QUOTE (Falconer @ Jan 23 2010, 10:13 AM)
1. a woman is born w/ all her egg cells she'll use during her lifetime. Those aren't modified during genetherapy. Sexual cells have radically different DNA strands than normal cells and would not respond the same way to gene therapy.
Then again, is there any particular reason why, if the gene therapy is elective (at least close enough for government work, so to speak), would it be necissarily inconcieveable (pardon the pun) that she would have her eggs altered too?
2. EVEN WHEN THE DNA IS MODIFIED, the essence reductions still carry to the next generation. See Ghouls... even natural born ghouls still only have 5 essence. And that's about as close to a natural genetic therapy as you can get.
No it's not and we both know it. Ghouls, and all Infected for that matter, have variable Essense that rises and dips like a yo-yo due to their metabolism and feeding schedule. They are about as relevant to this matter as corporeal Free Spirits, since no known non-infected non spirit anything has the power Essesence Drain (not even as a spell, last time I checked, though with the Dragons and Immortal Elves you can never be too sure
3. Another thing which isn't addressed is... if this is the case. Then you've set the grounds for a massive eugenics movement... especially one devoted to making superhumans through controlled evolution. The only thing is you've taken animal husbandry and turned it on it's head.
Actually, there could be multiple such movements. This is Shadowrun after all. Humanis/Human Nation and the New Dawn spring instantly to mind. Haplotheist Vedic faction Hindu fundamentalists and/or Nazi groups are another...
4. No good reasons have been given GAMEWISE... why a character should get something for nothing. If for 10BP I can get +1 reaction on my dwarf WITHOUT AN ESSENCE HIT and further ongoing benefits... as opposed to 20BP for the quality. Then there's a clear problem w/ game balance mechanics.
Well, at my table, the benefits of Genecrafted aren't included in the Genetic Heritage quality (since usually only one parent is modified and they weren't planned mattings between mom and dad in that sense) and must be bought seperately. (Genetic Heritage is still a 10 build point edge though). Of course, those are just House Rules, but its something Catalyst should have changed in an errata. There are so many stupid prejudices ingame that adding adding in metagame bigotries like
Gameplay and Story Segregation and
Violation of Common Sense can feel really tiresome.
Besides, at my table, people really wanting to max out on Bioware tend to take Type O System instead.