Adding a reply now, as my other one was eaten by a fearsome grue.
As akin to most of the above posters, loving' the ever-slagging shit out of BL2. Scarily, it's (to the power of people playing it) better with friends (not so much with the loot ninjas, thank fuck for invite-only games) and it's set a nice high bar for fun and RSI.
From my usual "wandering conciousness":
Let's see, how's this going...
Claptrap - ah..Oh, there's only one now?
Angel - Check (And yeah, done THAT mission now, and felt like a real monster afterwards)
Scooter - sounding a bit tired...oh god, this inbred's love life is just nightmare fuel waiting to burn.
Moxy - Check. (Oh god, her daughter...Scooter is now explained. Oh, and Scooter has a crush on his sister/half-sister.) I do like some of the additional backstory they've included now re: Moxy's family.
Marcus - Check.
Dr Ned/Zed: Is it just me, or is he sounding more tired/creepy now? Please, let there be a Day-Zed expansion....
The other Vault-Hunters.
Lilith: Eredium junkie?! She's got it under control though. For reals.
Roland - Mr Dependable. I remember him more as the walking ammo regen, though...
Mordaci - too much drinking, Love Bloodwing. Also love how the bird has a 6 billion dollar bounty, and Mordy's got $20.
Brick - Apart from him saying "slab" too many times, he's ok.
Gun! Gunz! GUNZ! Unz! UNZ UNZUNZUNZUNZ {drop}
There's some
wild shit out there.
And stay away from the poker machines - those things be addictive. Also at low levels (ie:

it's a fast way to farm Eredium for SKU unlocks. Also grenades to the face.
SKU unlocks - why U no unlock more?! Space, you needs it.
Missions - God..Jack. HAAAAAAAAAAAATE him more than any single protagonist so far, and that includes the bastard from Bioshock.
- This hatred manifests itself in 5 minutes of starting the game.
- - The slag and Eridum experiment logs are nightmare fuel if you've met Tiny Tina and can connect the dots.
- - - Oh fuck him so much! (the lovely and I were shouting at the TV on one mission. She played Mordi on Borderlands 1. Guess the mission.)
What the Hell, Hero? - This trope is soooo in there.
"Love your parents, but love me more" - After Angel, this was really, really creepy, considering....
Nightmare fuel - just
listen to the Psychos. After the first few scripts, they go to some bad places.
So far:
Siren - Loved Lilith the bullet-hose in BL2, Maya's more of a heals, crowd-control and save-the-bacon sort of gal. Main Character:P
Commando Archer (took someone's suggestion and am running with it. It's hilarious.) Thought this would be weak but the turret makes Roland's little popgun look like a toy. Also watched a level 22 slaughter his way to my level 30 Siren with it. Mad skills!
Zero: The one-hit wonder, 195K sniper crits for fuck's sake. The melee is interesting as well. I needed to heal the player a lot though (Maya's bullets heal - nice touch)
SalvatorrraaaRRRRGHHHH SMASH. Was playing with a noob to the game and suggested that rather than hulk out with pistols, he use those rocket launchers. Cue mad gunzerk love.
Basically, lovin' it - more to come:)