Turning to his crew he yells, Let's go! Give the nice pretty-boy his ten minutes to get his freak on. The whole crew laughs and heads out with their leader.
The garage is empty - provided you can call a garage with two or three dozen partitions empty. They see various stashes of crates - none with labels and none with RFID tags according to System. After navigating the turns Tank finds himself in a more or less open space without many lights and no working cameras.
Oct 22 2008, 03:24 AM
Book's jaw drops as Tank is left standing there and the gangers head off. He shakes his head to clear the cobwebs and then smacks himself to insure that he is awake.
Tank watches the gangers stroll out of the garage and it finally hits him, Did they just invite me to get high?
The garage empty, except for the team and Junior, they set to work. Junior is moved over to the cab and given a very liberal dose of the party medicine. Book and Tank pull their masks down over their faces and give Junior several minutes for the drug to take effect before removing the mage mask and zip ties. Book places the statue in Junior's lap and his com in his pocket. He then whispers, "Remember. This is for your Dad." Book then signals System to send the cab on towards the ceremony.
The duo then scramble across the garage to the cruiser. Time to follow at a distance and hope this stays simple. Book has System keep Junior's com locked down. He also asks the hacker to mute his voice to that of Junior's father and connect him to Junior's com. During the drive, he works on Junior. "You're late". "Where's my statue?" "Are we making money now?" "Don't fail me. Insure we get our cut of the drugs."
Oct 22 2008, 04:09 AM
Mumbling more to himself than anything else, the twitchy, somewhat hyperactive Junior says, Ya got it, dad. .... on my way .... friends, cab. His eyes are wide open. My pores ... alive .... this. is. awesome!.
The cab winds its way through the city without any problem. GridGuide kicks in after about 15 blocks and keeps the cab headed toward its destination. System is able to keep their van on track as well.
Oct 22 2008, 12:36 PM
Book continues to feel pangs of regret over using the boy as a dupe to get at his father. He tries to convince himself that the whole family deserves it, but it never fully takes. As they begin coming within blocks of the ceremony he turns to System. "Time to make sure everyone knows about the family's crooked dealings. We have video of Junior trying to extort the gangers? We need to send that to some of the local press who are on hand, then tip them off about his arrival in the cab. With any luck, he'll still be blabbering but if nothing else they will have some video and there will be a news broadcast of him with the statue. Daddy has lots of explaining to do." He thinks a moment. "Perhaps we should send a copy of the security video with Junior in the club taking the statue to the Yakuza." Then as an afterthought, "You're sending all this in a way so as to thwart back tracking to us, right?"