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I'm now Recruting for a game starting out in Africa. The game will use karma based chargen with 1000 karma and 3500 nuyen per karma. And items above aliviabley 12+ items costing karma like this:
availability<12= 0karma
13-16= 1 karma
17-20= 2 karma
21-24= 3 karma
25-28=4 karma

And cyber costing 1 karma for each piece of betawear gear and 2 karma for each piece deltawear.

Interested party's apply now.

Players current list:
0 Dumori - GM and sniper (finished)
1 Scope_47 - Ex-Sargent uses heavy weapons. (finished)
2 DWC - ex-tribal soldier troll fire support specialist (finished unless player wants to change)
3 Gremish - (still nothing)
4 crizh - Shapeshifting Megacorp owned combat mage (finalising)
5 Intro - Reworking with a human stealthy person (finished unless player wants to change)
6 Cthulhudreams - Ex-mill/ treasure hunter (finalising)
7 JoelHalpern - gun adept (finished)
8 Muspellsheimr - Nosferatu fire mage (finalising)
9 BlackHat - Air born rigger. (finished)
10 Tarantula - Ground based rigger (finished)
R1 Hype - on waiting list
R2 De Badd Ass - on waiting list
R3 rob - on waiting list
R4 Mickle5125 - on waiting list
R5 Divine Virus - sounds like he's dropped out
- is just a way of separating the notes if you not on the waiting list your in the game R stands for reserve.

Right Then IC news I would like to have the OOC up before Wednesday.
I'm in!

I'll post a character in the next day or so

- Scope
Divine Virus
I have a character I do feel a burning want to play... but my schedule is cramped. I have pitched the character before, a Possesion melee mage named Miralda. I have him built with BP, but it would take a bit of time to translate. Busy as I am, it would take at least a week, maybe a week and a half before I could give you anything. I understand if this is too long.
Sounds interesting. I'll see what I can whip up.
Im down to play I will start working on stuff tomorrow morning!
Me too.

Plenty of ideas. Depends what you need.

Dying to try karmagen.

[edit] You realize we can build some really scary, scary stuff with that many points, right?
QUOTE (crizh @ Aug 12 2008, 07:32 PM) *
[edit] You realize we can build some really scary, scary stuff with that many points, right?

Probably have some pretty scary opposition too, then. But yeah, that is rather high.

And yeah, I'm interested, too. With that many points, you can cross-train enough to do something like scout-B&E-secondary hacker-something else, too. I think I'll give it a try.
HA! It looks like I am going to get to play with like everyone that is in my freaking game!


I migh be out, but right after I finish my character for scope game, I wouldnt mind this one.
Well that's 8 (PCs I'm running one to test out karmagen and to have fun) Yes i know it make things that are scary wait till you see my sniper. One more and I think where done. The campine will start in the thick of it. Well work out group back story later.
What limits will you be setting?

For example can you have more than one skill at 6?

Will you be allowing initiation/submersion? How many grades?

Extra spells/CF's over the chargen limits?

I'm thinking of some sort of mage although you could definitely build a proper Technomancer on 1000 karma.

What about a Pixie? Or any of the other mad metatypes?
Alowed if your not being super stupid as in the TM who is the god of god in the matrix but a cold would fell him. Ect Run the idea past me if your not sure I'll let it though. Ill post my sniper as a bench mark type for it. He's a bit to min-maxed but I like the fact he is different and he's fun. If you think it would fit in a group of Mrecs fight in Africa then it likely OK TM may be a bit under powered in a semi/wasteland but one could mulit task with them quite well.

1) Ive said them.
2) Yes but not sure on the limit (read run it past me)
3) Unsure I'll think this one over some more (likely yes but at 2 or 3 times the normal cost)
4) Any meta type but free spirtes will get less karma as building one with 1000 will make them way too over power even with the rest of the group.

(I love repeating my self)
I'm sett ing a week or two for chargen as I've not quite made the campine been working on it two days but I prefer winging a lot of stuff than two much planing.
I can not tell from the posting sequence if there is still room for one more.
If there is room, I would like to play.
I have several ideas that I would be happy to play. Don't want to too heavily duplicate what others are already trying for.
(Depending upon how much the surcharge is for initiation, an iniititiated possession Orc is an obvious idea.
I would also be happy to build an adept gunny, even without initiation.)

Joel Halpern
There's a free spot. Ok can every on post the ideas they have. As I want to keep this a merc game.
If there is a free spot, or one opens up, I would be interested in joining. I have a few characters I would like to try out with 1,000 Karma.
Last spot taken. Have fun.
OK, how's this?

[ Spoiler ]

I usually play nice guys but this sort of came to me while I was looking at the exotics in RC.

I don't know how well the idea of a Shapeshifting Megacorp owned Desert Wars combat mage fits. Perhaps he could be contracted out to a Mercenary unit as part of the research program.

I haven't decided on a tradition yet. Voodoo is perfect mechanically but I hate the fluff. I suppose Black Magic is a fairly good fit but I'm still not sure.
I'm putting together an ex-tribal soldier troll fire support specialist. Should have something up at some point today, depending on how many meetings I get stuck in.
QUOTE (Gremish @ Aug 12 2008, 07:59 PM) *
HA! It looks like I am going to get to play with like everyone that is in my freaking game!

Not everyone. wink.gif I would have spoken up here, but I've been busy getting a character together for your game, and wasn't sure I'd have time for two. biggrin.gif Let me know if you guys have an opening, later, though.
Gads, that wasn't easy without a chargen tool...

[ Spoiler ]

That still leaves a fair amount of karma to spend on all the stuff I've forgotten and 24000 nuyen.gif to spend on gear and lifestyle etc.

I decided not to go with SINner but instead to define him as property. The project is now partly self funding using Abaddon as a product with large chunks of his earnings being kept by the firm.

Being property does not bother him in any significant way but then again he's only twelve years old....

Saedder-Krupp has invested millions in this project, with Abaddon being one of it's most profitable products. To extend the shelf life of this product a bound free spirit has been compelled to imprint it's formula into Abaddon thus extending his useful lifespan indefinitely.
I'd love to get in on this if a spot opens up or something.
man I wish I had more time! As it is any free time I can get I want to spend on my campaign. But I am going to be running a similar game for some friends this winter so I might lurk about and actively steal ideas! smile.gif
DangerClose's background.

[ Spoiler ]
Looking good so far. BTW SINs and such aren't going to be a big problem at the start there area is what laws you can enforce. The combat mage might want to be from smaller A, AA corp not a mega more likely to be in the filed. And means I can pit S-K against you all wink.gif.
I don't know if you're still looking for players, but if you are, I wouldn't mind giving the karma system a whirl by joining up. It's late here, so if you're perfectly okay with me joining you in cutting a swathe through... er, whatever it is we would be facing, then I'll get some character details up right away for you.
question time:

Can I spend more than the regular karma cap on karma-> cash

Can I buy latent awakening and awaken between my first 750 karma and my 250 bonus

Can I initate with my starting karma?
De Badd Ass
Count me in, please!

I made this character using 390 BP. I just need to convert it to the Karma System.

I imagine he will be a little lot more powerful. wink.gif

Edit: The 390 BP converts to 463 Karma. That leaves 537 Karma to Spend. That will take a little planning.

Edit #2: Just to get a ballpark idea, I took the easy way; I increased all his stats to Max - 1, and all his skills to 4. Then I made one skill 6 and one Attribute 8. That increased the Karma cost to 985. That leave 15 Karma for more Contacts and Gear.

That's not my plan, but it let's me know to strike out the "little" comment.

[ Spoiler ]
Divine Virus
Much as I want to play, and even with two weeks for chargen, I think I will have to bow out. Life is just too busy right now for another game.
As DV is out Tarantula your up. I think thats 10 PCs
Well heres what i know so far. I rigger would be nice. Matrix power would be a bonus but weakened at that start (they will shine later on)

Players current list:
Scope_47 - gunnery Sargent
DWC - ex-tribal soldier troll fire support specialist
crizh- Shapeshifting Megacorp owned Desert Wars combat mage
Cthulhudreams - Awakend by the sounds of it
JoelHalpern- Possession Orc or gun adept
Divine Virus - dropped out
Hype - on list
De Badd Ass - on list
Does that come with bonus answers to my questions, or am I an idiot?
QUOTE (Cthulhudreams @ Aug 14 2008, 12:56 AM) *
question time:

Can I spend more than the regular karma cap on karma-> cash

Can I buy latent awakening and awaken between my first 750 karma and my 250 bonus

Can I initate with my starting karma?

1) you get more cash per karma any how 3500 not 2500
2) NO! buy it for the full price
3) With in limits. These limits are not set but I will not allow silly use of initiation.
no street sam mages or 20 magic adepts or biulds not quite so stupid.
QUOTE (Cthulhudreams @ Aug 14 2008, 12:56 AM) *
question time:

Can I spend more than the regular karma cap on karma-> cash

Can I buy latent awakening and awaken between my first 750 karma and my 250 bonus

Can I initate with my starting karma?

1) you get more cash per karma any how 3500 not 2500
2) NO! buy it for the full price
3) With in limits. These limits are not set but I will not allow silly use of initiation.
no street sam mages or 20 magic adepts or builds not quite so stupid.

Also every should get SINer unless its against the backstory but as some build are using it already that's still a flaw paying out 10 karma unless we agree to get it for free.
1) Yeah, but R3 synatpic boosters use 2/3rds of that straight up, so its not like I'm slooshing with cash given that I can violate availibitlity limits- so is that a yes or a no? Just asking 'cause the karma cap is 33% higher.

2) haha, it would still be full price. The main reason to do it is so I can play a heavy modified adept avoid paying for an extremely high magic, but okay.

3) okay.
QUOTE (Dumori @ Aug 13 2008, 08:36 PM) *
Well heres what i know so far. I rigger would be nice. Matrix power would be a bonus but weakened at that start (they will shine later on)

I'm not sure what the difference is between a dash and an "on list". I was under the impression that you were only accepting 8 PCs, so I hoped to be put on a waiting list. Should I be putting together a character? or keeping an eye open for openings? (Can do either)
QUOTE (Dumori @ Aug 13 2008, 08:36 PM) *
Well heres what i know so far. I rigger would be nice. Matrix power would be a bonus but weakened at that start (they will shine later on)

I'm not sure what the difference is between a dash and an "on list". I was under the impression that you were only accepting 8 PCs, so I hoped to be put on a waiting list. Should I be putting together a character? or keeping an eye open for openings? (Can do either)

- with no text mean im waiting for the concept. So yeah you get building.

1) Yeah, but R3 synatpic boosters use 2/3rds of that straight up, so its not like I'm slooshing with cash given that I can violate availability limits- so is that a yes or a no? Just asking 'cause the karma cap is 33% higher.

If you've got RC I think restricted gear or wealth could help you out.

QUOTE (Dumori @ Aug 13 2008, 09:02 PM) *
- with no text mean im waiting for the concept. So yeah you get building.

Erp! Yeah, I'll get on that. wink.gif
Updated and fix player list now at the top of the page I missed people but blackhat your still in.
I'll start putting together something now... I can go with just about anything at this point. I'm thinking either rigger or vatjob, which do we need/want/like more?
I don't think anyone explicitly asked (forgive me if they did) but are all books being used in this game?
Well, so I can get rid of that unhappy blank space next to my name, the idea that I have so far is: troll (more specifically Fomorian) ninja-type. There aren't enough troll ninjas out there. Don't have much in the background yet. Basics: rather tiny Welshwoman. Got into some sort of crime quite young in London/Tir na nOg (need to read up more on what goes down there to have something good and interesting), started out in the sneaksman's trade, theft, intrusion, confidence scams, moving on to stealthy killings in the next couple of years. When Halley's Comet came by in her mid/late teens, she goblinized. Suddenly more than four times the size and much less agile, she had trouble doing the sorts of jobs she was used to - but she found that people were even more willing to hire her than before, because she seemed more imposing. But she still liked to try to do it on her own terms: more strategically and stealthily. (Standard weapon will be a suppressed HMG I think. Should be fun.)

Skills: The standard ninja skills - stealth, B&E, and so forth. Maybe a secondary face to go with her old con artist ways. (I'd make her a secondary hacker, because I think that would be interesting, but I'm not fully comfortable with the Matrix rules yet. Sorry.) This is just something I thought up last night. I've started statting it out, but what do others think? I'm certainly happy to come up with others.
I'd like to drop in my two cents. I would love to throw in Jesse "Thumps" Volksman, a dwarf drone rigger.

He'll be up in a few.
QUOTE (Cthulhudreams @ Aug 14 2008, 01:49 AM) *
1) Yeah, but R3 synatpic boosters use 2/3rds of that straight up, so its not like I'm slooshing with cash given that I can violate availibitlity limits- so is that a yes or a no? Just asking 'cause the karma cap is 33% higher.

Born Rich, In Debt. Both in RC would give you...

....472210 nuyen.gif
I'm going to go with the adept gunny.
Elf, Exceptional Agility, Adept. Probably prefers to use the Ares Alpha.
I need to work out an interesting back story to go with this. Should have story and stats some time Thursday.

QUOTE (crizh @ Aug 13 2008, 10:20 PM) *
Born Rich, In Debt. Both in RC would give you...

....472210 nuyen.gif

Well, that gets me to 50% for one item lol. But nah seriously, I violently object to paying for the opportunity to pay for something, so I'll just find my IPs elsewhere. Due to the scaling of the system, you're almost certainly better off playing a mage.

Give that and the fact I'm lazy, I'm probably going to play J.S Mosby from the Sword of Zan shi game (currently on hiateus because tabula rasa is afk). He's an ork mercenary mage/hacker

I just need to blow some karma into him (getting heavy weapons and atheltics up), retool his equipment slightly to accommodate the god awful regular matrix rules, and then I should be gtg. And then spend 250 karma on initiating and summoning an ally spirit lol.

Edit: Okay, I'm 100% scrapping hacking. It sucks, and I hate it.

I'd just enter him into Scope_47's game as well, but he's too expensive to manage :\


[ Spoiler ]

I'd paste his character sheet but I do it in excel. If the GM could pm me his email address, I'm email him the sheet for review.
QUOTE (Dumori @ Aug 13 2008, 11:31 PM) *
Looking good so far. BTW SINs and such aren't going to be a big problem at the start there area is what laws you can enforce. The combat mage might want to be from smaller A, AA corp not a mega more likely to be in the filed. And means I can pit S-K against you all wink.gif.

How about Transys or one of their subsidiaries?

Is it OK to take extra negative qualities that you get no points for?

put me on the waiting list, please! ^_^
QUOTE (crizh @ Aug 14 2008, 12:19 PM) *
How about Transys or one of their subsidiaries?

Is it OK to take extra negative qualities that you get no points for?

yes to both. Asking as there not positive flaws.
QUOTE (crizh @ Aug 13 2008, 12:07 PM) *
Gads, that wasn't easy without a chargen tool...

I have decided not to even attempt yet without all my books here, I will have something by monday though! I am fleshing out a BG and character design but the little details can wait =P
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