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He hides a secret, however...
QUOTE (ShadowDragon8685 @ Jul 4 2013, 08:39 PM) *
Aye. I'm editing my save files to give me Firestorm, Chain Lightning and the four-ball Magic Missile from the get-go in the main game.

It's a pity they don't scream "Magic Missile!" or whatever outside of Tiny Tina's, though. frown.gif

Aye, but don't use it multiplayer, because it WILL slip out of your hands, and some right rat bastard motherfucker will swoop in, grab it, "lol thx for the gun" at you, and slip off into the digital aether.

No, I'm not still bitter and angry. (Yes I am. Even though I used a save editor to replace it. >_<)

Aye, that was poignant, and unexpected given that Tiny Tina is legitimately a sociopath, if not an outright psychopath. Do remember that this is a thirteen-year-old girl who escaped from a heinous megacorp's clutches, and then cold-bloodedly tortured and executed the man responsible for her family winding up there, while his chums stormed her cave of Boom to try and rescue him, and hired mercenaries to defend her while she had her vengeance...

Actually, that would be an awesome Shadowrun story. Would your players take nuyen from a thirteen-year-old traumatized, mentally-broken but functional girl, to forcibly extract a gang-member, and then take more money and a bribe of guns to protect her hideout from his gang while she has her way with him?

[ Spoiler ]

You forgot one other bit about Tiny Tina. That guy who she tortured and executed? Maybe you didn't get all the ECHO devices... he was more than just what you had listed.
QUOTE (ShadowDragon8685 @ Jul 4 2013, 11:39 PM) *
Aye, that was poignant, and unexpected given that Tiny Tina is legitimately a sociopath, if not an outright psychopath. Do remember that this is a thirteen-year-old girl who escaped from a heinous megacorp's clutches, and then cold-bloodedly tortured and executed the man responsible for her family winding up there, while his chums stormed her cave of Boom to try and rescue him, and hired mercenaries to defend her while she had her vengeance...
Actually, we don't know how old she was when she escaped. She could have done that at 10.
QUOTE (ShadowDragon8685 @ Jul 4 2013, 11:39 PM) *
Actually, that would be an awesome Shadowrun story. Would your players take nuyen from a thirteen-year-old traumatized, mentally-broken but functional girl, to forcibly extract a gang-member, and then take more money and a bribe of guns to protect her hideout from his gang while she has her way with him?
I know I would! biggrin.gif

And then I'd give her a piggy-back ride to go do more death and destruction! wink.gif
QUOTE (CanRay @ Jul 15 2013, 11:47 PM) *
And then I'd give her a piggy-back ride to go do more death and destruction! wink.gif

I'm trying to think who would be the best adoptive parents for Tiny Tina.

Mr Torgue is too obvious, but I'm going to go out on a limb and suggest Captain Scarlett or Maya would be a more appropriate choice for adoptive mother over Moxxi.
Considering how many children Moxxi has already had (and how Lucky had ruined her girly-parts), in addition as to how they've turned out... Yeah, keep Moxxi away from kids!

Hell, just make her a Vault Hunter and have the village raise her.
QUOTE (CanRay @ Jul 16 2013, 01:00 PM) *
Considering how many children Moxxi has already had (and how Lucky had ruined her girly-parts), in addition as to how they've turned out... Yeah, keep Moxxi away from kids!

Hell, just make her a Vault Hunter and have the village raise her.

How many children has Moxxi had? I only recall Scooter and Ellie.
QUOTE (StealthSigma @ Jul 16 2013, 01:12 PM) *
How many children has Moxxi had? I only recall Scooter and Ellie.
Also Scooter's sister, who he was named after.

Probably others as well, considering that she's the planetary bicycle and there doesn't seem to be any condoms on the planet. (To be fair, there doesn't seem to be much manufacturing on the planet either, aside from Digistruct Vending Machines and Vehicle Shops.).
I imagine that such things are sold, they're just not there for the players to buy because seriously, why would they be?

You can't buy pizza, either, but it's clearly being sold in-game.
QUOTE (CanRay @ Jul 17 2013, 12:54 AM) *
Probably others as well, considering that she's the planetary bicycle and there doesn't seem to be any condoms on the planet. (To be fair, there doesn't seem to be much manufacturing on the planet either, aside from Digistruct Vending Machines and Vehicle Shops.).

The question is certainly one of which named characters HAVEN'T had sex with Moxxi. I would say THE vault hunters but as a group that only includes the ones from BL2 because I'm qute certain I recall dialogue that suggested at least Mordi has.

And besides the fallout series Fallout, I don't recall any game that had condoms for sale.
QUOTE (StealthSigma @ Jul 17 2013, 07:50 AM) *
The question is certainly one of which named characters HAVEN'T had sex with Moxxi. I would say THE vault hunters but as a group that only includes the ones from BL2 because I'm qute certain I recall dialogue that suggested at least Mordi has.

And besides the fallout series Fallout, I don't recall any game that had condoms for sale.

Fable 3. I think also Fable 2... And maybe Fable 1, but it's been a long time.
QUOTE (StealthSigma @ Jul 17 2013, 08:50 AM) *
The question is certainly one of which named characters HAVEN'T had sex with Moxxi. I would say THE vault hunters but as a group that only includes the ones from BL2 because I'm qute certain I recall dialogue that suggested at least Mordi has.

And besides the fallout series Fallout, I don't recall any game that had condoms for sale.

Mordecai is the canonical winner of Mad Moxxi's Underdome Riot, and yes, one of the prizes was Moxxi herself. (Talk about motivation - rowr!) They've broken up by the time of Borderlands 2, though.
Captain Scarlet asks if Moxxi has talked about her. Which makes me wonder if she only has a hook option for her missing arm...
QUOTE (CanRay @ Jul 17 2013, 04:01 PM) *
Captain Scarlet asks if Moxxi has talked about her. Which makes me wonder if she only has a hook option for her missing arm...

It may be the reason for why Scarlett lost her arm....
And here I was, worried that I lost my watch...
And here I was, worried that I lost my watch...
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