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Finished BL2 just the other day with Maya, and I have to say its one hell of a game it has much more personality than the first, cant wait to see the DLC.

QUOTE (Yerameyahu @ Oct 3 2012, 03:44 PM) *
It would be really hard not to get that you're supposed to hate him, though. smile.gif It starts light (oh, he sneers a lot), but very quickly amps up into various war crimes and unspeakable atrocities… impressive.

The game producers came out and said that Handsome Jack is a douche.

Butt stallion!


CanRay, what's your steam ID?
Right, but I'm saying that's just not true. A douche drives up the left side of a line of merging cars on the highway. Hitler was not 'a douche'. nyahnyah.gif
Side note. I've acquired a Hyperion sniper rifle that nags me about killing people and is starting to make me feel guilty about killing bandits.

Somewhere out there is an orphan who doesn't know it yet. frown.gif
Finished on Maya as well - Level 32 and had a reasonable time of it, more due to a lucky selection of weapons for the end boss than any specific strategy.

Apparently, Jack has a bit of dialogue to say at the end, but as I just punched and punched and punched his twitching corpse for 3 minutes in a red-haze...I can honestly say I don't remember much of it.

Going on the "real" mode was a bit of a kick - after a respec I'm living and heal like a mofo but ammo dependancy is killer at the moment. Maybe I should start plugging a ton of Badass medals into melee and equip a melee pistol/rifle...

Great game - better with friends though, god.

And when the fuck are they going to drop to mechanomancer/dlc's:P

Oct 16, like they said a while ago. smile.gif
QUOTE (StealthSigma @ Oct 5 2012, 03:13 AM) *
Side note. I've acquired a Hyperion sniper rifle that nags me about killing people and is starting to make me feel guilty about killing bandits.

Somewhere out there is an orphan who doesn't know it yet. frown.gif

Worse than that, I had a bug where it was nagging every time I reloaded ANY weapon, even after I threw it in my bank. (that's the rifle you get as part of the XKCD reference).
QUOTE (X-Kalibur @ Oct 5 2012, 12:04 PM) *
Worse than that, I had a bug where it was nagging every time I reloaded ANY weapon, even after I threw it in my bank. (that's the rifle you get as part of the XKCD reference).

Sucks to be you.
QUOTE (StealthSigma @ Oct 5 2012, 12:41 PM) *
Fixed that for you. nyahnyah.gif
QUOTE (CanRay @ Oct 5 2012, 02:04 PM) *
Fixed that for you. nyahnyah.gif

I hope you referenced the song from that awesome awesome musical....

Apparently not.

Son I am disappoint.
Thank god logging out and switching charactrers fixed it.
I'll leave this here...
I got paid today, and thought about snapping up Borderlands 2, but I'm just not prepared to drop $60 on a game anymore.
QUOTE (Tanegar @ Oct 5 2012, 04:42 PM) *
I got paid today, and thought about snapping up Borderlands 2, but I'm just not prepared to drop $60 on a game anymore.

The main reason I preordered it (instead of waiting to buy it used like I normally do) is that some of our gaming buddies were excited to get it and wanted to play co-op with us, so we didn't want to wait like a year or two to get to play with them...and because my wife went "ooh!" when she saw some preview/concept art for the Mechnomancer DLC chick. So since that locked it in that we'd be picking up the DLC for her, I might as well preorder (and get it for free) instead of waiting (and having to pay $10 for the DLC).

But yeah. It's pretty rare for me to buy games new, and there are THREE this year that have enticed me into it (Sleeping Dogs, Borderlands 2, and Assassin's Creed III). That's...never happened before. I'm normally a huge "screw it, wait a few years and get it for $20" guy.
I never got through the first Assassin's Creed. There were just too many silly things, like galloping being a capital crime, or masquerading as a monk by bowing my head despite the sword hanging from my belt.
Ditto, Critias: my brother wanted to play together, and free Mechromancer. smile.gif
I haven't played any of the AC games since Assassin's Creed II, which was a huge improvement over the first one (in my opinion). I skipped over the other two, but I'm too big a fan of the period involved (what with teaching courses on it) to pass up any game set during the American Revolution. Even aside from the novelty of the setting, AC:III just looks like a solid game in all the trailers, etc, that I've seen. Naval combat, set-piece battles, guerilla-style fort raids, skirmishes in the streets of Boston, frontier hunting/tracking/killing action, and an hour of exclusive gameplay for my brand new PS3 (not counting my preorder special stuff)?

Yeah, I'm'a give it a shot. biggrin.gif
I'm an achievement/challenge whore... so is there anyone who has the PC version of BL2 that wouldn't mind helping me with some of the challenges?
Sorry man, just got the 360 version, here.
I'm on PC, but ...

(a) I'm not an Achiever type;
(b) I'm about to be very busy playing Dishonored and XCOM:EU.

QUOTE (_Pax._ @ Oct 7 2012, 07:46 PM) *
I'm on PC, but ...

(a) I'm not an Achiever type;
(b) I'm about to be very busy playing Dishonored and XCOM:EU.


What he said.
QUOTE (_Pax._ @ Oct 7 2012, 11:46 PM) *
I'm on PC, but ...

(a) I'm not an Achiever type;
(b) I'm about to be very busy playing Dishonored and XCOM:EU.

I found a pugger that was wanting to do them plus I've been joining into Playthrough 1 games where people are doing the Hyperion arena so getting teammate revives is easy. So unless I missed something I got all the lv1 challenges (win duels, revive teammates, and trade) and the non-level challenges related to coop done. Now there's only one thing that I know I need to do coop for and that's reviving someone on my Steam friend's list. Oh, and possibly killing Terroricus Tentaculus (I know that's not his name but it's not at catchy as Crawlermax).

Hodunk Raceway, Pimon and Tumbaa, Jackpot in Sanctuary, and defending the turrets defending the gateway to Hero's Pass. I might have 1 or 2 others unearned that I don't know about.
So, I bought Borderlands on Steam tonight. Fought my way from some fucking glacier of doom to Sanctuary on foot with crap guns that I was overleveled for. The best things I ever saw drop were some blues.

I randomly get a HOLY CRAP purple Hyperion SMG that shoots fire like nobody's business and has blades on the end, out of one of the god-damn LOCKERS in Scooter's upstairs.

Wander around the town, did some of Marcus' crap quests.

Power goes down for a split second.


I feel like I lack the will to go on.

[e]And I've searched. Evidently Gearbox decided to encrypt the BL2 saves, so no easy WillowTree savegame editor (yet). Goddamnit.
You'll get tons of other guns, and you can win with any random crap anyway. smile.gif The real problem in these games is too many good guns, forcing to you get rid of them. frown.gif

I'm surprised you didn't wander past a save point, though. I find that I'm constantly saving (accidentally, as evidenced by that flashing A vault icon).

Editing is cheating. Hehe.
QUOTE (Yerameyahu @ Oct 8 2012, 10:44 AM) *
You'll get tons of other guns, and you can win with any random crap anyway. smile.gif The real problem in these games is too many good guns, forcing to you get rid of them. frown.gif

I liked that gun!

I'm surprised you didn't wander past a save point, though. I find that I'm constantly saving (accidentally, as evidenced by that flashing A vault icon).

There aren't many save points in Sanctuary. Actually, I don't think there are any beside the one at the front.

Editing is cheating. Hehe.

Yes it is! And it's damn fun, too. I miss assembling ridiculous beardy cheeseguns in WillowTree for Borderlands.
QUOTE (ShadowDragon8685 @ Oct 8 2012, 10:37 AM) *

I'm sorry you lost a good gun, but you will get others. If you only just got to Sanctuary, it's very much "early days" yet.

New guns are literally everywhere. Open every container, kill anything that moves and isn't friendly, and vaccuum up everything.

Also ...? "Blues" are pretty decent drops in general. White (Common) <--> Green (Uncommon) <--> Blue (Rare) <--> Purple (Epic) <--> Yellow (Legendary) <--> Orange (Unique) <--> Cyan (Pearlescent)

Though I'm honest5ly not sure if Pearlescents exist in BL2, yet.
QUOTE (ShadowDragon8685 @ Oct 8 2012, 01:04 PM) *
Yes it is! And it's damn fun, too. I miss assembling ridiculous beardy cheeseguns in WillowTree for Borderlands.

The problem is, there's no difference between single-player saves and multiplayer saves.

Cheating is fun and okay if everyone involved agrees with doing it.

Cheating is not okay, if only some of the people playing have agreed to it.

And while you might not use those "beardy cheeseguns" in multiplayer with strangers ... many many many other people would, and get an extra kick out of their "better awesomeness".

Plus, Achievements.
Except you already have people who have +xxxx% bonuses from badass rank hacking, and they can go online with it.
QUOTE (X-Kalibur @ Oct 8 2012, 02:10 PM) *
Except you already have people who have +xxxx% bonuses from badass rank hacking, and they can go online with it.

First off, cheating is cheating. If they're hacking that badass rank, then they're cheating, and that's that.

Secondly, hacking aside ... BadAss ranks are generally going to give you around 5%, maybe as high as 7% or 8% at the level cap. My current character, a level 34 Commando early in the Second Playthrough, has:

None of that gamebreaking. Certainly not even close to the level of those "beardy cheeseguns" mentioned before.

Thirdly, those bonusses are no different from a lucky, but legitimate, drop: they're legit, so you can get them without cheating. ANYone can get them without cheating.

And finally: just because someone ELSE is cheating, does not make it right to start cheating, yourself. Not until literally everyone is cheating, openly and with the full consent of everyone around them.
I was more pointing out about making a gun with WillowEdit. You already have people duping and whatnot with high level weapons, shields, etc. Putting a gun together seems more like convenience option. I love sniper rifles but I hate running into Dahl rifles (damn burst fire on zoom). So maybe I'd just take those basic stats and move it over to say... a Jacobs (minus elemental effect) or Maliwan so that I don't have to deal with burst fire, but still have a better weapon.

I couldn't really care less either way.
QUOTE (_Pax._ @ Oct 8 2012, 11:16 PM) *
Thirdly, those bonusses are no different from a lucky, but legitimate, drop: they're legit, so you can get them without cheating. ANYone can get them without cheating.

Considering it takes 464 tokens(requiring a Badass rank of around 62k if you spend all the points for same think) to get a 100% bonus, it's quite save to say none legitimately has multiple that kind of bonuses.
QUOTE (_Pax._ @ Oct 8 2012, 04:16 PM) *
First off, cheating is cheating. If they're hacking that badass rank, then they're cheating, and that's that.

Secondly, hacking aside ... BadAss ranks are generally going to give you around 5%, maybe as high as 7% or 8% at the level cap. My current character, a level 34 Commando early in the Second Playthrough, has:

Your explanation of badass rank confuses me. Where are you getting a 5-8% figure for level cap? Are you aware that badass is account wide and not character specific? My lv36 Zer0 (the only character I've played) current has every bonus with a value of at least 5.2%. The way it works out is that you can prioritize 6 or 7 bonuses and only have benefit to those bonuses.

It's quite simple to farm badass rank on the console versions. Much harder on the PC. On the console versions you can just keep making characters over and over and get the 166 badass from winning duels. I'm not sure if both characters in splitscreen count towards badass. If they do, then it's probably more cost effective to farm the trading challenge.
QUOTE (StealthSigma @ Oct 8 2012, 04:41 PM) *
Your explanation of badass rank confuses me. Where are you getting a 5-8% figure for level cap? Are you aware that badass is account wide and not character specific? My lv36 Zer0 (the only character I've played) current has every bonus with a value of at least 5.2%. The way it works out is that you can prioritize 6 or 7 bonuses and only have benefit to those bonuses.

Yes, they're account-wide. So maybe if you play multiple characters to the level cap, you can get higher.

But for a single character, I think my estimates are reasonable.
Wait, really? Badass tokens are shared?

God-damn that's stupid. That was easy enough to cheat with using frigging CheatEngine, for crying out loud.

I didn't even want to fuck with the tokens, I just wanted a nice gun. frown.gif
keep making characters over and over and get the 166 badass from winning duels.
Oh god, that's incredibly tedious. Why bother?

Why shouldn't Badass be shared? It's not about cheating, unless you're just dying to waste hours 'farming' instead of playing. The nature of the badass rank means you get very little until level 4-5 on any challenge, which takes a while regardless.

If you want a nice gun, or the exact same gun but not Dahl, go find it. nyahnyah.gif That's not a moral position, like Pax's. It's just not fun to magic yourself whatever you want. smile.gif
QUOTE (ShadowDragon8685 @ Oct 8 2012, 07:05 PM) *
Wait, really? Badass tokens are shared?

God-damn that's stupid. That was easy enough to cheat with using frigging CheatEngine, for crying out loud.

I didn't even want to fuck with the tokens, I just wanted a nice gun. frown.gif

What's stupid about badass tokens being shared for all of a given player's characters? That it's easy to cheat? So what? Fuck cheaters, you can't build a game around trying to make life hard on folks who're going to hack themselves into winning anyways.
QUOTE (ShadowDragon8685 @ Oct 9 2012, 03:05 AM) *
Wait, really? Badass tokens are shared?

God-damn that's stupid. That was easy enough to cheat with using frigging CheatEngine, for crying out loud.

I didn't even want to fuck with the tokens, I just wanted a nice gun. frown.gif

No it's not, thats the whole point of the Badass rank system, it being infinite and it does have dimishing returns as you need more and more ranks for a new token as your rank rises and the token bonuses go down the more you use them for same stat.
QUOTE (Critias @ Oct 9 2012, 01:06 AM) *
What's stupid about badass tokens being shared for all of a given player's characters? That it's easy to cheat? So what? Fuck cheaters, you can't build a game around trying to make life hard on folks who're going to hack themselves into winning anyways.

Actually, you can. It's good that they don't, as a general rule, I'm just amazed that it's so easy to hack up something that's permanent across all your characters.

Ah well. I guess I'm glad they didn't, but I'm still kind of amazed it was so simple.
Seriously Mike
QUOTE (Mäx @ Oct 8 2012, 10:29 PM) *
Considering it takes 464 tokens(requiring a Badass rank of around 62k if you spend all the points for same think) to get a 100% bonus, it's quite save to say none legitimately has multiple that kind of bonuses.
You can't spend all the points on the same thing, your picks are randomly selected - for example, you can't take Gun Damage bonus twice in a row, because when you take it, it's out of the rotation for another token.
QUOTE (Seriously Mike @ Oct 9 2012, 11:00 AM) *
You can't spend all the points on the same thing, your picks are randomly selected - for example, you can't take Gun Damage bonus twice in a row, because when you take it, it's out of the rotation for another token.

I'm pretty sure i have from time to time gotten the same bonus twice in a row.
But really the fact that you can't spend all the points in one category or really even for only two or three, just makes the point i was making even more true.

EDIT: Mechomancer tonight woot woot!
QUOTE (Yerameyahu @ Oct 8 2012, 11:42 PM) *
Oh god, that's incredibly tedious. Why bother?

Why shouldn't Badass be shared? It's not about cheating, unless you're just dying to waste hours 'farming' instead of playing. The nature of the badass rank means you get very little until level 4-5 on any challenge, which takes a while regardless.

If you want a nice gun, or the exact same gun but not Dahl, go find it. nyahnyah.gif That's not a moral position, like Pax's. It's just not fun to magic yourself whatever you want. smile.gif

I believe duels have a lower top end than trading (50 for lv 50 of the challenge [I think]) but both characters get credit for the trade. It's as simple as opening up trade and accepting on both characters. You could easily do 4-6 of these a minute, possibly even more which means you can pretty easily net 166 badass rank in about 10 minutes. If both characters are on the same badass account then that's 332 badass rank. Assume that you take about 2 minutes (top end) to delete/create new characters you're talking a rate around 1660 badass rank per hour.

For the count, I'm somewhere around 3 days of playtime (I think) and I have a badass rank of around 8600. The same amount of playtime spamming trades would accrue around 119250 badass rank.

I also noticed that my earlier statement of at least 5% in all the bonuses is erroneous. I have 4.2 or 4.8% in grenade damage. All the rest are 5.2% or higher.
Seriously Mike
QUOTE (Mäx @ Oct 9 2012, 10:32 AM) *
I'm pretty sure i have from time to time gotten the same bonus twice in a row.
But really the fact that you can't spend all the points in one category or really even for only two or three, just makes the point i was making even more true.

That's odd, such a thing never happened to me. I already have a lot of badass tokens spread across ten or so bonuses: gun damage, accuracy, shield recharge delay, elemental effect chance, pretty much everything.
It's happened to me, several times. But then, at 5353 badass rank, I've spent SCORES of tokens now.
Here's the thing that confuses me about all of this cheating angst. A couple of co-workers have been having a fit about it, too:

Borderlands 2 isn't competetive, so if you play with a cheater, all they're doing is making the game easier for you. It's not like a wallhacking, aimbotting jerkface in Battlefield, where one guy can ruin the fun of 31 other people.

There's no pvp, no auction house, no ladder or ELO Ranking system to game. You don't wanna play with someone who cheats? Great. Don't play with them again. Unlike competetive You can only play with 3 other human beings, and you can only do so in a co-operative fashion. If someone's a dick, you block them and don't play with them again, end of story. There is no reason to prioritize cheating prevention over actual content creation. Yes, it's INCONVENIENT to be placed with someone who cheats, but it's also inconvenient to be placed with someone who screams "DICK FAGGOT BUTTS! DICK FAGGOTT BUTTS!" over voice chat the entire time.

The solution is the same in either case: block them. Problem solved.
QUOTE (Adarael @ Oct 9 2012, 12:06 PM) *
Here's the thing that confuses me about all of this cheating angst. A couple of co-workers have been having a fit about it, too:

Borderlands 2 isn't competetive, so if you play with a cheater, all they're doing is making the game easier for you. It's not like a wallhacking, aimbotting jerkface in Battlefield, where one guy can ruin the fun of 31 other people.

Apparently you've never played a game with a loot whore. If you have then you would understand why it's a problem. It's also the whole reason I respec Zer0 from sniper rifles to melee kills whenever I decide to play public games if I at all care about loot. This is the single biggest thing I love about Diablo 3. Independent loot drops.

You also entirely ignoring the fact that people do not cheat because they do not want an easier time. Therefore, someone who does cheat is providing you an artificially easier time which is akin to cheating even though you aren't engaging in it and want to avoid.

QUOTE (Adarael @ Oct 9 2012, 12:06 PM) *
There's no pvp, no auction house, no ladder or ELO Ranking system to game. You don't wanna play with someone who cheats? Great. Don't play with them again. Unlike competetive You can only play with 3 other human beings, and you can only do so in a co-operative fashion. If someone's a dick, you block them and don't play with them again, end of story. There is no reason to prioritize cheating prevention over actual content creation. Yes, it's INCONVENIENT to be placed with someone who cheats, but it's also inconvenient to be placed with someone who screams "DICK FAGGOT BUTTS! DICK FAGGOTT BUTTS!" over voice chat the entire time.

The match making system is utterly horrendous and it sounds like you haven't actually played the game but are rather commenting on what you think it is like.
You would be assuming incorrectly. I have been playing the game extensively.

I would counter that:

1) Loot whoring will occur regardless of cheating.
2) Loot whores can be handled the same way as cheats: block & ignore.
3) I am not ignoring the reasons people do not cheat. I have no idea how you could assume that my statement "Cheaters cheat to get an easier time, and if you don't like it, don't play with cheaters" could assume I don't understand why people don't want to play with them. I do not play with cheaters for that exact reason.
4) Your opinions on the matchmaking system are orthagonal to cheating, and do not reflect my own experiences with it. They also ignore the fact that it's possible on XBox 360 (and Steam, I believe, but haven't tested) to block players so that you do not have to play with them again.'
I believe duels have a lower top end than trading (50 for lv 50 of the challenge [I think]) but both characters get credit for the trade. It's as simple as opening up trade and accepting on both characters. You could easily do 4-6 of these a minute, possibly even more which means you can pretty easily net 166 badass rank in about 10 minutes. If both characters are on the same badass account then that's 332 badass rank. Assume that you take about 2 minutes (top end) to delete/create new characters you're talking a rate around 1660 badass rank per hour.
So, exactly as I said: insanely tedious and unfun. smile.gif

I don't even understand this 'play with cheaters' question: you guys play with randos? Gross.
QUOTE (Yerameyahu @ Oct 9 2012, 02:18 PM) *
So, exactly as I said: insanely tedious and unfun. smile.gif

I don't even understand this 'play with cheaters' question: you guys play with randos? Gross.

I did, to earn the basic challenge of the leveled challenge that requires partners and to get the unleveled challenges that require a partner.

I also do randos to do the hyperion arena since I find it immensely enjoyable. It seems like that's the only thing I get rando'd into after beating the game and completely all quests by the Terroricus Tentaculus (which I don't think can be done with a group of 4 ~lv36s).
QUOTE (Adarael @ Oct 9 2012, 12:06 PM) *
Borderlands 2 isn't competetive, so if you play with a cheater, all they're doing is making the game easier for you.

No, that's not all they're doing. They're also trivialising all your NOT CHEATING effort and work to build your character, collect decent (and legit) weapons, etc.

You don't wanna play with someone who cheats? Great. Don't play with them again.

I didn't want to play with them in the first place.

Rampant cheating in BL1, is why I stopped playing with random PUGs ever, EVER again. I don't want to waste my time joining games (or having others join MY game), discovering cheater(s) in it, and leaving said game ... over, and over, and over. I'd rather spend that time playing.

Oh, also? DUELS. Direct PvP.

QUOTE (Yerameyahu @ Oct 9 2012, 02:18 PM) *
I don't even understand this 'play with cheaters' question: you guys play with randos? Gross.

*shrug* I have exactly three people in my Steam /friends list ... two of whom I've met face to face (hell, one of them I live with). I'm not a social butterfly.
Sure, but you only need a couple for BL2. smile.gif I guess I'm just not a pugger in general. It was bad enough in ME3 trying to find competent teammates.
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