May 14 2004, 10:37 PM
i have been reading some things on the web and i have not been able to figger out what the difference is between a SMG and a machine pistol
so could you please give me a definition for each (smg and machine pistols) in shadowrun terms.
thank you in advance
Eyeless Blond
May 14 2004, 10:49 PM
SR firearms work like this: take everything you know about firearms in the real world. Got it? Okay, now flush it all down the toilet. Now do the same with physics, chemistry, and common sense, and then you're ready to understand SR firearms.
May 14 2004, 10:54 PM
Make sure to throw your brain down with the rest of it. It won't do you any good. Other than that, great advice.
May 14 2004, 10:57 PM
Entropy Kid
May 14 2004, 11:05 PM
Machine pistols use the Pistol skill, SMGs use the SMG skill. Machine pistols also only accept mounting on the top and barrel (I think).
May 14 2004, 11:06 PM
SR machine pistols are the smaller sized ones, SR SMGs are the bigger ones. That's it really. The machine pistols are easier to hide under coats, and harder to recoil compensate, so they're no use to anyone.
May 14 2004, 11:41 PM
As a GM, machine pistols have their use. As in the real world, machine pistols are cheap and effective means of producing spray'n'pray fire. This makes machine pistols popular with terrorists and other individuals who are less interested in actually hitting targets.
How do machine pistols fit into SR? Give them to gangers, terrorists, or ignorant suits-- just about anyone who thinks it would be "cool" to have an automatic weapon. Then, let them use said automatic weapon against the runners. Don't giggle too much at the recoil, or you'll break the mood. Tell the runners "a hail of bullets shatters the wall behind you, sending dust and drywall into the air." Instant combat tension.
May 14 2004, 11:56 PM
QUOTE (Eyeless Blond) |
SR firearms work like this: take everything you know about firearms in the real world. Got it? Okay, now flush it all down the toilet. Now do the same with physics, chemistry, and common sense, and then you're ready to understand SR firearms. 
Arethusa said: Make sure to throw your brain down with the rest of it. It won't do you any good. Other than that, great advice. |
This and the post that followed, are complete crap. Ignore it. Here is some information that may prove useful Xisor, unlike the other two guys.
Machine pistols are exactly that. Pistol sized weapons capable of firing at machine gun rates. In SR terms they are Pistols that can fire BF or FA. Utterly and completely useless both in SR and in the real world. That is not to say they wont kill people, they will. Their just not as effective as a SMG or a Heavy Pistol.
I also recommend reading the information on Raygun's site, it is very useful. Click on the link below to find it.
May 15 2004, 12:05 AM
As a GM, I use Machine Pistols for one thing and quite effectively... Suppressive Fire. Remember anyone can pick up an MP or 2 and start to spray the room.
May 15 2004, 12:06 AM
Shit, Shadow, you're right. That must be why no one in real life's ever fired a Micro Uzi or a Glock 18 or a 93R. I have seen the error of my ways.
Xizor, SR's machine pistols, like SR's holdouts and SR's light pistols, are an idiotic joke on the unwitting and the ignorant, as are many of the canon rules, firearms related or otherwise. Anyone who says otherwise is completely wrong.
Right, because that 6L damage is going to suppress real well. I'd advise searching fire if it didn't turn into 2L the second it hit even the most incompetent runner.
May 15 2004, 12:07 AM
QUOTE (Shadow @ May 14 2004, 06:56 PM) |
Machine pistols are exactly that. Pistol sized weapons capable of firing at machine gun rates. In SR terms they are Pistols that can fire BF or FA. Utterly and completely useless both in SR and in the real world. |
They're great for suppressive fire. Any ganger or wannabe can have one and start hosing lead.
ed- Damn. Beat me, toturi
Kanada Ten
May 15 2004, 12:10 AM
Machine Pistols only require the Pistols skill, while SMG's require the SMG skill. Loading Ex-Explosive or APDS ammo in a machine pistol makes them quite efficent. Even more so using Searching Fire, Supression, or combined with Smartlink and a really high strength.
Typicall, mobsters in my game carry Machine Pistols as the standard walk around town gun.
Anyone who says otherwise is completely wrong. |
May 15 2004, 12:12 AM
QUOTE (Arethusa @ May 15 2004, 08:06 AM) |
Right, because that 6L damage is going to suppress real well. I'd advise searching fire if it didn't turn into 2L the second it hit even the most incompetent runner. |
Hostage situation, different ammo types, otaku runners... and that's only after 3 seconds.
or combined with Smartlink and a really high strength.
Kanada, the SM doesn't figure in Suppressive Fire.
May 15 2004, 12:13 AM
QUOTE (Arethusa) |
Xizor, SR's machine pistols, like SR's holdouts and SR's light pistols, are an idiotic joke on the unwitting and the ignorant, as are many of the canon rules, firearms related or otherwise. Anyone who says otherwise is completely wrong.
And you base this information off your long and extensive RL personal knowledge of fire arms right? Tell me again if you have ever fired a gun?
May 15 2004, 12:19 AM
Right, Shadow. Because human beings can't gain knowledge without experiencing it phenomenologically.
May 15 2004, 12:20 AM
Like I said many times, if you don't enforce all the rules, then it would seem that certain things are useless.
Luke Hardison
May 15 2004, 12:22 AM
The usefulness of suppressive fire with a machine pistol (or suppressive fire at all, really) in your game is a direct result of your playstyle, honestly. If a PC opens up full auto on a ganger I'm GM controling, the ganger soils himself, hits the deck, and stays down until there's a break in the firing. By the same token, if I'm playing and someone opens up on me with a hail of lead, I hit the deck, find some cover, and return fire.
On the other hand, if you play the kind of game where players and NPC's alike laugh at light pistols, knives, machine pistols and the like, then suppressive fire is pretty useless until it comes from an LMG or better.
I'm not supporting one style over the other (although, it's obvious what I prefer), but it definately colors your view on the usefulness of said toys. My personal choice for concealed suppressive is the SuperMach. One point of conceal larger than the smallest FA capable pistol, same damage code, and twice as thick a field of suppressive fire.
May 15 2004, 12:23 AM
Sure they can. But I wouldn't take advice from a Rock climber who had never climbed a mountain.
Nor would I take advice from someone on how to drive a car who had never driven one himself.
And lastly, I wouldn't take advice on guns and firearms from someone who has never fired one.
Machine pistols are not worthless. Are they as good as a heavy pistol or SMG. Obviously not. But just like in RL they have their uses. The fire arms rules in SR may not be super realistic, but they do the job. You obviously don't like the way the rules work, since you are re-writing them, so why tell someone their crap who is trying to learn them.
You don't like the rules, fine. Just don't sit here and tell everyone else how bad they are without even answering the guys question.
Eyeless Blond
May 15 2004, 12:41 AM
May 15 2004, 12:44 AM
My understanding is that you purchase Light Pistol Ammo to use in a Shadowrun Machine Pistol, and you purchase SMG ammo to use in a SMG.
Entropy Kid
May 15 2004, 12:50 AM
My understanding is that you purchase Light Pistol Ammo to use in a Shadowrun Machine Pistol |
Technically, I think MPs use "machine pistol ammunition." I haven't seen (note old book + imperceptive) anything that said otherwise, and machine pistols are put in their own category, so I'd expect they used their category ammunition like everything else.
May 15 2004, 12:55 AM
QUOTE (Shadow) |
Sure they can. But I wouldn't take advice from a Rock climber who had never climbed a mountain.
Nor would I take advice from someone on how to drive a car who had never driven one himself.
And lastly, I wouldn't take advice on guns and firearms from someone who has never fired one.
Machine pistols are not worthless. Are they as good as a heavy pistol or SMG. Obviously not. But just like in RL they have their uses. The fire arms rules in SR may not be super realistic, but they do the job. You obviously don't like the way the rules work, since you are re-writing them, so why tell someone their crap who is trying to learn them.
You don't like the rules, fine. Just don't sit here and tell everyone else how bad they are without even answering the guys question. |
I have no problem taking advice from those people. I have never presumed to offer practical experience that is outside the ken of someone who has never fired a weapon first hand. I can also vouch for the fact that I know more about firearms than a number of people I know with more practical experience. First hand practical knowledge is only one part of a much bigger equation, and it's completely fallacious to suggest otherwise.
Xizor clearly stated that he had been trying to understand the SR machine pistols by reading up on real life weapons. Blond's comment and my comment were intended to remedy this by explaining that SR's guns do not follow real life, do not follow any internal logic, are not sane, and do not make any sense. That's all.
Are machine pistols completely worthless? Consider that they are completely and totally outclassed by weapons that are, under a long coat and in a concealability holster, almost exactly as concealable and far more potent. SMGs do 6 or 7M, are almost just as small, and can pack a lot more compensation. Heavy pistols hit for 9 or 10M and will actually hurt your target instead of making him or her simply laugh at you. Per SR canon, they are a class of weapons with absolutely no advantages over anything else that is practically available. They'll never hit anything if you fire enough to stage up damage, and if you fire with searching or suppressing fire, they'll hit and do no damage. Get a heavy pistol or an SMG.
Luke Hardison
May 15 2004, 01:00 AM
QUOTE (Entropy Kid @ May 14 2004, 07:50 PM) |
QUOTE | My understanding is that you purchase Light Pistol Ammo to use in a Shadowrun Machine Pistol |
Technically, I think MPs use "machine pistol ammunition." I haven't seen (note old book + imperceptive) anything that said otherwise, and machine pistols are put in their own category, so I'd expect they used their category ammunition like everything else. |
Use the categories shown on the Weapon Range Table, p. 111, to determine what gun types can share ammo. |
SR3, p. 279, Ammunition
There is no Machine Pistol range, they use LP ranges. Ergo, they use LP ammo.
May 15 2004, 01:02 AM
QUOTE (Arethusa) |
Are machine pistols completely worthless? Consider that they are completely and totally outclassed by weapons that are, under a long coat and in a concealability holster, almost exactly as concealable and far more potent. SMGs do 6 or 7M, are almost just as small, and can pack a lot more compensation. Heavy pistols hit for 9 or 10M and will actually hurt your target instead of making him or her simply laugh at you. Per SR canon, they are a class of weapons with absolutely no advantages over anything else that is practically available. They'll never hit anything if you fire enough to stage up damage, and if you fire with searching or suppressing fire, they'll hit and do no damage. Get a heavy pistol or an SMG. |
So basically you're saying that anyone who desires to wear a concealable holster and long coat all of the time and fight armored high-body foes will get no use from a machine pistol?
Really, I'm fine with that, but it doesn't make them "completely worthless"
Entropy Kid
May 15 2004, 01:26 AM
-thanks LH. No matter how many times I look at those books, I've probably learned more rules from Dumpshock. To me, machine pistols fire "9 mm" and "4.6 mm," but it's generally good to know what the canon rules are, especially if a question is about guns "in shadowrun terms."
I generally agree with Arethusa though- machine pistols are not scary and I don't think it's bad roleplaying to not hide when being attacked with something a character knows will not harm them (or at least, mostly likely won't) if it's more effecient to just stand and shoot the enemies or run up and stab them. If the mechanics don't give a reason for a character to hid behind the pile of gomi and fire off a few snapshots before going back behind cover, then players shouldn't have to play that way. Saying "completely" is too absolute though. I'd qualify it saying canon machine pistols are useful in specific situations and not the most effecient weapons available.
Sometimes I can't understand how some people will vigoriously defend and rationalize the canon rules since some make no sense. The best argument is probably "I like them," since it's essentially a matter of personal preference. Attacking another person's game is uncool though.
May 15 2004, 01:33 AM
We play a game where APDS is hard to get, and Machine Pistols are considered useless. I enjoyed the player reaction when their characters found a Machine Pistol that still had a half clip of APDS.
I find Machine Pistols useful in that I, as GM, can outfit various opponents at different levels of lethality. Some opponents have light pistols, some machine pistols, etc. up to Assault Rifles. A couple times they've run into someone with a Sniper Rifle.
The White Dwarf
May 15 2004, 02:04 AM
Rules wise, theres plenty of reason to use them. The rate of fire and conceal make them superior to smgs in many cases where that is an issue. Also, the way suppressive fire works (in the sr rules), they are very effective for that when being used by someone with a good skill. Also because they use the pistols skill, any character desiring an autofire weapon without wanting to invest in another skill can use these.
Lots of good reasons, all of them plain and logical. I dont see why people keep discounting the various categories of weapons as useless. Theyre not the highest damage code, but thats not always the point of the game...
May 15 2004, 02:17 AM
I like MPs. They're fun for the whole family
May 15 2004, 02:17 AM
Burst fire from a machine pistol is 9m with a dodge TN of 5. In the hand of a skilled user with a bit of recoil comp, they're actually slightly more deadly than heavy pistols to most people. The drawback is that it's hard to recoil compensate more than 1 burst, and they're loud.
All of that being in SR terms, of course.
Kanada Ten
May 15 2004, 02:19 AM
Kanada, the SM doesn't figure in Suppressive Fire. |
I meant Suppressive Fire, Searching Fire, /or/ combined with a Smartlink... If you have the Smartlink, go for a called shot to ignore armor or increase damage.
How about an example?
Mobster with Pistols 4 skill loading Ex-explosive in a Machine Pistol with Folding Stock and Shock Pad (-1 RC) plus a Custom Grip (-1 RC). The Mobster has a Combat Pool of 6 and uses one simple to aim (-1 TN) before firing a burst with 4 Combat Pool. The burst has a base damage of 11M and a Target Number of 4. Average of 4 successes. The Target Number to dodge is 5 and requires 5 successes.
Mobster Twin with Pistols 4 and an SMG loaded with Ex-explosive, Folding Stock and Shock Pad (-1 RC), plus a Gas Vent IV (-4 RC). Twin lets out two bursts using 2 Combat Pool (Max 1/2 Skill Defaulting) each shot. The first burst has a base damage of 13S and a Target Number of 7. Average 1 success. The second burst has a base damage of 13S and a Target Number of 8. Off and on success. The Target Number to dodge both shots is 5 and requires 2 successes.
Mobster Monster with Pistols 4 and a Heavy Pistol loading Ex-explosive ammo with a Custom Grip (-1 RC). Monster fires two shots using 4 Combat Pool and 2 Combat Pool respectfully. The first shot does base damage of 11M with a Target Number of 4, as does the second shot. Average of 4 and 3 successes. The Target Number to dodge is 4 for both shots requiring 5 and 4 successes.
Joe Doe agrees to stand in as our dummy and has a Combat Pool of 8, Lined Coat (4/2), and a Body of 6. Because we don’t want to skew things, each shot happens in its own scenario. Joe’s lucky perception test and previous experience tells him Dodging is the better option in all cases (Target Numbers of 5 and 4 versus Target Numbers of 7 and 9).
Using 8 Combat Pool to dodge against Mobster’s shot, Joe will average 3 successes, reducing Mobster’s net successes to 1. That’s not enough to dodge so we take Joe’s 3 successes and Mobster’s 4 and Stage the Damage. Joe rolls 6 Body against a Target Number of 7, averaging 1 success, making his net 4 successes. The Damage Code of 11M is not staged up or down, and Joe takes a Moderate Wound.
Joe Doe will dodge Twin’s first shot using 6 Combat Pool and averaging 2 successes. The second shot will often miss, but if we assume it hits we’ll also assume Joe garnered a success on his dodge using the last 2 Combat Pool. That mean we’re on to Damage Staging with Joe rolling Body 6 and averaging 1 success every few rolls against a Target Number 9. Even if we assume success on the Body roll, that makes 1 Success for Twin and 2 for Joe, so the damage is not staged. Joe will take a Serious wound if the second shot hits.
Against a Target Number of 7 Joe averages 3 successes, as we know, leaving 1 net for Monster. The Body roll only nets 1 success too, meaning Monster’s first shot deals a Moderate wound to Joe after staging (4 successes and 4 successes). The second shot uses Joe’s straight Body 6 against a Target Number of 7. One success won’t stop Monster from raising the damage to Serious, dealing a total of nine boxes of damage in one phase.
Conclusion: A few mobsters firing Machine Pistols can ruin anyone’s day and still let the PCs survive the encounter without fudging dice rolls. Obviously, the Heavy Pistol is the best choice in most cases. However, if Heavy Pistols carried heavier Legal ramifications (which many GMs incorporate) then it makes sense for people who interact with police forces more often to carry the concealable Machine Pistol. Note that Twin did not aim because doing so did not increase the chance of hitting. The chance of fully dodging Monster’s two shots is near impossible requiring 9 Combat Pool total (and all success), while to dodge Mobster’s shot only requires 5 Combat Pool (though a Pedestrian only has 4 Combat Pool).
Now, if we give them all Smartlinks...
Luke Hardison
May 15 2004, 02:22 AM
Well stated, Kanada.
Zeel De Mort
May 15 2004, 03:57 AM
If you really go to town with customising your machine pistol you can actually fit a lot of recoil comp into it, probably more than a lot of people realise. That's assuming you and your GM are both happy with the CC rules for that, which evidently a lot of people aren't!
But add to that a character who's very strong, and either EX or APDS ammo, and you're onto a winner. Or if you still don't have enough recoil comp you can always go for tracer or incendiary rounds.

Sure machine pistols are barely more concealable than an SMG, in fact perhaps not at all, but more people have a Pistols skill than SMGs, so for those people it's handy as they can just keep using the same skill.
Useful things to be able to pull on someone for a quick 16D or so.
May 15 2004, 04:45 AM
If you and your GM are happy with Conceal 10 assault rifles, have fun with the CC rules. There really are a lot of reasons the canon rules get made fun of so much.
Really, considering how concealable SMGs are (they pretty much all beat the crap out of the Ares Predator), if you have to pick one skill, I'd take SMGs. 3 points less power are only going to hurt against hardened armor, really, and if you're taking on hardened armor, pistols won't cut it anyway.
Zeel De Mort
May 15 2004, 04:59 AM
Yep, SMGs are generally pretty concealable. It's a bit daft that, for example, an Ingram Smartgun is Conc 5 whereas a Predator 2 or 3 is Conc 4... Especially when you see a picture of a Smartgun, I can't see how they can say it's more concealable than even a very big handgun.
But then that's just another anomaly in the firearms rules, much like a lot of what's in the customisation section.

Personally I favoure assault rifles over other firearms, but it's good to have a backup and pistols make quite a lot of sense to me.
May 15 2004, 05:22 AM
QUOTE (Arethusa) |
QUOTE (Shadow @ May 14 2004, 08:23 PM) | Sure they can. But I wouldn't take advice from a Rock climber who had never climbed a mountain.
Nor would I take advice from someone on how to drive a car who had never driven one himself.
And lastly, I wouldn't take advice on guns and firearms from someone who has never fired one.
Machine pistols are not worthless. Are they as good as a heavy pistol or SMG. Obviously not. But just like in RL they have their uses. The fire arms rules in SR may not be super realistic, but they do the job. You obviously don't like the way the rules work, since you are re-writing them, so why tell someone their crap who is trying to learn them.
You don't like the rules, fine. Just don't sit here and tell everyone else how bad they are without even answering the guys question. |
I have no problem taking advice from those people. I have never presumed to offer practical experience that is outside the ken of someone who has never fired a weapon first hand. I can also vouch for the fact that I know more about firearms than a number of people I know with more practical experience. First hand practical knowledge is only one part of a much bigger equation, and it's completely fallacious to suggest otherwise.
Xizor clearly stated that he had been trying to understand the SR machine pistols by reading up on real life weapons. Blond's comment and my comment were intended to remedy this by explaining that SR's guns do not follow real life, do not follow any internal logic, are not sane, and do not make any sense. That's all.
Are machine pistols completely worthless? Consider that they are completely and totally outclassed by weapons that are, under a long coat and in a concealability holster, almost exactly as concealable and far more potent. SMGs do 6 or 7M, are almost just as small, and can pack a lot more compensation. Heavy pistols hit for 9 or 10M and will actually hurt your target instead of making him or her simply laugh at you. Per SR canon, they are a class of weapons with absolutely no advantages over anything else that is practically available. They'll never hit anything if you fire enough to stage up damage, and if you fire with searching or suppressing fire, they'll hit and do no damage. Get a heavy pistol or an SMG.
Did you answer his question or even help? No you acted like a jackass and now are trying to show everyone how smart you are. Whoopee. My point was you didn't answer the question, you have no real knowledge of firearms accept for what you have read on the web. You took it as an oppurtunity to bash the rules which you don't like. Wahoo, your a genius.
Next time someone asks a question why don't you try being helpful? Jeez.
May 15 2004, 05:28 AM
Right. Because telling him that his attempts to understand SR's canon weapons from a viewpoint that encompasses anything approaching reality is folly could not at all be helpful information.
Perhaps you can drop the pretentious conceit and the ad hominem bullshit and try being a civil adult.
May 15 2004, 05:29 AM
I'll make it really realy easily for you,..
a machine pistol is basically a burst fire and/or full auto light pistol
a SMG is basically a burst fire and/or full auto heavy pistol
Dweller on the Threshold
May 15 2004, 05:32 AM
Since when have machine pistols been deemed worthless? The only people I can imagine saying that are those who don't comprehend the rules or those who simply aren't familiar with them at all.
Sure, they won't penetrate hardened armor as well as a heavy pistol, heavy pistols are a bit more legal, and their range is slightly limited compared to a heavy pistol. But in just about every other way, they're equal or superior to most of them.
Let's compare an Ares Predator with an Ares Crusader. The Predator has a Conceal of 5 (10 in Concealed Holster and Long Coat), Ammo load 15©, fires in SA mode, and does 9M damage. The Crusader has a Conceal of 6 (12), Ammo load of 40©, fires in SA/BF modes, and does 6L damage.
Note than when firing in BF mode, the Crusader's stats effectively become Conceal 6(12), Ammo 13.3©, BF, and 9M, and 2 points of Recoil Compensation where either a Strength of 6 or Personalized Grip can give you one free shot with no recoil. That gives it a superior Concealability, comparable Ammo, and equal Damage in the same type action. However, it also makes it harder to Dodge and gives you the option to conserve ammo when facing weaker opponents. As previously mentioned, the downsides are a slightly reduced range, less penetration against hardened armor, and a minor legal issue. But that penalty to a target's Dodge score more than makes up for all of that in most cases.
I don't know. Maybe it's just me, but I tend to play runners who go for versatility. If you know you're going up against a serious opponent, you're still free to bust out a Rugar Super Warhawk with ExEx or APDS/AV rounds if you need to, and you have a suppressed Walther PB-120 or WW Infiltrator when you need to be more sneaky. For everyday use, however, an Ares Crusader is a fine selection for anyone who doesn't feel the need to overcompensate.
Whether or not you agree, that's your choice. But in my experience and my opinion, machine pistols are hardly worthless.
May 15 2004, 05:40 AM
QUOTE (Arethusa) |
Right. Because telling him that his attempts to understand SR's canon weapons from a viewpoint that encompasses anything approaching reality is folly could not at all be helpful information.
Perhaps you can drop the pretentious conceit and the ad hominem bullshit and try being a civil adult. |
Well if you had said that, at least he would have know where the hell you were coming from. Regardless if I agree with you or not (and I don't) it would have been a lot more useful then,
"flush your brain down the toilet".
As for the rest of it, I will just chalk it up to you being a jackass.
May 15 2004, 05:46 AM
QUOTE (cutter07) |
a SMG is basically a burst fire and/or full auto heavy pistol |
Not really. Even per canon, they fire different ammunition and have completely different damage codes (6 or 7M to the heavy pistols' 9 or 10M).
QUOTE (Dweller on the Threshold) |
The Predator has a Conceal of 5 |
Conceal of 4, not 5. And you can get that first shot off with no recoil if you just get a custom grip, but they don't fare very well on the second; +3 may not be impossible, but it does make things a fair bit harder. Do the +1 to the dodge test and +2 concealability make up for (an effective) 2 shots less capacity, triple recoil on the second shot per phase, increased ammunition costs, increased weapon illegality, slightly decreased range, inability to do damage on semi auto, and impotence against hardened armor? Personally, I don't think so. I really wouldn't call that overcompensation.
Kanada Ten
May 15 2004, 05:57 AM
Chance of Police spotting Heavy Pistol 29.76%
Chance of Police spotting Machine Pistol 8.1%
How many police officers the carrier interacts with is directly proportional to the pistol they carry. IMO.
The White Dwarf
May 15 2004, 06:16 AM
The thing everyons forgetting about the conceal is that machine pistols can use conceal holsters as pistols, smgs cannot. That makes the numbers after holster and long coat more like 12 for the pistol and 9 for the smg if you choose the higher conceal kind. 12 is a lot nicer than 9 if youre trying to smuggle autofire around.
And dont evaluate the game rules based on realism. The rules will never reflect reality to an extent that satisfies everyone. All the do is create a system by which you should be able to play out realistic plots.
p.s. - the cc weapon design rules should be errata'd out of the book for being utterly useless. they do *not* fulfill the above statement in any capacity...
May 15 2004, 06:27 AM
The Morrissey Alta carries 12 rounds, is just as concealable as a TMP, and has a greater effective capacity. It is admittedly a bit more expensive, but otherwise just as accessible, and you won't be suffering the same recoil headaches. The Browning Ultra-Power has the same effective capacity, same concealability, and costs less than half as much.
And, of course, there's always the Elite at Conceal 7 and a dirt cheap 225¥.
But, hell, why stop there? The Colt Cobra TZ-118 has conceal 5, a 32 round magazine, SA, BF, FA, 6M damage, a free Smartlink, and a lower price by 200¥ after street index. It's only slightly harder to get than the Crusader and easier to get than the TMP.
The Colt Water Carbine has a conceal of 5, a 30 round magazine, SA, BF, a 6M damage code, a bunch of special features, and only costs 100¥ after street index.
An HK MP-5 TX has a conceal of 5, a 20 round magazine, SA, BF, FA, a 6M damage code, 2 points of recoil compensation, and costs less than half of what a machine pistol will run you.
An Ingram SuperMach 100 with a standard mag weighs in at conceal 5, 40 round capacity, SA, BF, FA, 6L damage code, less than 50% more cost, 3 points of internal recoil compensation, and 6 round bursts. And if you don't mind dropping to a concealability of 4, just pop in a 60 round mag.
And, hell, if concealability isn't a major issue, at the very low end of the spectrum, there are the conceal 4 SMGs— just as concealable as many heavy pistols.
The Ingram Warrior-10 has a conceal of 4, a 30 round mag, SA, BF, 7M damage code, and a dirt cheap price of 585¥ after street index.
The Sandler TMP also has a conceal of 4, a 20 round mag, BF, FA, a 6M damage code, an integral laser sight, a folding stock, and a cost of 500¥.
The SCK Model 100 has a conceal of 4, a 30 round mag, SA, BF, a 7M damage code, a free Smartlink, and only a very slightly increased cost over the machine pistols.
In contrast, the Ares Crusader machine pistol has a conceal of 6, a 40 round capacity, SA, BF, a measly 6L damage code, 2 points of recoil compensation, and an effective cost of 1,900¥ after street index.
The Steyr TMP weighs in also with a conceal of 6, a 30 round capacity, SA, BF, FA, the 6L damage code, a free Smartlink, and an effective cost of 1,800¥.
Would someone please explain why these are supposed to be taken seriously?
Kanada Ten
May 15 2004, 06:37 AM
Would someone please explain why these are supposed to be taken seriously? |
Are you simply talking about the rules, or do you mean if an enemy draws one on a character?
From the rules perspective: I can buy a week supply of MaryJane for 20$ and a week supply of cigs at 35$... I can buy a gun for 65$ and a knife for 200$ or a car for 200$ and a bicyle for $500 or an airplane for 10,000,000$ and a house for 96,000$. Why would anyone buy a knife, an airplane or a pack of cigs?
If the enemy draws one on you, I've already shown they can do damage.
May 15 2004, 06:56 AM
And so can everything else I listed, and they'll do it far better, far more efficiently, and far more effectively. What do machine pistols offer other than an extra point of concealability— an advantage that a couple of similar weapons share— and a +1 on dodge tests at the cost of so much else?
That, and your metaphor really doesn't make any sense.
Kanada Ten
May 15 2004, 07:04 AM
And so can everything else I listed, and they'll do it far better, far more efficiently, and far more effectively. What do machine pistols offer other than an extra point of concealability— an advantage that a couple of similar weapons share— and a +1 on dodge tests at the cost of so much else? |
You seem to think that Street Index is the same everywhere, all the time. This is simply untrue, if a supply truck gets hit and it's filled with Machine Pistols, the market is flooded and the SI goes down. Other locations might favor Machine Pistols, as well. The high price is probably an indication of the lack of street demand. One thing to remember is that a plus one TN makes something twice as hard to accomplish (except at 6/7).
That, and your metaphor really doesn't make any sense. |
My metaphor is that people buy things for different reasons. Look at the Brand Name Firearm debate, think about the PC/MAC debate, and other things in real life. None of it makes any sense. We cant really say what weapons are better because they don't have neat little damage codes to compare. Neither do the guns in the Shadowrun world. At least, not to the people in the world.
May 15 2004, 07:20 AM
QUOTE (Kanada Ten) |
You seem to think that Street Index is the same everywhere, all the time. This is simply untrue, if a supply truck gets hit and it's filled with Machine Pistols, the market is flooded and the SI goes down. Other locations might favor Machine Pistols, as well. The high price is probably an indication of the lack of street demand. One thing to remember is that a plus one TN makes something twice as hard to accomplish (except at 6/7). |
For most GMs, I believe it is. That aside, even taking the canon street indices as general averages, they work out dramatically in the favor of anything not a machine pistol.
And, yes, that +1 does halve your chances of succeeding, but when you consider all the other dynamic elements in play in combat, that +1 really isn't all that significant— especially when I can do the same thing and do it far better with an SMG. If I'm going to make you dodge at +1 or +2, I'll make sure you're ducking away from 9, 10, or 12S, not 9M. Especially when the recoil is, at its most favorable for the Ares Crusader, identical to the SMG.
QUOTE (Kanada Ten) |
My metaphor is that people buy things for different reasons. Look at the Brand Name Firearm debate, think about the PC/MAC debate, and other things in real life. None of it makes any sense. We cant really say what weapons are better because they don't have neat little damage codes to compare. Neither do the guns in the Shadowrun world. At least, not to the people in the world. |
Yes, they do, but just because people in SR don't have damage codes to look at doesn't mean they can't read assessments of the terminal potential of various rounds from whatever the SR equivalent of the IWBA is, or, hell, just browse some matrix information for opinions. Once you get that, it will at least be incredibly obvious that the lethality of that 6L slug, even if fake you don't know it does 6L, is pretty fucking limited— just like I know I'll never drag a .22LR pistol into combat unless I have no other choice.
Kanada Ten
May 15 2004, 07:28 AM
...just like I know I'll never drag a .22LR pistol into combat unless I have no other choice. |
Interesting, but the mobster is still going to see the Heavy Pistol spotted 29.76 percent of the time and the Machine Pistol spotted 8.1 precent and think: hummm...
Like I said, I can reasonably justify mobsters and gangers carring them just so I'm not killing my PCs left and right. But I also modify SI and Legality, so...
May 15 2004, 07:36 AM
I think Kanada's last point is really important, and often ignored around here. The people in the SR world have no idea what the damage code is for a weapon. An expert PC or NPC with high firearms knowledge might be able to tell you that machine pistols arent worth the money, but most people (even those who know how to shoot) won't have a clue.
I'm no gun expert, but I've asked some folks more knowledgable than me. According to them, in the real world, there are lots of crappy guns that sell very well for aesthetic, cultural, whatever reasons. Apparently gun magazines are filled with ads for shitty inneffective guns that look cool/covert to FA/insert stupid reason to buy here.
Sure, a heavy pistol may be marginally more effective in combat, but somebody who only shoots pistols might just want to shoot something full auto (as mentioned above, a full auto warning shot may scare off a bunch of go gangers when a single shot won't).
In my personal SR universe, pistol skill is very common, smg skill is pretty rare. There are plenty of Yak street soldiers who think that packing a full auto weapon is cool and macho. Now a trained Shadowrunner/Bodyguard/Lonestar Officer will take one look at said Yak and think "amateur", but that doesn't mean the gun shouldn't exist.
May 15 2004, 07:37 AM
QUOTE (Kanada Ten) |
Interesting, but the mobster is still going to see the Heavy Pistol spotted 29.76 percent of the time and the Machine Pistol spotted 8.1 precent and think: hummm... |
Then I think, hummm, those conceal 5 SMGs and conceal 6 and 7 Heavy Pistols are looking pretty damn good.
QUOTE (Kanada Ten) |
Like I said, I can reasonably justify mobsters and gangers carring them just so I'm not killing my PCs left and right. But I also modify SI and Legality, so... |
Go ahead and do that. I think we all know how I feel about modifying canon. My point is that, by canon, there's really no use for the things unless you're specifically looking for a rather impotent weapon.
QUOTE (Oddfellow) |
I'm no gun expert, but I've asked some folks more knowledgable than me. According to them, in the real world, there are lots of crappy guns that sell very well for aesthetic, cultural, whatever reasons. Apparently gun magazines are filled with ads for shitty inneffective guns that look cool/covert to FA/insert stupid reason to buy here. |
Certainly, there's no way to perfectly calculate what is the best weapon in real life, but also keep in mind that those shitty weapons that sell well don't sell to people who'll likely ever bring them to combat, and are much less likely to sell to someone who lives by the thing. I'm not suggesting that every person in the Shadowrun world is perfectly professional, but by and large, a runner should never run into a canon machine pistol short of a fluke who thought it was a good idea and is about to be proven sorely wrong.
QUOTE (Oddfellow) |
There are plenty of Yak street soldiers who think that packing a full auto weapon is cool and macho. |
Shouldn't SMGs qualify, here? And, per canon, it's not like there's a concealability issue. Lots of heavy pistols are harder to conceal and presumably smaller than most SMGs.