QUOTE (LurkerOutThere @ Nov 28 2012, 04:38 PM)
I think that's the biggest problem I had with the legion, their not just evil, they are mustache twirling evil. They walk around the world with the basic statement of "our way is right because we are the strongest." It just cries out for a punchy centric rebuttal.
It's the classic "might makes right" world-view.
Humorous fact: ten or twelve years ago, I was part of a Fallout-setting RP campaign using GURPS rules. I made me a little runt of a half-asian, ex-Khan ganger teenage kid, by the name of Darian. All of fifteen years old, but seriously dangerous. On the one hand, surprisingly-good martial arts skill (because skill and agility can beat pure power/Strength, when used right). And on the other hand ... an off-the-shelf Colt Python .357 magnum revolver, and just over two dozen bullets. Combined with a character built to assume full, hardcore Ranged Combat rules, and a GM who decided "range/speed/size modifiers slow the game down too much".
So, yeah. I ended up aiming for peoples' EYES ... and earned the nickname "Headshot Kid". One round to "ready weapon and aim", one round to fire; lather, rinse, repeat. 18 skill, +5 accuracy, -2 for location (normally -5, but he had 3 points of Hit Location maneuver fr that pistol ...). Net skill of 21, so it was "if the pistol doesn't explode in my hands, I hit". Sucker dealt 3d6+5 damage, IIRC. First two points destroys the eye itself, the rest passes to the brain ... where they get multiplied by FIVE. So, anywhere from 25 to 100 damage, averaging 65.
Note, typical human? Has 10 Health - possibly unconscious at 0, possibly dead at -10, and
no hope just roll a new character at -50.
Three times, out of forty-seven shots, I failed to kill my target on the first shot. Once, because I was aiming for his knee (we wanted a prisoner to question). Twice, because it was
the friggin' DeathClaw. ;D
Anyway, young Darian truly believed in "might makes right". So rather early on, he made a play for the "number one" slot in the party hierarchy, and had a nonlethalmatch with the other combat-oriented character (noone else was a threat). Much to that player's immediate shock, when his character's victory was obvious, Darian immediately surrendered, and accepted the other guy as the leader.
Wrapping my brain around someone who literally accepted, believed in, and even swore by "might makes right" / "the strong rule and the weak obey" .... was a challenge, but also, FUN. Making sure he wasn't just a little prick with a big gun, but was actually a functional, contributory member of the group was some of the best RP challenge I've had in the past twenty years.