Jan 5 2004, 08:19 AM
I read somewhere among these ourms that their is a 1,000,000

bounty for turning in a blood mage. Is this actually cannon? If so can someone please give me a page number.
Jan 5 2004, 08:21 AM
You might want to refer to Ancient History's website or the official Fanpro website I think.
Jan 5 2004, 08:26 AM
It's in Dunky's will. You can find a copy on
Ancient History's page, or the official
shadowrun website.
* DV8 ponders making Dunkelzahn's Will database driven so that everyone can search through it easily.Ah, a new project!
In order to actually provide some useful information regarding the initial question in this thread...
QUOTE (Joker9125) |
I read somewhere among these ourms that their is a 1,000,000 bounty for turning in a blood mage. Is this actually cannon? If so can someone please give me a page number. |
Dunkelzahn's Secrets: Portfolio of a Dragon, p. 27 To further encourage an end to the use of blood magic by Aztechnology and other parties, I offer a bounty of 1 million nuyen on any blood mages captured alive and delivered to the Dunkelzahn Institute of Magical Research for the purposes of studying the effects of blood magic use on metahumanity. I further authorize the Draco Foundation to provide suitable rewards for the receipt of verifiable accounts of blood magic use, the rewards to reflect the usefulness of the information provided. |
Ancient History
Jan 5 2004, 01:15 PM
* DV8 ponders making Dunkelzahn's Will database driven so that everyone can search through it easily.
Ah, a new project! |
It's a document. Put up a page with careful instructions on how to search for words on a page (the Ctrl F command for you windows people).
Shit,'re right. I totally didn't think of that.</s>
All we need to do now is look in the Yellow Pages under "Blood Magic"
Ancient History
Jan 5 2004, 04:04 PM
All we need to do now is look in the Yellow Pages under "Blood Magic" |
I'm workin on it, I'm workin on it...
I want names and last known hideouts!
Get to it boy!
Meanwhile, I've put together
this. It doesn't have the search function, yet - probably tomorrow, but you can leave shadowtalk comments with each individual bequest.

More later.
Jan 5 2004, 04:59 PM
Meanwhile, I've put together this. It doesn't have the search function, yet - probably tomorrow, but you can leave shadowtalk comments with each individual bequest. 
More later. |
...Dude... That's fragging awesome...
I love you.

How'd you do it, anyway? Looks like PHPBB2 with a lot of customization.
No. I have phpBB running as a forum, but the rest is all home-made scripts.
Have you checked out the
character section yet?
Jan 5 2004, 06:19 PM
Yeah, I did. Any news on when a registered user will be able to make a character to go with the Shadowland name?
Since the first moment the database went up, people have been asking me when they could add their own characters. The thing is, the characters in that database are active characters and non-player characters from my campaign. I suppose it wouldn't be that hard to add a check to the table in which the characters are stored so that we can differentiate between characters from my campaign and characters posted by the wRx members.
How much desire is there to have people upload their characters for online viewing? If there's enough want, I'll do it.
Jan 5 2004, 07:41 PM
QUOTE (Dunkelzahn's Will) |
In order to reduce the number of innocent bystanders who die each day as a result of security officers firing on criminals, I leave a five-pound brick of orichalcum to either Lone Star or Knight Errant, whichever first develops an inexpensive, effective, non-lethal stun technology accurate at 100 meters. |
Jan 5 2004, 07:49 PM
Since the first moment the database went up, people have been asking me when they could add their own characters. The thing is, the characters in that database are active characters and non-player characters from my campaign. I suppose it wouldn't be that hard to add a check to the table in which the characters are stored so that we can differentiate between characters from my campaign and characters posted by the wRx members.
How much desire is there to have people upload their characters for online viewing? If there's enough want, I'll do it. |
I, for one, definately wouldn't mind. It'd be quite nice to leave our own little chunk of what we invision ourselves as if we lived in 2060. There' have to be a checking system, though, to make sure you didn't manage to slip in that you're the leader of the world or something.
Maybe two separate lists, one containing PCs and NPCs from your group, and everybody else. I know this would be slightly more difficult, but it would get the point across quite nicely in the long run, methinks.
It's really not very hard, it's just that the only thing I'm a bit afraid of is bandwidth, and perhaps storage. If people go wild registering all kids of characters...
Also, would people like to see a charactersheet type of profile page, or would a profile page as they are now suffice?
Snake Oil
Jan 5 2004, 08:08 PM
QUOTE (Joker9125 @ Jan 5 2004, 01:41 PM) |
QUOTE (Dunkelzahn's Will) | In order to reduce the number of innocent bystanders who die each day as a result of security officers firing on criminals, I leave a five-pound brick of orichalcum to either Lone Star or Knight Errant, whichever first develops an inexpensive, effective, non-lethal stun technology accurate at 100 meters. |
Does anyone ahve any idea how much that would be worth?!?!?!?!?!?!
There's approximately 2,250 grams in five pounds, and 10 grams is the size of one unit of orichalcum (M&M p. 42 under Orichalcum). So that's about 20,000,000 nuyen.
Creating orichalcum is ridiculously easy, though. A grade 2 initiate with Enchanting 6 could make a simple 44,000 nuyen investment and easily get 528,000 nuyen out of it within a week. And that's assuming he didn't want to bother creating the copper, silver, mercury and gold radicals himself.
Jan 5 2004, 08:17 PM
so thats about 250 karma reduction for bonding focui.
Jan 5 2004, 08:38 PM
QUOTE (Snake Oil) |
Creating orichalcum is ridiculously easy, though. A grade 2 initiate with Enchanting 6 could make a simple 44,000 nuyen investment and easily get 528,000 nuyen out of it within a week. And that's assuming he didn't want to bother creating the copper, silver, mercury and gold radicals himself. |
Thats funny i was under the impression that making orcalicum took 28 days no matter how much you make at one time weather it be 1 unit or 12. i belive the ruules for it are in MiTS
Snake Oil
Jan 5 2004, 09:06 PM
Oh, darn, that's such a drawback. Color me snapping my fingers disappointedly. Earning 484,000 nuyen per month as opposed to per week just isn't worth the effort.
Ancient History
Jan 5 2004, 09:15 PM
Meanwhile, I've put together this. It doesn't have the search function, yet - probably tomorrow, but you can leave shadowtalk comments with each individual bequest. :)
More later. |
Further proof, if any was needed, about how frickin' cool DV8 is.
Jan 6 2004, 02:02 AM
It doesn't want to let me banter. This makes me sad.
Jan 6 2004, 02:46 AM
QUOTE (Kagetenshi) |
It doesn't want to let me banter. This makes me sad. |
Did y'all register for the site?
Jan 6 2004, 02:48 AM
Yes, yes I did.
Jan 6 2004, 03:09 AM
Just checkin'.
Jan 6 2004, 03:22 AM
QUOTE (Snake Oil) |
Oh, darn, that's such a drawback. Color me snapping my fingers disappointedly. Earning 484,000 nuyen per month as opposed to per week just isn't worth the effort. |
since making orcalicum is an uninterruptible procees and it takes 28 days yes it is quite a drawback. I dont know of any GM's that allow for a months time to pass between runs from what ive seen most GM's allow something like 2 weeks between runs. In short if you make orcalicum at least in the games I play that character has to sit out 2 runs.
Snake Oil
Jan 6 2004, 03:24 AM
Oh no! Not two whole runs! I'm sure most runners make in excess of half a million in profit with limited danger to themselves every two runs! O, misery, how well I know thy name...
Jan 6 2004, 03:29 AM
It's really not very hard, it's just that the only thing I'm a bit afraid of is bandwidth, and perhaps storage. If people go wild registering all kids of characters...
Also, would people like to see a charactersheet type of profile page, or would a profile page as they are now suffice? |
Put a limit. If somebody breaks the limit, they get a few deleted. If they continue, they get their account deleted.
As for the type of bio: Possibly just a biography stating what they're known for (Their really good skills).
For example: Real name if it's known, race, approximate age/height/weight, hair and eye color, archtype, etc., as well as anything that sets them apart from other people (Captain Chaos: Fragging good decker and SysAdmin of Shadowland, for example).
Jan 6 2004, 03:40 AM
True it is an easy way to earn cash but mages dont have just a whole lot to spend

on. My character is mostly a conjurer and aside from buying focui which are useless without the karma to bond them he really dosent have alot to spend the money on. if anyone has any suggestions i would appreciate them becausemy character has well over half a mill. I was thinking of buying some better forms of home security but im already getting 2 great form force 6 elementals bound for a year and a day and some force 8 wards along with an underground vault (ne one seen panic room?). This seems like it would be quite enough to takedown any form of intruder to me. biofiber is out because it would hinder the spirits along with whatever that astrally active plant is. Im doing all this because Yakuza is hunting him. Does anyone have any security suggestions suggestions?
Jan 6 2004, 04:48 AM
QUOTE (Joker9125) |
Im doing all this because Yakuza is hunting him. Does anyone have any security suggestions suggestions? |
Seems to me you are defending yourself from the Yakuza, not hiding from them. You might want to invest in a better SIN/identity instead of blowing your cash on defenses. Heavy defenses mean your cover is blown.
Jan 6 2004, 05:00 AM
QUOTE (toturi) |
QUOTE (Joker9125 @ Jan 6 2004, 11:40 AM) | Im doing all this because Yakuza is hunting him. Does anyone have any security suggestions suggestions? |
Seems to me you are defending yourself from the Yakuza, not hiding from them. You might want to invest in a better SIN/identity instead of blowing your cash on defenses. Heavy defenses mean your cover is blown.
True but wheres the fun in hiding?
Knowing my GM he will have them find me eventually anyway reguardless of how well I hide and when they do im gonna love watching all of those gunbunnies figth those spirits along with the other 8 I can command. And if that fails their gonna really have a hard time of finding my secret underground panicroom which can only be opened from the inside (how do I open it you ask? simple send your ally spirit in to materalize on the inside and open it for you.) and as far as magical defenses go 3 or 4 force 8 wards would be more than enough to stall any mages they bring until backup arrives.
Jan 6 2004, 05:03 AM
I hope you can successfully stage each and every bit of drain from that, otherwise you're more than fragged...
Jan 6 2004, 05:05 AM
I think I'm coming down with a case of Sudden Polaris Flashback Syndrome.
Jan 6 2004, 05:06 AM
Polaris had better spelling/capitalization/grammar.
Plus Joker isn't telling us that we're doing our groups a disservice by not doing likewise.
Jan 6 2004, 05:10 AM
Dare I ask?
Jan 6 2004, 05:11 AM
QUOTE (tanka) |
I hope you can successfully stage each and every bit of drain from that, otherwise you're more than fragged... |
As far as I know the spirits wait on their home metaplane untill called so they dont all have to be summoned at once. And as far as I know calling one and commanding it dont use any drain at all either. And as far as wards go I thought they stayed around for weeks? Yes i can create those wards i am a grade 2 initiate.
So yes my character can "successfully stage each and every bit of drain from that"
Jan 6 2004, 05:17 AM
QUOTE (Kagetenshi) |
Polaris had better spelling/capitalization/grammar. Plus Joker isn't telling us that we're doing our groups a disservice by not doing likewise.
~J |
Im telling who to do the whut?
If your making a crack at my grammar I have several grammar related learning dissabilities. Suprisingly enough somehow I skipped my senior year of HS and made a 3.15 GPA this (my first) simester in college. I guess thats just tennesse education for ya

Jan 6 2004, 07:24 AM
QUOTE (Joker9125) |
QUOTE (Kagetenshi) | Polaris had better spelling/capitalization/grammar. Plus Joker isn't telling us that we're doing our groups a disservice by not doing likewise.
~J |
Im telling who to do the whut? If your making a crack at my grammar I have several grammar related learning dissabilities. Suprisingly enough somehow I skipped my senior year of HS and made a 3.15 GPA this (my first) simester in college. I guess thats just tennesse education for ya  . |
English 4
R/W 2
Average total successes: 1
QUOTE (Kagetenshi) |
Yes, yes I did.
~J |
I guess it's kind of superfluous for me to say that next to your member-account, you need to register individual shadowtalk accounts to your member-account, so that you have a whole stable of members to choose from? If so, then if you run into bugs, could you please send me a screenshot of the screen that's giving you issues so that I can solve the problem? Thanks.
QUOTE (tanka) |
QUOTE (DV8 @ Jan 5 2004, 03:02 PM) | It's really not very hard, it's just that the only thing I'm a bit afraid of is bandwidth, and perhaps storage. If people go wild registering all kids of characters...
Also, would people like to see a charactersheet type of profile page, or would a profile page as they are now suffice? |
Put a limit. If somebody breaks the limit, they get a few deleted. If they continue, they get their account deleted.
Well, we can try. If it costs me more time to admin the site than I'm comfortable with, I'm going to revoke the functionality.
As for the type of bio: Possibly just a biography stating what they're known for (Their really good skills).
For example: Real name if it's known, race, approximate age/height/weight, hair and eye color, archtype, etc., as well as anything that sets them apart from other people (Captain Chaos: Fragging good decker and SysAdmin of Shadowland, for example). |
I'll give this some thought. Thanks for the suggestions. Keep them coming.
Jan 6 2004, 08:07 AM
I think you should keep it strictly for your game. Posting comments is cool, but I don't think it's necessary for people to upload their characters to your site.
Shanshu Freeman
Jan 6 2004, 08:32 AM
QUOTE (Joker9125) |
QUOTE (Kagetenshi) | Polaris had better spelling/capitalization/grammar. Plus Joker isn't telling us that we're doing our groups a disservice by not doing likewise.
~J |
Im telling who to do the whut? If your making a crack at my grammar I have several grammar related learning dissabilities. Suprisingly enough somehow I skipped my senior year of HS and made a 3.15 GPA this (my first) simester in college. I guess thats just tennesse education for ya  . |
Why does everybody on the internet with less than perfect grammar/spelling claim to have several related disabilities and yet still insist that they are geniuses in their home town?
Herald of Verjigorm
Jan 6 2004, 08:33 AM
QUOTE (Shanshu Freeman) |
Why does everybody on the internet with less than perfect grammar/spelling claim to have several related disabilities and yet still insist that they are geniuses in their home town? |
You should see their home towns.
John Campbell
Jan 6 2004, 09:19 AM
So why is orichalcum so valuable, anyway? To the best of my knowledge, the only thing it's actually good for is Enchanting, and anyone who can Enchant can make it themselves. I can see that some enchanters might not want to spend months cranking the stuff out, but that wouldn't seem to justify the extreme price tag. If it were a few thousand nuyen, then, sure, that'd be a reasonable price to save a month's work, but several hundred thousand nuyen for something I could make myself in a month? I don't think so...
Jan 6 2004, 12:47 PM
QUOTE (tanka) | QUOTE (DV8 @ Jan 5 2004, 03:02 PM) | It's really not very hard, it's just that the only thing I'm a bit afraid of is bandwidth, and perhaps storage. If people go wild registering all kids of characters...
Also, would people like to see a charactersheet type of profile page, or would a profile page as they are now suffice? |
Put a limit. If somebody breaks the limit, they get a few deleted. If they continue, they get their account deleted.
Well, we can try. If it costs me more time to admin the site than I'm comfortable with, I'm going to revoke the functionality.
QUOTE | As for the type of bio: Possibly just a biography stating what they're known for (Their really good skills).
For example: Real name if it's known, race, approximate age/height/weight, hair and eye color, archtype, etc., as well as anything that sets them apart from other people (Captain Chaos: Fragging good decker and SysAdmin of Shadowland, for example). |
I'll give this some thought. Thanks for the suggestions. Keep them coming.  |
Sounds fair to me. Nobody should ever have to give up more free time than they want to.
QUOTE (John Campbell) |
So why is orichalcum so valuable, anyway? To the best of my knowledge, the only thing it's actually good for is Enchanting, and anyone who can Enchant can make it themselves. I can see that some enchanters might not want to spend months cranking the stuff out, but that wouldn't seem to justify the extreme price tag. If it were a few thousand nuyen, then, sure, that'd be a reasonable price to save a month's work, but several hundred thousand nuyen for something I could make myself in a month? I don't think so... |
1) It's rare.
2) It takes lots of time to get to the actual making of orichalcum, and then it takes another 28 days of Enchanting to make it.
3) Not everybody Enchants. Some people have better things to do. Like try to live on what they can earn in the shadows.
Jan 6 2004, 02:26 PM
Orichalcum is a mix of gold and silver and I-can't-remember-off-the-bat precious metal radicals. So I think just by their raw materials only, orichalcum is expensive.
Furthermore, you realise how damned powerful weapon foci are? Well, orichalcum is a Necessity for weapon foci. It is a must, no orichalcum no weapon foci.
Ancient History
Jan 6 2004, 03:29 PM
Orichalcum is made from radical gold, radical silver, radical copper and radical mercury.
So, the basic, unrefined base materials for orichalcum cost 11,000
The basic cost for refined, but not radical base materials is 22,000
The basic cost for radical base materials for orichalcum is 44,000
So, if you have 144,000

(assuming you buy it legally in Seattle, without the Street Index or Cost-of-Living modifier), you can buy an enchanting shop, one unit each of radical gold, silver, copper and mercury, and spend 28 days making as many units of orichalcum as you can.
This orichalcum can be sold for 88,000

per unit; with appropriate fencing factors and the like mixed in at your GM's pleasure.
Me? I'm going
Jan 6 2004, 03:36 PM
How much does mined orichalcum sell for again? I know it's half as effective, but does that translate directly into half the cost or no?
Ancient History
Jan 6 2004, 03:47 PM
25,000:nuyen: per unit for unrefined natural orichalcum
50,000:nuyen: per unit for refined natural orichalcum (requires 28 days and an Enchanting test)
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