QUOTE (Tycho @ Feb 25 2010, 11:12 AM)

I do not see that SR4A encourages Min/Maxing beyond a certain level. There are in fact certian rules that limit specialisation, so you maximal dice pool can not exceed 20 or natural skill + natural Attr (whatever is higher). So all builds with 30-40+ dice simply loose all dice above this value.
the pornomancer is even more screwed: In social tests, the positive dice pool modifiers are limited to natural Cha+Skill, so a character with Cha 3 and Skill 3 can only get +6 Bonus dice (whereever they come from), but as much negativ mods as fit.
So SR4A in constrast to SR4 punishs overspecialisation and extreme minmaxing.
Well SR4a limits it a bit more than SR4, and SR4 only has a few caps at character creation. Most pornomancer builds were pre-SR4a, and remember the 20 dice cap is an optional rule...
Even so having 30 dice means you can pretty much always get the full 20 no matter the penalties. If you get a higher penalty than 10 it probably means the GM says it auto-fails ("I try to pick up the building").
Those social limits are not that good on the low end though.. mr super troll with minigun cannot intimidate people because he's got cha 1? Thus he only gets 1 bonus dice instead of the maybe 8 for circumstantial modifiers (physically imposing, wielding huge gun etc.). Having the skill+cha limit dice from ware/magic isn't a bad rule though.
But the reasons why SR is a good game for Min-Maxing is:
a: Everything is bought with Build Points (no rolling stats).
b: Costs for high stats/skills/contacts do not scale (4 1s cost the same as 1 at rating 4, thus you are encourages to take a few high ones and almost no low ones)
c: The karma system is different, thus you can get more out of your BPs if you Min-Max).
d: There are no levels in SR, you can start maxed out in skills if you want. Starting close to maxed out isn't even that expensive (buying a 5 for example).
QUOTE (Omenowl @ Feb 25 2010, 12:32 PM)

Actually a 1 charisma the person cannot hold a pleasant conversation unless they have the influence skill.
I view that as 2 rather than a 1 for said Lady. Our disabled man may have a low attribute, but a high skill. My point is to be functional in society for shadowrunning 1s do not make sense.
My 1 year old son probably has 1 in most of his stats except reaction, willpower, and perception. His agility is 1 because he falls on his face when he walks. Strength is 1 because he can move things just not anything heavy, Body 1 because he is 20 lbs. Then we have intelligence of 1 because he is learning, but has almost no life experience to call upon, 1 logic because he has almost no clue about consequences such as falling off a bed, 1 charisma because while he reacts to the world he cannot hold onto a conversation or interact meaningfully with people. Reaction 2 because he fends off the dogs and the spoon pretty easily. Perception 4 because he notices everything around him, and finally willpower of 2 because he is stubborn, but not as much as his parents. Yes, we have people with low stats, but that doesn't make them functional in the world of shadowrunning, nor does that make them an asset to the team. This is why I don't allow 1s at the table for mental stats and conditionally for 1s in physical stats.
That is my major problem with Min-maxers is there is a difference between optimizing points and abusing the system. Hey, in 2 sessions I get bump my attribute from a 1 to 2. My view is come back with a character who is a functional human being.
Where in the rules does it say that you need to roll dice to have a pleasant conversation? The only thing needed to have such a conversation is some language skill. Convincing someone, lowerng prices through barter, or being an inspiration leader however, requires some skills/charisma.
Also I have a different view of having a stat of 2. In my book it's very common - most women and men probably have a str 2. A 3 is the average, which means basically that if you add the str scores of all the normal humans in the world (toddlers and paraphlegics not included), and divide by that same number you get ca. 3. Those with physical work probably have a 3. A 1 is reserved for those much weaker than the average - which means a weak woman or a child. And by child I mean one old enough to otherwise function normally... a 10 year old maybe. A toddler can't be represented by SR stats and would probably have a major flaw (that will slowly go away). A one year old is simply not comparable to adults, at least not Shadowrunners. Just think of all the Incompetence flaws

. They simply need to take a level in "human."
If you don't want your players to make characters with 1s, challenge them in the areas they are weak. In no time they will improve their stats. Make sure str 1 characters can carry what they want. Have mr 1 charisma take etiquette tests in various situations. But really, nothing in the system itself says that having 1s means you can't function as a human or even a Shadowrunner. It only says you have 1 die less than having a 2.
As mentioned in Game Concepts, normal attributes range
between 1 and 6.
Note the use of the word
normal That means neither 1 nor 6 is freakish. They have even made a 7 that you need a quality to take. They probably didn't bother making anything below 1 because they assumed no player would want a person so weak that they can't function ok in normal life.