QUOTE (otakusensei @ May 5 2010, 09:23 AM)
You're example about investing does hinge on the assumption that IMR is salvageable. While with enough money any company can be considered salvageable to some degree, I was pointing out that I did not believe the smaller investor would ever see a return if they were to invest in IMR now.
Based on what your desired outcome of the company folding?
You are correct that I do not have direct access to current financial data, but this is a speculation thread. To that end though, my guess is an educated one considering the data that was recently leaked and IMRs inability to meet a robust publishing schedule over the last few years.
I'm not going to touch the eudcated word but frankly I think you very much overstate the quality of your advice or assumption.
It makes sense that if they could have published their more recent books in a timely manner they would have. Leaving a book in dev hell for years is a waste of money, yet Corp Guide isn't published. I have yet to see real action from IMR toward a resolution to the problems that I have identified, recent rumors excluded.
I forget which publisher do you work for? What unique insider insights do you have? Yes I'd like to see Corp Guide and 6WA published as much as anyone but acting like your opinion has been changed because the company you have professed wanting to see go down hasn't held themselves accountable to you published a book they've not released a street date for is hardly grounds for alarm.
You're right, I don't think there are enough people left at IMR to leak pro-IMR information. But like I mentioned above, a leak is the type of thing that tends to get everywhere, hence the analogy to plumbing. IMR has had some pretty bad plumbing up until recently, in this case the level of professionalism they took with internal documents and bookkeeping, and I hope they have figured out how to fix that because it's necessary and should have been done long ago. It's what a business has to do to continue being a business. I'm simply stating that I don't believe that Frank and AH call each other up and talk about the information that they aren't going to leak. Sitting back and assuming that there must be pro-IMR news in equal or greater measure to the leaks is foolish. IF there was there would be no reason to hide it. Why let your good name became so damaged if you could explain away the accusations? More likely there isn't a silver bullet and IMR really is in freefall.
Let me be absolutely wonderfully perfectly offensively clear on this point which is my personal opinion shaped by life experiences etc.
Leaking confidential documents which you have no right to do so into the public domain on a forum is not an ethical or morally defensible, regardless of the status of NDA's or the supposed justification of the parties involved those who have chosen to leak those documents, In this case with the exception of an owner choosing to do so (not proven but possible) it comes down to an individual lack of credibility and ethics. Now it is possible even probable that some felt they had no other recourse, but that's not actually functionally true. It might be excusable if a minimum necessary pass around was done to make a good faiith effort to right a wrong or if the wrongs committed were so great. For me at least that standard tends to start at murder, for others it's different.So in short, just because there are those in IMR/CGL who believe in keeping confidential information they are entrusted with *gasp* confidential does not mean positive things are not happening. Further to suspect those who who have already shown questionable moral judgment might be selectively filtering information or that their sources might have been closed off as the company responds to the level of leaks is not all that far fetched.
There are a lot of parties that are biased one way or the other in regards to IMR keeping the license. But where as the anti-IMR side can point to delays and spreadsheets, the pro-IMR side seems to think that it helps to pick at the details or that there is some weight to saying "Wait and see".
Well details are important and addressing factional inaccuracies is what you tend to do in an argument if you don't feel comfortable dressing up whole fabrication or blind speculation as events that are occurring. I will also at this point address that the only new information over the past two or three weeks and what 5 or 6 threads has been essentially, whole bunch of bad news drops, announcements that steps are being taken, announcements of legal filing and then response to same and then things getting back to normal but those steps being attacked as "schemes" or whatever. THe "anti" camp is quickly running out of lines, wait and see isn't perfect but it's functionally accurate as we all await the deadline.
I'm glad I amuse you, I'm having my say here; the same as you. And yes, I would call that excellent company.
If it makes you feel any better I've filed you away as well. You have a horse in this race, and I'm sure you'd like to get a paycheck eventually. So I can understand your optimism, even if I question your logic and motivation.
I'm going to address this bit just so all facts are straight and all cards are on the table, wearing biases on our sleeves as AH likes to say. Maybe this will help you understand my motivation and logic better. Before I could get theoretically paid I'll need to finish and submit my work, but even when I do that the amount I'm been quoted (as a missions freelancer) is of such a small amount to approach irrelevancy in comparison to my day job especially considering the time I'm putting in to the project. But then again I'm not writing books only splats for other folks to use and enjoy, and to be quite frank, it's work I've done for free on other game lines that I've frankly liked less then shadowrun. And it's similar work to what Knasser has done that i've benefited from. So yes in a sense this is a unique opportunity I'm jumping at with gusto to write even tangentially for SR, it's a pretty cool thing to happen to a fanboy. But that
does not have much to do with my feelings for CGL or my bafflement over the vitriol of the opposition. Honestly my main concern in the near term for this whole mess is how it will affect my con plans in the short term and how it will affect SRM in the mid to long term, the more pressing over that is the questionable status a regime change will put the SR line into. In closing a paycheck doesn't even come into the calculations.
Just that justice is served and the line continues with care and quality for another 20 years.
I can get behind this sentiment entirely and most of the rest of the paragraph as well. I just think we have a different sense of justice and ends justify the means.