Snake Oil
Jan 6 2004, 04:53 PM
So, not only is it less effective, but it takes exactly the same amount of time to make it usable for enchanting and is effectively more expensive than alchemical orichalcum considering the effect it has. Okay.
Ancient History
Jan 6 2004, 04:59 PM
On the other hand, you can go out into the wilderness and dig up a 5-kilo chunk of it, no problem.
Snake Oil
Jan 6 2004, 05:16 PM
You can do the same with the four ingredients for alchemical orichalcum, too. And just two units of gold alone is worth about the same as raw mined orichalcum, and it should at least be more common and thus easier to find to boot (I don't remember the rules regarding raw orichalcum).
Ancient History
Jan 6 2004, 05:35 PM
The difference being, if you go out and mine a ten kilos of gold, silver, copper and mercury, you then have to refine it, radicalize it, and then synthesize the orichalcum. So it's twice as long than just putting natural orichalcum through an alchemical circulation, not even counting the gathering time, and with no guarantee of how many units you get out of it.
A 5 kilo nugget of natural orichalcum can be made into 2.5 kilos of radical orichalcum, fit for enchanting. This is because one unit (20 grams) of natural orichalcum can be made into one unit (10 grams) of radical orichalcum
10 kilos of base metal makes 5 kilos of refine metal, makes 100 grams of radical metal. So out of 40 kilos of metal ore you mine, you can make a maximum of 400 grams (40 units, at 10grams a unit) of synthetic orichalcum.
Assuming, of course, you make a shitload of successes.
Jan 6 2004, 11:45 PM
QUOTE (Kagetenshi) | Yes, yes I did.
~J |
I guess it's kind of superfluous for me to say that next to your member-account, you need to register individual shadowtalk accounts to your member-account, so that you have a whole stable of members to choose from? If so, then if you run into bugs, could you please send me a screenshot of the screen that's giving you issues so that I can solve the problem? Thanks.
Trying to do so leads me to and a standard "not found" ("The requested URL /sr/control/shadowtalk/register_shadowtalker/index.php was not found on this server") screen; I can send you a shot if you really want.
There are several ways to get to where you need to go, I haven't updated all the links it seems. Thanks for pointing it out to me. Meanwhile use
this link. A screenshot won't be necessary, but it would be handy if you could tell me which link it was that you used to try and get to the page that obviously doesn't exist anymore.
Jan 7 2004, 12:41 AM
QUOTE (Shanshu Freeman) |
QUOTE (Joker9125 @ Jan 6 2004, 05:17 AM) | QUOTE (Kagetenshi) | Polaris had better spelling/capitalization/grammar. Plus Joker isn't telling us that we're doing our groups a disservice by not doing likewise.
~J |
Im telling who to do the whut? If your making a crack at my grammar I have several grammar related learning dissabilities. Suprisingly enough somehow I skipped my senior year of HS and made a 3.15 GPA this (my first) simester in college. I guess thats just tennesse education for ya  . |
Why does everybody on the internet with less than perfect grammar/spelling claim to have several related disabilities and yet still insist that they are geniuses in their home town?
In alot of cases dyslexia is accompanied by an above average to genius IQ.
Jan 7 2004, 12:42 AM
page with the bad link.
Jan 7 2004, 01:57 AM
QUOTE (Joker9125) |
In alot of cases dyslexia is accompanied by an above average to genius IQ. |
I wouldn't mind seeing some kind of documentation to back up this statement.
Jan 7 2004, 02:28 AM
QUOTE (Fortune) |
QUOTE (Joker9125 @ Jan 7 2004, 11:41 AM) | In alot of cases dyslexia is accompanied by an above average to genius IQ. |
I wouldn't mind seeing some kind of documentation to back up this statement.
Nor I.
Of course, I know a few dyslexics who are very smart. But I also know a few dyslexics who are incredibly stupid.
Jan 7 2004, 02:58 AM
QUOTE (tanka) |
Of course, I know a few dyslexics who are very smart. But I also know a few dyslexics who are incredibly stupid. |
Don't get me wrong. I've met both as well. I'm not saying that nobody with a learning disability can be intelligent. I would just like the quote 'in a lot of cases' backed up with facts.
Jan 7 2004, 03:01 AM
QUOTE (Fortune) |
QUOTE (tanka @ Jan 7 2004, 01:28 PM) | Of course, I know a few dyslexics who are very smart. But I also know a few dyslexics who are incredibly stupid. |
Don't get me wrong. I've met both as well. I'm not saying that nobody with a learning disability can be intelligent. I would just like the quote 'in a lot of cases' backed up with facts. |
That's what I mean. I've seen more unintelligent ones than intelligent ones, though.
Oh, and as a note of reference Joker: IQ has nothing to do with real smarts. IQ actually decreases with age (Frag if I remember my source, sorry) and it only deals with your ability to learn, not how much you really do know.
Jan 7 2004, 03:07 AM
IQ is a percentage expression of your mental development relative to your age, so that kinda decomposes as you get older. I mean, I have an IQ of 150; this means that when I was eight, I was arguably about as intellectually developed as a twelve-year-old. Now, as an eighteen-year-old, I'm about as intellectually developed as a twenty-seven-year-old.
Somehow talking between different "adult" ages is just less impressive.
IQ actually has quite a bit to do with "real smarts", just absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with "effective smarts". Only fields I can think of offhand that actually demand high IQs are certain areas of physics, especially quantum physics, and then certain areas of theoretical mathematics. As a doctor or a lawyer or a CEO raw processing power, while still needed to a certain degree, is a lot less important.
About his claim, yes, intelligence and mental disorders often go hand in hand, but they're hardly indicative of each other. Not sure about the numbers on dyslexia itself, though.
Ancient History
Jan 7 2004, 03:08 AM
Are we counting people who inhaled?
Jan 7 2004, 05:41 AM's the best source i could find. dad took the pc to the shop and im on my new pocket pc. these things kick ass. typing on a touch screen is a pain though.
Jan 7 2004, 05:45 AM
Those are just symptoms. Behaviors noted even just once are usually listed. Sometimes not, but most of the time. So somebody with dyslexia will not always be supremely intelligent, but, conversely, neither wil they always be supremely stupid.
Kind of like those ads for medicine: "May cause <insert long list of side-effects>."
I always wondered... Why don't they just make one wonder pill that solves everything? Maybe because the side-effect would be death...
Jan 7 2004, 06:01 AM
true their are stupid people with and without dyslexia. I was wondering whut about a dyslexic flaw?
joe shadowrunner is trying to defuse a bomb. joe shadowrunner also has the dyslexic flaw. joe shadowrunner makes an intellegence test. joe shadowrunner fails. joe shadowrunner cuts the blue wire by mistake. joe shadowrunner is dead.
Jan 7 2004, 06:03 AM
Dyslexia (I almost typed Lysdexia... Sleepy...) doesn't mean colorblind. Besides, most of the time it isn't the red wire that's the detonator. Sometimes it's the wire that's the same color as the other three wires.
Jan 7 2004, 06:55 AM
i am dyslexic so i know it dosent mean color blind i was making a joke to lighten the mood
John Campbell
Jan 7 2004, 07:07 AM
QUOTE (tanka) |
1) It's rare. |
Yeah, but a supply and demand curve has two axes. The supply is limited, but so is the demand - very few people can actually use it for anything, and all of the few people who have a demand for it can make it themselves, so the supply's not really all that limited for them.
2) It takes lots of time to get to the actual making of orichalcum, and then it takes another 28 days of Enchanting to make it. |
How much is 28 days worth to you? Let me put it another way... if a Johnson offered you 300,000¥ to sit on your ass at home for a month, would you tell him to keep his money? (Assume that you have reason to believe that there's no hidden catch here.)
3) Not everybody Enchants. Some people have better things to do. Like try to live on what they can earn in the shadows. |
Exactly my point. Not everybody Enchants. To people who don't, or can't, Enchant, orichalcum is nothing but a curiosity. People who can and do Enchant, and to whom orichalcum is therefore useful, can make it themselves.
And if you're trying to live on what you can earn in the shadows, buying expensive things that you can make yourself more cost-effectively is not exactly the best strategy.
QUOTE (toturi) |
Orichalcum is a mix of gold and silver and I-can't-remember-off-the-bat precious metal radicals. So I think just by their raw materials only, orichalcum is expensive. |
That just shoves the question back a step further. Why are metal radicals so expensive? Again, the only thing they're good for is Enchanting, and anyone who can Enchant can make them themselves. Yes, there's some value in the metal itself, but given that any alchemist worthy of the name (figure Enchanting 3) can turn 10k¥ of raw gold into 100k¥ of gold radicals given five weeks or so to work, there's some serious cost inflation going on even before it gets made into orichalcum.
What's that you say? It's because you're paying for the rare and highly skilled labor of the alchemist?
Nope, think again. Take a look at the table of Enchanting Service Costs on p.170 of MitS. Making Radicals? Now, I'm not sure whether the "per unit" there is per unit of refined materials or per unit of radicals, but if we're pessimistic and assume the latter, you can hire an Enchanting 6 alchemist to turn two units of refined materials into ten units of radicals (on average) for a mere 9,600¥. Given 40,000¥ for materials, that leaves 350,400¥ of pure profit that's going into someone's pocket.
You want to exploit the Enchanting rules for profit? Forget making orichalcum. Hire someone to make gold radicals. The profit's just about the same, and - here's the best part - it's not even your own time you're wasting. You can go out shadowrunning or whatever you do for fun while your wagemage mints money for you.
Furthermore, you realise how damned powerful weapon foci are? Well, orichalcum is a Necessity for weapon foci. It is a must, no orichalcum no weapon foci. |
MitS, which has detailed rules for making foci that I consider to overrule the passing mention in the corebook, doesn't require weapon foci to contain orichalcum. That's beside the point, though, because they're so difficult and Karma-expensive to make that you'd be a fool not to use it to reduce those problems, required or no.
More to the point, anyone who can make weapon foci can make orichalcum.
On top of that, if you use a significant amount of the stuff, you might very well end up losing money on the final sale of the focus if you're buying the orichalcum.
QUOTE (Ancient History) |
So, if you have 144,000 (assuming you buy it legally in Seattle, without the Street Index or Cost-of-Living modifier), you can buy an enchanting shop, one unit each of radical gold, silver, copper and mercury, and spend 28 days making as many units of orichalcum as you can. |
Adding in the price of the enchanting shop is a bit disingenuous, because not only is it a one-time expense, but you have to have one anyway in order to do anything with orichalcum other than sell it or sit it on your mantle so everyone knows how leet you are.
Jan 7 2004, 07:20 AM
getting back to the original topic. can you turn in anyone who uses blood magic in for the bounty?
There are several ways to get to where you need to go, I haven't updated all the links it seems. Thanks for pointing it out to me. Meanwhile use this link. A screenshot won't be necessary, but it would be handy if you could tell me which link it was that you used to try and get to the page that obviously doesn't exist anymore. |
I think I found and fixed the problem you ran in to, Kagentenshi.
Jan 7 2004, 07:22 AM
QUOTE (John Campbell) |
QUOTE | Furthermore, you realise how damned powerful weapon foci are? Well, orichalcum is a Necessity for weapon foci. It is a must, no orichalcum no weapon foci. |
MitS, which has detailed rules for making foci that I consider to overrule the passing mention in the corebook, doesn't require weapon foci to contain orichalcum. That's beside the point, though, because they're so difficult and Karma-expensive to make that you'd be a fool not to use it to reduce those problems, required or no.
More to the point, anyone who can make weapon foci can make orichalcum.
On top of that, if you use a significant amount of the stuff, you might very well end up losing money on the final sale of the focus if you're buying the orichalcum.
First off, the Foci creation rules does not contradict the statement in SR3. Weapon foci still needs orichalcum. The creation rules does not say you do not require orichalcum for weapon foci.
Anyone who is making weapon foci may not have the skill to smelt the gold/silver from ore. I do not know how mercury is refined from its natural form but I doubt more than a handful of people are going to know either. Exposure to mercury is poisonous and yet if you do not refine it personally, you can kiss your virgin telesma goodbye.
Better yet is a question to ask, why do gun makers buy steel from steel mills? Surely they have the expertise to get it themselves.
Herald of Verjigorm
Jan 7 2004, 07:30 AM
QUOTE (Joker9125) |
getting back to the original topic. can you turn in anyone who uses blood magic in for the bounty? |
The payload must be alive and you need to be able to show some proof that it is a blood mage. (if the GM is being nice, then as long as the blood mage still has a magic rating, the Draco foundation will know in a week and send you a check)
Jan 7 2004, 07:36 AM
QUOTE (toturi) |
Better yet is a question to ask, why do gun makers buy steel from steel mills? Surely they have the expertise to get it themselves. |
If steel could be produced just as well on the same equipment as that found in a gunsmiths shop, then I have no doubts that they would get it themselves.
Herald of Verjigorm
Jan 7 2004, 08:07 AM
QUOTE (toturi) |
Better yet is a question to ask, why do gun makers buy steel from steel mills? Surely they have the expertise to get it themselves. |
It's not cost effective. The conditions that allow for high quality steel are cheaper per pound of output to produce in a large factory setting. If the time and costs needed to make the steel for a clip of bullets could be spent on buying the steel for a clip of bullets and doing the rest of the work, it is a better choice to buy the steel.
[short form, hard to read]
If (steel ingredients cost)*(time to refine steel)+(other bullet material costs)*(time to make bullets) < (all bullet materials)*(time to make bullets) for any number of bullets, then it is cheaper to make your own steel. It usualy isn't.
[/short form]
Jan 7 2004, 02:10 PM
QUOTE (John Campbell) |
QUOTE (tanka) | 2) It takes lots of time to get to the actual making of orichalcum, and then it takes another 28 days of Enchanting to make it. |
How much is 28 days worth to you? Let me put it another way... if a Johnson offered you 300,000¥ to sit on your ass at home for a month, would you tell him to keep his money? (Assume that you have reason to believe that there's no hidden catch here.)
Yes, but how much time does it take to make the radicals of everything else? If you want to really make a killing, you've got to do it all yourself. No bought radicals, no bought beginning items. Everything must be found by you and used only by you to make that load of orichalcum.
So, all in all, from start to end, if you only generate one success for each test and only refine/radicalize one item at a time...
10 days collecting one raw unit of gold.
10 days collecting one raw unit of silver.
10 days collecting one raw unit of copper.
10 days collecting one raw unit of mercury.
10 days refining one unit of gold.
10 days refining one unit of silver.
10 days refining one unit of copper.
10 days refining one unit of mercury.
28 days radicalizing one unit of gold.
28 days radicalizing one unit of silver.
28 days radicalizing one unit of copper.
28 days radicalizing one unit of mercury.
28 days combining the four radicals into orichalcum.
So that's, all in all...
220 days. Over half a year just to produce one unit of orichalcum.
See why it's hardly cost-efficient?
Snake Oil
Jan 7 2004, 04:00 PM
And yet you still wind up with a half million easy for 220 days of work, even if you do want to ignore the shaved off time for collecting and refining the four elements due to successes.
I know I'm probably wrong here, but I seem to remember reading something in the Enchanting chapter that you could do up to (Intelligence) alchemical enchantments at one time as long as they were dealing with the same basic process.
Jan 7 2004, 04:08 PM
And how do you wind up with half a million for that? Orichalcum is listed in MitS as 88,000 per unit. So with one unit, you earn 88,000 nuyen. 88,000 != 500,000 by a long shot.
Snake Oil
Jan 7 2004, 04:25 PM
Read up on what happens when you create orichalcum. You get one unit per success on your Enchanting Test with a TN of 10-Magic. With only two grades of initiation, you're going to be cranking out units of orichalcum. Enchanting 6, TN 2, 88,000 nuyen per success = 440-528,000 nuyen on average. Even without any grades of initiation you're still getting at least 3 units per shot, or over a quarter million. That's as much if not a lot more than many corporate high-ups make in a year and enough to keep you on a High lifestyle for two to five years per batch.
Spend some of that free time creating an Ally Spirit at Force 1. Give it Enchanting 6. Now you've just doubled your output and/or halved your time. Create that ally spirit as part of another initiation ordeal and then create another one right after. Your Magic is still 8 and now you've tripled production.
So with a one-time investment of 100,000 nuyen for the shop, maybe 10 Karma if that much for each ally spirit, and less than 35 karma to join a group and initiate thrice, you're earning in excess of 1.5 million nuyen every few months.
Jan 7 2004, 04:37 PM
Yes, and I was going per only one success, since the majority of Awakened people in canon rulings are not initiated. Most of them also don't bother to do much Enchanting, so they probably wouldn't get more than one success.
So, yes, when you sit down with Enchanting 6 and everything else at highest levels, you're going to score big. However, you have to take time out of your life to actually do it. 220 days is a lot of time, and it's virtually nonstop. Only quick naps and quick meals the entire time.
John Campbell
Jan 7 2004, 05:57 PM
QUOTE (tanka) |
Yes, but how much time does it take to make the radicals of everything else? If you want to really make a killing, you've got to do it all yourself. No bought radicals, no bought beginning items. Everything must be found by you and used only by you to make that load of orichalcum. |
Why? There's a canon price structure in place for buying components; why are you arbitrarily barring our would-be alchemist from making use of it?
If it's because those prices are wildly out of line with the actual costs involved in making the materials, then that's my fragging point.
So, all in all, from start to end, if you only generate one success for each test and only refine/radicalize one item at a time... |
Both of those are unlikely, even for an "average" Enchanting 3/Magic 6 alchemist.
But, yes, if you look at the entire process from start to end, with a fairly average alchemist, things look much less broken. But that's only because radicals are broken in both directions, which hides the effects. This does not mean that the system works. It means that the system is broken in multiple ways.
Gold radicals are far more expensive than they should be, given the actual costs involved in making them, but copper is much cheaper than it should be, and anyone trying to make a living off refining herbs, crystals, or the various base metals is going to starve in short order. So make gold radicals. Mercury and silver are borderline... depends on how good you are and how much you think your time is worth. Buy the copper; make someone else eat the loss on its manufacture. And if you're objecting, "Where are you going to buy it? No one is going to waste their time making it, so there'll be nowhere to buy it," then you're starting to get my point.
Jan 7 2004, 06:00 PM
QUOTE (John Campbell) |
QUOTE (tanka) | Yes, but how much time does it take to make the radicals of everything else? If you want to really make a killing, you've got to do it all yourself. No bought radicals, no bought beginning items. Everything must be found by you and used only by you to make that load of orichalcum. |
Why? There's a canon price structure in place for buying components; why are you arbitrarily barring our would-be alchemist from making use of it?
If it's because those prices are wildly out of line with the actual costs involved in making the materials, then that's my fragging point.
Why get it all yourself? Virgin telesma, friend... You can then throw the orichalcum in a weapon focus and further lower the TN for making it because it was made with virgin telesma.
John Campbell
Jan 7 2004, 06:07 PM
QUOTE (tanka @ Jan 7 2004, 01:00 PM) |
Why get it all yourself? Virgin telesma, friend... You can then throw the orichalcum in a weapon focus and further lower the TN for making it because it was made with virgin telesma. |
Isn't worth it. You're better off making one more unit of orichalcum from non-virgin materials and skipping all the leadup. That gives you the same TN modifier (the difference between handmade and virgin, anyway), takes much less time, and reduces the Karma cost to bond it to boot.
edit: And it doesn't even address the point of why orichalcum costs so much, because if you're buying it from someone else, you lose that modifier anyway.
Jan 7 2004, 06:14 PM
Right. Enchanting isn't just "sitting on your ass for a month." It's a month of babysitting the materials, processes, meditation, etc. with very little time for rest or *cough*personal hygene*cough*.
Jan 7 2004, 06:14 PM
Another reason to make your own: It's still gonna be rare. Somebody has to make it sometime.
Sure, around YotC, you could just mine it, but soon after that all the spots mysteriously dryed up, and most of them, in game terms, were only half as effective.
So, yes, somebody who solely does Enchanting for a living is going to be able to make tons of money in a short amount of time. However, not many people have the patience to sit there for 28 days to radicalize something or make it into orichalcum.
Jan 7 2004, 06:27 PM
not to mention you have to be able to enchant in the first place... whiloe there are lots of Shadowrunners who are magically active as a % of the world pop. it is very small...
so the only people making it are either out to make loads of money for themselves at the expense of personal hygeine a social life and any chance of seeming normal, or dabbling for making stuff fro themselves.
even if it is a huge moneymaker... who would keep at it, once your rich enough, move on to something else more fun, easier and all in all more relaxing.
-Mike R.
Jan 7 2004, 06:41 PM
Only one of which Shadowrunning could be considered to be, and none of which a desk job usually is.
Jan 7 2004, 06:53 PM
does anyone know the best way to transport a live and very pissed mage? im thinking of having 2 or 3 air elentals nxious breath him whenever he regains consiousness.
does the draco foundation have a branch in seattle? if so where would it be.
Jan 7 2004, 06:57 PM
Different kinds of drugs... Sleep/Stun spells... Plain old punching the crap out of him until he's unconscious again...
Snake Oil
Jan 7 2004, 07:05 PM
QUOTE (Fahr) |
not to mention you have to be able to enchant in the first place... whiloe there are lots of Shadowrunners who are magically active as a % of the world pop. it is very small... |
What part of "only Enchanters can actually make use of orichalcum, and only Enchanters can create orichalcum" are you just not getting?
Jan 7 2004, 07:11 PM
And what part of "How many people actually take the time to learn enchanting as a whole?" Not every Awakened person is going to learn how to enchant. A few, yes, but most, no. So how many out of every 1/100 people can enchant? After all, every 100th person is Awakened, as per canon rules suggestion...
Jan 7 2004, 07:15 PM
if the tn for making orcalicum is 10 - you're magic rating how would you determine the magic rating of an ally spirit?
Snake Oil
Jan 7 2004, 07:17 PM
QUOTE (tanka) |
And what part of "How many people actually take the time to learn enchanting as a whole?" Not every Awakened person is going to learn how to enchant. A few, yes, but most, no. So how many out of every 1/100 people can enchant? After all, every 100th person is Awakened, as per canon rules suggestion... |
What's your point? What possible use do all those other magicians have for orichalcum? Only Enchanters need orichalcum and only Enchanters create orichalcum. For everyone else, it's nothing but another pretty metal. It's probably not even as useful for other endeavors like gold and copper are.
Jan 7 2004, 07:30 PM
I was adressing the unbalancing nature of the money generating capacity in the game.
If it is rare, and the demand is low, than it very likely would be cheaper to make it yourself if you can, but this also means that if you made a buisness of it, you would have very few buyers.
Having worked in a lot of strange and obscure hobbies this is often true, making it yourself is cheaper but takes lots of time, buying it means you can go back to doing what you need, but you pay for the other guys time and the low demand.
those that were buying would only buy cause they needed it right then and could not wait to make it themselves. so you could get a very high price for it, but not very often.
Basically, the system and wether it can be abused is up to the GM in the game. The book system makes being an Orichalium dealer profitable, but not a shadowrunning carear.
-Mike R.
Jan 7 2004, 07:30 PM
QUOTE (Snake Oil) |
What possible use do all those other magicians have for orichalcum? Only Enchanters need orichalcum and only Enchanters create orichalcum. For everyone else, it's nothing but another pretty metal. It's probably not even as useful for other endeavors like gold and copper are. |
since orcalicum reduces karma cost of bonding focui by 1 and the last I time I checked it was more than just enchanters that bound focui. i think that every magically actuve individual that wanted to bind a focus would have a big need for it.
Jan 7 2004, 07:43 PM
That happens when used in the enchanting process. You can't take a 5-unit orichalcum pill to save yourself some bonding karma.
Mr. Man
Jan 7 2004, 07:48 PM
QUOTE (Joker9125) |
does anyone know the best way to transport a live and very pissed mage? |
Well if you can knock him out it's just a matter of hooking up some gear to monitor his vitals and a keeping a box of Tranq Patch [8] handy.
Jan 7 2004, 07:49 PM
if the tn for making orcalicum is 10 - you're magic rating how would you determine the magic rating of an ally spirit?
Mr. Man
Jan 7 2004, 08:05 PM
It's really not very hard, it's just that the only thing I'm a bit afraid of is bandwidth, and perhaps storage. If people go wild registering all kids of characters... |
Best thing to do is implement quality control. I can think of three ways:
- Require that all submitted characters include complete answers to the 20 questions. This should cut way down on frivolous submissions.
- Use a voting and/or comments module for the submitted characters so that people can diss bad characters and promote good ones.
- Warn people right up front that if you don't like their character for any reason you can and will delete it without warning. Use a big font and inform them that if they can't handle this possibility then they shouldn't submit. If you're feeling really nice you can give some general criteria, but keep it general.
Also, would people like to see a charactersheet type of profile page, or would a profile page as they are now suffice? |
A "printable" view of the characters would be cool so people could use them for NPCs or what-not. Maybe like what the NSRCG outputs...