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Daddy's Little Ninja
Considering that most dragons have massive information nets just getting past their security is going to be a trick. The Dragons themselves are ,as other people have said, tough. The military attacked Alamais with multiple vehical mounted lazar cannons. They thought he was dead and then he turned up again. Killing the Dunkelzahn was a major event and unlikely to be pulled off by petty runners, grade A runners or anything short of a megacorp. Aztechnology had all those toys and Ghostwalker crushed them in Colorado. Hetsaby drove back the military forces in the war between CFS and TT.

Even if you did kill one great dragon, do you not think the rest would start looking for revenge and how many runners could withstand the full influence of MCT and SK being turned on them. That is just 2 dragons.
AFAIK MCT isn't particularly dragon-controlled. Wuxing is in bed with Lung, all the Japanacorps try to stay on Ryumyo's good side, and NeoNET has Celedyr, but only S-K is truly pure-dragon-controlled.
Or so they would like you to think.
QUOTE (sabs @ Jun 29 2011, 11:23 AM) *
Or so they would like you to think.

That's just heresy.
There's more to power and wealth than just Corporations after all, and Dragons have some strange views of what the worth of something is.

Hell, look at all the stuff Dunkie had in his will! He stored nearly priceless chunks of magical ore in his SOCK DRAWER! (Them some big hooped socks, too!).
QUOTE (CanRay @ Jun 29 2011, 12:43 PM) *
There's more to power and wealth than just Corporations after all, and Dragons have some strange views of what the worth of something is.

Hell, look at all the stuff Dunkie had in his will! He stored nearly priceless chunks of magical ore in his SOCK DRAWER! (Them some big hooped socks, too!).

Makes you wonder what he has hidden for people to "discover" on their own...
Christian Lafay
QUOTE (HunterHerne @ Jun 29 2011, 06:03 PM) *
Makes you wonder what he has hidden for people to "discover" on their own...

Like what he kept in his underwear drawer?
QUOTE (Christian Lafay @ Jun 29 2011, 01:12 PM) *
Like what he kept in his underwear drawer?

You prepare the piloting agents to pre-sort that pile into relatively safe to behold things and the kind of horrors that would make the Shedim question how depraved our reality is. I'll start hoarding the brain bleach for the statistically inevitable failure of automation to save us from somebody else's depravity (and Dunke WAS a president AND A great dragon... two horrible flavors of depravity in one).
Christian Lafay
QUOTE (Rubic @ Jun 29 2011, 06:26 PM) *
You prepare the piloting agents to pre-sort that pile into relatively safe to behold things and the kind of horrors that would make the Shedim question how depraved our reality is. I'll start hoarding the brain bleach for the statistically inevitable failure of automation to save us from somebody else's depravity (and Dunke WAS a president AND A great dragon... two horrible flavors of depravity in one).

Found a magazine... "The Tails of Scales". Brain Bleach, please.
QUOTE (Rubic @ Jun 29 2011, 12:26 PM) *
You prepare the piloting agents to pre-sort that pile into relatively safe to behold things and the kind of horrors that would make the Shedim question how depraved our reality is. I'll start hoarding the brain bleach for the statistically inevitable failure of automation to save us from somebody else's depravity (and Dunke WAS a president AND A great dragon... two horrible flavors of depravity in one).
"Sir, we've just discovered something that could seriously hinder international relations."


"President Dunkelzahn, while he was president, had sex with more women than all the Kennedy's in office combined."

"How the *HELL* did that happen! He wasn't even in office for a day!"

"Apparently he was very busy, Sir."
QUOTE (Christian Lafay @ Jun 29 2011, 01:35 PM) *
Found a magazine... "The Tails of Scales". Brain Bleach, please.

OOH! The feathered serpent special! I don't have that one yet! Fair trade.
QUOTE (CanRay @ Jun 29 2011, 01:39 PM) *
"Sir, we've just discovered something that could seriously hinder international relations."


"President Dunkelzahn, while he was president, had sex with more women than all the Kennedy's in office combined."

"How the *HELL* did that happen! He wasn't even in office for a day!"

"Apparently he was very busy, Sir."

3 words: Hemipenis, brain bleach
QUOTE (Rubic @ Jun 29 2011, 01:05 PM) *
3 words: Hemipenis, brain bleach
Four Word Rebuttal: Too Kinky To Torture.
LBJ slept with more women on accident than Jack Kennedy ever did on purpose.
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