Besides, I meant you made an unsupported leap between 'no organs' and 'nothing *at all* that can be hurt physically'. After all, a car or a block of clay have no organs, but they can be hurt by swords and bullets.
Mar 19 2011, 10:27 PM
technically, no, they can not be hurt, they can only be damaged. furthermore each of those two are made up of smaller parts that could be seen as it's organs for lack of a better word.
Mar 19 2011, 10:31 PM
Hurt means damaged. A block of clay has parts that could be seen as organs? This is fun, do another.
Mar 19 2011, 10:33 PM
clay is what? equal parts sand, little stones and humidity? make it dry, it crumbles under it's own weight. take out the stones and it's sludge. take out the sand and it's some wet stones rolling around.
Mar 19 2011, 10:40 PM
That sounds more like concrete. Clay is effectively homogeneous. Not that it's relevant, because that has nothing to do with 'organs'. Damaging (with sword or bullet) a block of clay would be chipping, cracking, and de-shaping. And, perhaps, filling with foreign bullet shards.
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