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Suddenly I have the fear.

These characters are hard.

Like major ass-kickers. I daren't speculate what sort of sick evil shit we are about to be exposed to.
just a war in the third world. For starters.
Yeah. Whatever happens is going to happen very quickly, and end with a lot of fires and dead bodies.
I have some real life issues to take care of, and will be unavailable until sometime on sunday
I'm sorry to that RL gas hit me quite hard with a few huge but unexpected problems I'll be tied up more than I'll like till a least thurs day afternoon but I should still be able to post but I might be slow replying and such.
Right then every ones done apart from Gremish's and Cthulhudreams'. IF gear needed sorting out its not a huge deal as for now it will manly be RP for a bit.
[champing at the bit]
QUOTE (crizh @ Aug 25 2008, 10:02 AM) *
[champing at the bit]

You're not the only one. I'm itching to see just how outside the scope of "normal" shadowrun this is going to get.
Me three over here.
Same here wink.gif

Why? I here you ask because a lot of this will relay on you the players.
P.S this is the first PbP I'm to run game and my first long term GMing spree as well as my frist shadow run GMship as my PnP groups has fallen to bits. Just to tell you now your already on the boat.
Perhaps you could put up an IC thread that starts a week or so before the main action.

We can do a sort of day in the life prequel thing until everybody is up to speed and your set to start the main game.
Was already planing on one but I was going to put it up Wednesday but I'll but an OOC up tonight I haven't got an Idea for the frist IC post yet. Well I have a vague one or two but it needs work.
Why am I suddenly having flashbacks to the beginning of Predator?
I really hope there isn't jungle in the way. Or else you guys have a lot of tree clearing to do. nyahnyah.gif
QUOTE (Tarantula @ Aug 25 2008, 11:20 PM) *
I really hope there isn't jungle in the way. Or else you guys have a lot of tree clearing to do. nyahnyah.gif

Is that not what the Vanquisher Autocannon is for?
QUOTE (crizh @ Aug 25 2008, 06:27 PM) *
Is that not what the Vanquisher Autocannon is for?

That's definitely what the burst firing grenade launcher loaded with white phosphorous is for.
QUOTE (crizh @ Aug 25 2008, 05:27 PM) *
Is that not what the Vanquisher Autocannon is for?

QUOTE (DWC @ Aug 25 2008, 05:28 PM) *
That's definitely what the burst firing grenade launcher loaded with white phosphorous is for.

You know what? Once we come up against some heavily-armed opponents, I think I'll be taken my silenced rifle and chameleon coating and stay a good several hundred meters away from you lot.
Ha ha ha. As I've said fist job is in the Sarah so not many trees to worry about. OOC is up IC tomorrow may be later to night. I'll have posting rules fixed by then as well.
QUOTE (Tarantula @ Aug 25 2008, 04:20 PM) *
I really hope there isn't jungle in the way. Or else you guys have a lot of tree clearing to do. nyahnyah.gif

Ignore everyone else's response - this is what I am for.

Dumori gave me the okay on a spell I can use to clear a forest just as easily as I can clear a small military base or city block.

Far from the best combat spell, but very effective for out-of-combat mass destruction - there's a reason I call it Inferno ork.gif
My finished character. If anyone has any suggestions for last-minute alterations, let me know.

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