QUOTE (longbowrocks @ Apr 6 2011, 01:08 AM)

I recall a few people disliking the troll archer because destroying tanks with arrows is unrealistic. I finally took the opportunity to read up a bit on the magic system in shadowrun, and I believe I have a build they will like even more.
Night begins to fall, and the MET2000 assault team is growing tired. They retreat to their encampment, comforted by the knowledge that no one would dare take on the monstrosity keeping watch over them: a fully decked out Aztechnology Cuanmitztli with 36 body and 30 armor. Well, no one except a troll with a bow, too much 'ware, and access to military grade software. Then again, what are the chances of encountering one of those in the middle of the Bogota rainforest? Suddenly, a creature bursts out of the jungle and rushes the tank! The entire camp watches, speechless, as the troll adept shoves his hand through the tank's armor and rips out its control system. The troll retreats before anyone can react, too cool a guy to look at the exploding tank behind him. The commander on site kneels to the ground in tears; "Damn you trolls! Damn you all to power gaming hell!"
There's no limit on critical strike, and it costs 0.25 per level.
While this has been shot down, I decided to take this idea to its natural conclusion. Unless I am grossly misinterpreting the elemental damage rules, or things that look like they stack actually don't, I have an adept who can take down the Cuanmitzil with a single kick. (btw what sourcebook does that come out of? I can't find any vehicle with over 20 armor)
Night begins to fall, and the MET2000 assault team is growing tired. They retreat to their encampment, comforted by the knowledge that no one would dare take on the monstrosity keeping watch over them: a fully decked out Aztechnology Cuanmitztli with 36 body and 30 armor. Well, no one except a troll with a bow, too much 'ware, and access to military grade software. Then again, what are the chances of encountering one of those in the middle of the Bogota rainforest? Suddenly, a creature bursts out of the jungle and rushes the tank! The entire camp watches, speechless, as the flaming troll taps the tank once to line up his strike, then unleashes a blinding kick ripping straight through the armor, and continue to watch in horror as the tank bursts into flames, and they all begin to cook inside. The commander on site kneels to the ground in tears; "Damn you trolls! Damn you all to power gaming hell!"Punchy McEpic, Tankslaying Troll:
Base 10(12) str, 5 (6) Agi, 6 Magic
Adept [5]
Class 1 Surge (+10/-5) [5]
-Bone Spikes (+5)
-Elongated Limbs (+5)
-Critter Spook (-5)
Restricted Gear (Heavy Military Grade Armor) [5]
Martial Arts 4 [20]
In Debt (30,000) [-30]
Addiction (Mild) [-5]
Martial Arts:
Boxing: +2 DV Unarmed
Kickboxing: +2 DV unarmed
Full Offense
Finishing Move
Kick Attack
(4 others don't matter)
Muscle Toner 1 (Alpha)
Muscle Augmentation 2 (Alpha)
Reflex Recorder (Unarmed Combat) (Alpha)
Bone Lacing (Aluminum) (Beta)
Total Essence Cost: .7 bio, .56 Cyber, .98 total. 5.02 essence/magic remaining
Adept Powers:
-Critical Strike 5 (1.25)
-Penetrating Strike 3 (.75)
-Killing Hands (.5)
-Elemental Strike (Fire) (.5)
-Improved Combat Ability (Unarmed Strike) 3 (1.5)
Extra .5 to be put wherever.
Unarmed Combat 6 (Martial Arts Specialization)
Heavy Military Grade Armor, Modded with Strength Upgrade 3
Force 2 Weapon Focus Gloves
This is all doable within 400 bp, with some to spare to increase other stats and get a few other skills.
Before combat, Troll shoots up with Kamikaze, and uses a simple action to activate his flaming fist of doom. +1 Body, +1 Agi, +2 Str, +1 Will +1 Initiative Pass.
Troll has effectively 7 Agility, and 10+2(augmentation)+2(kamikaze)+3(armor) = 17 strength.
Unarmed Strike base DV: 9 (str/2) + 2 (bone lacing) + 2 (kick boxing) + 2 (boxing) + 5 (critical strike) + 2 (bone spike surge) = 22 base DV.
He is attacking the tank with Fire Fists, using the maneuvers: Set Up, Full Offense, Kick Attack, and Finishing Move.
He has 3 Reach (1 troll, 1 elongated limbs, 1 kick attack).
So he rolls: 6 (skill) + 7 (agility) + 1 (reflex recorder) +2 (specialization) + 3 (adept power) +3 (reach) + 2 (all out attack) + 2 Weapon Focus = 26 dice average 8 hits (trunctuated rather than rounded up here) on his set up.
He then transitions into finishing move, adding the 8 hits from setup to the finishing move. This finishing move is a called shot, sacrificing 4 dice for +4 DV. Now rolling 30 dice, he gets an average 10 successes, for a DV of 36.
Tank has 36 body and 30 armor. Since the attack is an fire elemental attack, it is resisted with half impact armor. Tank's effeective armor against the attack: 30/2 - 3 = 12.
Tank rolls 48 dice to resist, resists on average 16, leaving 20 damage unmitigated.
Tank then rolls twice it's armor against the fire to avoid catching on fire. 60 dice vs DV 36, 20 successes, failure. Tank catches on fire for 16 base fire damage. That 16 damage adds with the 20 damage from the initial hit, causing 36 total damage. Tank has (36/2 +

= 26 boxes of health, and is now scrap.
Note: If you want to argue the tank has fire resistance (which would take us just outside of one hit kill range), with that extra .5 power points, pick up Acid Fist instead, does the same damage, but rather than doing the secondary attack instantly for a little less damage every extra turn it does the full 36 DV again, for a full 36 turns, or until they can wash off the entire tank, which is going to take more than the 3 seconds they have for it to be eaten through completely, because the second round's hit has enough damage to kill it.
And with 10 boxes of overkill damage, we could honestly take out the aggressive assault/set-up/finishing move, and be able to do this every turn without the no defending penalty.