Aye. I'm editing my save files to give me Firestorm, Chain Lightning and the four-ball Magic Missile from the get-go in the main game.
It's a pity they don't scream "Magic Missile!" or whatever outside of Tiny Tina's, though.

Aye, but don't use it multiplayer, because it WILL slip out of your hands, and some
right rat bastard motherfucker will swoop in, grab it, "lol thx for the gun" at you, and slip off into the digital aether.
No, I'm not still bitter and angry. (Yes I am. Even though I used a save editor to replace it. >_<)
Aye, that was poignant, and unexpected given that Tiny Tina is legitimately a sociopath, if not an outright psychopath. Do remember that this is a thirteen-year-old girl who escaped from a heinous megacorp's clutches, and then cold-bloodedly
tortured and executed the man responsible for her family winding up there, while his chums stormed her cave of Boom to try and rescue him, and hired mercenaries to defend her while she had her vengeance...
Actually, that would be an awesome Shadowrun story. Would your players take nuyen from a thirteen-year-old traumatized, mentally-broken but functional girl, to forcibly extract a gang-member, and then take more money and a bribe of guns to protect her hideout from his gang while she has her way with him?
[ Spoiler ]
It was also great after Lillith, Brick and Mordecai realized that Tina's seemingly idiotic inclusion of Roland in the game, which was hurtful to them because they knew (and Lillith had witnessed) he was dead, was her being deeply in denial of his death and wanting to pretend it wasn't so. Kind of an "oh crap" moment for them, and then they told her he didn't have to be gone in the game... After she'd already started narrating the Handsome Sorcerer's last-minute assassination of him... And then who saved Roland from the assassination blast. I admit it, I shouted "HELL YEAH!" too.
You forgot one other bit about Tiny Tina. That guy who she tortured and executed? Maybe you didn't get all the ECHO devices... he was more than just what you had listed.