Decided to keep DangerClose with the original concept and turned him back into a troll. I ditched the LMG for an assault cannon in an attempt to standardize our infantry heavy weapons, and because when you've got an automatic grenade launcher, another suppressive fire weapon doesn't really help much. That, and I couldn't in good conscience make a troll fire support specialist who didn't have an assault cannon. They're just too iconic.
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The troll known as DangerClose is about twenty-five years old. He’s not sure exactly how old he is and has no idea what his original name was, since he was born into the chaos and eternal inter-tribal warfare of southern Africa. As a very young boy, he was orphaned when his tribe was attacked by a rival tribe, who took him in and raised the young troll. He grew into his teenaged years with a gun in his hand, fighting and killing for the warlord who’d claimed him. At fifteen, he’d grown into a hulking specimen of trolldom, and discovered to be something of a savant with a heavy weapon. 2062, he was mortally wounded when mercenaries hired by a talislegging operation wiped out his adopted tribe.
Recognizing his talent and affection for noisy destruction, the mercenaries stabilized him and offered him a job when he’d recovered. Rather than getting killed in his sleep, he joined up.
Over the next ten years, the big troll made a name for himself as a fire support specialist. With fame and success came a money, which he poured into augmenting himself into a more effective artillery platform. He crammed his head full of every piece of cyberware that he could find to help him more accurately bring his heavy weapons to bear, and toughened his body to carry heavier weapons and more ammunition to feed them. The rhythmic thumping of his grenade launcher and cannon became music to the ears of those who fought alongside him. Now, he’s outgrown interfering with minor tribal disputes and is ready for the big leagues.
After Crash 2.0, his Dubai based mercenary company issued him a SIN for ease of financial record keeping.
Even for a troll, DC is big. He stands almost 9.5 feet tall and weighs over 900lbs, and generally carries almost his body weight in armor, weapons, explosives, and additional ammunition. He wears his hair cut short, usually under a bandana of some sort to soak up the sweat. His horns are long and curve up and back along the contour of his skull. The protective covers on his cybereyes are one-way reflective matte black, making it impossible to determine where he’s looking. DangerClose’s complexion is extremely dark.
All his gear is extremely well cared for, and maintaining it is the closest thing to a hobby that he has, since it’s the only place he really feels comfortable. Having been robbed of his childhood by the encroachment of war, DC is quite shy and introverted when he’s not destroying things.
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Subrace: troll (0 karma)
Attributes (399 karma)
Body: 10
Agility: 5 (7)
Reaction: 4 (

Strength: 9 (11)
Charisma: 1
Intuition: 4
Logic: 3
Willpower: 5
Initiative: 9 (13)
Passes: 1(3)
Essence: 0.2
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Positive Qualities (40 karma)
Biocapatibility (Cyberware)
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Active Skills (334 karma)
Athletics Skill Group – 3
Close Combat Group – 4
Firearms Group – 4
Outdoors Group – 3
Heavy Weapons – 6
Gunnery – 4
Dodge – 4
Perception – 4
Demolitions – 4
Armorer – 4
Knowledge Skills (43 karma)
BK: Heavy Weapons – 4
BK: Gunnery – 4
AK: African Mercenary Groups – 3
AK: Tribal Politics – 3
AK: Subsaharan African warlords – 2
Language Skills (15 karma)
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:nuyen:374500, 107 karma + 16karma for availability
Anti-vehicle missiles, avail25, 4 karma
Anti-vehicle rockets, avail20, 2 karma
GL-67, 1 karma
Missile launcher, avail20, 2 karma
Ares Vigorous, avail18, 2 karma
Full body armor, avail14, 1 karma
Liquid explosive, avail16, 1 karma
Assault cannon AV ammunition, avail20, 2 karma
Assault cannon ammunition, avail16, 1 karma
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Datajack, alpha
Bone lacing (plastic), alpha
Math SPU, alpha
Orientation system, alpha
Wired reflexes II, alpha
Muscle replacement 2, alpha
Dermal plating 2, alpha
Reaction enhancer 2, alpha
Cybereyes-4, alpha
-Flare compensation
-Low light vision
-Protective covers
-Thermographic vision
-Vision enhancement-3
-Vision magnification
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Cougar fineblade, long blade
Survival knife
Ares Predator IV
-concealed holster
-quick draw holster
-5 spare magazines
-metahuman adaptation
-extreme environment modification-1
Ares Vigorous Assault Cannon
-9 spare magazines
-internal smartlink (accessory)
-sling (accessory)
-extreme environment modification-1
-firing selection change, large. Addition of BF
-metahuman adaptation
-gas vent-3 (accessory)
-bipod (accessory)
Enfield GL-67
-11 spare ammo drums
-sling (accessory)
-extreme environment modification-1
-firing selection change, large. Addition of BF
-metahuman adaptation
Mitsubishi Yakusoku MRL
-metahuman adaptation
-extreme environment modification
-sling (accessory)
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90 rounds EX explosive heavy pistol ammunition
180 rounds assault cannon ammunition
180 rounds AV assault cannon ammunition
60 fragmentation minigrenades
120 high explosive minigrenades
60 incindiary minigrenades
60 white phosphorous minigrenades
20 smoke minigrenades
20 thermal smoke minigrenades
4 Sensor-6 Anti-vehicle missiles
4 Anti-vehicle rockets
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Full body armor
Armor jacket
Form fitting body armor, half-suit
SecureTechPP armor
-forearm guards
-leg and arm casings
-shin guards
-vitals protector
Gecko tape gloves
Ghillie suit
Rappelling gloves
Sleeping bag
Survival kit
Fairlight Caliban
-satellite link
-custom OS. System6/firewall6
-weapon watcher-6
Armoror kit
200m standard rope
2 trauma patches
-low altitude
Smart pouch system
-4 ammunition pouches
-2 ration pouches
-4 smart canteens
-combat load vest
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10m detonating cord
20kg liquid explosive, rating 15
20 detonator caps
10 optical detonators
10 pressure detonators
5m safety fuse
Electrical exploder-6
Optical exploder-6
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Medium, 5 months
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(4d6 + 4) * :nuyen:100
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44 karma
Fixer (L:4/C:5)
Arms Dealer (L:3/C:5)
Cybertechnician (L:2/C:3)