Last reply before I head out to the party.
QUOTE (Ascalaphus @ Dec 31 2009, 03:41 PM)

Don't exaggerate or turn arguments I never used against me. Most people are arguing that 5K is low, while 20K is a lot.
You was in plural, but I agree, I didn not communicate that very well. My apologies.
QUOTE (Ascalaphus @ Dec 31 2009, 03:41 PM)

Your "twice a month" is a big assumption that you use to justify your figures. If you get a run only every other month, then your figures make no sense.
Since the time between runs is purely arbitrary up to the GM, the pay scale is rather difficult to determine. I'd say that breaks between runs make sense though; time to lay low, let heat die down, heal up, repair stuff, train, research possible targets, establish new safe houses and SINs, practice escape routes, wait for hard-to-get gear etc.
Finally, previously nearly all runners were SINless, and without a SIN, living a superior lifestyle was problematic. They've rather glossed over the whole SINless thing in SR4 though.
How many times do I have to explain that external arguments (read: what the players and gamemasters want) have no impact on the reasonability and rationality of a statement related to the continuity of the SR universe?
For the character, Running is his Job. His income. His livelyhood. If he needs money, he tries to get a job. If he doesn't get enough jobs to pay his rent, that's life. It's called unemployment.
Tell me something: if you went to a temp agency and told them I hve monthly expenses of 2,000 USD but I can only work once every 2 months, so you'd have to pay me 4,000 USD each time I work, what do you think their reaction would be towards that business proposal?
Just because your GM decides that you only get a job every 2 months does not qualify as an argument that it shouldl pay more. You should rather talk to your GM to be more reasonable and offer jobs more often than every other month. Your gaming group doesn't have to stay in sync with real time commitments. Actually, it never does. Or are you actually waiting for nightfall, before you continue with your infiltration rolls? Often times, during a single gaming sessions, multiple days wil pass. That's nothing to worry about. But it's a perfect excemple of why you cannot use real-life time restrictions as a bearing as to how often the runners get a job.
Last but not least in that regard, you STILL cannot get a lifestyle above squatter without a SIN. Does that keep runnners from getting a fake SIN? Hell no. Nothing changed in that regard in any of the editions. Only now, there is an actual ruling for it.
QUOTE (Ascalaphus @ Dec 31 2009, 03:41 PM)

What is the maximum corp budget for a job? As long as it's cheaper than the legal alternative. So a prototype worth 500K is worth hiring people for as long as they cost less than 500K. Expecting it to cost only 50K is surreal; if that happens regularly, then Rival Corp Inc. is doing a bad job on their security, and will likely go out of business soon. Because a 900% return on investment is pretty special.
If a corp pays you 500K for an item worth 500,000 then they just made a net loss. That's retarded and I am pretty sure you can agre with that. The copr still has expenses. The Jhonson needs to get paid. Often times the corp provides initial intel, which also costs ressources (read: money). Then there may be additional gear required to complete the mission which has to be paid as well.
And last but not least, the corp also aims to get a profit out of it and since SR IS a dystopia, they will make sure that the lion's share will be theirs, not the team's.
Of course it is impossible to throw out general numbers here, but if the target is worth 500,000¥ it is pretty likely the corp won't pay you more than let's say 50,000¥ for the job, so they can get enough profit out of it.
Now, if the target was worth several million Nuyen to the corp, the payout could be nicer. But usually such targets are better secured and the Jhonson will most likely not use a Team with a low to no rep for such a mission. Remember, we are still talking about the "In Debt" Quality here.
QUOTE (Ascalaphus @ Dec 31 2009, 03:41 PM)

Certainly, corporations try to get their shadow work done on the cheap, but if it can be done for 50K, you better hire people for 100K to make sure Corp C doesn't get there first.
No, you make sure your own intel department gets better funding, so the target ends up on your radar first.
QUOTE (Ascalaphus @ Dec 31 2009, 03:41 PM)

So what is deniability worth? Well, the CC can dish out pretty harsh penalties. After all, these were intended to prevent open warfare (which is what using in-house assets and getting caught amounts to.) The penalties are meant to intimidate even AAA corporations. It's certainly worth the rather meager fees of shadowrunners.
The likelihood for the CC to hand out punishment depends heavily on the potential financial loss involved. Which directly reflects in your payment, so the CC reaction is hardly a reasonable argument here, while we are still talking about runs below the 100K payout threshold. Now as to whether the other Corp will react is a completely different matter of course.
QUOTE (Ascalaphus @ Dec 31 2009, 03:41 PM)

You expect perfect result runners, since they can't afford mistakes in your estimation. And then you turn around and say there's a hundred others who will do the job.
And that's exactly the Jhonson's argument. More importantly it is the (in-the-know-)shareholder argument.
QUOTE (Ascalaphus @ Dec 31 2009, 03:41 PM)

Part of the expense can be in making sure the job goes right. The price of failure is high; you generally can't retry an extraction, and they'll always be on their guard next time.
And that reflects positively on your reputation, which will allow you to gain access to higher profile missions. Look at it as an investment, if you will.
QUOTE (Ascalaphus @ Dec 31 2009, 03:41 PM)

And the only way to keep your career a net profit, is to make profit on standard runs, as well as save up for bad luck insurance; which means a run will have to pay above subsistence levels.
The 5-10K¥ I used (5K regular, up to 10K) per run are FAR above subsistence. If you spend more than that per month, you need to rethink your startegies. Now, will it make you a rich MoFo al decked out in deltaware? Certainly not.
QUOTE (Ascalaphus @ Dec 31 2009, 03:41 PM)

Professional runners need to invest in making a good name for themselves, yes. But if you invest without any returns, you're not a good businessman. If Johnson doesn't want looting, he'll have to pay for that. This is not charity.
Wrong. It's not the Jhonson's job to get you to be professionals. It's yours to be some.
QUOTE (Ascalaphus @ Dec 31 2009, 03:41 PM)

Gosh, and you call that professional? I'd say that a good, loyal street sam is worth a lot more than a 25K drone.
Since it's IC chat, you don't need to take it literal and since a 25K Drone is about the average annual gross income of your corporate wageslave, it IS worth more than the lives of some. Especially, if the Rigger's future income depends on it (even only partially). The Sam should understand that since he wouldn't consider throwing his cyberarm to the wolves, either. Neither would the Decker throw away his Commlink.
That little IC talk should illustrate to you that Runners won't sacrifice their livelyhood to get our of a situation. They use whatever else they have as ressources to get out of there.
That all said: I'm off to the party. Happy New Year!
Ninja Edit: It is neither my intention nor my right to tel you how you should pay your runners as a GM. If your group has fun blowing shit up or in general add new toys on a regular basis, more power to them. If the campaigns you design as a GM require a higher payout to remain financially feasible for the team, increase the payout. If you think 2M¥ for a run sounds reasounable to you, go for it.
My entire argument is about what is "reasonable" or "realistic" in regards to the SR universe. If that coincides wit how you want to play, awesome. If not, still great; you'll just have to change the payouts.
You can NOT, however argue that "In Debt" is too cheap, or overpowred, if you use your own overinflated payouts as a basis against a quality that is clearly balanced against a 5-10K payout. That is my entrie argument and I am at a loss why we are still arguing.