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Could be. smile.gif
Luckily, elemental weapons are (seemingly) less dominant in BL2. In BL1, they basically applied a big multiplier in addition to the weakness effect, so non-element guns simply couldn't compete (this is esp. why the Hellfire, Defiler, and Orion were insane). I haven't noticed that huge raw damage boost from elements in BL2, just the expected enemy-weakness effects. But I'm only like 25, so who knows what the Legendaries are like.
Mrs. Crit and I are stuck perpetually outleveling our quests, which is kind of frustrating. We just got to New Sanctuary, and got maybe a dozen quests upon arrival (including some that took us back to old Sanctuary) -- but we're level 20-21, and got a bunch of level 15 jobs. We want to play them (because we like the story and like the voice acting and like the world, and want to explore it)...but at the same time, it just gives us more experience, and we keep getting trash guns (even as quest rewards) because we're doing stuff of "trivial" difficulty left and right.

It's gotten a little irritating. Are we just expected to skip a ton of content, suck it up and do a couple main story quests to raise the bar a little, and be content?
On the other hand, if you do no sidequests, the main quests get very difficult hella fast. smile.gif Presumably, they balanced the game intentionally so that you can't really do none of them, but you also needn't do all/most of them. I tend to do them all, too, so I do get the 'overleveled' thing you mention. :/
And are made out of bloody WOOD!
Well. Tonight, I finally met the vault-hunter tribute NPC.

Also, I shot Handsome Jack in the face. And the crotch. About nine hundred times each. ^_^ Then played with a ... well, kind of boring end-boss. They made it interesting mainly by being annoying, not actually making you THINK about how to beat it. nyahnyah.gif
Seriously Mike
QUOTE (_Pax._ @ Oct 1 2012, 09:43 AM) *
Well. Tonight, I finally met the vault-hunter tribute NPC.

Also, I shot Handsome Jack in the face. And the crotch. About nine hundred times each. ^_^ Then played with a ... well, kind of boring end-boss. They made it interesting mainly by being annoying, not actually making you THINK about how to beat it. nyahnyah.gif

Was he as easy to beat as Wilhelm? Because Wilhelm was a pushover - a couple of sticky electric MIRVs to the face and half a crate of pistol ammo used in conjunction with my acid handcannon made him fold pretty quickly.
QUOTE (Seriously Mike @ Oct 1 2012, 01:23 AM) *
Was he as easy to beat as Wilhelm? Because Wilhelm was a pushover - a couple of sticky electric MIRVs to the face and half a crate of pistol ammo used in conjunction with my acid handcannon made him fold pretty quickly.

I just slagged him and while my turret (w/ rockets) tore him apart.
QUOTE (Critias @ Sep 29 2012, 06:18 AM) *
Mrs. Crit and I hit level 20 earlier. I am woefully underprepared for this, it feels, in that I need a much better assault rifle. I snagged a pretty sweet shotgun not too long ago, but we'd kind of out-leveled the main quest line for a while so we spent several side quests running around getting gear three, four, or more levels below us. We want to do side quests so we don't miss out on the game, but it feels like trying to do them all really kind of gimps you.

Was this right after the whole bit with Lilith and Sanctuary? That is about when I noticed a huge difficulty jump.


I have a full set of purple weapons now. My pride is the purple Jakobs sniper rifle I got out of the car chest in Lynchwood. I'm missing a purple grenade for the purple achievement...


QUOTE (_Pax._ @ Oct 1 2012, 03:43 AM) *
Well. Tonight, I finally met the vault-hunter tribute NPC.

Also, I shot Handsome Jack in the face. And the crotch. About nine hundred times each. ^_^ Then played with a ... well, kind of boring end-boss. They made it interesting mainly by being annoying, not actually making you THINK about how to beat it. nyahnyah.gif

You mean like the final boss to Borderlands, where you could perpetually stand behind cover and never have to worry about getting hit and as long as you had ammo regen it was game over man?
QUOTE (Seriously Mike @ Oct 1 2012, 11:23 AM) *
Was he as easy to beat as Wilhelm?

I doubt anything can be as easy as Wilhelm, special caustic gun and mirv grenade i got from Tiny Tinas missions made the Wilhelm fight last about 15s on my Zero game(only one i'm that far at this point)
Hmm, I was less-well-prepared for Wilhelm (no caustic gun or grenade), so it took me a bit longer than you guys report.

The prevalence of loaders in B2 has convincd me that a caustic gun, preferably an AR, SMG, or Shotgun, should be considered "required gear".
Well, given the nature of BL, I usually have one of each flavor of at least two whole categories. Usually snipers, and then something else.

If you're talking about Crawmerax, the sniper perch was a bug, and you still had to hit his back somehow. Hehe.
QUOTE (_Pax._ @ Oct 1 2012, 09:36 AM) *
The prevalence of loaders in B2 has convincd me that a caustic gun, preferably an AR, SMG, or Shotgun, should be considered "required gear".

A caustic gun was required gear in Borderlands, as well. Late-game caustic revolvers were absolutely vicious.
QUOTE (Tanegar @ Oct 1 2012, 01:24 PM) *
A caustic gun was required gear in Borderlands, as well. Late-game caustic revolvers were absolutely vicious.

I ran about with a Roland that had equipped.....

Explosive Rocket Launcher
Fire Rocket Launcher
Electric Rocket Launcher
Caustic Rocket Launcher

I also had something like +20 team ammo regen.
QUOTE (Tanegar @ Oct 1 2012, 10:24 AM) *
A caustic gun was required gear in Borderlands, as well. Late-game caustic revolvers were absolutely vicious.

No way, I had my revolver that fired like a shotgun (and was super accurate because I was Mordecai, plus it ignored shields, say goodnight, Guardians).

But it was probably the most required of all the elemental weapons.
I have found that the game doesn't save anything unless you pass one of the respawn stations, or do a proper game exit.

The game crashed once right after I did a turn-in, when I rebooted the game was reset to the last time I spawned on that map.

Re-tested this a few times, I was able to check out the semi-random quest reward, if I didn't like it, I force-closed the game and restarted it and I was back to before I did the turn in, and the next time I turned in the reward had slightly different stats. But if I walked past a respawn point the game locked-in whatever I had at that moment.

I was expecting it to save after every quest turn-in, but I guess not!

Just got the gun named Bane. Love it as from the huge penalty you have when it's your active weapon.
Yeah, and the various other talking weapons. smile.gif There's so much random fun stuff in this game.
Talking weapons?

Damn, and I had to go for XCOM... frown.gif
Seriously Mike
QUOTE (Mäx @ Oct 1 2012, 04:31 PM) *
I doubt anything can be as easy as Wilhelm, special caustic gun and mirv grenade i got from Tiny Tinas missions made the Wilhelm fight last about 15s on my Zero game(only one i'm that far at this point)

You killed a guy...
QUOTE (CanRay @ Oct 1 2012, 10:13 PM) *
Talking weapons?

Damn, and I had to go for XCOM... frown.gif

Well, Bane gibbers like a psycho and doesn't utter their lines.

But come on, the quest that grants the achievement "Well that was easy." is probably one of the best quests in the game, aside from the one where you help Scooter compose the love poem and Claptrap's birthday party.
QUOTE (CanRay @ Oct 1 2012, 06:13 PM) *
Talking weapons?

Damn, and I had to go for XCOM... frown.gif

Once Xcom hits - you will not regret that decision. Sectoids, Floaters, Mutons, oh my!
QUOTE (X-Kalibur @ Oct 2 2012, 11:45 AM) *
Once Xcom hits - you will not regret that decision. Sectoids, Floaters, Mutons, oh my!

It might have all that, sure, but does it have the best tea party ever?
QUOTE (Critias @ Oct 2 2012, 01:02 PM) *
It might have all that, sure, but does it have the best tea party ever?

Does it have.... Moxxi?
Does it have.... Claptrap?
Does it have.... weapons that are so disposable that rather than reloading it's cheaper to toss them as a grenade and have a new on reconstructed in your hands?
Does it have.... talking weapons?
Does it have.... a robot spooning a human?
Does it have.... a ridiculous number of shout outs?
QUOTE (Seriously Mike @ Oct 2 2012, 12:22 PM) *
You killed a guy...

Not really, the five Caustic Fuster Clucks i threw at him did pretty much all the killing eek.gif
QUOTE (Critias @ Oct 2 2012, 01:02 PM) *
It might have all that, sure, but does it have the best tea party ever?

Does it have.... a Hyperion reconstruction station that tells you when you're reconstructed to not think about the fact that you're reconstructed and that your original body died a long long time ago?
I'll go with the one that has all the hats. Yay TF2
Seriously Mike
QUOTE (Mäx @ Oct 2 2012, 07:14 PM) *
Not really, the five Caustic Fuster Clucks i threw at him did pretty much all the killing eek.gif

Somehow I still prefer any grenade that's sticky. They can't run from it.
Adding a reply now, as my other one was eaten by a fearsome grue.

As akin to most of the above posters, loving' the ever-slagging shit out of BL2. Scarily, it's (to the power of people playing it) better with friends (not so much with the loot ninjas, thank fuck for invite-only games) and it's set a nice high bar for fun and RSI.

From my usual "wandering conciousness":
Let's see, how's this going...
Claptrap - ah..Oh, there's only one now?
Angel - Check (And yeah, done THAT mission now, and felt like a real monster afterwards)
Scooter - sounding a bit tired...oh god, this inbred's love life is just nightmare fuel waiting to burn.
Moxy - Check. (Oh god, her daughter...Scooter is now explained. Oh, and Scooter has a crush on his sister/half-sister.) I do like some of the additional backstory they've included now re: Moxy's family.
Marcus - Check.
Dr Ned/Zed: Is it just me, or is he sounding more tired/creepy now? Please, let there be a Day-Zed expansion....

The other Vault-Hunters.
Lilith: Eredium junkie?! She's got it under control though. For reals.
Roland - Mr Dependable. I remember him more as the walking ammo regen, though...
Mordaci - too much drinking, Love Bloodwing. Also love how the bird has a 6 billion dollar bounty, and Mordy's got $20.
Brick - Apart from him saying "slab" too many times, he's ok.

Gun! Gunz! GUNZ! Unz! UNZ UNZUNZUNZUNZ {drop}
There's some wild shit out there.
And stay away from the poker machines - those things be addictive. Also at low levels (ie: cool.gif it's a fast way to farm Eredium for SKU unlocks. Also grenades to the face.
SKU unlocks - why U no unlock more?! Space, you needs it.

Missions - God..Jack. HAAAAAAAAAAAATE him more than any single protagonist so far, and that includes the bastard from Bioshock.
- This hatred manifests itself in 5 minutes of starting the game.
- - The slag and Eridum experiment logs are nightmare fuel if you've met Tiny Tina and can connect the dots.
- - - Oh fuck him so much! (the lovely and I were shouting at the TV on one mission. She played Mordi on Borderlands 1. Guess the mission.)

What the Hell, Hero? - This trope is soooo in there.

"Love your parents, but love me more" - After Angel, this was really, really creepy, considering....
Nightmare fuel - just listen to the Psychos. After the first few scripts, they go to some bad places.

So far:
Siren - Loved Lilith the bullet-hose in BL2, Maya's more of a heals, crowd-control and save-the-bacon sort of gal. Main Character:P
Commando Archer (took someone's suggestion and am running with it. It's hilarious.) Thought this would be weak but the turret makes Roland's little popgun look like a toy. Also watched a level 22 slaughter his way to my level 30 Siren with it. Mad skills!
Zero: The one-hit wonder, 195K sniper crits for fuck's sake. The melee is interesting as well. I needed to heal the player a lot though (Maya's bullets heal - nice touch)
SalvatorrraaaRRRRGHHHH SMASH. Was playing with a noob to the game and suggested that rather than hulk out with pistols, he use those rocket launchers. Cue mad gunzerk love.

Basically, lovin' it - more to come:)

QUOTE (Tiralee @ Oct 3 2012, 05:11 AM) *
Missions - God..Jack. HAAAAAAAAAAAATE him more than any single protagonist so far, and that includes the bastard from Bioshock.
- This hatred manifests itself in 5 minutes of starting the game.
- - The slag and Eridum experiment logs are nightmare fuel if you've met Tiny Tina and can connect the dots.
- - - Oh fuck him so much! (the lovely and I were shouting at the TV on one mission. She played Mordi on Borderlands 1. Guess the mission.)

Wildlife Preservation? Jack is an adorable lovable douche.
Yeah, Tiralee, one great thing about BL2 is the way everything's tied together, discoverable backstories for everyone, etc. Love it.
Seriously Mike
QUOTE (Halinn @ Oct 2 2012, 07:23 PM) *
I'll go with the one that has all the hats. Yay TF2

You unlock hats in BL2 too. You get a hat for each character if you happen to have a BL1 save on your HDD. You win hats and color sets through quests and slot machines.
QUOTE (Seriously Mike @ Oct 3 2012, 09:18 AM) *
You unlock hats in BL2 too. You get a hat for each character if you happen to have a BL1 save on your HDD. You win hats and color sets through quests and slot machines.

You also earn "hats" for vehicles. And by hats I mean color sets including the awesome Turquoise color set for the bandit vehicle that puts what I believe I Lilith in a bikini top on the hood.
Mrs. Crit and I are still lovin' it. We hit level 25 last night, with a bank robbery in Lynchwood.

I really dig Handsome Jack. I mean, I get that I'm supposed to hate him -- but the voice actor just did a great job with this bastard. This utter, utter, bastard.
See, before, I was definitely going to pick up Borderlands 2 after XCOM. Now I'm torn between the two.
QUOTE (Critias @ Oct 3 2012, 07:57 AM) *
Mrs. Crit and I are still lovin' it. We hit level 25 last night, with a bank robbery in Lynchwood.

I really dig Handsome Jack. I mean, I get that I'm supposed to hate him -- but the voice actor just did a great job with this bastard. This utter, utter, bastard.

I did that last night as well. Did you find all the echos of Axton? Amusing. Also, my turret is better at the game than I am.
QUOTE (X-Kalibur @ Oct 3 2012, 12:41 PM) *
I did that last night as well. Did you find all the echos of Axton? Amusing. Also, my turret is better at the game than I am.

I'm 1 level away from getting the badass Zer0 ability in the sniper tree for stacking benefits from successive critical hits.
QUOTE (Seriously Mike @ Oct 3 2012, 03:44 AM) *
Somehow I still prefer any grenade that's sticky. They can't run from it.

That's what Singularity Grenades are good for. They CAN run from it, but it puls them back in ...!

(Also, it gathers groups of enemies for my Sabre Turret's Rocket barrages ...)
QUOTE (Critias @ Oct 3 2012, 11:57 AM) *
I really dig Handsome Jack. I mean, I get that I'm supposed to hate him -- but the voice actor just did a great job with this bastard. This utter, utter, bastard.

I believe the proper phrase is Magnificent Bastard. Which Handsome Jack certainly qualifies for, IMO.

DANGER! That's a TVTropes link! Follow it at your own peril!!
QUOTE (_Pax._ @ Oct 3 2012, 01:24 PM) *
That's what Singularity Grenades are good for. They CAN run from it, but it puls them back in ...!

(Also, it gathers groups of enemies for my Sabre Turret's Rocket barrages ...)

Singularity grenades are good for sucking bandits into the whirlpool in the Bloodbath Stronghold. smile.gif
It would be really hard not to get that you're supposed to hate him, though. smile.gif It starts light (oh, he sneers a lot), but very quickly amps up into various war crimes and unspeakable atrocities… impressive.
QUOTE (Tanegar @ Oct 3 2012, 11:18 AM) *
See, before, I was definitely going to pick up Borderlands 2 after XCOM. Now I'm torn between the two.
Try being able to afford only one.
That's what I'm saying. Two $50 games in one pay period ain't happening.
QUOTE (Tanegar @ Oct 3 2012, 05:25 PM) *
That's what I'm saying. Two $50 games in one pay period ain't happening.
Try not being able to afford Borderlands 2 until it hits the $10 shelf is more what I'm aiming at.
QUOTE (CanRay @ Oct 3 2012, 06:03 PM) *
Try not being able to afford Borderlands 2 until it hits the $10 shelf is more what I'm aiming at.

So write more! It only takes about a 1,500 word gig to score a new XBox game. wink.gif
QUOTE (CanRay @ Oct 3 2012, 06:03 PM) *
Try not being able to afford Borderlands 2 until it hits the $10 shelf is more what I'm aiming at.

Then I have three words for you. They are:

(1) Steam;
(2) Holiday;
(3) Sale.

QUOTE (Critias @ Oct 3 2012, 06:39 PM) *
So write more! It only takes about a 1,500 word gig to score a new XBox game. wink.gif
Oh, like Freelancers get paid. nyahnyah.gif
QUOTE (_Pax._ @ Oct 3 2012, 08:10 PM) *
Then I have three words for you. They are:

(1) Steam;
(2) Holiday;
(3) Sale.

Oh, like I'll have money during the Holidays.
I say we all pitch in and help our most favorite of all drunkards writers get BL2. I have $2.50USD in my pocket right now.
QUOTE (Tech_Rat @ Oct 4 2012, 12:12 AM) *
I say we all pitch in and help our most favorite of all drunkards writers get BL2. I have $2.50USD in my pocket right now.
I'm Canadian, not a drunk.

Although it can be hard to tell the difference at times.
QUOTE (CanRay @ Oct 3 2012, 11:43 PM) *
Oh, like I'll have money during the Holidays.

And who said you would be the one paying for it? If there's a good sale, maybe I'll make with the "ho-ho-ho"-ing. smile.gif
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