QUOTE (Cain @ Mar 17 2011, 11:56 AM)
What is true is that the laws of Sympathy exist in Shadowrun magic. SO, rather it's air or an airlike substance, it's magical enough to share many of the same properties.
No, not really:
On the Forms of Spirits
Spirits appear on initial inspection to incorporate a great
diversity of materials into their corporeal forms, from water to
bone, fire to plasteel. After decades of study, it appears that the
materialized forms of spirits are not actually composed of pre-
viously recognized substances. Indeed, the studies of Halthmer
et al. demonstrate basic property equivalencies in the constitu-
ent structures present in earth elementals and the spirit of Mt.
Rainier. The most commonly accepted interpretation of their
data is that spirits are largely composed of some kind of common
arcane material regardless of apparent structure—a recombinant
protoplasm that replicates function, mass, texture and properties
near enough as to provide no physical difference.
> In English, that means that a spirit is just as dangerous if it
looks like a little girl with a lollipop as it is if it looks like a sword-
wielding oni. A spirit can cut you in half just as well with a card-
board tube as with a katana.
> Sticks
> Unless that happens to be a katana that the spirit, y’know,
picked up. Not all weapons wielded by spirits are part of the
spirit’s form.
> Haze
Substantial evidence exists that arcane properties and ar-
chetypical elemental oppositions also translate as properties
of corporeal materialized forms. Spirits associated with water,
such as water elementals, sylphs, and river spirits, exhibit hostile
reactions to fire, and spirits tied to fire react similarly to water.
Another intriguing aspect of a spirit’s corporeal form is
its senses. Despite having no nervous systems, spirits react
negatively to damage to their physical and astral forms—simi-
lar to how a physical creature displays pain. Spirits frequently
object to being sent into positions where disruption is likely,
and when directly questioned about the phenomenon, spir-
its have tended to describe disruption as an agonizing event
more often than as simple dissipation. Likewise a spirit’s sen-
sory perception is very different from our own. Even when a
spirit materializes into our world, it still exists primarily as an
astral creature. When observing an object, a spirit sees the au-
ras and shadows first and the physical characteristics second.
Physical details metahumans characterize as obvious are fre-
quently overlooked entirely by spirits. Interaction with tech-
nological display devices and simsense such as commlinks and
simrigs is even more tenuous. The location of a spirit’s visual
ability is at the very least variable; and as there is no nervous
system to connect to, the technical difficulties of making such
an AR setup are far from trivial.
As they see here, what the spirit looks like has very little to do with what it is. Fom =/= Function. The laws of sympathy
don't apply.
QUOTE ( @ Mar 17 2011, 11:56 AM)
So, you can put out a fire elemental with a fire extinguisher, despite the fact that most modern fire extinguishers aren't water or have rules in Shadowrun. Acid hurts spirits, even though they're made of an arcane material. Hell, bullets shouldn't affect a spirit, by that logic. If you go too far down the handwaving and chanting "Its' MAAAAGIC" path, you'll end up concluding that spirits cannot be hurt by mundane means at all, which is just insane.
The way I read the text in Street Magic, Materialized spirits are more like a blob of ectoplasm held together by the spirit's essence. Kind of like iron filings shaped into a pattern by a magnet. They tend to react badly to big, impacty things that tear out chunks of ectoplasm or make holding it together hard, by consuming it's pseudomatter in a brutal chemical reaction (fire, acid). But they don't have a nervous system, so something that relies on attacking the particular metahuman physiology like neurostun (presumably a neurotoxin) wouldn't find anything to affect.