Sep 19 2003, 03:36 AM

I've never been renowned for my patience either, Shadow, and in spite of my last post I'm practically ITCHING to get started as well. I do, however, feel that we all owe it to our sixth to not rush into anything; I'd like for all of us to start together and have an equal chance at doing what we deem necessary before the run itself commences.
Sep 19 2003, 07:49 AM
Real life is being a bear for me right now. Y'all should just go on without me this time. I'm sorry about any inconvenience I may have caused anyone.
Sep 22 2003, 03:50 PM

Hope everything works out for you, Fortune, take care.
Sep 22 2003, 07:29 PM
Sorry Fortune, but understood. Good luck!
Sep 22 2003, 07:39 PM
Well, lady and gentlemen, we are back in business. The IC thread is going up as soon as I finish this, you may post at your leisure. As stated before, there needs to be some reason why your character is hanging out at the Eleven Eleven Tavern in Tacoma. You can incorporate that into your first post if you wish, but it's not required. Everything else will be revealed shortly. When posting in the IC thread, please deselect your signature. Also, when referring to vessels, their names should be in all capital letters and italicized. Just to get us in the right mood for this run, here's a little quote from The Navy Hymn:
Eternal Father, strong to save,
Who's arm hath bound the restless wave,
Who bidd'st the mighty ocean deep,
Its own appointed limits keep.
Oh, hear us when we cry to thee,
For those in peril on the sea.Let the games begin.
Oh, and Street Wyze, you're up 1000

since Fenris is our sixth. Sorry, Tziluthi, but that means you owe.
Street Wyze
Sep 22 2003, 10:04 PM
Could you please post Ichiro's Attribute ratings? Something screwed up with my NSRCG and they were all reset to 0ne. I still have everything else, I just need the Attributes. Thanks.
Man, it's good to be started!!
Sep 23 2003, 12:01 AM
QUOTE (Shadow) |
Sorry Fortune, but understood. Good luck! |
QUOTE (Morgannah) |
Hope everything works out for you, Fortune, take care. |
Thanks guys, I appreciate it. I was looking forward to playing, but things just didn't work out this time. Hopefully we can get something going in the near future.
Sep 23 2003, 01:56 AM
A couple of things about my post,
The chambered ammo for the guns is flavor text. I am fully aware SR makes no distinction between weapon types. But my guy is an expert. So he has to walk the walk so to speak.
The other thing is I just assumed it's raining. It's Tacoma, it's October, trust me, it's raining.
Woo hoo game on baby!!!
Sep 23 2003, 04:21 AM
Hi guys, nice to be here, glad I made it, Streetwyze you owe me half.
Since everyone else has posted short descriptions, I'll do the same:
Schnell is a tall, thin Caucasian, with short cropped blonde hair and blue eyes. His skin is worn by salt and sea, and he tends to walk with the same rolling gait typical of those that spend alot of time out to sea. He has a habit of tilting his head towards people that are talking, almost as if hearing them is more important then maintaining eye contact.
Sep 23 2003, 05:59 AM
That bet was rigged. You can take my nuyen when you pry it from my cold, dead fingers.

In any case, it's good to see things on the move.
Sep 23 2003, 07:36 AM
That can so be arranged...where do you live again? There's a Cousin Vinny in every town.
Sep 23 2003, 12:38 PM
All right, onto game stuff.
Since I wasn't able to spend all of the good karma from Meryth's last run I figured that this would be a good time/place as any. I'm looking to use her contact to teach her a formula for a force 7 Wind spell (it'll be the biggie in her repetoire) though she's going to make a fetish as well as make it an exclusive spell so the 4 leftover good karma will cover the cost to learn it, my major concern is time; she would have started learning the spell the night before (hence the allusion to her formula being able to wait) and left to make a quick delivery.
SR3 dictates that it'll take a base 4 days (7-2-1=4) to learn which I need to decrease with successes so I will roll 'em if that's what you require. Mirande has helped her learn spells before as well for what that's worth.
Figured if someone was going to start with the 'finnicky player questions', it'd might as well be me.
Sep 23 2003, 07:21 PM
Roll it!
Sep 23 2003, 07:51 PM
All right, as a note I'll be allocating one karma pool die to reroll failures (since if I don't get it after one day I'll have to wait until I'm in a high enough force shamanic lodge to continue my work...)
Sep 23 2003, 07:55 PM
Rolled: (rerolled failures:
So that's 3 successes ....

Is Mirande able to grant at least one with her instruction?
Sep 23 2003, 08:47 PM
Hey Tziluthi, you can edit your post so that your signature goes away.
@ Grendel,
I wasn't sure if anyone was gaurding the gangplank or not so I adlibed.
I meant Street Wize. I meant to say Street Wize you can edit your post so the sig goes a way.
Sep 24 2003, 02:14 AM
Is that a subtle hint, Shadow?

Removing my signature hadn't even crossed my mind. I'll remember next time I post.
Sep 24 2003, 02:25 AM
Not really subtle

Grendel asked that sigs not be included in IC posts. In the old forums once you posted that was it if you left your sig in it. In these new ones you can go back in and uncheck the sig and it will disapear! Hurrahh for DSF!
Sep 24 2003, 02:30 AM
Sorry, I must have missed grendel's request.
Sep 24 2003, 07:37 AM
QUOTE (Morgannah) |
Rolled: (rerolled failures:
So that's 3 successes .... Is Mirande able to grant at least one with her instruction? |
The Talismonger contact in SR3 doesn't list Instruction as a skill, but since Mirande has helped you learn spells in the past we can assume she has at least a passing familiarity with the skill (rating 3). That being said, her successes will act as complementary dice to your roll, every two adding one. So you get to roll one more dice on the test, twice if the first time turns out to be a failure since you spent karma pool on the roll. Good luck.
Sep 24 2003, 08:19 AM
Grendel, since I have absolutely no knowledge myself of seagoing vessels or anything naval, I'll e periodically bugging you with stupid questions.
Would a 30-40m yacht be considered a seagoing vessel? At least, one that's not going to tip over at the first sign of a serious wave?
Sep 24 2003, 08:33 AM
Actual length of a vessel has less to do with its seaworthiness than the design. For instance, there are thirty meter catamarans designed for inland lakes and seas that wouldn't last five minutes on the open ocean, whereas people have made ocean transits in vessels less than ten meters long. Of the vessels you have listed on your character sheet, only the Mallornica could be considered ocean-going.
Sep 24 2003, 09:36 AM
QUOTE (grendel) |
QUOTE (Morgannah @ Sep 23 2003, 07:55 PM) | Rolled: (rerolled failures:
So that's 3 successes .... Is Mirande able to grant at least one with her instruction? |
The Talismonger contact in SR3 doesn't list Instruction as a skill, but since Mirande has helped you learn spells in the past we can assume she has at least a passing familiarity with the skill (rating 3). That being said, her successes will act as complementary dice to your roll, every two adding one. So you get to roll one more dice on the test, twice if the first time turns out to be a failure since you spent karma pool on the roll. Good luck.
Wow, a little tense here.
All right it was a 2 and then 11 (I rolled a bunch of varicolored dice together and allocated my glittery orange die as 'the' die to watch since I hate just rolling one die

It will take 6 hours to craft the fetish for the spell (Talismongering successes: It will be in the form of an aquamarine, alexandrite, and topaz anklet(JewlryMaking successes: and requires 1 unit of each refined material which I have removed from my character sheet. Now that being said, it's time to look for new dice.
Sep 25 2003, 09:47 PM
Grendel: Last few hours would be spent finding a berth for the smaller boat (that's not regularly patroled by Lonestar) and a spot to park the van for a couple of weeks, some kind of long term paid parking. Nicky should be able to help with that. Shouldn't take more then a couple of hundred nuyen, and the character is more interested in getting out of town then anything else at this point.
Sep 27 2003, 02:46 AM
Grendel, just a couple of questions so I can get my bearings: What time did the pub close, and what is the current game time?
Sep 27 2003, 09:10 AM
Sunrise is at 0600. The pub closed at 0200. Meryth came aboard at 0430. Current game time is 0500.
Sep 27 2003, 11:31 AM
All right, astral perception. I've written it into the last few posts but since I didn't post ooc at the time I definitely understand why I won't be able to backtrack. (I misread your first post and interpreted 'cinematically' altoghether wrong

). I'll roll as many times as you want, whatever the case, but I'll just start with the one and it can be disregarded if deemed unnecessary.
{Perception Check: ; Astral perception skill: 11.5.1}
Sep 27 2003, 11:57 AM
Etiquette rolls: 5, 5 to know how to act and fit in on the ship
Defaulting to charisma to pump Jeff for some info: 3, 11, 1
Sep 27 2003, 02:07 PM
Meryth's perception check: Jeff appears to be straight and on the level in everything he says, you don't pick up anything other than honesty from him astrally. The First Officer is businesslike in his intentions, but clearly fatigued. The young sailor at the helm is definitely attracted to you. (As if you needed a successful perception check to realize that.) Astrally, the vessel itself has the odd feeling that you always associate with Metahumanity, something that travels across the purity of the Ocean while being not quite pure itself.
Sep 27 2003, 03:20 PM
Excellent, thanks grendel.

I don't have time to post just now but I will later this afternoon. I don't know why I come here when I need sleep....
Sep 28 2003, 01:23 AM
Default to charisma again to get info from Jeff. Rolls: 3, 3, 4.
Sep 28 2003, 12:27 PM
Open test, using background knowledge of Security Procedures and a perception test. That's reaction right?
Reaction roll: 4, 2, 3, 4
Security Procedures roll: 10, 5, 2, 4, 10, 19(seriously!)
By the way, Grendel, does Sam have a roomate? I think Jeff mentioned in an interaction with Danny the ork that he was rooming with another big person. I just wanted to know for roleplaying purposes.
Sep 28 2003, 02:21 PM
Very good question. DOES everyone have a roomie?
My other question (sorry for getting back so late) is whether or not Mr Soong is referring to the NWCN in Rigger 3 ... I'll hold off on a post until I'm sure.
Sep 28 2003, 07:30 PM
I believe the troll is rooming with Downtown. EIther way DT has been sleeping since 2 am.
Sep 29 2003, 02:58 AM
Yes, David is referring to a Naval Weapons Control Network, which is more commonly known as a Naval Control Network on a vessel which lacks any weaponry. Yes, my two oversize metahumans are rooming together. Yes, everyone does have a roommate, although Meryth has not met hers and Schnell has not yet moved into his stateroom.
Sep 29 2003, 03:46 AM
BTW Danny is 5'10 and 200 lbs. He is small for an Ork, it's why he got the crap kicked out of him at school
Sep 29 2003, 05:01 AM
Sam is a little over 9 feet tall (2.8 m), which is about average for a troll, at least according to the SR2 racial descriptions. SR3 eliminated height and weight averages. Sam weighs a little above average for a troll, about 580 lbs (263 kg). He isn't extremely muscular, but he has some muscle tone. Obvious cyberware would be his ears, which are replacements, and datajacks at the base of his skull, which the casual observer probably cannot see when he has his Ulysses coat on. He dresses in ordinary clothing underneath
Sep 29 2003, 09:26 PM
I made some assumptions about time, hope you don't mine Gren.
Leo, don't take the pungent smell comment personally. Danny has a nose like a blood hound, everyone has a bad smell to him unless you spray yourself regulary with no-scent.
Street Wyze
Sep 29 2003, 10:13 PM
Is Schnell Ichiro's roomie? Cuz I'm sure he wouldn't mind rooming with Meryth...
Sep 30 2003, 03:21 AM
None taken, Shadow.

Mention it to Sam's face, and he might take some offense though. He's sensitive to prejudice against trolls.

Conditions for B/R skill usage seem to be adequate. Sam didn't pack the owner's manuals for his guns, since he has owned them and been servicing them for a while. If a working from memory modifier were applied, it would give a +2 modifier. Servicing the LMG will require defaulting to Assault Rifles (B/R), which gives a total of +4 to that one. Since this is what I would think is routine work, base TN is 3, right? Should I even bother rolling this? Can I use the Gun Collecting Knowledge skill, which I think falls under the category of Interests, and the appropriate weapon skill as a complimentary skill?
Sep 30 2003, 08:28 AM
Actually the appropriate weapon skill covers the necessary maintenance required for each weapon, B/R is only used if you're making modifications to the weapon's structure or function. Yes,
Schnell, and
Os are all rooming together. If you want to change up rooming situations, you'll have to discuss that with each other.
Sep 30 2003, 08:54 AM
I'm obviously going to have to post a little more often. I thought once a day is good, but I haven't even gotten a berth and we're already pulling out
Grendel, what would the Naval Control Network be used for on a vessel without weapons systems? Is everything connect? Nav, Com, etc?
Sep 30 2003, 10:00 AM
QUOTE (Street Wyze) |
Is Schnell Ichiro's roomie? Cuz I'm sure he wouldn't mind rooming with Meryth...  |
Hehehehe, looks like we're already pretty set in our arrangements, Street Wyze, but thanks for the nod.

Besides, Dune seems perfectly lovable ... I think she and Mer will be the best of friends at the end of this.
Street Wyze
Sep 30 2003, 12:53 PM
QUOTE (Morgannah) |
QUOTE (Street Wyze) | Is Schnell Ichiro's roomie? Cuz I'm sure he wouldn't mind rooming with Meryth...  |
Hehehehe, looks like we're already pretty set in our arrangements, Street Wyze, but thanks for the nod.  Besides, Dune seems perfectly lovable ... I think she and Mer will be the best of friends at the end of this. |
Sep 30 2003, 06:01 PM
I'll roll for the hell of it. Rolls from complimentary skills will be in parentheses. If the base target number is 3, and I use the active skills as the success test, there should be no TN modifier right? GM discretion on if these count.
Ingram Valiant:
Heavy weapons, TN 3: 4, 5, 2, 10 (Gun Collecting, TN 3: 1, 2, 3, 1)
Ares Alpha:
Assault Rifles, TN 3: 1, 2, 5, 4 (Assault Rifles B/R, TN 3: 3, 2, 2; Gun Collecting, TN 3: 5, 1, 3, 10)
Ares Predator III, TN 3: 2, 2, 3 (Pistols B/R, TN 3: 3, 4; Gun Collecting, TN 3: 1, 1, 2, 2)
Sep 30 2003, 06:28 PM
And here I thought you came to work.

Don't worry, like I said in the other thread, it's easy enough to backdate posts. We have time to take care of all administrative matters, I just wanted to get the timeline moving. I know Shadow and Leowulf are chomping at the bit. Speaking of which, Leowulf, your rolls are noted and will factor in to any kind of maintenance concerns about
Sam's weapons and the salt air.
Oct 1 2003, 05:14 AM
Where is the mess located Grendel?
Oct 1 2003, 12:38 PM
The convention for speaking about locations onboard ship is this: the main deck is the first one that is open to the outside and is numbered as the 1 deck. Each level below that is numbered sequentially. Above it, the numbers begin over with an O in front of them.
On the
INTREPID, the main deck (1 deck) is where everyone came aboard. The deck above that (O-1 deck) is where the pilot house (bridge) is. The O-2 level is the lookout station above the pilot house. All of the crew staterooms and the mess decks are on the 2nd deck (one deck below the main deck). The deck below that (3rd deck) is workshop and storage spaces as well as the well deck aft. 4th deck holds all of the machinery and engineering spaces, and below that are the bilges.
If you really want to get down into the nitty gritty of it all, you can identify a room on board ship using the following numerical convetion: XN-NNN-N-XX. The first letter/number combination is the deck that the room is on, the second three numbers are the forward most frame of the room, the third number is odd or even depending on whether the room is to the left or the right of the centerline of the ship and how far out from centerline it is, and the last letter identifies what the room is used for. But that's overly complex and not required for the purposes of the game.
Oct 1 2003, 03:29 PM
Meryth's alarm is set for 08:30 so I'll hold off posting until it seems appropriate; I'm not slacking on purpose, here.
Oct 1 2003, 03:51 PM
Grendel, I thought you came to work, didn't even answer my question

What would the Naval Control Network be used for on a vessel without weapons systems? Is everything connected? Nav, Com, etc? |
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