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QUOTE (_Pax._ @ Jan 16 2013, 11:36 PM) *
Except when the answer is really BIGGER [Torgue] EXPLOOOOSIONS!!1!!eleven!!!barbarastreisand!!! [/Torgue]
Getting annoyed on the Big Game Hunt with the level upping savages. I'm stuck at the 50 level cap, and they start jumping up to 53 and Angry Red Death Skulls. Any rumors on when the cap is supposed to be lifted?
So I went back to playing my Zer0 after a good haitus now that most of the DLC is out. I need to rebind my keys. I've been playing too much Mass Effect 3 multiplayer that I screwed with myself. Shift is run in Borderlands and space is jump! Shift brings up my UI in Mass Effect and Space runs. I kept pressing shift in Mass Effect 3 (after playing Borderlands) and asking myself why am I not running and keep bring up my UI. frown.gif

Level cap is hinted at going higher in late Feb / early March - in time for people to grind for the next dlc:)

And I hear your pain, those rampable bastards HURT. So far, the bee on a vehicle takes them down (after you've run them the hell over a few times) but those spores are killer.

QUOTE (Tiralee @ Jan 17 2013, 08:34 AM) *

Level cap is hinted at going higher in late Feb / early March - in time for people to grind for the next dlc:)

And I hear your pain, those rampable bastards HURT. So far, the bee on a vehicle takes them down (after you've run them the hell over a few times) but those spores are killer.


Where's your death machine now? ;P
I adore Tiny Tina.
QUOTE (Tanegar @ Jan 17 2013, 12:23 PM) *
I adore Tiny Tina.

She needs to be adopted ... by Mr. Torgue. Because of all the kids in the universe, who could better understand his love for EXPLOOOOOSIONS!! than she does?


Plus, I so wanna hear them arguing, over Echo Net of course, about whether or not pink, hearts, bunnies, and/or flowers, are or are not "macho" ... HA!
QUOTE (_Pax._ @ Jan 17 2013, 01:59 PM) *
She needs to be adopted ... by Mr. Torgue. Because of all the kids in the universe, who could better understand his love for EXPLOOOOOSIONS!! than she does?


Plus, I so wanna hear them arguing, over Echo Net of course, about whether or not pink, hearts, bunnies, and/or flowers, are or are not "macho" ... HA!
Just what I've seen of those two, they'd MAKE them macho!

That said, I rented the game, playing with Axton, and I can see why he calls his turret his Girlfriend!!!
Hearing confirmation that Sir Hammerlock's DLC doesn't raise the level cap makes me a sad panda. The gamer in me just cannot handle all these kills and quests and rewards that I'm not getting, because I've maxed out my level. I'll probably hold off on buying it until I can get the next DLC, too, and hopefully get a level or two along the way.

"Grinding for loot" just isn't enough to make me want to keep playing, past a certain point. Maybe it's just because they still tell me the XP bonus I (would be getting to) earn after a quest and stuff, but...yeah, it just kills me. I feel like it's wasted energy, when I see the XP I'm not getting.
QUOTE (Critias @ Jan 17 2013, 04:21 PM) *
Hearing confirmation that Sir Hammerlock's DLC doesn't raise the level cap makes me a sad panda. The gamer in me just cannot handle all these kills and quests and rewards that I'm not getting, because I've maxed out my level. I'll probably hold off on buying it until I can get the next DLC, too, and hopefully get a level or two along the way.

"Grinding for loot" just isn't enough to make me want to keep playing, past a certain point. Maybe it's just because they still tell me the XP bonus I (would be getting to) earn after a quest and stuff, but...yeah, it just kills me. I feel like it's wasted energy, when I see the XP I'm not getting.

I stopped playing after beating the game once so at the moment I'm still only 39 on my highest level. nyahnyah.gif

Anyway. I thorough enjoyed running into the Crystalisks in the first DLC. After having a bitch of a time with them in my first playthrough running up and thwaking them three times to kill them is satisfying. Extremely satisfying. It's hilarious how ineffective they are against a meleeing foe.
Well, with my desktop being kaput, I haven't played for weeks and weeks. And can't play the new DLC for ... probably a month. frown.gif
Barely an hour into the game, and I already want to punch Jack in the face... With many, many bullets.

Also, Vladof had my respect before, it's only increased now! Jakobs, OTOH, still has my heart.

I am enjoying the Bandit weapons, however...
Yeah, the weapon variation - and manufacturor-specific "always there" traits - really is an improvement.

Fun fact: all, yes ALL, Torgue guns are essentially Gyrojet weapons with HE payloads.
StealthSig - the deathtrap hasn't much in the way of "smarts" (Axton's turret is way faster at finding and addressing threats, even over other players, gunzerkers especially...the tunnel-vision you get when gunzerking really makes you focus on nearby threats, and not the explosive-spewing demon spore above you) and it's ranged attacks (deathball included) do jack diddly against some of those ramped-up enemies.

Melee works, but that means the siren's shooting the robot to heal it, not us.

Vladof! You want a big gun that shoots a lot of bullets? Vladof makes it! - best assault rifles and quickfire snipers. Their pistols are great as smgs as well:)
Jackobs: Best snipers in game, their revolvers aren't bad either. Shotguns and assault rifles are laughable. (their reload speed/ROF are shocking)
Teledore! Cheap shit a certainty, their ineffectual damage output is more than compensated for the instant reload and hilarious "exploding gun to the face" ability. Shotguns and SMGs are decent (reload speed, big clips, bigger bang) avoid their pistols.
Bandit: More BLarraggahhagah! Shotguns, SMGs and Assault rifles, maybe a pistol if you can stand the 5-second reload. Smgs for the maxi-magazine loads (115 rounds! Can I have such a thing?!) rifles for the gunzerkers and mechanomancers because nothing says bullet spray with ricochet:)
Mailwan: For true elegance in death. Stick to the SMGs - good, accurate, fast-firing and dependable dps. Would dearly love an explosive SMG.
TORGUE: EXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXPLOSIONS. Gyrojet ammo so it's slow, splashy and hard-hitting. Assault rifles tend to use more than one round so best left to Gunzerkers, but the Torgue shotguns and pistols are a great addition to any class. AND THERE'S NOTHING CLASSIER THAN TREATING A LADY RIGHT.
Hyperion: True <insert marketing garble here> . Tend to be flashy but decent. Their ability to be more accurate the more you fire rewards large magazines and high ROF. Their shotguns are surprisingly fast reloaders and do decent damage (Nowhere near the ammo-hungry Bandit and Torgue shotguns though). The smallest weapon in their range you should carry would be an smg with at least 30 rounds. Ignore their pistols, yes, even the shiny ones that spike the NPC's as their in accurate as hell and chew through ammo like a fat kid chews through cakes. DAMMIT, NOW I WANT CAKE.
Dahl: Ulgh - apart from the Bull [The Lascaux is a Unique Submachine Gun manufactured by Dahl. Lascaux can be found submerged in a shallow pool in Frostburn Canyon.] and various other uniques (Gwen's head in the dust) I personally avoid them. The burstfire is...tricky and almost unique to each weapon. Multibarrel Assault Dahl assualt rifles can be stupidly damaging, but it's really hard to find one that suits your playstyle without you levelling past it's usefullness. The Bull is an extreme bullet-hose and that is made much worse by a gunzerker dual-wielding them. Basically, treat them like a shotgun. With more ammo.

I didn't mention rocket launchers, mainly as it's up to the user to figure out what to enjoy, same with grenade mods and shield types.

Basically the Torgue rocketlaunchers will do a ton of explosive damage, Maliwan tend to 3 x multilaunchers of good to excellent elemental effect (each round is calculated at it's own % chance of effect, so you've always got a good chance of setting people on fire, etc.) Bandit launchers tend to multi-rockets and Vladof has a chance of not using ammunition when firing - these are best used with experimentation to suit your gameplay. Oh, and they all take forever to reload (apart from the Telidore ones, which are instant, and dangerous to toss away if you're not careful!) with the bandit running dead last in that catagory.

Frankly, you're best finding a playstyle that works, then finding a gun that suits said style. I'm not going to cover uniques as they're all individualistic and some are frankly useless (Flacker - Torgue's explosive shotgun - is the worst offender) but kill a boss over a few times and you might be amazed to see what drops.

And team up - it makes a good game great.

At the end of the Captain Scarlett campaign (cute, but not as hot as Moxxi) I got a Torgue rocket launcher that does over 5000 damage, when all the others I've found so far do 1500-1600.
... ... ... Man, did Lilith really let herself go!!!
QUOTE (Tanegar @ Jan 18 2013, 12:14 AM) *
At the end of the Captain Scarlett campaign (cute, but not as hot as Moxxi) I got a Torgue rocket launcher that does over 5000 damage, when all the others I've found so far do 1500-1600.

5000? That's it? That's so low. What level was the rocket launcher because I have a 30k Lv33 rocket launcher with a 3 rocket magazine....


QUOTE (Tiralee @ Jan 17 2013, 08:22 PM) *
StealthSig - the deathtrap hasn't much in the way of "smarts" (Axton's turret is way faster at finding and addressing threats, even over other players, gunzerkers especially...the tunnel-vision you get when gunzerking really makes you focus on nearby threats, and not the explosive-spewing demon spore above you) and it's ranged attacks (deathball included) do jack diddly against some of those ramped-up enemies.

Melee works, but that means the siren's shooting the robot to heal it, not us.

I think you misunderstood my comment. It was a jab at everyone talking about how OP the death machine was at one point or another.

Anyway, I suspect a melee Zer0 would make those guys vastly easier since you have a player deciding on threat value and you have the benefit of Deception. A sniper Zer0 would probably make it much easier as well, but my experience with sniping in BL2 multiplayer has been poor. For the record, I do typically run snipers and I'm usually ridiculous with them. I would probably need to host or join someone who has a connection good for hosting in order to continue playing Zer0 as a sniper.
Finished BL. Started BL2. Wasn't blown away by Axton (but haven't even taken down Flynt with him yet), <3 Zer0, and am starting up a Maya just to see how she plays. So far, love the game. Jack is a guy that you love to hate. And I so hope that at some point I get to see Butt Stallion.
QUOTE (CanRay @ Jan 18 2013, 04:00 AM) *
... ... ... Man, did Lilith really let herself go!!!

...what? She looks almost exactly the same as she did in the first game. Are you talking about Ellie?

QUOTE (StealthSigma @ Jan 18 2013, 07:30 AM) *
5000? That's it? That's so low. What level was the rocket launcher because I have a 30k Lv33 rocket launcher with a 3 rocket magazine....

It's level 20.
QUOTE (Tanegar @ Jan 18 2013, 07:38 AM) *
...what? She looks almost exactly the same as she did in the first game. Are you talking about Ellie?

It's level 20.

Maybe he's talking about how she gets a little... hot... at times.
QUOTE (CanRay @ Jan 18 2013, 05:00 AM) *
... ... ... Man, did Lilith really let herself go!!!
QUOTE (Tanegar @ Jan 18 2013, 11:38 AM) *
...what? She looks almost exactly the same as she did in the first game. Are you talking about Ellie?
There's more than one way to let yourself go than gain weight...
QUOTE (X-Kalibur @ Jan 18 2013, 12:47 PM) *
Maybe he's talking about how she gets a little... hot... at times.

The Firehawk thing? I have to admit, that was pretty awesome.
Typical... I just start getting into the game, it starts helping me out through some issues...

And I hit the frustrating level that I JUST CAN'T GET ACROSS.

Well, that's another game for the garbage heap. frown.gif
What level, on what hardware, CanRay?
QUOTE (_Pax._ @ Jan 18 2013, 11:52 PM) *
What level, on what hardware, CanRay?
W@r D3n holding Roland, on my 360.
QUOTE (CanRay @ Jan 19 2013, 12:23 AM) *
W@r D3n holding Roland, on my 360.

What level you at/close to? We can try to meet up some time and tackle it together, man. I'll dakka dakka next to ya.
QUOTE (CanRay @ Jan 18 2013, 11:23 PM) *
W@r D3n holding Roland, on my 360.

Ah. That's a story mission. Each oen you complete, ups the level of the game overall.

The game really is balanced around being something of a completionist. You should finish 90%+ of all available Side-missions, before undertaking the story mission. That's for ALL Story missions, mind.

Doing that gives you the XP, cash, and loot to make sure you can handle the story missions.

That said ... yeah, the Roland rescue thing is a PITA. Do you have Corrosive weapons? That makes the Loaders MUCH easier.

Also - shoot for the shoulders, you can blow the arms clean off a Loader if you do.


If I had a copy of BL2 for my Xbox, I'd join you. Sadly, I only have my PC copy ... and am between game-capable PCs at the moment. frown.gif
I have completed most side missions.

No Corrosive weapons, and I've been looking carefully... frown.gif
Explosive is a good second choice, especially if you have a rifle able to hit their shoulder joints at range.
What does a yellow objective marker with a person-icon inside it mean? I just saw it in Tundra Express; I couldn't investigate it myself because it was way out beyond the map boundary.
I've come to the conclusion that the only way I want to play Maya is with other people. Otherwise, early on at least, I'm finding her very underwhelming. Time to try out the gunzerker I think.

Edit: I take back what I said about Axton. As soon as I started playing him properly (dropping the turret whenever there was a crowd of more than three, instead of 'saving' it) I fell in love.
Found out that Lilith wanted some work done. Damn her cult is creepy. My cult is probably going to be worse.

So, now have corrosive weapons and rockets, so I might have half-a-chance.
Get yourself an acid weapon Canray - contribute to Moxxy's underdome fund (Tips in here) and you'll get a Moxy's good touch, acid SMG. Contribute more and you get her bad touch (Or was it the other way 'round?). Also, grenade spam and for fuck's sake, friend Retooled Looter on live and I will personally melee my way through it with you:)

Found a Corrosive SMG and an Electric Rocket Launcher. That did the job nicely. Then Roland actually got off his duff and started fighting as well, and popped his healing turret just in time as I was at 0 shields and 4 health.

I still like "The Girlfriend" better.
I found that staying in that covered area up at the top during the Warden fight meant that most of his attacks can't actually hit you.

Which made the corrosive assault rifle and rocket launcher I had at that point make it a short fight.

Hi Canray - and thanks for the game man:)

(Waited for years to be able to say that, btw.)

Enjoy the Aussiedollars and try not to choke on Claptrap's pizza. Did you see where the little bastard was keeping it?

Anyone that wants/needs another person to play with on steam, feel free to add me. Username, I think, is BulletCatcher (I have no idea what name from my account people need, I have a friends list of...3?, may need to use the username taeksosin instead). 'Cause, y'know, I catch them with my face. And spleen. And lungs. Highest level at the moment is only 12 or so, but I imagine this game is so much more fun with more people.
Thanks Tir. Helped out a hell of a lot! See about getting Moxxie's other "Touch" the next time I play. No, I didn't see where he was keeping it other than in the box on a pile of trash. But, considering the city, "Pile of Trash" describes everywhere except Marcus' shop and Moxxie's.

I really, really, really wish Dr. Zed was also an exception!
Also, I want to adopt Tiny Tina.

Or see Mr. Torgue adopt her.
If anyone has BL2 on the PC/steam, shoot me a PM. Maybe we can coop.

Also. I just got Night Pitchfork. I didn't notice this until it fired with it zoomed in.... It's a burst fire and uses 2 rounds per shot. Burst fire is 5 shots so it burns 10 ammo.... but each shot is an array of 5 rounds.... damn.
OK, if anyone's played Borderlands, they know that Tannis is ten pounds of crazy in a one pound bag.

She hasn't gotten any better.
QUOTE (CanRay @ Jan 22 2013, 09:46 AM) *
OK, if anyone's played Borderlands, they know that Tannis is ten pounds of crazy in a one pound bag.

She hasn't gotten any better.

I'd say a she got a little worse.
Perhaps so ... but she's also gotten a bit more functional-crazy. Which when you think about it ... is it's own special kind of scary ...

Also, today they released a whole slew of micro-DLC. Basically, three different head-and-outfit skin packs for each class. Buck a piece. No useful screenshots, though, so I doub't I'll be buying any of them soon.
QUOTE (CanRay @ Jan 22 2013, 01:46 PM) *
OK, if anyone's played Borderlands, they know that Tannis is ten pounds of crazy in a one pound bag.

She hasn't gotten any better.

She's a lot better in BL2 than in BL. grinbig.gif
QUOTE (_Pax._ @ Jan 22 2013, 10:21 PM) *
Also, today they released a whole slew of micro-DLC. Basically, three different head-and-outfit skin packs for each class. Buck a piece. No useful screenshots, though, so I doub't I'll be buying any of them soon.

Here you go., i bought 2 of the Mechomancer sets, the necrosis head especially is kinda cool, didn't really like any of the ones for the other characters.
Gone through more of the storyline...

Yeah, I want to punch Jack in the face with many, many bullets. I now have to find the weakest pistol in the game so I can do it for a long, long time.
You may not beleive me, CanRay, but ... you don't know the HALF of it, yet.

You're going to wish that NERF was an in-game gun manufacturer, and that they had a Unique pistol named "Wet Noodle" that lived up to it's name.
Remember, Jack's the hero of the story!


QUOTE (KarmaInferno @ Jan 22 2013, 09:08 PM) *
Remember, Jack's the hero of the story!



Fuck yeah! He totally goes all hero on you.
"But I showed mercy. I let her live. Because that's what heroes do!"
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