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QUOTE (Critias @ Feb 21 2013, 04:18 PM) *
Heheh, just giving you shit, man. I know now everyone keeps usernames/real names straight, etc, etc.

... your real name isn't Critias?

::cry:: I've been lied to all these months! ::cry::

j/k, of course. ^_^
Surprised you guys don't add on your handles for such things, to help out us with reality impairment..
there is a list for these things on somewhere dumpshock actually i think . .
but we are lazy too.
Yeah what a bothe double checking and matching names... Atleast Patrick and Trollman makes it easy for us nyahnyah.gif
Well, Patrick at least.
Trollman was banned.

also, new Update:
[ Spoiler ]
Looking odd/looking good
Ah damn it <.<
[ Spoiler ]
At least it's (hopefully) the right kind of delay.
i just got a mail
with my invite for the early access release on monday the 31st of march
I procrastinated too long and missed the kickstarter.


QUOTE (Stahlseele @ Mar 28 2014, 12:18 PM) *
i just got a mail
with my invite for the early access release on monday the 31st of march

So any word when we peons who didn't contribute to the kickstarter will be able to play?
QUOTE (Fabe @ Mar 29 2014, 06:03 AM) *
So any word when we peons who didn't contribute to the kickstarter will be able to play?

if i remember correctly, the word was june or july . .
QUOTE (Fabe @ Mar 29 2014, 01:03 AM) *
So any word when we peons who didn't contribute to the kickstarter will be able to play?

They said tomorrow, March 31st @ 9am PST, for $30 = Windows PC only Steam Early Access, includes a Campaign account when Shadowrun Online officially launches. Mac support coming ASAP, Linux support later too.
it can be installed via steam by now

it's also 30% off on early access on steam right now

only 35€ for the deluxe package
I got my codes and junk, just haven't had time to play it yet (and likely won't for at least a week or so).
Plays like a rough early version of SRR. I kinda wish they'd harmonize controls more with SRR; if anything, it'd make traversing between systems that much more pleasant.

Shooting through walls is kind of annoyingly regular. And yes, it is very, very Alpha. Very.
Sendaz are calling it a AAA? (Alpha of an Alpha of an Alpha) nyahnyah.gif
QUOTE (Stahlseele @ Apr 18 2013, 07:45 PM) *
also, new Update:
[ Spoiler ]

I remember (possibly because it really happened) that the SRR and SRO stories were related somehow. It sounds to me like the end of SRR dragonfall and the SRO beginning vision might be the connection.
QUOTE (Iduno @ Apr 5 2014, 12:37 AM) *
I remember (possibly because it really happened) that the SRR and SRO stories were related somehow. It sounds to me like the end of SRR dragonfall and the SRO beginning vision might be the connection.

SRR is somewhere between SR3 and SR4 and SRO is between SR4 and SR5 though i think . . So not really sure how that's supposed to be compatible with each other . .
Played the 4 missions. I'm not very impressed.
The mood is nice (music is great, the dialogs give some character to the PCs) but so far the gameplay lacks depth.
It would be ok alongside a full-blown RPG (as in SR:R) but if it's to be the core of the game, then it's not enough.
I was thinking about this game recently. Their plans were way beyond reasonable, they had massive server issues during launch, and it was based on the CFD plot. But I still enjoyed it quite a bit. I think the crew was big on ideas and feeling, and tried, but didn't really think things through before doing them.

While the skill tree was too short (you could max out an entire skill tree pretty quickly, or more likely several. That was the cause of many other terrible design/balance decisions.) and didn't really branch (most levels were a choice of 2 things), it was an interesting idea. You put skill points into decking or pistols or magic or whatever weapon, and you got 2 weapon slots as well as body and willpower trees (if I remember correctly). So you could be a summoner and a mage, or a decker and a mage, or whatever. And you could experiment without building a brand-new character. But characters felt both different and fairly well-balanced the entire game. Well, pistols having a ~50% chance of getting another shot every time they shot, and the procing off itself was a bad idea. Then they decided you should get all of the bonuses from weapons you don't have equipped as well, so people had a place to put skill points after halfway through the game.

The metatype and background combination still made the game characters interesting, because you specialized before you started. You'd get something like 10% extra damage, more crits, longer-lasting summons, or extra hitpoints. I played an extra-critty human pistoleer at the start, then changed because it was so obviously overpowered (pistols did the second least damage, each weapon 1 point less than the next. But higher-quality weapons each added +1 damage). I also played a rigger/decker for a while to be able to clean up enemies everyone else couldn't finish off. But my favorite was an ork (extra damage and HP?) who took the "dancer" specialization. Fewer hitpoints, but I got a dodge bonus. Even late-game enemies with their 150% chance to hit or whatever would still miss me somewhat regularly. I'd also play with shotguns (ranged and a melee stun), hammers (melee, with stun and mobility), and swords (mobility and melee). My weird utility build with high mobility meant I felt like I was contributing in a way most other people weren't.

The dress-up part of the game making everyone look different was pretty cool, too.

There were a lot of problems with the game, but it would be nice if someone took some of the good ideas and built on them, and knew what to avoid. Having "no LOS needed" low-damage hacking, next to med-damage shotguns, or AoE magic, or summons and having them feel balanced through most of the game was cool. Pushing everything into late-game meant only one style usually got used. There was a fair amount of roleplay early-on, and costumes, and experimenting with weird characters. Let people feel like a team of specialists, give lots of choices, keep the immersiveness with the world, but come up with a less-terrible story, and plan for players to actually play the game a lot.
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