<<IC Thread>>
<<Emerging Thread>>
As part of the on-going 2075 game thread I'm opening up Tribes (previously from the 2072 persistent world) and bringing it into the SR5 era. I've got 2-3 active players but on the off chance that there are others out there who fancy a bit of street level action then please come and join us!
Machine Ghost has kindly agreed to coGM this thread with me, the details will work themselves out as we progress.
The two groups are the Mechanicals (a technopunk/steampunk tribe that live off scavenged tech and make useful things with it for trade at the Crime Mall etc.) and the Fre∑dom Tribe (a mix of technomancer and hacker tribe that provide matrix services to the area, including a bit of pirating software etc.) They coexist in relative harmony with each other but are frequently targeted by some of the more robust thrill gangs in the area that like the look of what they have. PCs could be from either group or attached to them peripherally.
This will be a mix of gang style campaign and more traditional shadowrun activity with the two group leaders (Oyl and Prospero respectively) acting as Johnsons/Fixers when they need something doing.
Things have not gone well for the two urban tribes in the last two years.
Both on the edge of the Puyallup barrens and working together to survive the predations of the other more violent locals, their numbers have suffered greatly from hit and run attacks as well as the daily grind of living in the barrens. They’ve also suffered from an inexplicable flu like virus that has laid waste to this area of the barrens. In a recent move the hackers have been invited to relocate to the Mechanical’s area to share resources and limit their exposure.
Character Gen:
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EDIT: Use the runner template (not street sidebar) but choose twice from priority E and no priority A choice. Availability is capped at 10
Note that karma accumulates much more quickly than a typical pbp. As per the outlines in the master OoC you get 1 karma and 2000\ per 2 IC posts.
Lifestyles are capped at a maximum of ‘low’ and the area outside the Mechanicals complex has the ‘dangerous area’ modifier if you want to live out there. Inside it is a secure area (with the 20% lifestyle increase). Note: you get access to the Local Grid thanks to Fre∑dom’s ingenuity.
Due to the Mechanicals scavenging ‘steampunk’ styling can be applied to any piece of gear for no extra cost, and equally no game effect other than the style of the thing!
As this is a tribal / street game I would encourage people to create more than one character (with different specialities) so that if we suffer from players falling by the wayside we can pick up any gaps. It’s by no means obligatory but it might be fun.
You can play a single main PC with the others in the background or devote equal amounts of posting time to them all, as you like!
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Established Facts (either IC or otherwise):
- PC Tribe Leader: Osha [Oyl], mystic adept and community healer
- Former Tribe Leader: Spindle, Rat shaman, still lurking around. There are questions about his sanity…
- NPC Tribal Members: No key ones established in 2075 yet…Cam, (human adept, tribal enforcer) & Firebox (human mage) are both deceased. Bit is a dwarven Mechanicals tech
- Tribe Group Rating [SR4]: 4 [+2 size (approx. 60 people, down from around 100 a couple of years ago), +1 district influence, +1 limited magic resources]
- Active Combatants: 15-20 adolescents-adults
- Technomancers: Currently 2 (+any PC TMs)
- Mages / Adepts: 4 magic users (+any PC magic users)
- Living Space: A series of linked light industrial buildings south of the Puyallup district near Underworld 93. Typically the ground floors/ basements are devoted to working spaces with upper floors handed over to cellular living spaces that are continually evolving. Roof top gardens / green houses are rigorously protected as they are a prime target for neighbouring groups.
- History: Started around 15 years ago. Refer to Jackpoint Post below for further information
- Key Outside NPCs: None so far in 2075
- Example Tribe Handles:
Spindle, Cam, Firebox, Fender, Piston(s), Boiler, Driveshaft,Sprogget, Spring, Flywheel, Cog, Cylinder, Rocker, Bearing, Treadle, Mech,Bit, Hobber, Plane, Mill, Gouge, Theodolite, Ratchet, Gear, Pendulum, Pinion… anything old world mechanical/clockwork [Struck through have been used in the IC previously but that’s not to say they couldn’t be used again, or a variant of them]
Fre∑dom Tribe
- Tribe Leader: Prospero, Mundane Hacker, Connection Rt [3], virtual reality lifestyle, living in the back of a truck trailer in the basement of the old mall. Rarely meets anyone in the flesh, even his own tribe members.
- NPC Enforcer: Jazz, technomancer
- NPC: Nimbus: Tribe security
- NPC: Ashes: Tribe comms
- NPC: eBreeze: Matronly techno guild head
- Tribe Group Rating [SR4]: 5 [+2 size (approx. 40 people), +1 district influence, +2 broad matrix resources]
- Active Combatants: 10-15 adolescents-adults
- Technomancers: Currently 9 technomancers of various streams (+any PC TMs)
- Mages / Adepts: 3 magic users (+any PC magic users)
- Living Space: The old South Hill Mall has become their home after they turfed out the thrill gang (the Spined Drakes) that had been resident there before that. Now they are sharing space with the Mechanicals
- Matrix Architecture: They have a single host based on a converted nexus in Prospero’s trailer which is sculpted as a tropical island paradise. There is a resonance well lurking somewhere in the mall with rumours of something more…
- History: The Tribe began life around 2070, initially as a staging post / clearing house for people who were recruited or wanted to join the Transhumanist group, the Stillwater Community on the eastern edge of the Redmond Barrens. They sought to distance themselves when Stillwater was attacked by merc forces and subsequently came under intense scrutiny by the metroplex authorities.
In April ’72 the group lived on the edge of the Redmond Barrens before being targeted by TM hunters. Several members were captured (and experimented on) by Sintec. Many more were killed. The Balefire runner team broke the captives out and returned them to the tribe. The tribe relocated to Puyallup on the word of a TM Oracle called Summer. They dislodged a gang from the mall called the Spined Drakes who later came seeking revenge, backed (or led) by a group of Disonant TMs who seemed to be hunting for Summer - Key Outside NPCs: Summer
- Key Outside NPCs: Balefire Prime Runner Team [Bale, Silk, Requiem, Riptide, Opium]
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JackPoint Report: Seattle Culture
Tribes, groups of people banding together behind a common meme, are a common occurrence in modern society. A tribe can range from a half dozen kids staking out the basement of an abandoned building to 'honour' their favourite trideo-star (<insert pompous tribe name here>), to a worldwide organized with thousands of members, and resources to rival a mid-sized corporation. Tribes can have widely varying monetary, technological, magical, matrix, personnel, political, and other resources available to them.
Even saying that a tribe is a group of people is too limiting. With the public acknowledgment that technomancers, and other matrix denizens exist, there are tribes that have AI's and Free sprites as members, as well as other sentients.
The only consistent commonality for all tribes, is that it has some central theme or concept to act as a focus. That focus can be quite general, of very specific, common or quite esoteric.
- AI's are people too. Puck.
- Oh, pleeeze. Clockwork.
- New forum rule: Only real people are allowed to post. Available specimens of Hobgoblins do not fit my definition of people. Someone want to remove the time bomb? Sticks.
- Maybe the Mechanicals can recycle him. They are into obsolete tech. Snopes.
- Slot off. Clockwork.
- Children. [waves admonishing finger]. Stop bating the clock. Stop making it so easy. FastJack.
Tribes can be extremely insular, with any non-tribe member automatically being an enemy, or a resource to be ruthlessly exploited. They can also be very open and inviting, actively recruiting anyone they can get to listen.
Urban Tribes
- Too right <us against the world example> <all good neighbors example>. Traveler Jones.
A group that gets classed as an urban tribe is typically limited in scope to a single sprawl. There are exceptions. <need reference to multi-sprawl 'urban' tribe>
Seattle chamber of commerce information
- Discount the capabilities of a group, just because it is classed as an urban tribe at your own risk. Plan 9
The Mechanicals urban tribe is a group that works out of the Puyallup district. Their main operation is based less than 5 km south of Puyallup City on intercity 161.
The group performs salvage and recycling operations of technical equipment. They have significant technical skill, refurbishing technological castoffs, exchanging the results with other groups for resources that do not have themselves.
- They have converted and renovated several empty industrial buildings around 43rd ave SE. No one seems quite sure when they started. Seems to be about 2060. At the time, those building were nothing more than squatter hangouts. By 2062 though, they had a solid presence, and were successfully defending the space. Not that there was initially much pressure on them. The space they were defending was of no special interest to other groups. It was easier to go somewhere else just as good, than to contest the tribes’ claim to the area. That has been changing slowly. The improvements that have been made, including significant rooftop farming, have been attracting covetous eyes from other groups, including various local gangs. Sunshine.
- Not mentioning that they are less than a km from the barrens. On 2 sides. Almost in typical commlink direct signal range. Kay St. Irregular.
- They initially moved in as squatters, quietly displacing existing residents, then made improvements, starting with defences to discourage poaching. They have been careful to keep the ‘value’ of the improvements less than the ‘cost’ to take the space over. Riser.
- The Mechanicals leader is a Rat Shaman. That could help account for their success in keeping their gains. Dr Spin.
- Spindle’s a canny bastard. He’s got his totem’s desire to run and hide in the face of conflict but he wouldn’t have held on to any measure of power without an understanding of how to motivate others to do things for him. He’s a consummate politician, in the worst use of that word. Winterhawk
- Could also be the leaked information that the whole place is mined. If someone really pushed hard enough to oust them, BLAMM! No useful resources to take over. They’d rather run than fight but they are prepared to defend what’s theirs. Glitch
- Smarter [group] opponents will know that it takes skill to keep that operation running. They do not need to mine it. Even if the whole tribe just walked off, someone moving in would not get much benefit without the skill walking away with the tribe. Those facilities are built from a patched together jumble of mismatched equipment. It would fall apart without their TLC. It would as likely eat a stranger, as provide an liquid assets, or much in the way of ongoing benefits. They are good enough to keep out the idiots, and most of the 'smart' individuals. Cerberus
- Which is just another way to mine it. DangerSensei
- Yeah! Better to continue to trade for what they are willing to offer, so have something next month or year too. Reality Czech.
The material is collected mostly from the E zones of Puyallup and neighbouring districts, with some from Z zones.
- Not all of their output is strictly [or even close to] legal. They also sell interesting things at the Crime Mall made from the salvage. Rigger X.
- Try scavenged as well as salvaged. My intel says some of that is also ‘re-appropriated’, though they do seem to keep that to a minimum. Would not do to have other groups angry at them for more than existing. Reality Czech.
The operation is effectively a small scale cooperative business operation, leveraging their technical skills to turn end of life equipment into a reasonably comfortable lifestyle.
- They do a fair amount of work around the Barrens, seemingly pretty good at avoiding active attention from the gangers and such. Netcat.
Mechanicals Inner Workings: posted by 2XL
- Yeah, they’re good at turning gomi into usable tech. In some very creative ways. Pistons.
- That ‘comfortable lifestyle’ is misleading. How well each member lives depends on how much effort they put into helping the tribe, and how much extra time and skill they have to upgrade the individual units. The tribe has not done full apartment renovations throughout. Only the needed facilities are totally a group effort. You can be sure that the shop space used to process the salvage is going to be up to date, but the same cannot be said of basic living units. The members will have a roof over their head, and food to eat, but beyond that, improvements are done on your own time, or based on your usefulness, productivity, and street cred within the tribe. Sunshine.
- Yep, there are ‘fringe’ members and hangers on that are effectively squatters. Glitch.
- Although they work extensively with technology, on a very small scale, they are mostly recovering resources that are already well past the 'use by' date. They have to be very efficient with their resources. Their whole tribe is a recycling centre. Their farming operation uses fairly high tech, but they are also trying for organic output. I'll give them a {grudging} A for effort on ecological awareness and support. EcoTope.
- Why Grudging? Haze.
- They do not really care about the environment. Efficiency and minimal waste are just the best way for them to get the most out of the resources. EcoTope.
- That says a bit about them, but what are they like? Haze.
- I was interested in how the operation worked awhile back, and did a bit of research. Here’s my take attachment. 2XL
The Mechanicals are a socially fairly close knit community of technically oriented individualists. They respect technical skill and expect loyalty to the tribe. As a group, they are not particularly aggressive or expansionist, but they ARE extremely protective of their people and facilities. [Full] members are expected to contribute to the general defence and upkeep of the community. Depending on the skill mix, that could be as simple as occasional security patrols, carrying a squealer or lending a hand with physical renovations or planning. They use peer pressure to keep the worst non-conformists in line.
So far, as the tribe has grown, they have expanded peacefully one unit and building at a time, convincing any extant residents to relocate.
- Peer pressure she says. The power goes off to your pad, suddenly no extra tomatoes from the greenhouse. No one available to fix the broken SPU. Yep, that’s peer pressure. Hard Exit.
Most members are going to have some sort of technical (electronics, mechanical, armorer and more) skills that directly benefit the tribe.
- Since the area they are claiming is abandoned industrial, with no in place amenities that they do not provide themselves, it is usually not difficult to convince the squatters to look of another crash pad, when the new neighbours become too noisy [or nosy], applying a bit of incentive to move on. The non-tribal hangers-on are normally willing to move a bit further away, to stay in the good graces of their meal ticket, of before they become surrounded by ‘un-friends’. Some of that expansion is from hanger’s on becoming a member, expanding the territory by default. Monkeywrench.
Membership is by invitation only.
- Family and community is important to them too. They provide decent education for the kids, and training resources to members. Those that are willing to make the effort to learn anyway. Home schooling, and a lot of virtual classroom stuff, but what isn't now? Snoops.
- They do emphasize practical skills, not completely matching public curriculum. Just passing through their node, I noticed an upcoming seminar posted "Building a Crossbow from Common Construction materials". /dev/grrl/.
- Passing through? They are at the south edge of Puyallup, next to the barrens. Where could you have possibly been passing through to? Slamm-O!.
- Privileged Information. /dev/grrl/
- You could reasonably accurately compare them to nomadic hunter/gatherer societies from centuries ago. With modern transportation capabilities, they do not need to move the 'home lodge' while gathering the salvage that is the food fuelling them. With the dross being expelled by the larger sprawl, there has been no problem with over hunting, and needing to move to a new range. Some would compare them to old style wind powered pirates with an island base. That would not be accurate. While there are cases where members would have picked up 'salvage' through questionable means, in the main they work from discarded and abandoned materials. They do the work themselves, not taking from the effort of someone else. Historian.
- Salvaging from empty buildings is still theft. Somebody still owns it. Wyrm Watcher.
- Pretentions of morality? Practicing for a bar exam? Marcos.
- Maybe owned on paper. Sometimes. Given what the crash did to records, ‘who’ is often unclear. They mostly avoid places where someone with a ‘legitimate’ claim is showing continued interest. In a lot of cases, the ‘owner’ should thank them. Any future ‘official’ interest in their targets is likely to start with a wrecking ball. Mr. Bonds.
Their output is not all ‘pure’ tech either. That CoC ‘business’ report left out the rooftop gardens and greenhouses they maintain. They could be nearly self-sufficient, if they were not using some of the produce as exchange goods.
- A first cut tribal evaluation is done before the initial invite. Whoever proposes a new member will do so internally before the prospective member knows anything about it. The invite may or may not come from the member who proposed the new person. They may never know who initially proposed them. Kat o' Nine Tales.
Trial memberships may be offered to those without much in the way of directly useful skills, if someone sees enough potential for the future. There does not seem to be a simple evaluation checklist. 2XL.
They also have a bent for some retro technology styles, some of which shows up in the goods at the Crime Mall.
- And for ‘protection insurance’. Smiling Bandit.
That farming is pretty hi-tech. Good use of some of that salvage. Turbo Bunny.
They present a strong defensive stance to the rest of the world. With the area they control, and limited population to draw from, they do not have the internal resources for full 24x7 armed patrols. They do not have the straight cred to hire a reputable security firm, and are reluctant to rely on outsiders anyway. They do, to a limited extent, use local gangs for street patrols.
- That’s for sure. I picked up this crazy looking holo projector from them one time. Totally ancient 2D flat screen look, with moving mechanical linkages, but when activated, holo pops up just fine. Pistons.
- The style is called steampunk. Turbo Bunny.
They compensate with some ingenuity. They deliberately and randomly change up their security patrols and other security procedures, making any planned infiltration attempt complex.
- [sarcasm]Right[/sarcasm], Basically ‘protection’ payments. Icarus.
- It does help cut down on the competing protectors. The devil you know. Black Mamba.
- Or is that keep you friends close? DangerSensei.
- The low population density, is due to all of the shop space they use for processing the salvage, and to build the ‘toys’ found at the Crime Mall. Seems like every other member has some sort of shop. Monkeywrench.
With the community attitude, bribery is a high risk route in. The guards are protecting their home, friends, family, and more important for some of them, the equipment they use. Even the gangers that do some of the ‘protection’ are reluctant to look the other way. They know there would be consequences in access to the fresh food and tech, if they got caught.
- I’ll say. Had a target suspected to be hiding on their turf one time. Did some research to see what a hard extract would take. Found out there could be fixed checkpoints, armed roving patrols, spirits, mages, roving sensor and combat drones, building sensors with spider and patrolling IC. The could be is because it keeps changing. Typically there are only a couple of items active from that at any one time due to the available resources and limited population to pull from. The roving patrol might be a couple of kids with squealers, or it could be heavily cybered combat veterans. The spirit could be a watcher, or major fire spirit with a flaming chip on its shoulder. The spider could be a kid in AR watching the cameras manually, or a professional that would qualify for work at a triple-A. The drones might be a simple repurposed garden weeder, or a heavily customized combat drone. It all depends on just when, and which particular building you are interested in. If your luck holds on the timing, null sweat, but if the lady figures your karma needs some payback, you might wish it was just a corp fire team. Turned out we did not even need to try. One of their ‘concerned citizens’ spotted the gong trying to steal from a greenhouse. They escorted him out [with bruises], leaving a beacon on him inviting any interested parties to collect the little drek. A little reminder for others. Monkeywrench.
- The matrix resources, not part of but available, to the group have recently increased. They are on friendly terms with the Fre∑dom tribe that took over the South Hill mall just north of them earlier this year. Common Interest in tech, but not competing for resources. FastJack.