Aug 12 2008, 09:21 PM
I'm now Recruting for a game starting out in Africa. The game will use karma based chargen with 1000 karma and 3500 nuyen per karma. And items above aliviabley 12+ items costing karma like this:
availability<12= 0karma
13-16= 1 karma
17-20= 2 karma
21-24= 3 karma
25-28=4 karma
And cyber costing 1 karma for each piece of betawear gear and 2 karma for each piece deltawear.
Interested party's apply now.
Players current list:
0 Dumori - GM and sniper (finished)
1 Scope_47 - Ex-Sargent uses heavy weapons. (finished)
2 DWC - ex-tribal soldier troll fire support specialist (finished unless player wants to change)
3 Gremish - (still nothing)
4 crizh - Shapeshifting Megacorp owned combat mage (finalising)
5 Intro - Reworking with a human stealthy person (finished unless player wants to change)
6 Cthulhudreams - Ex-mill/ treasure hunter (finalising)
7 JoelHalpern - gun adept (finished)
8 Muspellsheimr - Nosferatu fire mage (finalising)
9 BlackHat - Air born rigger. (finished)
10 Tarantula - Ground based rigger (finished)
R1 Hype - on waiting list
R2 De Badd Ass - on waiting list
R3 rob - on waiting list
R4 Mickle5125 - on waiting list
R5 Divine Virus - sounds like he's dropped out
- is just a way of separating the notes if you not on the waiting list your in the game R stands for reserve.
Right Then IC news I would like to have the OOC up before Wednesday.
Aug 12 2008, 09:23 PM
I'm in!
I'll post a character in the next day or so
- Scope
Divine Virus
Aug 12 2008, 10:55 PM
I have a character I do feel a burning want to play... but my schedule is cramped. I have pitched the character before, a Possesion melee mage named Miralda. I have him built with BP, but it would take a bit of time to translate. Busy as I am, it would take at least a week, maybe a week and a half before I could give you anything. I understand if this is too long.
Aug 12 2008, 10:55 PM
Sounds interesting. I'll see what I can whip up.
Aug 12 2008, 11:15 PM
Im down to play I will start working on stuff tomorrow morning!
Aug 12 2008, 11:32 PM
Me too.
Plenty of ideas. Depends what you need.
Dying to try karmagen.
[edit] You realize we can build some really scary, scary stuff with that many points, right?
Aug 12 2008, 11:55 PM
QUOTE (crizh @ Aug 12 2008, 07:32 PM)

[edit] You realize we can build some really scary, scary stuff with that many points, right?
Probably have some pretty scary opposition too, then. But yeah, that is rather high.
And yeah, I'm interested, too. With that many points, you can cross-train enough to do something like scout-B&E-secondary hacker-something else, too. I think I'll give it a try.
Aug 12 2008, 11:59 PM
HA! It looks like I am going to get to play with like everyone that is in my freaking game!
Aug 13 2008, 12:28 AM
I migh be out, but right after I finish my character for scope game, I wouldnt mind this one.
Aug 13 2008, 12:50 AM
Well that's 8 (PCs I'm running one to test out karmagen and to have fun) Yes i know it make things that are scary wait till you see my sniper. One more and I think where done. The campine will start in the thick of it. Well work out group back story later.
Aug 13 2008, 12:55 AM
What limits will you be setting?
For example can you have more than one skill at 6?
Will you be allowing initiation/submersion? How many grades?
Extra spells/CF's over the chargen limits?
I'm thinking of some sort of mage although you could definitely build a proper Technomancer on 1000 karma.
What about a Pixie? Or any of the other mad metatypes?
Aug 13 2008, 01:10 AM
Alowed if your not being super stupid as in the TM who is the god of god in the matrix but a cold would fell him. Ect Run the idea past me if your not sure I'll let it though. Ill post my sniper as a bench mark type for it. He's a bit to min-maxed but I like the fact he is different and he's fun. If you think it would fit in a group of Mrecs fight in Africa then it likely OK TM may be a bit under powered in a semi/wasteland but one could mulit task with them quite well.
1) Ive said them.
2) Yes but not sure on the limit (read run it past me)
3) Unsure I'll think this one over some more (likely yes but at 2 or 3 times the normal cost)
4) Any meta type but free spirtes will get less karma as building one with 1000 will make them way too over power even with the rest of the group.
(I love repeating my self)
Aug 13 2008, 01:12 AM
I'm sett ing a week or two for chargen as I've not quite made the campine been working on it two days but I prefer winging a lot of stuff than two much planing.
Aug 13 2008, 01:41 AM
I can not tell from the posting sequence if there is still room for one more.
If there is room, I would like to play.
I have several ideas that I would be happy to play. Don't want to too heavily duplicate what others are already trying for.
(Depending upon how much the surcharge is for initiation, an iniititiated possession Orc is an obvious idea.
I would also be happy to build an adept gunny, even without initiation.)
Joel Halpern
Aug 13 2008, 02:14 AM
There's a free spot. Ok can every on post the ideas they have. As I want to keep this a merc game.
Aug 13 2008, 02:38 AM
If there is a free spot, or one opens up, I would be interested in joining. I have a few characters I would like to try out with 1,000 Karma.
Aug 13 2008, 03:15 AM
Last spot taken. Have fun.
Aug 13 2008, 10:49 AM
OK, how's this?
[ Spoiler ]
Hatched and reared in a Saedder-Krupp lab, bred and reared for war, Abaddon is the combat mage of the 22nd century. Created using extensive 'in ovum' genetic engineering he is the product of a black project that also churned out adepts and 'normal' dual natured flying shock troops.
He is either a Saedder-Krupp SINner or corporate property depending on the jurisdiction and is considered an extremely valuable asset. He has spent ten years honing his combat skills in various Desert Wars.
Reared among humans he has always identified more with his human side. He has rejected all that back to nature, woolly minded, hippy crap that his kind might be expected to embrace and has instead adopted a more Teutonic attitude. Might makes right, technology is a magicians true ally and follow the chain of command are his watch phrases.
Beware, the next opportunistic bird of prey you see hovering over the battlefield may be the last thing you ever see....
I usually play nice guys but this sort of came to me while I was looking at the exotics in RC.
I don't know how well the idea of a Shapeshifting Megacorp owned Desert Wars combat mage fits. Perhaps he could be contracted out to a Mercenary unit as part of the research program.
I haven't decided on a tradition yet. Voodoo is perfect mechanically but I hate the fluff. I suppose Black Magic is a fairly good fit but I'm still not sure.
Aug 13 2008, 11:39 AM
I'm putting together an ex-tribal soldier troll fire support specialist. Should have something up at some point today, depending on how many meetings I get stuck in.
Aug 13 2008, 12:39 PM
QUOTE (Gremish @ Aug 12 2008, 07:59 PM)

HA! It looks like I am going to get to play with like everyone that is in my freaking game!
Not everyone.

I would have spoken up here, but I've been busy getting a character together for your game, and wasn't sure I'd have time for two.

Let me know if you guys have an opening, later, though.
Aug 13 2008, 04:07 PM
Gads, that wasn't easy without a chargen tool...
[ Spoiler ]
Name: Abaddon
Race: Shapeshifter, Eagle
Gender: Male
BREAKDOWN (1000 karma)
Core Attributes: 240 karma
Special Attributes: 123 karma
Active Skills: 227 karma
Knowledge Skills: 12 karma
Positive Qualities: 60 karma
Negative Qualities: -70 karma
Contacts: 12 karma
Resources 119 karma
Spells: 60 karma
Foci: 120 karma
Initiation: 64 karma
Body: 5
Agility: 3
Reaction: 3
Strength: 3
Charisma: 6
Intuition: 4
Logic: 4
Willpower: 6
Magic: 6
Edge: 5
Essence: 5.375
Initiative: 7
Initiative Passes: 1
Physical Damage Track: 11
Stun Track: 11
Current Karma: 33
Total Karma: 0
Street Cred: 0
Noteriety: 0
Public Awareness: 0
Genetic Heritage: Genewipe
Spirit Pact, Formula
In Debt, 30.000
Poor Self Control, Compulsive
Shift (Human)
Allergy (Silver, Severe)
Enhanced Senses ( Vision Enhancement (2), Vision Magnification)
=Active Skills=
Spellcasting (Manipulation): 6(+2)
Counterspelling (Combat) : 4(+2)
Conjuring Group: 4
Ritual Spellcasting: 3
Assensing: 2
Perception: 2
Enchanting : 2
Arcana: 2
Dodge (Ranged): 2 (+2)
Influence Group: 2
Infiltration Group: 2
=Knowledge Skills=
German: N
English: 2
PK: Mercenary Groups: 2
PK: Arcane Warfare Tactics: 2
Increase - Charisma
Increase - Willpower
Increase - Reflexes
Alleviate Allergy
Shape Metal
Control Thoughts
Power Focus (6)
Centering Focus (4)
Shielding Focus (4)
Masking Focus (4)
Genetic Optimization: CHA + WIL
Datajack, Deltagrade with Skinlink.
Binding Materials (Force 9 x 2)
Saedder-Krupp Handler (1/5)
That still leaves a fair amount of karma to spend on all the stuff I've forgotten and 24000

to spend on gear and lifestyle etc.
I decided not to go with SINner but instead to define him as property. The project is now partly self funding using Abaddon as a product with large chunks of his earnings being kept by the firm.
Being property does not bother him in any significant way but then again he's only twelve years old....
Saedder-Krupp has invested millions in this project, with Abaddon being one of it's most profitable products. To extend the shelf life of this product a bound free spirit has been compelled to imprint it's formula into Abaddon thus extending his useful lifespan indefinitely.
Aug 13 2008, 04:27 PM
I'd love to get in on this if a spot opens up or something.
Aug 13 2008, 08:30 PM
man I wish I had more time! As it is any free time I can get I want to spend on my campaign. But I am going to be running a similar game for some friends this winter so I might lurk about and actively steal ideas!
Aug 13 2008, 09:02 PM
DangerClose's background.
[ Spoiler ]
The troll known as DangerClose is about twenty years old. He’s not sure exactly how old he is, has no idea what his original name was, and has no recollection of his family since he was born into the chaos and eternal inter-tribal warfare of southern Africa.
He was orphaned when his tribe was attacked by rival warlord, who absorbed the young troll into his army. He grew into his teenage years with a gun in his hand, fighting and killing for the men who’d robbed him of his family then taken him in. At fifteen, he’d grown into a hulking specimen of trollhood, and while he remained illiterate, had developed a knack for the use of the largest, most destructive weapons, and the strength and endurance to carry them all day long. In 2062, the warlord ran afoul of mercenaries hired by a talislegging operation that wanted access to a gold mine on the warlord’s land.
The attack was brutal and almost completely onesided. The mercenaries arrived with air support drones, light armored vehicles, and more guns and rockets than the warlord could possible counter.
DangerClose survived, and was captured by the mercenaries. Unsure what exactly to do with him, they offered him a job. Suddenly without any sort of family or loyalties, he joined up with the mercenary company. They taught him to read, write, speak a dozen languages, and the science of fire support. In the aftermath of Crash 2.0, they got him a SIN, and he became a registered, licensed mercenary.
Over the next ten years, the big troll made a name for himself as a heavy weapons specialist. With fame and success came money, which he poured into augmenting himself into a more effective artillery platform. He crammed his head full of every piece of cyberware that he could find to help him more accurately bring his heavy weapons to bear, and toughened his body to carry heavier weapons and more ammunition to feed them. The rhythmic thumping of his grenade launcher and machinegun became music to the ears of those who fought alongside him. Now, he’s outgrown interfering with minor tribal disputes and is ready for the big leagues of toppling governments, and backing corporate land grabs.
Aug 13 2008, 10:31 PM
Looking good so far. BTW SINs and such aren't going to be a big problem at the start there area is what laws you can enforce. The combat mage might want to be from smaller A, AA corp not a mega more likely to be in the filed. And means I can pit S-K against you all

Aug 13 2008, 11:34 PM
I don't know if you're still looking for players, but if you are, I wouldn't mind giving the karma system a whirl by joining up. It's late here, so if you're perfectly okay with me joining you in cutting a swathe through... er, whatever it is we would be facing, then I'll get some character details up right away for you.
Aug 13 2008, 11:56 PM
question time:
Can I spend more than the regular karma cap on karma-> cash
Can I buy latent awakening and awaken between my first 750 karma and my 250 bonus
Can I initate with my starting karma?
De Badd Ass
Aug 13 2008, 11:59 PM
Count me in, please!
I made this character using 390 BP. I just need to convert it to the Karma System.
I imagine he will be a
little lot more powerful.
Edit: The 390 BP converts to 463 Karma. That leaves 537 Karma to Spend. That will take a little planning.
Edit #2: Just to get a ballpark idea, I took the easy way; I increased all his stats to Max - 1, and all his skills to 4. Then I made one skill 6 and one Attribute 8. That increased the Karma cost to 985. That leave 15 Karma for more Contacts and Gear.
That's not my plan, but it let's me know to strike out the "
little" comment.
[ Spoiler ]
Myles Winslow a.k.a. The Fishman, or Fish (Swoop)
Product Manager, Marine Reagents Line
Male Elf, 6'4" 180 lbs.
Ask Winslow, and he'll tell you that he is a comedian moonlighting as a Talismonger until he makes it big. The executives at Amalgamated Materials see things differently. To them, Myles Winslow is a natural born salesman. Technically, that is correct. Winslow wasn't born the way he is now; he was a victim of Sudden Recessive Genetic Expression. Then again, SURGE is genetic, which means he was born that way. Confused yet? Either way, he is one hell of a salesman!
Winslow has gone through many changes in his life. Around the time Winslow started High School, he first showed evidence of his awakening - Astral Perception. Like other children who show signs of magical ability, he was offered (forced into) additional training. Unfortunately, most children awaken while still in Middle School. Introductory courses aren't taught in High School. Strike two: Winslow had already discovered girls, and wasn't interested in attending classes with 10 year olds. Strike three: Winslow couldn't cast even the simplest spell, and couldn't summon a Watcher Spirit. That, and the fact that he wasn't a very good student (class comedian is more like it) meant that his teachers weren't all that motivated to help him catch up to the others. When Winslow showed some aptitude for enchanting, his Magic Mentor convinced his parents that Winslow should pursue Talismongering as a career. So that's what he did.
Had the teachers paid a little more attention to Winslow, they would have noticed that he was developing into an Adept, not a Magician. Left to his own devices Winslow developed powers that complemented his interest in show business: Nimble Fingers, Linguistics, Kinesics, Voice Control. His interest in girls caused his social skills to develop much faster than his Magical skills (Assensing and Enchanting). His mundane attributes remained average - except for the social attributes, Charisma and Intuition. It was during an audition for Senior Talent Show that a teacher finally noticed his unnatural ability. That's when Winslow finally became a formal student of the Speaker's way. Unfortunately again, by then it was mid-semester, too late to change classes. So Winslow was encouraged to pursue a path of Independent Study. That suited Winslow just fine. Meanwhile, he managed to achieve the minimum skill in Enchanting to pass his Final Exam and graduate.
Winslow wasn't interested in College (according to his transcript, he wasn't college material anyhow). He wanted to get up on stage. His father thought differently. It was either college or a job for Winslow; and either way, it was time for Winslow to leave the nest (i.e. they kicked him out). Winslow knew enough about show business to realize that he could go broke and starve before getting his "break", so he decided to look for a part-time job. After a week of bussing tables at a comedy club (something a drone could do better), Winslow decided to look for a real job. Of course, the only job he might possibly qualify for was Talismongering.
It's true that a good Talismonger can choose where to work; it's also true that a good corporation can choose whom to hire. That leaves mediocre talents to the second tier companies like Amalgamated Materials. Amalgamated was hungry for talent - any talent; Winslow was hired by the Magical Materials Division. Winslow started as an intern, and rotated through all the positions - from gathering to crafting. At the end of two years, his various supervisors got together and concluded that he wasn't very good at any of the positions he held. To the contrary, they decided that a man with his social skills was being wasted in the trenches. Winslow should be in sales. That's how Myles Winslow became a natural born salesman. He became a Marketing intern, and rotated through the various field offices. He developed a facility for Linquistics, learning the local language amazingly quick. Upper management was delighted with his results, and he was put on the fast track. Things were going great for Winslow. Meanwhile, he kept honing his act.
Things changed again for Myles Winslow in 2064. That was the Year of the Comet, and Myles Winslow became a victim of Sudden Recessive Genetic Expression. Winslow was more fortunate than most victims, although he didn't know it at the time. The SURGE was one painful process. Would you believe: one series of painful processes? Multiple series? Very Painful? How about Torture? Torture got Winslow's vote. Even more painful than the SURGE was his peer's reaction to the SURGE. People were no longer laughing at his jokes; they were laughing at him. "Fish man!" That was the nicest thing he was called; and name calling was the mildest reaction he received. You know the SURGE story. Myles Winslow was a typical case - in so much as any case of SURGE could be called typical.
Winslow decided that the best thing to do would be to disappear for a while. He called in sick, and went on an extended camping trip. He had learned a little about wilderness survival during his reagent collection days. He also knew a few places where nobody was likely to chase after him. "Going on retreat" gave Myles the time and the peace to objectively evaluate his situation and come up with a new plan. He spent the time gathering and thinking.
Winslow's plan? "Turn lemons into lemonaide." What else? Winslow decided that instead of being "Fish Man", he would be an "Aquaman", or an "Aquatic Elf". Never mind that there is no such animal. Every one keeps saying that Winslow can sell anything; he would sell people that. He had the necessary webbed hands and feet plus gills. He even had a thin layer of blubber under his skin - like a natural wetsuit. The luminescent hair would be a harder sell; but since, as far as he knew, there were no others like him, who's to say.... The first step in Winslow's plan was to find out if the changes were functional or merely cosmetic. That meant a trip to the lake.
The answer was, YES! Not only could Winslow breathe underwater and swim like a fish; he could keep warm in his "natural wetsuit" (drysuit?), and he could see underwater, too! He had underwater vision. Oh yeah, the hair emitted enough light that he could see in the dark, or in this case, the deep. Winslow decided that Aquatic Elf was more realistic than Aquaman. He could not swim at super speed. Winslow also decided a dive in the ocean was next. But that could wait. He wanted to test his "Aquatic Elf" story out on a live audience.
Winslow returned to the city, and went back to the office. He told his tale to his boss. His boss didn't buy it, but was willing to give Winslow the benefit of the doubt; because Winslow used to be his best performer. He told Winslow that as long as the clients didn't object Winslow could keep his current position at Amalgamated. He even confided that management had been considering a promotion for Winslow prior to the SURGE outbreak. If Winslow could improve on last years results, his boss would go to bat for him and get him that promotion.
When Winslow explained that he wanted a weeks vacation to "swim in the ocean", his boss laughed and told him to get back to work. "You just had a vacation', he said.
Winslow got a little irritated. "Believe me, the SURGE was no vacation". That's when Winslow had his inspiration. He explained about his "gathering retreat", showed his boss what he collected, and hit him with a magical Con job. "I was thinking I could use my new abilities to investigate the feasibility of ocean harvesting of reagents. That would be a new area for Amalgamated. It would open up new markets."
That did it! "What are you waiting for? Go!", his boss said. "Get Janice to cut you an expense voucher. See you in two weeks, and the news better be good."
Current situation: Myles Winslow is getting ready to celebrate the start up of Amalgamated's new Marine Reagents line as the new Product Manager.
Divine Virus
Aug 14 2008, 12:22 AM
Much as I want to play, and even with two weeks for chargen, I think I will have to bow out. Life is just too busy right now for another game.
Aug 14 2008, 12:27 AM
As DV is out Tarantula your up. I think thats 10 PCs
Aug 14 2008, 12:36 AM
Well heres what i know so far. I rigger would be nice. Matrix power would be a bonus but weakened at that start (they will shine later on)
Players current list:
Scope_47 - gunnery Sargent
DWC - ex-tribal soldier troll fire support specialist
crizh- Shapeshifting Megacorp owned Desert Wars combat mage
Cthulhudreams - Awakend by the sounds of it
JoelHalpern- Possession Orc or gun adept
Divine Virus - dropped out
Hype - on list
De Badd Ass - on list
Aug 14 2008, 12:43 AM
Does that come with bonus answers to my questions, or am I an idiot?
Aug 14 2008, 12:43 AM
QUOTE (Cthulhudreams @ Aug 14 2008, 12:56 AM)

question time:
Can I spend more than the regular karma cap on karma-> cash
Can I buy latent awakening and awaken between my first 750 karma and my 250 bonus
Can I initate with my starting karma?
1) you get more cash per karma any how 3500 not 2500
2) NO! buy it for the full price
3) With in limits. These limits are not set but I will not allow silly use of initiation.
no street sam mages or 20 magic adepts or biulds not quite so stupid.
Aug 14 2008, 12:43 AM
QUOTE (Cthulhudreams @ Aug 14 2008, 12:56 AM)

question time:
Can I spend more than the regular karma cap on karma-> cash
Can I buy latent awakening and awaken between my first 750 karma and my 250 bonus
Can I initate with my starting karma?
1) you get more cash per karma any how 3500 not 2500
2) NO! buy it for the full price
3) With in limits. These limits are not set but I will not allow silly use of initiation.
no street sam mages or 20 magic adepts or builds not quite so stupid.
Also every should get SINer unless its against the backstory but as some build are using it already that's still a flaw paying out 10 karma unless we agree to get it for free.
Aug 14 2008, 12:49 AM
1) Yeah, but R3 synatpic boosters use 2/3rds of that straight up, so its not like I'm slooshing with cash given that I can violate availibitlity limits- so is that a yes or a no? Just asking 'cause the karma cap is 33% higher.
2) haha, it would still be full price. The main reason to do it is so I can play a heavy modified adept avoid paying for an extremely high magic, but okay.
3) okay.
Aug 14 2008, 12:57 AM
QUOTE (Dumori @ Aug 13 2008, 08:36 PM)

Well heres what i know so far. I rigger would be nice. Matrix power would be a bonus but weakened at that start (they will shine later on)
I'm not sure what the difference is between a dash and an "on list". I was under the impression that you were only accepting 8 PCs, so I hoped to be put on a waiting list. Should I be putting together a character? or keeping an eye open for openings? (Can do either)
Aug 14 2008, 01:02 AM
QUOTE (Dumori @ Aug 13 2008, 08:36 PM) *
Well heres what i know so far. I rigger would be nice. Matrix power would be a bonus but weakened at that start (they will shine later on)
I'm not sure what the difference is between a dash and an "on list". I was under the impression that you were only accepting 8 PCs, so I hoped to be put on a waiting list. Should I be putting together a character? or keeping an eye open for openings? (Can do either)
- with no text mean im waiting for the concept. So yeah you get building.
1) Yeah, but R3 synatpic boosters use 2/3rds of that straight up, so its not like I'm slooshing with cash given that I can violate availability limits- so is that a yes or a no? Just asking 'cause the karma cap is 33% higher.
If you've got RC I think restricted gear or wealth could help you out.
Aug 14 2008, 01:04 AM
QUOTE (Dumori @ Aug 13 2008, 09:02 PM)

- with no text mean im waiting for the concept. So yeah you get building.
Erp! Yeah, I'll get on that.
Aug 14 2008, 01:11 AM
Updated and fix player list now at the top of the page I missed people but blackhat your still in.
Aug 14 2008, 01:37 AM
I'll start putting together something now... I can go with just about anything at this point. I'm thinking either rigger or vatjob, which do we need/want/like more?
Aug 14 2008, 02:26 AM
I don't think anyone explicitly asked (forgive me if they did) but are all books being used in this game?
Aug 14 2008, 03:06 AM
Well, so I can get rid of that unhappy blank space next to my name, the idea that I have so far is: troll (more specifically Fomorian) ninja-type. There aren't enough troll ninjas out there. Don't have much in the background yet. Basics: rather tiny Welshwoman. Got into some sort of crime quite young in London/Tir na nOg (need to read up more on what goes down there to have something good and interesting), started out in the sneaksman's trade, theft, intrusion, confidence scams, moving on to stealthy killings in the next couple of years. When Halley's Comet came by in her mid/late teens, she goblinized. Suddenly more than four times the size and much less agile, she had trouble doing the sorts of jobs she was used to - but she found that people were even more willing to hire her than before, because she seemed more imposing. But she still liked to try to do it on her own terms: more strategically and stealthily. (Standard weapon will be a suppressed HMG I think. Should be fun.)
Skills: The standard ninja skills - stealth, B&E, and so forth. Maybe a secondary face to go with her old con artist ways. (I'd make her a secondary hacker, because I think that would be interesting, but I'm not fully comfortable with the Matrix rules yet. Sorry.) This is just something I thought up last night. I've started statting it out, but what do others think? I'm certainly happy to come up with others.
Aug 14 2008, 03:08 AM
I'd like to drop in my two cents. I would love to throw in Jesse "Thumps" Volksman, a dwarf drone rigger.
He'll be up in a few.
Aug 14 2008, 03:20 AM
QUOTE (Cthulhudreams @ Aug 14 2008, 01:49 AM)

1) Yeah, but R3 synatpic boosters use 2/3rds of that straight up, so its not like I'm slooshing with cash given that I can violate availibitlity limits- so is that a yes or a no? Just asking 'cause the karma cap is 33% higher.
Born Rich, In Debt. Both in RC would give you...
Aug 14 2008, 03:34 AM
I'm going to go with the adept gunny.
Elf, Exceptional Agility, Adept. Probably prefers to use the Ares Alpha.
I need to work out an interesting back story to go with this. Should have story and stats some time Thursday.
Aug 14 2008, 04:53 AM
QUOTE (crizh @ Aug 13 2008, 10:20 PM)

Born Rich, In Debt. Both in RC would give you...

Well, that gets me to 50% for one item lol. But nah seriously, I violently object to paying for the opportunity to pay for something, so I'll just find my IPs elsewhere. Due to the scaling of the system, you're almost certainly better off playing a mage.
Give that and the fact I'm lazy, I'm probably going to play J.S Mosby from the Sword of Zan shi game (currently on hiateus because tabula rasa is afk). He's an ork mercenary mage/
hacker I just need to blow some karma into him (getting heavy weapons and atheltics up), retool his equipment slightly to accommodate the god awful regular matrix rules, and then I should be gtg. And then spend 250 karma on initiating and summoning an ally spirit lol.
Edit: Okay, I'm 100% scrapping hacking. It sucks, and I hate it.
I'd just enter him into Scope_47's game as well, but he's too expensive to manage :\
[ Spoiler ]
> History: At 36, John Singleton Mosby is an ex-CAS military, ex-Combat Inc
> mercenary. He comes from a military family, son of an army corporal, but
> he's never seen himself as becoming another footslogger. His awakening at a
> young age and his son of an NCO status opened up other educational and
> career gateways. He graduated from Fort Worth as an officer, served in the
> Grey Ghosts, fought Aztlan forces numerous time in border skirmishes, then
> quit the army with just a gentle push, deeply unsatisfied with the 'pussy
> footing' in the face of the Aztechnology – a statement expressed loudly in
> public, and not appreciated by all his masters.
> He's spent the majority balance of his career in Combat Inc, operating out
> of Macao. Like the military Combat Inc attracted many Orcs in the rank and
> files, a meta-type ideally suited so the military lifestyle, and John's
> blunt speech, aggressive leadership, style and kinship made him popular with
> the troops. He specialised in leading small combat teams on raiding
> missions, often raids behind enemy lines for the biggest consumers of
> military services globally – the chinese warlords.
> However, a chance acquisition of an almost complete copy of the Art of War
> from a very early period while engaged in some 'extra circular' activity
> perked a new interest in Mosby. Since then he's been keeping his ear to the
> ground and he has successfully picked up a variety earlier artefacts,
> including some oracle bones that appear to be from a troll, and also from
> 3000 BC, which would overturn people's understanding of history. This has
> piqued both his curiosity and his ambition, and now he works as the
> occasional contractor to Combat Inc, while operating out of Hong Kong as a
> free lance treasure hunter. However, if someone else has found it first,
> well he's not at all averse to taking it off them.
> Appearance: John is tall and muscular, dark green, with no hair, usually
> wearing combat boots and armoured clothes, or potentially a suit on civie
> street. In the field he wears a chameleon suit now he's had to give his
> combat armour back to Combat Inc. He has several bullet and shrapnel scars
> that are only visible when he has his shirt off.
I'd paste his character sheet but I do it in excel. If the GM could pm me his email address, I'm email him the sheet for review.
Aug 14 2008, 11:19 AM
QUOTE (Dumori @ Aug 13 2008, 11:31 PM)

Looking good so far. BTW SINs and such aren't going to be a big problem at the start there area is what laws you can enforce. The combat mage might want to be from smaller A, AA corp not a mega more likely to be in the filed. And means I can pit S-K against you all

How about Transys or one of their subsidiaries?
Is it OK to take extra negative qualities that you get no points for?
Aug 14 2008, 11:29 AM
put me on the waiting list, please! ^_^
Aug 14 2008, 12:22 PM
QUOTE (crizh @ Aug 14 2008, 12:19 PM)

How about Transys or one of their subsidiaries?
Is it OK to take extra negative qualities that you get no points for?
yes to both. Asking as there not positive flaws.
Aug 14 2008, 01:37 PM
QUOTE (crizh @ Aug 13 2008, 12:07 PM)

Gads, that wasn't easy without a chargen tool...
I have decided not to even attempt yet without all my books here, I will have something by monday though! I am fleshing out a BG and character design but the little details can wait =P
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