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Letting everyone know that I edited my post to show that Sam asked for a metahuman adjusted chair, so it matches up with the other posts. wink.gif
Don't start with me, Fenris, I know where you live. smile.gif

Yes, the Naval Control Network links all aspects of a vessel, from steering and navigation, to engineering, communication, and any other miscellaneous system on board. It functions as an enhanced virtual dashboard rather than the total immersion most riggers are used to, providing system status overlays on a sensor enhanced visual image. Sort of like a data display expert system coupled with direct neural control of the various subsystems. The only limit on the number of users in the Network is the system's technical rating, although the 'superuser' retains the ability to override the commands of any other user as well as booting anyone off the network.

Also, the INTREPID is a very (meta)human friendly vessel. Unless specifically stated otherwise you can assume that there are metahuman modified seats/bunks/dinnerware/doors/etc. in each scene.

Excellent progress so far, keep up the posting.
Street Wyze
Wow Grendel, you seem really knowledgable about ships and stuff. You in the Navy?
By the way, Grendel, what does SOLAS stand for? It wouldn't be 'Shanghaied or Lost at Sea' would it?smile.gif

Just an off the wall idea that came to me. I thought I'd ask.
Actually, Street Wyze, I am in the Navy. smile.gif I'm an SH-60B pilot deployed in the Western Pacific in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom/Operation Enduring Freedom.

The acronym SOLAS (pronounced like 'solace') stands for Safety Of Life At Sea, and was generated by an international forum gathered to address the safety of merchant ships at sea. The initial convention was signed in 1914 in response to the sinking of the TITANIC, and periodic updates to the convention has kept the document relevant to modern times. Of note, the Convention states that the preservation and safety of life at sea is a responsibility of all mariners, regardless of nation. This places a burden of response on any vessel that receives a distress call at sea. A quick Google search will tell you more about the Convention than I could ever hope to.
Street Wyze
QUOTE (grendel)
Actually, Street Wyze, I am in the Navy. smile.gif I'm an SH-60B pilot deployed in the Western Pacific in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom/Operation Enduring Freedom.

That's freakin' awesome dude, rock on! Is the SH-60B the Seahawk Helicopter? I don't know the designations like that, but I know a few of the names. cool.gif
A whirly pilot eh? I figured you were a pilot of some kind, but I thought you flew turkeys.
You're correct, it's the SH-60B Seahawk. We're the most versatile airborne platform in the US Navy today. We do ASW, SUW, SSC/ASR, MAS, SAR, medevac, and logistics. The jet guys might be faster, but they're not the ones who get the call when an F-18 goes into the drink. smile.gif
Don't even bother asking what all those acronyms stand for wink.gif

And actually, Grendel, I've moved, so I'm fairly safe for now nyahnyah.gif
Let's see,

ASW = Anti-sub warfare.
SUW is Stand Off Anti Surface warfare
SSC/ASR I don't know. SSC is the name given to the Navy's SPAWAR program facilities.
SPAWAR is Space and Naval Warfare.
SAR is Search and Rescue.
MAS is another one I don't know frown.gif
Medevac and Logistics are kind of self explanatory.
The multi roll helicopter (which IMHO is the best chopper ever to grace the skies) which he flies is also used for SEAL insertions of the coast of countries as well as hot evacs.

I belive it is based on the same design as the BlackHawk, if so it is one kick but helicopter. I loved flying on those things. *sigh* some times I do miss the service.

Want to know more about the beast our prestigious GM flys?

Okay, I couldn't take it any more. It was either post or go crazy ... so I posted to avoid any sort of redundancy. *nods* Yes, that's right. wink.gif
Street Wyze
How often do you get internet access, Grendel? How does it work aboard ship?
Internet connectivity onboard ship is pretty much always on as long as the LAN is up, however our throughput is on par with a 2400 baud modem due to the satellite connection that we're on. So while I can send and receive as much email as I like, I can't surf the web with any speed or duration. I'm limited to just checking the Welcome to the Shadows forum and posting as required.

SSC stands for Surface Search and Control.
ASR is Armed Surface Reconnaissance.
MAS is Maritime Air Support.
Street Wyze
Cool cool.gif
Hey, Grendel, it's cool that you're in the service. I always thought you and Shadow probably were.

Do you still have Sam's character sheet? Can you send it to me if you do? I accidentally saved over it when I was making a new character for fun. embarrassed.gif frown.gif
Street Wyze
Grendel: Ichiro wants to roll perception to see if there are any real crew members in the galley and observe how they are reacting to the table of newcomers...if there are any in the galley besides the cook.

Rolling Intelligence: 4 Dice
-Results: 5,1,3,5
On the way, Leowulf.

Ichiro doesn't see anything suspicious about the way the galley servers, Chevalier, or any of the rest of the crew acts towards the table of newcomers. Impolite, perhaps, but then sailors usually are a something akin to a large tribe and don't take well to interlopers. He doesn't sense anything threatening, though.
Thanks, Grendel. I may have never figured out things correctly myself. cyber.gif
Grendel, besides Sam, are there any other armed individuals on the boat that Os has seen?
The only other obviously armed individual is Dune, who carries an Ares Predator III in a low-ride tactical holster on her right thigh. Almost everyone carries some kind of knife, but that's the only other firearm anyone has seen.
At this point, I'm waiting for Jeff to answer Sam's question, and I think we are still waiting for Meryth to eat breakfast. Otherwise, if those two things do not happen, I will wait for 9:50 to show up on Sam's retinal clock. I won't post until the story moves along.
Don't worry about waiting for Meryth to come to breakfast, it's not likely to happen for a while. I've been holding off on posting until it gets a bit later (all figured the conversation everyone is having might have lasted 5 minutes so far....

But then again, if the consensus is that people would like to see her at the table, I'm sure I could have her make an appearance.
Hey guys, sorry for not posting the last few days, I am really sick, so it will be nlikely for me to post again until saturday, the flu is kicking my but. Just assume DT goes along with the general consensus.
I didn't do it! I swear! smile.gif

If you've looked at the thread today, you may have noticed that all of my IC posts now have a signature. This is because I originally did not notice that there was a checkbox to disable one's signature when posting. I erased my signature from my profile to disable it. I put it back yesterday when I finally noticed the checkbox, and it put a signature on all my posts. embarrassed.gif

I'm in the process of fixing it.
OK I am alive, somewhat. And ready to get back into it. Though I have noticed not much posting, maybe we coudl fastforward to the next event? Like the briefing in the wardroom?
Yeah, dude, seriously. cool.gif

Maybe Grendel has been flying more missions?
Ummm....gotta love that sporadic and slow internet accees, coupled with the constant need for the military to remind you that they can roll you out of your bunk at any godforsaken time in the middle of the night, regardless of the hell you went through the day before, huh Grendel? biggrin.gif
Patience, gentlemen. Just trying to make sure no one gets left behind. smile.gif
Street Wyze
Sorry if you've been waiting for me guys.
Whats the weather like Grendal?
Just got my internet connection back up and running, all, sorry for the holdup. I have my IC post almost ready though I'm wondering if Jeff addressed Meryth when he said that everyone else would be training with Dune ( eek.gif ).... Since I hadn't posted by then, either case seems likely.
Well, Meryth didn't tell Jeff about her run in with Dune, now did she? smile.gif
nyahnyah.gif No, she didn't. I'm sure it'll be just fine though. I mean, after all, I'm sure both women just got off onto the wrong foot ... yes, that's what it -must- be. grinbig.gif

Checking for other magically active crew members though she's not going to think about any Masking aside from her own. The first test yielded (Aura Reading: 5.4.1) and I can roll as many times as necessary if you like.
In her wanderings, Meryth has seen only one other magically active individual.
Grendel, whats the weather like?
I'm really sorry about not posting for the last week or so, but my computer was busted up something nasty. Fourtunately I just got the old internet working again, so here I am. You can expect me to post soon, just let me get up to speed.
Weather isn't bad, although we're dodging a couple of low-level circuilation centers as well as tropical cyclone ketsana. She's moving away from us, though, so it's not too big of a deal. 6-8 ft seas with sunny skies, occasional showers.
That's great, I'm glad the weather is good. But I was more curious how the weather is in the game smile.gif

Hey Morg, if you were looking at him you would see that Danny is an adept.
Weather where the INTREPID is now, in the Straits of Juan de Fuca, is as folllows:

Air Temp: 19C
Dewpoint: 17C
Sea Temp: 13C
Skies: partly cloudy, ceiling at 1000m
Winds: 310 deg at 10, gusting to 15 kts
Sea state: 1 (waves 1-2m)

Once you exit the protected waters of the Straits, though, the weather becomes much worse:

Air Temp: 18C
Dewpoint: 17C
Sea Temp: 12C
Skies: overcast, ceiling at 1000m
Winds: 315 deg at 15, gusting to 20
Sea state: 3 (waves 3-5m)
So I want to post in the IC, but Danny is just working on the cranes, so I am sorta waiting for the GM to move the timeline along... *ahem*
Patience, not everyone can post as frequently. At least let people arrive for their respective tasks and we'll move along. smile.gif
Street Wyze
BTW, if you are waiting for Ichiro, he has already continued on to security training. I just re-read that post of mine and realized that it may have been a little unclear.
Yes yes, you know me, Grendel. Mr impatient. *Sigh*
Street Wyze
I will pass the time with a joke....

Q: What do you get when you cross an owl with a bungie cord?

A: My Ass.

A karma cookie to anyone who can name the movie that quote came from.
Wild Guess: Porky's, or one of those other teen sex comedies.

Guess #2: The Breakfast Club.
"Kung Pow" is my answer. It may not be the answer you were thinking of, but it's in there IIRC.
Damn! I think that's right. I may have to watch it and see.

By the way, Shadow, YOUR CLOTHES ARE BLUE!! biggrin.gif
So I really enjoyed the lectures you wrote, but they got me worried. They wouldn't be giving them if they didn't think we would need them.

Aw, it could be fun, Shadow. The thing is, I thought that Sam and Danny were stuck down below in the stern working on the cranes and winches, instead of at the lectures. It's good to know those things though. I probably would have had Sam fire a grenade at a closed metal door because, OOC, I don't know any better.
Street Wyze
Kung Pow was correct! Enjoy your Karma Cookie Shadow biggrin.gif
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