Here is one that I have been working on for sometime.
Attributes, Skills, & Qualities:
[ Spoiler ]
Body 7 ( 8 ) +2 dmg, Agility 4 (7) [8], Reaction 4 (7) [8], Strength 7 (10) [11],
Charisma 2, Intuition 4, Logic 2, Willpower 3
Edge 1, Essence .22, Initiative 8 (11), Initiative Passes 1 (3)
Condition Monitor: Physical 12 Stun 10
Street Cred: 0, Notoriety: 0,Publis Awareness: 0, Total Karma: 0, Current Karma: 0
Actvie Skills
Athletics (group) 2, Electronics (group) 1, Automatics 3, Blades 5, Dodge 3, Etiqutte 2, Perception 4, Pistols 3, Unarmed Combat 5
Knowledge Skills
Street: Dakip-Diwa 2, Filipino Culture 1, Security Procedures 2,
Academic: Martial Arts Training Methodologies 2, Tactical Theory 2,
Professional: Police Tactics 2, Military Tactics 2.
Or'zet N, Tagalog 3, English 3
Positive: Martial Arts (1) - Lameco Eskrima [+1 DV blades], Sensei (Lameco Grandmaster), Restricted Gear x2.
Negative:In Debt (30,000) [Lameco Grandmaster], Augmentation Addict, Poor Self Control - Thrill Seeker.
Maneuvers: Set Up, Finishing Move
[ Spoiler ]
CyberSuite *2nd hand Alpha:
Datajack, Bone Lacing (aluminum), Wired Refelxes II,
Cybereyes 4 [Flare compensation, Protective Covers, Low-light, smartlink, thermographic, Vision enhancer 3, Vision Mag]
Cyberears4 [Audio Enhancer 3, balance aug, Damper, Increased Sensitivity, Select Sound filiter 4, Spatial Recongnizer]
Adrenal Pump 1, Suprathyroid Gland, Muscle Aug 2, Muscle Toner 2, Reflex Recorder - Blades
Genetice Infusions
Sideways (Permanent)
Weapons & Armor:
[ Spoiler ]
Monosword [10P, -1 AP, 1 Reach]
(Personlized Grips)
Cougar Fineblade Long knife [9P, -1 PA, 0 Reach]
(Peronlized Grips)
Ceramic Knife [8P, 0 AP, 0 Reach]
(Peronlized Grips)
Unarmed Combat [8P, 0 AP, 0 Reach]
Ares Predator IV [5P, SA, -1 AP, 0 RC, 15c]
(Adv. Safty, Metahuman customization, Personalized Grips, 4 spare clips, concealabel holster)
(Ex-EX Rounds 250, Regular Rounds 250, Stick-n-Shock 250)
HK 227X [5P, SA/BF/FA, 0 AP, 3(4) RC, 28c]
(Adv. Safty, Metahuman customization, Personalized Grips, 4 Spare Clips, Sling)
(Ex-EX Rounds 250, Regular Rounds 250, Stick-n-Shock 250)
Armor: 15/11
Armor Jacket 8/6, Helmet 1/2, FFF BA Suit 6/2
Chic Clothing 1 sets, Regular Clothing 3 sets
[ Spoiler ]
Fake SIN Rating 4 (place holder)
Fake License Rating 4 (Electronics, Weapons, Cyberware)
Vertual Person (GrandMaster (Lameco founder) Edgar Sulite)
Sensor Packages:
Handheld [Camera, Microphone, Thermometric]
Handheld [NLJD rating 6]
Handheld [Ultrawideband Radar rating 4, MAD Scanner rating 3]
Sensor Software:
Empthay rating 6
Lie Dectection rating 6
Survival Gear:
Gas Mask, Survival Kit, Smart Pack, SPS Combat Load Vest, Biomonitor
Hermes Ikon w/ custom OS [Response 4, Signal 3, Firewall 6, System 6]
(Custom Interface, Hardening 6, Optimization (Tacsoft), SatLink, Sim Module (Hot), Simrig, Skinlink, Subvocal Mic)
Program loadout [Analyze 4 (ergo), Encrypt 4 (ergo), Purge 4 (ergo), ECCM 4, Tacsoft 2, Decrypt 4, Data Bomb 4, Stealth 4, Command 4]
Programs: (all Pirated)
Analyze 4 (Ergonomic), Encrypt 4 (Ergonomic), Purge 4 (Ergonomic),
Data Bomb 4, Decrypt 4, ECCM 4, Browse 4, Command 4, Stealth 4, Armor 4, Attack 4, Blackhammer 4, TacSoft 2,
Agent 4 [Analyze 4, Attack 4, Armor 4, Browse 4]
Lifestyle & Contacts:
[ Spoiler ]
Training Compound
Comforts 3, Entertainment 2, Necessities 3, Neighborhood 2, Security 4
Free Access, Rad Pad, Security Conscious, Well Made, Workplace, Crash Pad, Green Plan, No Privacy 2, Living by Committee.
Monthly Cost 4400
1 month paid
Safe House
Comforts 3, Entertainment 3, Necessities 3, Neighborhood 3, Security 3
Privacy Screen 2, Security Conscious , Inconspicuous Housing, Hasty Exit, Corporate Owned, Network Bottleneck, Nosy Neighbors.
Monthly cost 7000
1 month paid
Fixer (Loyalty 2/Connection 4)
Lameco GrandMaster (Loyalty 5/Connection 5)
Warezhouse (Loyalty 1/Connection 4)
20 Questions:
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--What is the character's name?
Ariel Juagahan "Tandang"
--What is the characters race, nationality, age, sex, height, weight, hair color, eye color, skin/tone, and build?
Ork, Filipino, 18 (born 2054, September, 8th), Male, 6 feet 4 inches, 285 lbs, Jet Black Hair, Deep Green Eyes, Dark Mocha skin tone, and Very Athletic build.
--Where did your character learn his/her skills?
He learned his skills from the Training Compound under the guidance of his Lemaco Grandmaster.
--What did your character do before becoming a runner?
Nothing he was born as a street kid and by the kindness of his mentor took him in. He does teach at the training compound the combat arts of his mentor.
--Does your character have any family?
None that he knows of *will be more after looking at sourcebooks
--What are your characters dreams/goals/aspirations?
His dream is to continue the development and promotion of Lameco Eksrima to the world through the use of it in real life combat and warfare (aka the Shadows).
--What is the characters general appearance?
Well groomed and clean (a professional appearance), Most days he wares a nice pair of pants and a shirt. His running appearance is also a model of the professional Mercenary.
--Why did they choose to be a shadow-runner?
The number one reason he became a shadowrunner was to use it as a modern combat battlefield to test and refine Lemaco Eskrima for the 6th world second was he is a thrill seeker.
--What is the characters personality?
With close friends and colleges easy going and playful. But everyone starts at a distance and earns a place among his inner circle. Highly protective of his friends and love ones.
--What skills does your character bring to this group? What makes them special?
He brings the skills of Close Combat and Fire Support. What he special are his tactical forecasting skills.
--What are some things your character cannot do?
He is not good at Medical and highly technical stuff.
--What does your character hate and why?
He hates all Japanese, and all of Japan is period.
--What does your character love?
Lameco Eskrima is his first love and with all things combat a very close second there has been vary little room for a woman in his life.
--What does your character respect?
True Warriors
--How was your character educated?
He was educated through the traditional means of his tribal heritage.
--What is your characters moral code?
Traditional Tribal Warrior code
--Does your character have any political beliefs? Religious?
He has no political standing but does follow the neo-tribal culture of his heritage Ork and Filipino.
--What item(s) does your character treasure?
his weapons above all else
--Tell me at least one thing I (as the GM) should know about your character.
I'm not use there is any else.