QUOTE (Saint Sithney @ Dec 30 2009, 09:45 AM)

A 30-second prime time Trid advert costs more to run than a high-risk blackop?
Seems a little funny to me.
A 30 second prime time Trid advert also yields a higher financial gain. Also, keep in mind that there is a threshold level, after which it becomes more lucrative for a Corp to train in-house personel for Black Ops rather than hire (risky) third party agents.
That all aside, consider the following:
Most Shadowrunners do what they do for a living, because they simply lack the skills for other work, or can't find other work. If a runner would score 500,000¥ in a run, he could settle down for the rest of his life, with a comfortable and (relatively) secure medium lifestyle. No more need to risk his life. No more need to risk prison sentences. No more fear of ending up as a tamanous gift present for stepping on the wrong toes.
Any reasonable runner scoring that big would stop running the shadows. He would have no more need to.
But let's say he's auspicious. Let's say he's aiming for a lifestyle among the rich and famous, with tickets to all the social clubs and invitations to the hottest parties. Let's say he's aiming for a high lifestyle in downtown Seattle: He'd need to score 1M¥.
Hell, if he wanted to life right next door to Lofwyr, with the great Wyrm on a first name basis, he's need to score 10M¥. Looking at some of the numbers above it seems some groups are shelving out that much money in just one run. Why are they still running the shadows? Seriously, why should they?
Quite honestly: If a Runner scores a million Nuyen in a run, he's done with the biz. Either that or he's insane. Even at 500,000¥ he would leave the biz to live a peaceful and quiet life, or maybe as a fixer from that point on. But he certainly wouldn't want to continue risking his life on a daily basis.
I can understand why players would want to deck out their chars with all deltaware and the most expensive toys. Hell, I was like that, myself, about 12 years back. But from a rational, reasonable perspective and considering even just basic economics, Runner fees beyond the 50,000¥ per team should be extremely rare. And fees of around 25,000¥ per group per run should be the average for a corp job.
If players still want better gear and toys, arrange for it in a different way. Have the players forfeit their payment for a different favor, like a beta- or delta-grade arm or similar toy. In a lot of cases it would be cheaper for a corp to provide the implant plus surgery than to have to explain away black book transactions. After all, those shareholders want to be kept in the loop and at the same time, you don't want to "burden" your shareholder with anything but the "nescessary" truth.
QUOTE (AngelisStorm @ Dec 30 2009, 10:20 AM)

D2F, you sure do have a lot of opinions. Even with it being the internet (and the problems that soley text based comunication raises), do you actually read what you write?
And those are from just this thread.
Your point is?
QUOTE (AngelisStorm @ Dec 30 2009, 10:20 AM)

You seem to have a lot of opinions, and while you do like to throw out alot of rationale for why you are correct (and everyone else is wrong), I've noticed you are pretty dismisive of other people's views of things.
I listen to rational arguments. I don't "tolerate" different opinions just because someone holds them. Some opinions are simply not worth the attention. For that reason, if an opinion does not have a rational argument behind it, I
will dismiss it.
QUOTE (AngelisStorm @ Dec 30 2009, 10:20 AM)

If you don't pay players adequately, they will loot heavily. Which is not professional. And high paying runs go to professionals.
If you want a low paying campaign, then you are playing a street campaign. Which is where your example runners, who have no other options of employment, come in.
WHY would someone, who is highly trained, perform incredibly dangerous work for peanuts? They can stand around and do nothing, guarding some warehouse, for that amount.
There are
severalaspects wrong with your above stetements:
1) If players opt to loot heavily to increase their payout, they also need to live with the consequences. As long as they do that, that is just fine with me. If they think that looting while the corpsec reinforcements are on their way is in their best interest, more power to them. If they think cutting up the other runner team they just scattered across the street, while KE or LS are on their way, more power to them. Also, extracting Cyberware is not an easy task, chances are, they will destroy or damage the 'ware unless they have the approriate skills
and environment. As I said before: been there, done that.
Bottom line is: Looting players tend to die fast and bloody deaths.
2) A low-paying campaing would be a campaign playing less than a thousand Nuyen per runner per run. The official adventures I listed should illustrate that on their own, even without a shred of knowledge about economics on your part.
3) 25,000¥ isn't peanuts. Go ask your parents what they earn in a year. Or go and as a special forces members what they earn. Or a SWAT member...
Let me help you out there: A lieutenant of the german special forces (combat divers, KSK, etc.) earns a yearly salary of approximately 47,000.-€. That is the salary for amember in service inside a direct conflict zone, in other words the maximum bonus payments. Also, keep in mind that a sargeant-equivalent or private-equivalent would earn considerably less for the same job (approx. 35,000.-€). Also, those are net salaries, so substract taxes as well.
In other words, a highly trained individual (better trained than most starting shadowrunners, in fact) earns about 50,000¥ a YEAR minus taxes. And you are asking who would risk his life for "peanuts"?
Given my numbers, the yearly salary of your average runner would be around 120,000¥. More than double that of a highly trained special forces officer on duty in an active conflict zone. Do you really think
I just pull numbers out of my ass?
You say I am dismissive about other people's opinions? Gee, I wonder why...
QUOTE (AngelisStorm @ Dec 30 2009, 10:20 AM)

There is simply no reason for highly trained individuals to be making 1-3k for doing -illegal- work. These are ex-Army rangers or special forces; they can go join Black Water (or 10,000 Daggers) and make fat-sacks-of-cash. Or steal cars and sell them to chop-shops (or hell, run one).
PMCs are corporations like any other. Ever had a look at how Blackwater for excemple fits our thir employees? In most cases they are about half a dozen men without body armor on an old, barely armored pickup truck with a few AKs. They are in the biz to make money and they sure as hell don't make money by making their employees rich.
On a sidenote: that 1-3K number was per run, so it would actually be 2-6K a MONTH, almost double the salary of a special forces lieutenant. Furthermore, I already conceded 5K per run as better number, which would turn out as about 10K a month. As your friends and parents what they would say about a 10K monthly salary...
Last, but not least, it is reasonable to expect that Corporate Black Ops teams will average close to the salary of trained special forces, albeit a bit higher. So let's say they pay 20% more (which is massive in economic terms), then your average Red Samurai would earn about 60,000¥ a YEAR.
If a corp would have to pay a runner team 20,000¥ per runner for a particular job, it would be financially feasible to hand it over to an in-house asset instead (read: it would be cheaper). Deniability can only account for so much.
QUOTE (AngelisStorm @ Dec 30 2009, 10:20 AM)

I also don't believe you are -the- authority on illegal economics, unless you plan on throwing down some pretty impressive credentials.
Neither do I have "impressive credentials", nor did I claim any. All I have are common sense, real life numbers and 20+ years of shadowrun experience (which a LOT of other people can list on their resumes as well). What I DO have, however, are arguments. Rational, reasonable arguments, backed by real numbers, actual modern day salaries as well as offical CGL SR adventure payouts.
That is heckload more than what you had to offer so far.
QUOTE (AngelisStorm @ Dec 30 2009, 10:20 AM)

And finally, as already mentioned, your system would not allow characters such as riggers and street sams advancement. Let alone mages who would like some foci someday.
That statement needs evidence to back it up. Since "improvement" is a subjective term, that stetement is ridiculous to start with. But even if we would define improvement as substantial growth in ability, Riggers and street sams still have more than enough opportunity to grow.
If new toys and 'ware are nescesary, they don't nescessarily have to be paid for by cash. They could be special arrangements with your employer.
If your idea of "Rigger improvement" consists of "getting that MiG-37", you already have a pretty warped view on (SR) reality. And believe it or not, not every Rigger needs a Naval Ship-to-Ship Laser on their Partyvan.
QUOTE (AngelisStorm @ Dec 30 2009, 10:20 AM)

I haven't responded to several other posts because I don't like your writing style (I will hold back "attitude" for the moment), but really man. Your opinion that there are not illegal activies out there (in the fictional setting of SR, let alone the real world) which are worth more than 20K is laughable. Sure, you can pay a gang member a few thousand to drive-by someone, but you think a professional is going to kill someone for that amount?

I even listed an official payout for high-profile wetwork: 250,000¥ for the team (found in "Ghost Cartels"). I also mentioned why those types of runs are extremely dangerous and extremely rare (there are only so many high profile targets to begin with). As far as real-life wetwork goes: You can pay a ganger a couple hundred bucks and he will kill someone for you. Life is cheap these days. It is even cheaper in SR's 2070s.
Last but not least, even WHEN there are jobs in SR that warrant a payout above 50K per team, it is often more feasible (from a financial perspective) for a corp to simply use in-house assets instead.
Now whether you like my style (or attitude) is quite frankyl none of my concern. If you want me to take your opinion serious, you need to provide rational and/or reasonable numbers or arguments. So far all you brought to the table were emotional statements (some of them facts) which had no impact on my arguments.
And while you may not like my attitude, keep in mind that I replied to your post in full, I read it in full, I did not resort to insults or personal attacks and I still treat you with respect. I expect the same in return.