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Why? That's pretty standard fare for Borderlands.
Finally got around to playing a Gunzerker (level 30) and I have to say, with the Torgue expansion, Pandora has never been more deadly.

My favourite gunzerking thing (apart from dual-wielding good/bad Moxy SMGs) is to go deep into the Rampage tree and "Double your fun" (you throw 2 grenades for the price of one while gunzerking) with a Bonus Package equipped. A close second is to use Rolling Thunder smile.gif.

Also, the "So Much Blood" achievement isn't really an achievement, but more of a playstyle. My record has been to gunzerk and kill the first group of bandits at Lair's Berg, and finish the gunzerk at the Lift on Captain Flynt's ship. (This was only able to be done with a fully-juiced up Yippee Ki Yay ability.) Guns and grenades, it doesn't matter as long as you're the one to kill them. Fun!

I'll also mention that I managed to get a hold of a level 28 "Double-Penetrating Unkempt Harold" and it does a stupid amount of damage if you crit with it, it's only ~ 950 or so listed damage, but it just destroys.

Get some!


Aw fuck - the recent patch has nerfed the Bee (the "Go-To-And-Slaughter" Sheild) and the Fleshstick xp exploit.

Damn, now I'll just have to level the old-fashioned way:P

QUOTE (Tiralee @ Dec 10 2012, 03:40 AM) *
Double-Penetrating Unkempt Harold

Please tell me that is not the name of an NPC. o.O
QUOTE (Tanegar @ Dec 17 2012, 08:59 PM) *
Please tell me that is not the name of an NPC. o.O

No, it's a gun.
QUOTE (Tanegar @ Dec 17 2012, 09:59 PM) *
Please tell me that is not the name of an NPC. o.O

With a game like Borderlands..... it could be a NPC....
QUOTE (StealthSigma @ Dec 18 2012, 08:39 AM) *
With a game like Borderlands..... it could be a NPC....
With a game like Borderlands, it could be both an NPC and a firearm.
QUOTE (CanRay @ Dec 18 2012, 12:40 PM) *
With a game like Borderlands, it could be both an NPC and a firearm.

You mean it should be, right?
QUOTE (CanRay @ Dec 18 2012, 12:40 PM) *
With a game like Borderlands, it could be both an NPC and a firearm.

... at the same time. "I like being a gun." Hahaha.
What-ho fellow vault hunters, Sir Hammerlock's Safari expansion drops 15th January!

From what industry gossip that's about, and considering that Borderlands 2 is now available on the Mac, and the lengthy period required to push through the damned patches on all platforms, the 15th was the earliest they could do (they were, apparently, looking for a pre-Christmas release, but so it goes.).

And for all you lovers of the swag, you can download Sir Hammerlock's dulcet tones for your phone:)

Other fun drops: (spending some hilarious time online with friends)
WTF (Shield) Level 25 and it's a fast way to kill your entire team (On hit, chance to drop a shield booster...that spews electro-grenades.) Bought from a vending machine at Dr Zeds, of all places.
Transformer (shield) 20 - damn, this is a good shield (Adsorbs hits, converts to ammo) always immune to electricity, apparently. (drops from Bunker)
Deliverance: (Shotgun) Teledore shotgun, good damage, decent reload speed and when tossed, the gun chases down your enemies and shoots them, then explodes....I cannot tell you how much fun this is.
The Hornet (Dahl pistol, always acid) level 2, level 30 and level 50 (!) Drops from Knuckledragger, eats robots. Burstfire is stupidly damaging.
Another 4 (!!!!) Whackadooms - Bandit multi (6-8!) rocket launcher, from level 23 to 49-50. (dropped by King Mong) I had 3 drop in a row, the instant one is stupidly awesome, only 50k damage per rocket, but no travel time - rocketspam like a demon.

Apart from that, this is a game that is designed to be played with friends. Never alone (unless you're levelling alts:) as you need a witness to the sheer awesome that your average player can pull out, by sheer accident, curiosity and "hold my beer, I have an idea"-edness.

Mrs. Crit and I finally sat down and worked on wrapping up the Torgue -- excuse me, the TORGUE -- expansion, and had a lot of fun throughout. It reinvigorated our laugh-out-loud adoration of Tiny Tina (even though she didn't feature real heavily), and then we spent the better part of a half hour picking and choosing from among our friends, assigning them Borderlands characters to costume as at various conventions. Some of us would need to go as alt-costume bits of various characters (depending on the hair color/outfit chosen, my beard's pretty spot on for Axton's "Roguish Renegade" face), but we got almost everyone accounted for and it would make for an epic costuming group at Dragon*Con or something.

Sadly, of all of us, we're the only two who have played the game! So if we show up at our gaming buddy's house and just bust out with "We want your 13 year old daughter to dress up like this gigglinh psychopath, and you're going to be what's called a Gunzerker," no one else will appreciate our keen eye and superb taste. Because they're gaming buddies, no one will call the cops or anything, but some of the awesomeness is wasted.

The Philistines.
Re: Cosplaying

I've seen a Moxxie cosplayer (she's got a twitter linked to the gearbox one now) and she's not bad - I know I'm a shoe-in for Marcus ("No Refunds!") and I play regularly with an old friend of mine that looks like a ginger Salvadore...

Hilariously, he's stopped playing his level 34 Gunzerker because I badgered him into playing a siren (So he could heal his Zero-playing sniper GF, who was a noob to the entire console shooting thing and is now doing HORRIBLE things to people on a regular basis) and now he's reluctant to go back, simply for the joy of healing, and killing.

I'm hopscotching around now, trying to level but not "over level' so I can still play happily with my buddies but not be "that guy".

Recently, the majority of the conversations were along the lines of, "OMG, TELL ME you all saw that!" as we develop into team roles (I'm flexible, also, familiar with all characters so it's cool) and are now power-chomping our way through the opposition...good times.

Funny thing is, it's not easy per se - we still die and almost wipe on a regular basis, even with a good healer, as we're stretching our skills (their level 30's were playing with my level 20 Commando - they were horrified at how easily you could split and separate attacking groups and funnel them into killing zones (Rolling thunder takes a bit of getting used to, but it's good times now) using the turret, grenades and some clever deception skills.

So it's a team-building, fun group game, that's rewarding good players with better players, and good times. Holy crap - who'd a thunk it?

Also, it's stupid fun watching the gunzerker toss multiple MIRVS down a hole full of baddies. Good times, good times...

(Russians LOVE the sniper class - are horrified that as a healer, I can make their jobs easier.)
Was just gifted this (I was waiting for spring sale, which would be after my bonus), looking forward to more whacky BL action.
I bought Borderlands 2 yesterday, when it showed up in Steam's holiday sale for 50% off, so I got the game plus the Season Pass for the regular price of the game itself. Currently playing a gunzerker. Probably going to specialize in the Rampage and Gun Lust trees.
One thing that annoys the living fuck out of me is that elemental weapons are no longer hitscan. WTF?
... "hitscan" ...? What's that??

Right, educated myself.

I hate to say it, but borderlands has NEVER used "hitscan".

The only change BL1 -> BL2, is that some projectiles in BL2 are significantly slower than the default for BL1, which was often fast enough people thought the game was using hitscan modelling .... but it wasn't. It is and always has been a projectile-modelling game. Every bullet you fire, the game tracks it. Individually. And shotguns fire multiple projectiles at once ... each of which is tracked. Individually.
Regardless, every single elemental weapon I have discovered thus far shoots projectiles that are far slower than those fired by similar, non-elemental weapons, and I cannot figure out the reasoning behind this.
"Bad luck". Seriously. My various and sundry elemental weapons are no slower by and large, compared to nonelemental weapons of the same ty-



You've been using EXPLOSIVE-element guns, haven't you? That element specifically, yes, is much slower. And also has an AoE at the point of impact. It's part and parcel of that specific elemental type: it's not firing bullets, it's firing GYROJETS ... micro-rockets. Especially, any Torgue-branded gun works like that. The point of explosive guns, is that you don't have to actually hit your target dead-on. "Close counts" and all that. Indeed, it can be easier to aim for the ground at their feet, than trying to aim at a mobile enemy directly.

If you're on PC, we should get together and I can show you the difference, demonstrate a few elemental guns that're just as quick from barrel-to-bandit as normal bullets. smile.gif
So far my only elemental weapons are explosive and incendiary, and they both have slow projectiles. Except the incendiary sniper rifles, now that I think about it. I've got incendiary pistols and SMGs, and they all have slow projectiles.
The incndiary might be another type of projectile - HOMING. They, too move slower ... but they'll follow an enemy, and are very hard to actually miss with. But that's not all inendiaries, just some.

I've had plenty of shock, incendiary, caustic, and slag guns that hit pretty much instantly.

Oh, and there's E-tech guns ... energy weapons. smile.gif Those're generally slightly FASTER projectiles than normal.
No, they're not homing. I oughta know, I miss enough.

Anyway, I was extremely happy to see that Patricia Tannis is alive and well. She was easily my favorite character in Borderlands, and retains her sociopathic charm in the sequel. love.gif
Hmm. What system are you playing on? PC? A screenshot might help me narrow down what's going on. smile.gif

I agree about Professor Tannis. She remains quite loopy, totally disconnected from the reality around her ... yet still crucial to your success.
I'm on a PC, but the point is kind of moot now since I have actually started finding fast-projectile elemental guns.

I think Roland just took gold in the Biggest Understatement Ever contest: "I know Tina can be... odd..." I'm sitting here thinking, "Odd? Girl is the new trope codifier for Ax Crazy."


And I helped them now. frown.gif
QUOTE (CanRay @ Dec 23 2012, 08:39 PM) *
And I helped them now. frown.gif

Stop enabling them!
QUOTE (CanRay @ Dec 23 2012, 02:39 PM) *


And I helped them now. frown.gif

You forgot the link. Fixed it for ya. biggrin.gif
QUOTE (Halinn @ Dec 23 2012, 03:48 PM) *
Stop enabling them!
Go to the Shadowrun TV Tropes, they now have a Character Sheet.

Look under Kane.
QUOTE (CanRay @ Dec 23 2012, 09:31 PM) *
Go to the Shadowrun TV Tropes, they now have a Character Sheet.

Look under Kane.
QUOTE (Halinn @ Dec 23 2012, 04:49 PM) *
Filed under "A" for "Annoyances carried over from Borderlands:" as soon as I go down, all enemies in sight run away, hide behind cover, and begin tonguing each others' assholes, preventing me from getting the kill I need to get back up.

I might have made up the part about them giving each other rimjobs.

However, in BL2, you are down BUT NOT IMMOBILE. You can still move around, albeit very slowly.
It rarely helps.

I don't want to seem completely down on the game, because I actually am enjoying it.
OK, now I need guidance.

[ Spoiler ]
Through the cyrstalisks is the right way to go; to me, the answer was "get close and shotgun the crap out of them." Just remember each leg can only take X number of criticals before you've got to target other legs. I move quickly, blast 'em, and...well...yeah, that's about the only advice I can really give.

You're going the right way, it just takes some work. They're also really pretty slow, though, so if you're totally getting stomped you can always try to speed run through/past stuff.
Kill crystalisks by aiming for the CRYSTALS on their LEGS.
Turned out the crystalisks were completely irrelevant at that stage. Maybe later. I overlooked a little wheel to the left of the door blocking my progress. I got back to Sanctuary (OMG stalkers need to die).
Singularity grenades and electrical weapons are a win/win when it comes to stalkers. Also, playing as the assassin, when you go into Deception mode, you can see everyone/thing, even others that are stealthed. It's a lot more useful when you're high enough level to stay cloaked after making a kill.
QUOTE (Tanegar @ Dec 23 2012, 09:08 PM) *
I'm on a PC, but the point is kind of moot now since I have actually started finding fast-projectile elemental guns.

Where the slow projectile ones purplish pink in color?
Those are E-tech weapons that are based on Eridian technology and and all fire different kind of special projectiles some of witch are quite slow.
QUOTE (Mäx @ Dec 24 2012, 04:01 AM) *
Where the slow projectile ones purplish pink in color?
Those are E-tech weapons that are based on Eridian technology and and all fire different kind of special projectiles some of witch are quite slow.

It sounded like it was a pretty early-game complaint, so I doubt he was finding E-tech stuff left and right.
QUOTE (Critias @ Dec 24 2012, 12:03 PM) *
It sounded like it was a pretty early-game complaint, so I doubt he was finding E-tech stuff left and right.

Well he only had 3 elemental weapons at that point a sniper(that worked normally) pistol(possibly the reward you get from the doc mercy quest) and a smg(one E-tech find isn't that unlikely)
QUOTE (Tanegar @ Dec 23 2012, 09:52 PM) *
Filed under "A" for "Annoyances carried over from Borderlands:" as soon as I go down, all enemies in sight run away, hide behind cover, and begin tonguing each others' assholes, preventing me from getting the kill I need to get back up.

Grenades and Rocket Launchers are your friend. No seriously... rocket launchers are my go to weapon for second winds.

QUOTE (Tanegar @ Dec 23 2012, 09:52 PM) *
I might have made up the part about them giving each other rimjobs.

Pics or it didn't didn't happen.


QUOTE (Tanegar @ Dec 24 2012, 12:24 AM) *
OK, now I need guidance.

That point is a difficulty ramp up.
QUOTE (StealthSigma @ Dec 24 2012, 07:21 AM) *
Grenades and Rocket Launchers are your friend. No seriously... rocket launchers are my go to weapon for second winds.

How are you throwing grenades when down?
QUOTE (Tanegar @ Dec 24 2012, 08:11 PM) *
How are you throwing grenades when down?

Axton has a game changer that allows this(Do or Die), but also after a while you get quite apt at throwing a grenade a moment before going down.
QUOTE (Mäx @ Dec 24 2012, 02:06 PM) *
Axton has a game changer that allows this(Do or Die), but also after a while you get quite apt at throwing a grenade a moment before going down.

Yep yep.
QUOTE (Tanegar @ Dec 23 2012, 09:52 PM) *
I might have made up the part about them giving each other rimjobs.


Why do you think they keep so many midgets around?
Oh good, people are playing Borderlands as they are supposed to smile.gif

re: down-and-out: Gunzerker has skill that allows them to gunzerk when dying - only really uselful with BIG bosses. Axton(Commando) has a skill that allows him to toss grenades when dying also, but frankly, it's always better to toss a handful BEFORE dropping, then switch to a rocketlauncher/Shotgun and then obliterate anything that moves.

In True Vault Hunter mode, enemies KEEP SHOOTING your dying ass, so it's easier to get kills, usually. (Boss fights sorta suck because of this)
If you've engaged them from a distance, or some bastard's just dropped a missile onto the explosive barrel you were hiding next to, yep, you're going to have a hard time - non-vault mode, the bandits have a much smaller "field of interest" and aggro at much closer ranges, so they may ignore you to bunk off behind a bike shed for a quick rusty trombone from Giggles the midget.

The "Crawling and gasping" makes it tremendiously easier for people to rez your ass as you can act as "Bait" and maintain the aggro while they heal you. (Or in the case of sirens, heal you by shooting you while you ressurect them)

And I know I've said this before - but play with a friend, or 4. The game is so much more fun. Even online with strangers, if you've got shit, chances are they'll dump some of their lesser-used crap if only to make you more deadly and able to save their asses.

Oh, and level cap - UNNNNGH...god, what my 50's could do with another 5, or even, god, 10 skill points.....nice to see gearbox working hard to make their dlc's actually good, and engaging.

RE: recent patch, if you're wanting to work on other characters (Ie: use the un-nerfed Bee and the Fleshstick exploits) just lose your xbox cache or roll back the patches (if you're one of the glorious gaming master race) and don't bother to play with others. Frankly, only good if you need to use the 'ploits to mass-level some alts or farm with greater ease.

But forget about playing online with others if you're unpatched - although I personally don't think the Bee was that stupidly game-breaking - as people are still trying to loot via Ironman mode...silly buggers.

-Tir out.
Anyone heard anything about when/if they're gonna raise the level cap? Mrs. Crit and I are both 50, and it hurts every time we kill someone or tackle a quest, because I feel like the XP is being wasted. Vanished. Tossed into the ether, never to be seen again. *cries a single, manly, tear*

I tend to kick a lot of ass with my Commando once I'm knocked down and bleedin' out, in part because I just pretty much always have a turret up (which gets me a kill pretty often), and in part because I can throw grenades, and in part because I do extra damage and stuff when I'm down. Mrs. Crit runs over to help, and normally by the time she's got me halfway revived, I'm back on my feet and running around blastin' fools.
[ Pip] Oh, glorious day! [ / Pip]

Sat down with my level 50 commando, to have another go at Tetramorphuwhateverhisfaceis. Took him down, hard, in about 5 minutes (no conference call here) on my first attempt. I'm shocked, frankly.

Dropped crap, apart from the "Slayer of Tetramorphetc.." Mod, for a Commando...that a nice Russian guy had passed along to me a month ago, for saving his life (and the run). Oh well:)

Oh, I tell a lie, this gives me at least an extra 2k in health, not shabby at all!

Turrets helped, a LOT (kept tenticula occupied while I just unloaded all the smg ammo I had into his eyes) and I tossed about a few bonus packages to keep the lazer tentacles, etc, down. Also helps to have 2 x turrets, with rockets and shields.

Had a nasty surprise, while I was teabagging the rest of the bits he dropped, those tentacles can come back, leading to a sudden "ooooppphshit, turrets, kill" moment.

I can only hope to reproduce the same with my siren.
Hopefully. (The Siryn mod is _sick_)

Tiralee so far: 24 Tetramorphous kills
21 (!) Commando mod uniques
3 Assassin mod uniques
2 x pitchfork (unique dahl sniper)

Most kills completed with commando solo, assassin drops were gained when using Maya (lev 50), Zero (Level 28) and Salvatore (level 31)

Apparently, the drops are supposed to be random but the number of axton drops seems a trifle weighted:)
Anyhow, it's good hunting.


Nice! Hooray, Axton drops!
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