Honestly though, I think respect is usually build mutually, so if we want the fans to respect the game, we should respect the fans.
If only everyone making a game thought like this. ^_^ *does not look into any direction AT ALL*
plus who says we don't want story?
Fair enough, but engaging stories don't go very well with a multiplayer-oriented game ... though, if you would focus on a single-player playable game, add in saves somehow (though no idea if that's even possible with online games), you could do story-driven 'runs'. that's forfeiting the core market for browser games though, the hardcore casual gamers. It'd certainly be a risk. Not that I'd mind particularily if it results in a game that's playable without killing you by way of boredom after a few dozen turns of always the same crap.
Yes, runs will be instanced missions, but they will also be about sneaking, freeing a hostage or stealing a weapon prototype. We are looking at having a sort of homebase for runners, where they can modify weapons and equipment, create custom made software etc.
You can "rent" runners to add to your team for the run or play with other players live.
We may have some Mafia Wars style "legwork" jobs, where other players can support you asynchronously - just so you do have some short session gameplay as well, if you don't care for a longer session at that moment.
That sounds a lot more promising than the words "bowser based online game" would imply, at least. Having a look at your Jagged Alliance game, how will you handle PvP in your Shadowrun game? Mandatory, only in an arena? PvP is one of the components that annoy me most in online games. Also, what about character death? Shadowrun is pretty harsh there, since the world disallows magic for resurrection, timetravel and teleportation.
What about looks? You said you want to improve on those in JA2? That's good, because the looks there are rather surprisingly uncrappy for a browser-based game (in case the images under "screen shots" are from your game and nocht "back in action"). How configurable will the avatars be? And
please try and use artwork from the game's books instead of reinventing the wheel, we'd be eternally grateful if the MPUV actually looked like an MPUV and not just bore the name.

But let me ask a question here then: Would you prefer a true turn based combat (every action costs Action Points or one can do two simple actions per turn etc.) or would you prefer a slow moving real time, where the turn based is "hidden" (like with Baldur's Gate or Neverwinter Nights) and each action simply takes a certain time. This choice means tactics vs action. True turn based would allow much more options in combat like changing stance, reloads, cover etc. while real time makes for a more fluid, action oriented experience.
Turn based,
please. Will you use the current rules in the background to resolve combat, or will you go for a rules set less prone to instant kills?
Also, in case you're still looking for artists for the game, try
Biometal or
Klaus Scherwinski or, of course,
Raben-AAS. All have some degree of familarity with the game (which, considering the MS disaster, is a good thing), and all are good at what they do. Biometal designed most of the current Edition's weapons, for instance, Klaus Scherwinski has done illustrations for countless books and written for the German books, Fastfood is just a fan but very good with poses, and AAS is both a very skilled writer and artist, and frequently around on this board, too.
Not wanting to push you or spit on your resident artists, just options you might want to have a look at.