My finished character. If anyone has any suggestions for last-minute alterations, let me know.
Overview [ Spoiler ]
Attributes - 258 Karma
Skills - 175 Karma
Qualities - 302 Karma
Spells & Foci - 92 Karma
Initiation - 60 Karma
Nuyen - 79 Karma
Contacts - 34 Karma
Attributes[ Spoiler ]
Physical Attributes
4 Body
5 Agility
4 Reaction
3 Strength
Mental Attributes
3 Charisma
6 Logic
4 Intuition
6 Willpower
Special Attributes
6 Magic
3 Edge
Skills[ Spoiler ]
Active Skills
2 Artisan, Percussion
1 Binding, Fire
4 Blades, Swords
4 Counterspelling
4 Infiltration, Urban
4 Spellcasting, Manipulation
2 Summoning, Fire
2 Thrown Weapons
2 Unarmed, Subtle
Knowledge Skills
1 Literature; Mythology
2 Magical Theory, 6th-World
3 Magical Theory, 4th-World
1 Parazoology
2 Magical Phenomena
1 Computer Systems
2 Martial Arts
N English
3 Norwegian
1 Latin
1 Hebrew
Qualities[ Spoiler ]
Positive Qualities
Mystic Adept
Mentor Spirit, Fire Bringer (Twisted)
- Celerity
- Nasty Vibe
- Extravagant Eyes
HMHVV Infected, Nosferatu
Martial Arts, Arnis de Mano 2
- Damage with Disarm attempt
- +1 DV, Blades
3 Manuvers
- Two-Weapon Style
- Disarm
- Off-Hand Training, Blades
Negative Qualities
Geas, Meditation Ritual
In Debt 6
Spells & Foci[ Spoiler ]
Aleviate Allergy
Increase Reflexes
Flame Aura
Increase Willpower
[ Spoiler ]
Elemental Manipulation, Sustained, Touch, Drain (Force / 2) + 1
This spell creates intense heat in the touched creature or object. At the end of each Combat Turn, the subject must resist Fire damage equal to the casters Net Hits. This spell has Armor Penetration equal to half it's Force, round up.
[ Spoiler ]
Elemental Manipulation, Sustained, Line of Sight, Drain (Force / 2) + 7
This spell creates a field of intense flames over an area, subjecting everything in it to Fire damage. The spell has a radius of Force x 10 Meters. At the end of each Combat Turn, everything within must resist Fire damage equal to the casters Hits.
FociForce 4 Weapon Foci, Monofiliment Sword
Force 4 Weapon Foci, Monofiliment Sword
Force 5 Sustaining Foci, Manipulation
Force 5 Sustaining Foci, Health
Initiation[ Spoiler ]
Grade 1 (Deed Ordeal)
- Masking
Grade 2 (Geas Ordeal - Meditation Ritual)
- Centering
Grade 3 (Meditation Ordeal)
- Invoking
Grade 4 (Meditation Ordeal)
- Shielding
Grade 5 (Meditation Ordeal)
- Extended Casting
[ Spoiler ]
This metamagic allows a character to cast their spells as an Extended Test, with an interval equal to the normal casting time (Complex Action for Spellcasting, 12 - Magic hours for Ritual Spellcasting). For each roll beyond the first made, the spell's Drain is increased by +1. The caster must maintain their Magical Link to the subject for the entire duration of the casting (such as Line of Sight). If at any time before the spell is released the Magical Link is broken, the spell fails and the caster must resist Drain. The maximum number of rolls a spellcaster may make on the Extended Test is equal to their Initiate Grade. This metamagic does not allow a caster to exceed Force Hits on their spellcasting tests.
Magical Group, Benandanti XXV
Nuyen[ Spoiler ]
Nuyen, 241,500
20 Availability, Sustaining Foci
20 Availability, Sustaining Foci
20 Availability, Weapon Foci
20 Availability, Weapon Foci
17 Availability, Agent
Contacts[ Spoiler ]
Connection / Loyalty
2/6 - Doctor; Nightwing
4/2 - Info Broker; Ordo Maximus Inner Member
2/1 - Fixer
Equipment [ Spoiler ]
Lifestyle [ Spoiler ]
3 Comforts (Medium)
2 Entertainment (Low)
4 Necessities (High)
3 Neighborhood (Medium)
4 Security (High)
6 Qualities
- 5 Aspected Domain
- 1 No Neighbors
Roommate (Nightwing)
Blood Requirement (+30%)
Total: 14,300 per Month
DocWagon Contract:
- Basic
Weapons [ Spoiler ]
Monofilament Sword
- [1] Personalized Grip
- Weapon Foci 4
Monofilament Sword
- [1] Personalized Grip
- Weapon Foci 4
Cougar Fineblade; Long Blade
- [1] Personalized Grip
Throwing Knife [24]
- Narcoject [24]
White Phosphorus [12]
Sensors [ Spoiler ]
Contact Lense
- Vision Enhancement 3
- Vision Magnification
- Audio Enhancement 3
- Select Sound Filter 3
Electronics [ Spoiler ]
AR Gloves
Holo Projector
Satellite Link
Subvocal Microphone
Identification [ Spoiler ]
Fake SIN 4
Fake License 4
- Spellcasting
- Foci, Sustaining
- Foci, Weapon
- Monofilament Sword
Armor [ Spoiler ]
Armor Jacket
- [4] Chemical Protection 4
- [6] Fire Resistance 6
- [1] Skinlink
- [-] Biofabric
SecureTech PPP System
- Forearm Guards
- Shin Guards
Foci [ Spoiler ]
Sustaining Foci 5
Sustaining Foci 5
Commlink [ Spoiler ]
[-] Response 5
[-] Signal 5
[1] Armor 10
[1] Enviromental Adaptation, Desert
[1] Hardening 6
[1] Skinlink
[-] Tracker
[-] Sim Modual
Software [ Spoiler ]
Firewall 6
System 5
Agent 5, Unrestricted
- Homeground 4
Analyze 6
- Ergonomic
- Optomization 3
Browse 6
- Ergonomic
- Optomization 3
Command 6
- Ergonomic
- Optomization 3
Edit 6
- Ergonomic
- Optomization 3
Encrypt 6
- Ergonomic
- Optomization 3
Reality Filter 6
- Ergonomic
- Optomization 3
Scan 6
- Ergonomic
- Optomization 3
Armor 5
- Ergonomic
- Optomization 3
Attack 5
- Ergonomic
- Optomization 3
Decrypt 5
- Ergonomic
- Optomization 3
- Ergonomic
- Optomization 3
Setalth 5
- Ergonomic
- Optomization 3